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Old 2014-09-07, 22:40   Link #962
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Australia
Originally Posted by Archon_Wing View Post
No, that was caused by opposition over the affordable health care act. It was a pathetic display no doubt, but it doesn't fit here. Not to mention it lasted all of two weeks.

As for running your comparison to Japan, they have one of the highest life expectancies in the world so I don't think there's a problem there although they also rely a lot on food imports. Oh, and hey, do you think Japan would ban all imports on US food if they wanted to punish the US? I think not, even if they can get it from elsewhere. They ban because of safety reasons.
For the first point, the government shut down is indirectly, but origins from the national debt that contributed greatly from the wars. isn't it? Just like Russia banning foods from European nations were to retaliate against the Europe Union ban, and only indirectly caused by the Ukrainian invasion.

But like i said, that's simply how you look from a biased viewpoint. See, you can argue that the Japanese policy is fine because they still have the highest life expectancy. But you surely didn't take into account whether the Russians life expectancy will drop when claiming their government "staving off their citizens" with their policy isn't it?

Originally Posted by Archon_Wing View Post
But that's neither here nor there. If the US were to suddenly ban food imports, we'd be in far better shape relatively speaking, because we are food exporters to a lot of the world. See how the situation matters even excluding food being imported from somewhere else?
The Russians said the same thing ("it gonna benefit the local farmers" etc)

You know the US imported 115 billions world of food and export only 136 billions ? The key things here is import what you don't have, can't grow so a lot of things. If US ban food import, the situation in US will be no different with Russia banning European fruit and vegetables: some products won't be available or priced up
Originally Posted by Archon_Wing View Post
So are you arguing they'd be better off under the Taliban? Is the US responsible for Afghanistan for having such low stats to begin with? And also, Afghanistan wasn't a US-only invasion. And please, ISIS? Far cry and far worse than anything either US or Russia is doing.
Firstly on "not only US invasion". US contributed 70% of troops in Afghanistan, UK contributed 9%, while the other 46 countries contributes the rest of the 21%. Don't think even Nazi German contributed that high percentage of troops when we blamed them for the destruction in Europe during WW2.

And just like ganbaru said, it was simply a case of going from living under a bunch of religious fanatics to a war-torn society. You can argue that one is better than another. But i can't
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