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Old 2015-03-28, 13:38   Link #85
Join Date: Jan 2008
Age: 35
Originally Posted by konart View Post
It's complete opposite of being realistic, really. The hole thing actually is, but who cares...

PS: in fact "things don't always end happily" is the only realistic thing here
the only unrealistic event was keeping slaine alive. under normal circumstances, he would have died if not for Asseylum asking Inaho to save him. beyond that, in a war torn world that's rebuilding: Inaho unable to shack up with the leader of a foreign empire? the empress finally realizing her goal to start peace negotiations between earth and mars? her not ending up with a soldier she had met for several weeks? the supposed bad guy who almost wiped out earth in jail (if not executed) for the rest of his life? an adept soldier (even without a computer in his head) continuing on his military career?

of course we all want happy endings, but when a show gives us one like this, we should appreciate it because it reflects what would most likely happen. you can't expect "realistic" to end like 90% of anime series out there.
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