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Old 2013-02-14, 01:25   Link #56
The First Rasengan!!
Join Date: Nov 2007
Originally Posted by itachi-san314 View Post
yea but this explanation is what i'm complaining about. it's so vague. for a clan that was supposed to be the best of all ninja clans tied with the uchiha, or a little better actually, we know way too little about them. 1000 skills is more of a sarutobi clan trait imo. the senju need to have something major going for them that counterbalances the insane sharingan techniques of the uchiha. kage level uchiha have MS techniques, izanagi, izanami, insanely powerful genjutsus, etc... vs the senju who do what exactly? hashirama aside since none of the others have mokuton. it seems to me that the uchiha are more impressive power wise and therefore the rivalry and truce make little to no sense

it's certainly a big one. i would like much more information on the senju of the past and where they are currently or why they are extinct.
the senju are the yang to the uchiha yin. their inheritance from the sage or 10tails jinchuriki is physical chakra and vitality which i have assumed meant large chakra stores that make them very powerful nature manipulators.
as for hashirama, i am very curious as well to know why he is so special...everyone makes a point to say his "cells" as oppose to his "chakra". was he altered at birth with the help of the uzumaki clan? is he a reincarnation of the youngest son? i cant wait to learn more...
Mokujin Rasengan
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