Thread: Nanoha - Q&A
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Old 2010-06-20, 09:49   Link #2113
Koveras Alvane
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Since you say yes, I will play the devil's advocate for the sake of discussion. Not because I have a definite opinion on this question. ^^; I also do not intend to deny that a person can be killed or maimed using magic in a more general sense.

Originally Posted by al103 View Post
Yes, it can. It clearly can have both kinetic effect (numerous examples)
Kinetic effect is still an effect: the target is thrown across the room and can break their neck but that is true for any fall. On the other hand, we don't see bruises resulting from magical impact itself.

and damaging effect (Vice's sister's eye,
It wasn't permanent. IIRC she only had that patch over her eye in episode 22 for the show and removes it later. And eye injury is not a very telling example IMO, because eyes are known to be damaged by intense light (which magical attacks emit), too.

Sacred Cluster description,
I cannot remember what it is... Could you help me? ^^;

Actually by descriptions it's effort to make it nonlethal which is actually harder than kill somebody... at least before protection kicks in, barrier jacket can take some serious pounding even if mage loses consciousness in the process.
Then what's the whole point of TSAB promoting magical weapons and forbidding mass-based ones? Rubber bullets are not lethal, either (at least, they are supposed not to be). It's just that metal ones work better, and so does lethal magic, by this description, so why discriminate?

Also I DO NOT see why if something can disintegrate inorganic matter it can't disintegrate organic one.
Because it's magic? ^^ No, seriously, it wouldn't surprise me if magical energy was specifically chosen to serve as the base of civilization and technology because it wasn't affecting organic matter. If you want a more scientific explanation: magical energy is generated by organic matter and it wouldn't be too far-fetched if organic matter were somewhat shielded against it.
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