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Old 2015-10-11, 10:47   Link #105
Snobby Gentleman
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Monterrey, México
Age: 43
Aquarion Logos - Middle Way Thoughts

Aquarion Logos is one out of the seven shows I handpicked for the expired Summer 2015 season, and since it currently runs for two cours the finale won't be coming until the end of the year.

Right now, I want to take the chance to post my thoughts for this show now that I've reached the middle milestone.

To put it simply, I do agree with many of the viewers that the designs for the new show put me off at the beginning. Besides, Aquarion Logos is to be a sort of original storyline that doesn't follow the previous two Aquarion shows that precede it; in fact, the previous Aquarion are meant to be an anime within the parallel universe of Logos.

SATELIGHT is partaking on a big gamble starting everything over with Aquarion Logos in the likes of a completely new: universe, characters, and original storyline. Moreover, the protagonist Kaibuki Akira doesn't impress me in the least. It's been the halfway run of this show and still remains tedious, repetitive, and one-dimensional, particularly, everytime he declares his, "I am the savior" line; get's on my nerves hearing the same over and over.
From the producers point of view, I guess, he can be considered a better step from Aquarion EVOL's protagonist, Amata, which I heard that back in Japan Amata was the most hateful or, at least, unlikeable by the fans of the franchise.

If anyone wants my opinon on Akira, to me he'll have worked as a character given a more brash and spirited personality in the likes of the quintessential shounen manga protagonist.

Anyways, setting aside the most glaring points on Aquarion Logos, as a Westerner I'm sold over this Aquarion due to the fact that introducing and explaining the mechanics, concepts, etymology, and making use of Kanji words seems to be interesting, immersive, and makes me curious on the kanji calligraphic system and language.

For better or for worse I intend to finish the entire series now that I'm done with half of it. That, and starting from the fourteenth episode and onwards I'll be properly reviewing this show.
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