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Old 2011-06-23, 00:40   Link #11
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Magic Land
Originally Posted by Seitsuki View Post
Eh heh, thanks! Hopefully we'll have more artists coming in, it's kinda lonely how much we're outnumbered by you designers.. :P especially seeing how I can't do that kinda stuff to save my life

And I did consider those two, but I finally went with Kaguyan because:

-I can empathise with a fellow hikikomori better and
-Eirin and Keine's clothes are way too hard to draw

On a side note I'm trying to improve my CG technique atm, here's where it's at if you're interested

Spoiler for wall of pics:

The hair is the hardest part, everyone makes it look so damn easy but getting the toning/gradients right is a nightmare..
I think there are lots of artists here... they're just hiding beneath the shadows lol... and some gfx designer can draw too.. (I think I'm the only one who can't ~_~ )..

Haha... maybe you need to be dragged out outside liked Kaguya-hime... dragged by a Tewi like person lol...

and agree Keine's suit is really complicated... Eirin's suit on the other hand is quite simple but have two colors ~_~... plus a hat on top of that lol...

Kaguya-hime is sweating ~_~ maybe it took some time to color her? btw nice job... on it, I remembered while I browsing pixiv something similar... but it is Kaguya-hime's different emotions XD...
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