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Old 2009-08-30, 16:55   Link #2288
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Hamburg
Age: 54
That's not too strong a statement of mine, that's exactly what she did. She forged Hayate into her idea of her companion. Not without moments of kindness, but also with the famous kicks of love ^_^;

Was that a bad thing? Well, no, not necessarily. Obviously the skills he attained through her training serve him well, and one can argue that he's now reaping the rewards. I wouldn't even want to really criticize Athena for it, I'm just stating a fact. Hayate and Athena aren't a pair on eye level. This is not a union of two independent people, it's a master-servant relationship. This is great as long as their wishes coincide, but on the first incidents in which they did not, it was My Way Or the Highway. So, it's an asymmetrical relationship.

I think it's obvious that Athena is under some strange kind of compulsion, so I want to know more about her before I can form a firm oponion on her, but... do you really want to contest that her positive traits notwithstanding (compassion and kindness) she has a clear self-centered streak?
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