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Old 2012-05-21, 11:58   Link #59
Me, An Intellectual
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: UK
Age: 33
Originally Posted by mangamuscle View Post
Both sides are belligerent, but one side is making most of the damage/deaths and is the one that has to take the initiative to end the conflict.

As for the two soldiers, your argument simply does not add up. What kind of officer would make two normal soldiers patrol a border that is a technical battlezone? You do not see them doing that on the koreas border. If said soldiers were inside a tank it would be ok, but they would not have been captured if inside a moving tank. The only logical reason is that these soldiers were commandos entering into lebanese territory that were caught in the process of entering or returning from lebanese territory.
Yes of course, that is totally the only logical reason.

The soldiers were in armoured Humvees crossing between Zar'it and Shtula.

Before the attack, Hezbollah had sent diversionary attacks to military posts in border villages, blatantly suggesting that it was a planned attack. Hezbollah were the only belligerents here.

Up until the peace negotiated by Clinton in camp david summit I would have belived it, but after Ehud Barak left office it as become quite obvious they are backtracking on their promises, it is clear to see at the present time that with every passing day fulfilling said U.N. resolution becomes more improbable.
There's no backtracking. Gaza hasn't been reoccupied and the PNA and the police haven't been disbanded. It's simply been stalled. To conclude that they are directly disobeying UN resolutions is a stretch based on purely subjective interpretation.

Why can't hezbollah make such a claim? "The enemy of my enemy is my friend", so that technically makes any of the countries having a claim for sheeba farms hezbollah's allies, remember "War makes strange bedfellows".
That's a very poor excuse to call for the destruction of Israel...

Remember that when giving support you need two, one who is willing to give the aid and one that is willing to receive it, if Israel were not actively beligerant with their neighbors then there would be no one in Lebanon or Palestine that would receive Iran's money or weapons, if you want to distribute the blame then you have to include israel.
I'm not denying Israel should get no blame whatsoever but to claim that Israel are somehow equivalently at fault is just BS. At the end of the day, Iran is one being belligerent towards Israel.

Countries do not hate, they are not living beings like mammals or even physical entities, they are mental constructs in the minds of humans alone. That both countries spend time, money and human lives fighting each other is due to the poor choices their leaders have made, because for fighting you need two willing subjects, specialy when neither country has a land border with the other, so there can be no direct fighting between them.
I meant Iranian regime. XP

Originally Posted by NightbatŪ View Post
So again, whos to decide who sells arms to who?

Saddam got US weapons by the boatload, Al Queda rose to power by US arms

I think Iran is allowed to sell anyone weapons, except those that are prohibited by their law or signed treaty

...The same way the west is selling arms
Well they're wrong too.
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