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Old 2013-01-23, 03:29   Link #23383
Join Date: May 2009
Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen View Post
For one thing Baggage City have been avoided like you're said. Instead of looking at it from one step to the next, you can look at it from the end goal. If the idea is to lure out Othinus, then clearly using Kamijou as bait had work because freaking Othinus DID come out for him! Even if Gremlin had other members working around the globe, what's the point if their Leader is defeated?

Was there any harm in trying it before involving two major cities? Remember they had plenty of preparation time.
You sounds like Othinus will wait for them?
She is not someone you can defeat without enough planning and resources. And unlike Fiamma who made himself a obvious target for everyone, Othinus in the dark. Othinus still waited until the end of Baggage City arc to show herself despite Touma intervened as already back in Hawaii.

So yeah, let's prepare, and Othinus will certainly take time to make Hawaii burn, and find herself a replacement for Baggage City.

And even they do beat Othinus, that doesn't mean the damage caused by the other members will be undone. And without Levinia pitting Touma and everyone against Gremlin, Othinus's underlings will be bale to do far far more damage.

Remeber, Touma's argument is about saving people. Then reducing casualties is the top priority, not just defeating Othinus. Especially when not all members works directly under Othinus's surveillance.
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