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Old 2009-10-16, 16:52   Link #15
Dann of Thursday
Join Date: Dec 2007
Age: 34
Originally Posted by Strange View Post
It's almost certainly a flashback of some sort, since Shion no longer has to pay renumeration for whatever powers he has, and thus, can walk freely instead of being confined to the wheelchair. And in the opening, he's in a wheelchair.
Unless he ends up in the wheelchair again, but for a shorter amount of time. In any case, I'm thinking his ability is something pretty big if he had to wait that long.

On the other hand, it was noted that they were putting the good professor through the ME Squeezer, which someone reminded me could end up giving them a copy of his memories and personality to implant in a Doll of some sort that could be made to look like the professor.

Of course, I can't think Hei likes working for the CIA so he may very well lie if he feels like it and given his state of mind I suppose he might be willing to just kill the guy. Oh well.
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