Thread: Net neutrality
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Old 2010-08-14, 13:19   Link #4
blinded by blood
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Oakland, CA
Age: 40
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The main goal of pushing net neutrality is to keep ISPs and content providers from turning the Internet into a cable TV model. I agree with this endeavor and do not wish the Internet to be set up in a tiered service where websites are treated like cable channels.

However, the very nature of the Internet would reject such a model. Even if the ISPs and content providers all united behind the lofty goal of fucking the consumer in the ass, the Internet would find a way around it. Through proxies in other countries or even an entirely-wireless "pirate Internet..."

The internet becoming restricted by private companies is not what worries me. We can find ways around that. What worries me is some of the verbiage stuck into the net neutrality laws that could give the government power over the Internet in certain ways.
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