Thread: Licensed Tari Tari
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Old 2012-09-13, 20:40   Link #1380
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Originally Posted by Pellissier View Post
Very good episode, but terrible plot development. There could have been other ways to put the chorus (and Wakana in particular) in a pinch but to the point of shutting down a big and prestigious school because some sharks want to replace it with some residential or commercial area, seemed way off to me.
This is more or less sums up how I feel about this episode too although I don't think I was as harsh. The tipping point for me was the fact that the Culture Festival had to be cancelled. I mean sure, school closing and all due to declining birth rates I can accept (this is not a mere Japan problem really, its a "developed Asian country" including South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan phenomenon), but the development was so urgent as to overtake the priority of the Culture Festival? Nope, not buying it .

What I do really like about this ep though, is that the series is still remaining understated, restrained and not making a huge fuss about it. A lesser series by now would have tooted their "melodrama" horns and execute some "forced drama" about it. It actually reminds me of Hanasaku Iroha and the whole direction of
Spoiler for Hanasaku Iroha Spoiler:
and how that ended up being pretty understated and bittersweet rather than making a theatrical drama about it. Sure, everyone (but them nasty sharks) are sad about it, but they are acting pretty realistic and are going on with their lives. At this point, I'm expecting a big impactful finale with a "bittersweet/heartwarming" life-goes-on ending much like Hanasaku Iroha's, which is one of the stronger points (if not the strongest) trait of that series.

The characters (especially the female characters) are still great, the light hearted comedy moments are spot on and the sprinkle of drama here and there is exactly the right amount. Other than Usagi Drop, I can't think of a recent SoL/drama series that has the same level of perfected execution despite the "unoriginal" and "unambitious" plot (which I think are overrated traits for the slice of life or drama genres anyway - more important in sci-fi, fantasy or "epic" series) and also despite this questionable plot direction.

I'm sure the chorus and sometimes badminton club will be able to perform something marvellous and end with a blast. But I can't shake the sensation that PA Works anime have always to take a few wrong steps somewhere in their story's development. It has happened quite a few times as of now and it's a pity, because the base material is usually top notch.
To be fair, pretty much nearly every series and studios take a questionable direction at some point or another with some episodes being particularly weaker than others (in Tari Tari's case, I think Sawa's arc is probably the weakest, largely due to timing since Wakana's arc was immediately before it, but in the end it was still a really good arc - the 2nd episode of Sawa's arc rebounded back pretty well). So for now, I count two questionable plot directions, but I don't care that much. Execution is still top notch and the show is genuine, sincere and as far from pretentious as you can get without being "moeblob". The series itself knows that it isn't trying to be "thought provoking" or deep either and it's presentations shows it. Simplicity at its finest. And much like Usagi Drop did in the Summer of 2011, Tari Tari gives a smile on my face during the Summer of 2012.

Originally Posted by Kimidori View Post
Blu-ray*1, 7,758 **7,758 Tari Tari vol.1
look like this sell pretty well
Considering Stalker Points (projected at 10-15k), that's actually pretty low, but nonetheless it's still a commercial success. Looks like Tari Tari will be selling around Hyouka/Hanasaku Iroha level.

Last edited by Pocari_Sweat; 2012-09-13 at 21:19.
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