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Old 2010-08-26, 13:05   Link #140
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Originally Posted by pdshingo View Post
Because Hiromi’s story is a little subtle and strange, It's a little hard just introduce it. I think making the translation of it maybe will be better. Subtitles in helps me a lot. I’ve already tried to keep the meaning of each sentence. But my Japanese and English is not well enough, I could not translate very precisely and translate all the the subtle tone in oral speaking or subtle part in Japanese language. (and please forgive me my poor grammar /phrase ...orz)

Spoiler for Hiromi's story in drama cd:

Hiromi’s drama CD story would look strange at first time. Many are disappointed with her drama cd. It’s not the love love story with Shinichiro as expected. It looks not even a story but just some fragments of her life. But just as Hiromi’s behaviors in the original show, I have to say this is the most complicated story of the 3 drama CD story.

Some said Hiromi only consider herself and never think of others. That’s not truth. Actually she is always sensitive to people surround her. Hiromi’s CV said Hiromi’s good at observating people surround her, and decide what position she should be with others. Why she keep distance and didn’t ask help from Shinichiro and his father, why she decide to leave Shinichiro’s home, those are all because she think it would be better for Shinichiro. And although she’ jealous of Noe, she never try to undermine Noe and Shinichiro’s relation before Shinichiro running after her. Actually she’s too sensitive to Shinichiro’s every move, that makes her sometimes overreact. ( But even so, she never try to force Shinichiro to do anything. )

In drama CD, we can also see she notice the captain is not in mood and Tomoyo is not as usual, care about them and encourage Tomoyo. (And her questions to Tomoyo also shows her feelings when she's with Shinichiro xd) She also try to improve the relation with Shin’ mom. She said she wants to learn how to wear furisode is just because she wants to wear it by herself. I don’t think she tell all the truth :P Remember that the festival is totally a disaster to her, isn't it? Therefore, I think part of reason is because she also wants to earn Shinichiro’s mother’s admitting. Hiromi lost her family and seek for it. Her feeling to Shinichiro is not only lover’s love, but there’s also some family affection in it. I think she dream to be Shinichiro’s wife. Her effort get paid. Now Shinichiro’s mom treat her as daughter-in-law. ( And that’s what she hold off when she tell Shinichiro what happened between Shin’s mom and her...:P )

And the most important thing is how she get alone with Shinichiro now. In original story, her only problem she has to face is her feeling to Shinichirio. Now she get what she wants, but If she cannot support and understand Shinichiro or still is jealous of Noe, their relation would not last very long. Even they’re together finally, they cannot get happiness in this situation. But I think what Hiromi did in drama CD is very impressive.

We can now she could face Noe and Shinichiro’s relation and talk about the it and the festival with Shinichiro normally. She’s still a little anxious,but her feeling to Noe is a little changed. She try to think what if she’s Noe, try to understand what Noe see and what Noe think, and by that to try to understand what Noe see on Shinichiro. Hiromi is totally different from Noe. When they both see with the same direction, what Hiromi see is the skyline, but what Noe see is the blue sky. However, although Hiromi maybe could never fully understand Noe, what’s the feeling when a woman fall in love, what’s the pain when a woman love a man not allowed by herself, that she could understand. By that she recovered the scene Shinichiro let Noe see the picture book precisely. (really awsome...)

She didn’t use the “imagination from true heart” or “woman’s intuition”, she just can feel the common feeling of “woman”. There are many female workers in the staff of True Tears, including the scriptwriter. Hiromi’s behaviors such as lying to friend who she really like, trying to test the feeling of the man she likes, helping wearing the scarf to the man she likes( and basketball club...), those are all their experience. If Noe represent the story meaning, then Hiromi represent the (eastern ?) “woman” in this story. Hiromi has many good and bad part of real woman, and we can also see there are many common emotions and behaviors on Hiromi, Aiko and Shin’s Mom. Even Noe maybe is not that “unique”. We could see Noe begins to lie to Shinichiro in ep 10, try to convince herself not to watch the dance but still cannot help to do so, said she won’t look the picture book, and her final smile on the face in ep13 is as complicated as Hiromi’s in ep1. Many (eastern ?) woman want to live like Noe when they were young, but when they grow up and fall in love, their behaviors would be more and more like Hiromi. All woman are connected together, I think that’s why Hiromi could know what’s Tomoyo’s feeling, why Hiromi could change her feeling to Noe, and Shin’s mom could change her feeling to Hiromi.

And the most subtle part of this drama CD is Hiromi touch Shinichiro’s hand and say :
It must be...Raigomaru took the flight undoubtedly.
It’s not because he want to be the first one to fly,
It's not because the others already took flight then he has to to fly,
Not for the glory, nor for setting the record,
It must be...must be.... he did this only for himself......

If you ever notice the scene in ep13, when Shinichiro look Noe leave, or tried to find Hiromi, he didn’t take his picture book. And from the previous talk between Shinichiro and Hiromi in drama cd, we could see Hiromi didn’t know much about the detail of how Shinichiro let Noe see his picture book. I think Hiromi never had chance to know the new ending of chicken story at that time. Shinichiro won’t tell her too much about this because this chicken story is for Noe and he does’t want to make Hiromi unhappy. But now Hiromi has the insight to see Shinichiro ’s picture book real meaning and could specular the real ending of this story. Many say even Shinichiro go on with Hiromi, Hiromi won’t know the meaning of Shinichiro ’s drawing, and could not support Shinichiro as Noe. I think they underestimate Hiromi’s real strength. Hiromi cannot participate the drawing is because Shin has no confidence to show these to his friends and they keep distance to each other at that time, but that does not imply Hirmoi didn’t have the ability to know the meaning of Shinichiro ’s story.

By understanding Noe’s feeling, Hiromi find out the meaning of Shinichiro’s picture book. And BGM imply she recall the memory of the festival day. Why she cried at last ? I think it’s the scene she tried to feel what’s Noe’s feeling to see Shinichiro’s dance. Her tears is for Noe’s feeling, and part of her feeling to this relation. She may think there’s some characteristic of Noe that she could never have, admire Noe and is a little anxious, so she asked “there’s only one Noe, right ?”. But there’s also something that Hiromi has that Noe could not take away. There’s also only one Yuasa Hiromi in this world. ( And i think that also imply she want to tell Shinichiro “Please treasure me” indirectly. )

Is Noe the only one can fly ? I don’t think so. Everyone in this show could face their problem and move forward to future in the end. Hiromi’s drama cd shows her relations with people surround her. Now she handle everything very well and on her way to future. Hope they could find their own happiness.

p.s I think Shinichiro already lose his best chance to dump Hiromi, now Hiromi could support his drawing ,family, and his mom is Hiromi’s alliance..."team play" lol

================================================== =======
In this show, my favorite character is Hiromi. I like her is not because she is pitiful, insecure or has beautiful look, but is because I can see her inner-strength , understand her complicated feelings, and her micro expression always catches my eye. She said she cannot do like Noe. That’s not imply she’s weak. She knows her fear but still could face Shinchiro finally and made the decision let him go, that’s courage. There’s no courage without fear. Shinichiro and Noe encouraged each other, but she only had herself. She maybe cannot face her feeling at the beginning, but she never run away from reality and guilty. She’s just like the sea of Japan she likes. She is gray, her emotions is deep and hard to control. But it also shows her feeling is real and strong. She has light side and dark side, soft with determination, always shows the opposite characteristics on her. And that’s Yuasa Hiromi.

Last edited by pdshingo; 2010-09-09 at 00:51.
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