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Old 2011-02-12, 19:23   Link #259
Blazing General
Join Date: May 2006
Location: CA
Age: 37
Originally Posted by Sheba View Post
It's NOT gun control! I said nepotism and rampant favoritism. Even Hayate lampshades the bias in favor of mages when it comes to promotions.

A low ranked non-mage with no familial connections in the TSAB have the right to be angry and cynical when he see cases like Fate and Ginga.
Sorry, Fate failed the Enforcer test how many times? And is how valuable an asset? She clearly did not just got shooed into her position to pull down a salary while doing nothing like people in actual nepotistic systems.

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
By that reasoning, there is no way anyone can be forced to do anything. Not even the eclipse virus can force one to kill, since you could choose to shrivel up and die. Yet, the word 'forcing' exists, therefore it can be applied.

The dictionary definition of forcing:

"to compel, constrain, or oblige (oneself or someone) to do something.
to put or impose (something or someone) forcibly on or upon a person.
to compel by force; overcome the resistance of: to force acceptance of something."

Our stomach rumbles, compelling us to eat. By dictionary definition, we are forced to eat food. The very definition of forcing means that if there is a detrimental effect to not obeying, you are forced to do it. Can you opt not to? Sure, though you suffer the results of not doing so.

If the virus tells them 'kill or die' it's no different from a guy standing behind you with a gun saying 'kill or die.' You are forced to kill. You are controlled by the guy pointing the gun at you. If the eclipse virus forces them to kill, then they are controlled by the virus. Plain and simple.

Fortis says the virus does not control their actions, therefore they have no need to kill to survive.

Well, beyond eating and all...
You can't use a highly specific definition of one word and then say that that is exactly what a person who used a different word meant.

Fortis admitted the Hucks retain agency, no more and no less.

Last edited by Kikaifan; 2011-02-12 at 19:34.
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