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Old 2011-06-10, 01:57   Link #1284
Hiro Hayase
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: United States
Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen View Post
Wait wait, this has nothing to do with my statement of "Kinji's only cares that he himself doesn't get hurt from Aria leaving him, that little punk doesn't care if Aria gets hurt from his actions."

Sigh, that's why I put in the effort to type that extra line of "Or at least someone that have treated her like a friend" every single time this topic comes up

Even if Reki never considers Aria as a friend, to point her weapon at her so easily at someone who had treated her kindly... I would be careful around her, treating her friendly won't promise you safety.

Yes, but all that means is that Kinji was lucky; treating Reki nice does not ensure that she won't pull one at the back of your head.

Since he's a tsundere, his actions hold more meaning than his words- [copy] he went against his brother, crossed an Ocean, and fought Sherlock Holmes, and even willing to die to bring her back. [/paste]

Point is- He had definitely said it, he had definitely promised to be her partner till the end of this year.
Spoiler for Volume 6, chapter 2:

Isn't it Aria's fault for misunderstanding without hearing the other parties explanation?

Spoiler for Volume 6, chapter 2:

Reki never had her own thoughts to begin with, until Kinji initiated his humanization plan. Her behavior is akin to that of a samurai, who is always vigilant. Just as Aria was about to strike Kinji in a fit of anger, Reki came between them and slapped Aria. In doing so, Reki protected Kinji from being hit and made herself the target for Aria's anger. The past Reki would have done anything the [Wind] ordered, but the present Reki has a bit of emotions, so it will be different since she has an attachment to Kinji now and probably knows better. Reki would not harm Kinji anymore, since she swore fealty to him already...there's no point bring these "what if's" into the argument.

Aria was earlier defeated by her underclassmen Koko in aru=kata and felt frustrated about that loss, so now her temper is shorter than before. However, her anger is still completely unreasonable because she wants to take it out on Reki instead. Generally, most snipers cannot use close range combat and Aria still attacked her regardless of that fact. Reki the samurai that she is, interpreted Aria's aggression as danger for both Kinji and herself. Reki merely did what she thought was the correct course of action. It's like the tradition of [pillage wife], read volume 7 for more details.

Reki at the time did not have emotions, so how could she have a friend? Wouldn't you need emotions to consider someone a friend? She wouldn't understand what its like being treated like friend....Reki's mind is that of a child's. Reki's isn't that skilled at reading people's emotions.

Kinji was chosen because he was undeniably strong in his first year. Reki probably scouted him out and began her intelligence gatherings from there. The [Wind] could have said to pick Kinji due to Reki's high assessments of Assault department Kinji.

If Aria truly wants to keep Kinji as her partner, then she should start treating him better. Ironically, those comic relief scenarios where Aria is firing bullets on Kinji, is not very enjoyable to Kinji, although the audience finds it entertaining.

That large passage from the light novel explains it all. Why Kinji is giving the cold shoulder and other stuff.

Spoiler for Volume 6, chapter 2:

Kinji's promise to Aria to be partners was only valid until they defeated EU and freed Kanae-san (Aria's mother). Kinji probably thought that it would take them until the end of the year to finish, but it didn't. The initial promise was to stay as Aria's partner until they defeated EU and freed Kanae-san, Kinji made that promise sincerely after understanding Aria's situation, nevertheless Kinji stayed as partners even after the "Butei Killer" case due to his will and not because of his promise.

Spoiler for Volume 5, chapter 5:

The fallout that happened in Volume 6 did not happen because Kinji didn't keep his promise, but rather it was due to Aria's jealousy and misunderstanding that escalated into a confrontation between her and Reki. Kinji kept true to his promise.

@Glacierfairy I agree. Kinji's trying to help her out in his own way.

P.S. I strongly advise that you wait until volume 7 is fully translated, it will surely answer your questions.

Last edited by Hiro Hayase; 2011-06-10 at 02:28.
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