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Old 2015-12-26, 00:08   Link #318
Snobby Gentleman
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Monterrey, México
Age: 43
Aldnoah.Zero XXI. Fortune's Fool

This has been worse than what I expected from Slaine to act. If power accumulates too much whether be one person, entity, and/or faction the end the result is total corruption, and Slaine is just one step away at becoming a potential megalomaniac, Lord of War.

The high brass at the UFE are any decent either sacrificing the Deucalion and its crew to score a decisive victory against the Martians, because where the Deucalion is heading towards for its next destination is preparing the setup for the final stage of the war. Of course, Slaine's making preparations for the last stage before he can achieve his ambition.

Unnecessary loss of life at both sides will ensue, and, I do not feel impressed at all with Asseylum, finally, taking action to prevent Slaine to continue forward; after recovering her mental state and being informed by her estranged sister Lemrina, she amounted to nothing relevant at stopping the war.

Let me see how this Cronkine Cuthreo, son of the late Count Cuthreo, can offer some sort of leverage, though I have the suspicion that Mazuurek will side with this character and put some serious stress against Slaine.
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