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Old 2008-07-31, 15:49   Link #16
what Yagi said
Join Date: Mar 2008
Originally Posted by Flar View Post
Edit: @Tenken: I did a fair share of posting in the Nanoha forums and FMP forums back in the day. Fact is, I post in Claymore forums because I do like Claymore (I can understand how some came to the conclusion I hate it, but it's far from the truth), and I like speculating about it, that's all. Like I said, maybe I'm not the most fervent supporter of the serie, nor the most optimistic, positive poster, but that doesn't make me a hater.
Ah, I understand.

I was just wondering since it seemed that all your posts were of a negative slant towards Claymore. But, maybe that's just because you just like talking to chibamonster and your responses to each other are almost polar opposites.

I don't mind criticism, and I think some of it is relevant to Claymore. But, if someone constantly does it, and rarely says anything that they do like, I tend to wonder, "Why put yourself through this misery?"

It's like a former co-worker of mine who used to constantly complain about where he lived. Complain about the prices, the people, the pace, the traffic, the company where we worked, everything. I just told him, "Why do you stay here then? Just move. No one deserves to be miserable. You don't have anything tying you to here, just go find a place that you like, move, and be happier with your life."
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