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Old 2006-03-12, 03:48   Link #79
Snobby Gentleman
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Monterrey, México
Age: 43
Originally Posted by kj1980
Yes, we have that in forms of BS and CS satellite TV. Many families own this subscription service.

The truth of the matter is however, most people will likely stick to shows like watching live concerts, dubbed foreign language dramas (FOX's "24" is very popular here in Japan), etc. etc.

Simply put: Most teens in your country sticks to watching MTV. Similar thing here in Japan. Dad comes home from work, he's not going to watch anime. He wants to see K-1 fighting, Suzuki Ichiro playing for the Seattle Mariners, or soccer. Mom watches TV between household chores, she's going to watch cooking channels. Kid comes home from school, he/she wants to be "in with the times" so he/she watches channels dedicated to music and latest fashion trends.

Anime is for kids. That is the reality of how it is viewed - even in Japan. Yes, it is quite shocking for you guys, but that is the reality. While we do have anime only channels like bayoab has said, it's practically the same in America - people who view them are otakus. Practically you too are saying that when you say, "hey I love to watch Cartoon Network." Wow, I can sense the geekiness coming out from you. Same with me. Unless you are an avid fan of the original story who eagerly wants to watch the show by actually paying for it, no one is going to watch it.

If dad is bringing home the money to pay for the satellite service, he'll watch something more "normal." Kick-ass exhibition fighting matches, heart-pounding live action foreign dramas, or see our national hero hitting runs in MLB.

But like I said, animes are shown on local UHF stations late at night, or in satellite subscription service. As you said, it caters to grow that market. That's why you see otakus shelling out cash with over 50 anime shows airing next season. Who is going to watch them? Otakus. That's who it is catered for, and because of BS and CS channels, that is why anime shows ballooned to the bubble that we are seeing today.
Do some adult males watch Japanese "Lucha Libre"?

In México, it's extremely popular and originated in our country. The real art of "Lucha Libre" originated in my country.

Tecnicos v.s. Rudos matches. Mascara v.s. Cabellera matches.

Not to confuse with the American Wrestling, that is just a ploy drama that only services pure, gratuitious, commercial violence and no technique.
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