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Old 2010-08-14, 21:54   Link #76
Mr. DJ
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Central Texas
Age: 39
Originally Posted by scorpio516 View Post
It wasn't if he retained his memories or not, it was because he was a murderer when alive.

Most hollows were good people when alive, just have lost their connection with the real world and have a hole where their heart was - remember Orihime's brother. Shinigami "purify" the souls when they kill them of everything they did as hollows. It's the people who were evil when alive that get the whole gates of hell treatment when killed by a shinigami.

Or at least that's what Kubo said 9 years ago. I'm sure he's forgotten by now...
well yeah, I was alluding (think that's the word I'm looking for ) to that since Arrancar have free will and all and aren't mindless like the vast majority of fodder Hollows.

We've seen Ichigo kill plenty a Hollow throughout the series, but only saw the Hell Gate once for that specific Hollow
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