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Old 2009-08-04, 01:02   Link #1284
Charred Knight
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Originally Posted by Rising Dragon View Post
Well its not like the person fulfilling the command goes entirely brain-dead while the command is carried out. They'll be conscious during its effects, as is everyone who gets spoken to when a command is being fulfilled (for example, the Intel guys speaking to Suzaku about there being nothing to report). Its just that they won't remember it afterwards.

Usually, the command is some specific instruction, like "Fetch me a rock," or "Deliver this toothpick". "Live" is a pretty vague command, and can be fulfilled a number of ways. I imagine that the command Suzaku has, when he attempts to resist it or doesn't work with it, makes him do the easiest method of fulfilling it: Get the hell out of the way. Simple and effective.

I just think that if he works with the command, he's able to choose the other, less-effective methods of survival, such as throwing spears at giant antimatter explosions.
It has been shown several times not to be the case. That's what so disgusting about Lelouch's ability, they are not concious of it, they are merely robots. It has been shown throughout the series to be the case. From the first episode when the soldiers giggled as they killed themselves.
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