Thread: Sexuality
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Old 2010-02-24, 15:25   Link #496
blinded by blood
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Oakland, CA
Age: 40
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Originally Posted by Yoko Takeo View Post
See, this is why I don't trust pharmaceutical companies in general. They would make anything for the sake of money. For one thing, these people making these medicines should know that after a certain age, it's pointless to have sex in the first place because they lose any ability they have to bear children. I think it's a waste of money and dignity.
Of course. They're a business. That's their purpose.

*facepalm* I can't understand why people vilify businesses for doing things with the intent to make money. It's not like they're volunteers or someshit... >.>;

Originally Posted by MeoTwister5 View Post
Unless of course they want to have sex solely for pleasure, which I assume is the mentality of most old people and almost all teenagers, and Viagra (which was originally not meant for erectile dysfunction) was marketed specifically for dem old folks.
Viagra is largely marketed to late-middle-age to early senior men who have ED. ED is most prevalent among this 45-65 age group. I've never seen it marketed to women at all (since I'm pretty sure it doesn't really do all that much for them, and probably causes some nasty side-effects).

Originally Posted by Yoko Takeo View Post
The vast majority of the elderly people I've met don't view sex the same way people of the new generation see it. We tend to look at things in terms of their surface value alone. The mentality the elderly have been used to regarding sexuality is vastly different from ours. I can't imagine anyone I've known using viagra. At least not the old ladies.
Different people are different; plenty of older guys use Viagra because they cannot reliably maintain an erection. This is a problem for guys especially because it's a blow to their masculinity, and can hurt self-esteem and cause all sorts of insecurities and problems with a relationship--even if there's not a "lot" of sex happening.

Again, women wouldn't use Viagra to begin with. It just wouldn't work right.

Originally Posted by Narona View Post
TBH, I don't care about the money part. The problem is that they have to prove that this product should be released to resolve a problem. But apparently, there are not so much mid-old aged women who ask for that kind of products, so to get approval, they have to prove that a certain percentages of women suffer from sexual disfunctionment. But they lie a bit in the process since that if a woman felt like not doing it only one time a year, they include her in the 43% of women who need help from them.
It does resolve a problem. It resolves the problem of women who want to get sexually aroused, and aren't getting sexually aroused. This is a problem, a big one for some people.

I know a girl who has a healthy libido, but she doesn't get much in the way of physical pleasure from sex. She hates it, because she gets horny, and it's extremely difficult for her to reach orgasm. A drug like this would not only allow her to reach orgasm more reliably, but it would also help to dispel all the little insecurities and emotional turmoil that goes hand in hand with the inability to orgasm reliably.

Originally Posted by Narona View Post
But not wanting to have sex is not disease. Same as not having high sex needs. problem is, a woman with low sex needs will be included by those people among the one who are ill and need this new product. Either way, poor nogistune will be included in the bag of women who need help as soon as possible (sorry nogi, couldn't resist )
You're missing the point of the drug in the first place. The drug doesn't make you want to have sex. It makes it easier to have satisfying sex. This drug would be utterly useless for anyone who doesn't have trouble achieving an orgasm.

Originally Posted by Narona View Post
As it is said in the article, women and men don't work the same way. And if for example the husband wants to have sex and use viagra and all to get erection, it doesn't mean the wife should take something to get aroused if she feels like not wanting sex.
Of course not. Look at the comparison. The man wants to have sex. He's only using Viagra to make sure his penis stays erect long enough to actually have sex.

The "female Viagra" isn't a fabled "horny pill" like kids in school used to talk about, something you slip in a cute girl's drink when she's not looking to make her insatiably horny. As I already mentioned, the drug is intended to help women who already want to have sex be able to actually enjoy the sex they're having.

Originally Posted by Narona View Post
I think that's part of a problem for certain couples. As I said in another post, when among a couple the man wants to have sex while the woman doesn't want, it's most of the time the woman who's accused of having a problem, while not wanting to have sex can be normal and again as i said, it doesn't mean those women don't love their husband anymore. It feels as if a woman has a problem if she can't give pleasure whenever her husband wants it. But I hope I'm wrong (Syn will say again that I am anti sex LOL )
You're not anti-sex per se, you're just missing the point of this drug. It doesn't enslave women to their male partners. It just helps them achieve orgasm easier. A lot of women have problems with this, and yes it is a problem. Maybe not to you, or to an asexual who doesn't care about sex, but it's really awful to get extremely keyed up, be enormously aroused by... whatever... but be unable to do a single thing about it.

Happens to me all the time, when my girlfriend and I get a little too frisky in a place not suitable for sexual activity...

Originally Posted by Narona View Post
So, those laboratories have to prove that there is a real problem like a disease or a malfunction. But they take some normal women with no malfunction as example of women who need to be treated for a non-existant problem. What's sad is that since it will make a lot of money (because you can imagine the machine named "advertising" being launched with it. Advertising that could start pointing fingers at some women who need hlep, but who are in fact perfectly normal), they get approval even if they lie in the studies.
Ask your female friends how many of them regularly fake an orgasm, and then ask them if they do it because their boyfriends suck in bed, or because they have trouble getting off. You'll be surprised with the answer, I think.

A lot of women have a hard time getting off. The aforementioned friend of mine has never had a satisfying orgasm in her entire life. They have always been difficult, frustrating and tiresome for her. A drug like this would be a godsend.

Originally Posted by Narona View Post
I said viagra, but IT'S NOT viagra. It's a new kind of product/medecine that is supposed to make women feel normal sex needs. AS IF, having a low libido was not normal.
Broken record mode!

Originally Posted by Yoko Takeo View Post
What they see as a problem isn't a problem. It's proven scientific fact that after a certain age, women can't bear children. As such, they don't feel the need to physically have sex anymore. I know this because that's how my granma feels. As scientists, they ought to know that this is a perfectly natural transition for women and not a problem or disease. The fact they lie about it is the reason why I don't trust these pharmaceuticals, especially privately owned chains.
Different people are different. Menopause doesn't always kill a woman's sex drive.

Originally Posted by cheyannew View Post
Well it was more a response to "It's proven scientific fact that after a certain age, women can't bear children. As such, they don't feel the need to physically have sex anymore. I know this because that's how my granma feels."

Each woman handles menopause, etc (whether natural of prematurely caused by surgery etc etc whatever)) differently, but TBH, when I'm older, if I have no libido, I'm ok with it. I mean I am who I am, and if my husband can't handle that, then that's all on him LOL.

Last edited by synaesthetic; 2010-02-24 at 17:00. Reason: to protect Narona-chan's delicate sensibilities ^^;
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