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Old 2014-04-19, 16:34   Link #1
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Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei LN - FanFiction Discussion

Welcome to the Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei LN FanFiction Discussion thread.

This thread is meant for Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei LN fanfiction and its discussion. Fanfiction works can be either posted in this thread or in the Fan Creations Forum and linked to in this thread. You may also link to Fanfiction works posted on other sites and discuss it here.

General rules of our forum still apply:
  • No sexually explicit material. Yes, this goes for text format as well.
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  • Have fun, but post intelligently

Please respect the authors, fanfictions are written in their free time, they have have no gain and owe you nothing; if they like a particular character and/or a particular pattern for their story, it's a personal choice and can't be blamed. In general, you are free to post constructive criticisms but not insults which (as in any other part of the forums) won't be tolerated. Remember that writers post here to get help and not to get troubles.

Thanks and have fun
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Old 2014-04-19, 21:47   Link #2
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Thanks LKK for the Fanfiction thread.

I noticed that a very common charge among Anime-only Mahouka viewers is that Mahouka is a wish fulfillment. Now, most of us who are LN authors know this is absolutely rubbish - no-one in his right mind would want to be Tatsuya, a lobotomized Weapon of Mass destruction enslaved to his sister, in a dystopia.

However, all this talk about Mahouka being a Wish Fulfillment Power Fantasy, and a very interesting claim made by a critic on another forum, that much of what happened in Mahouka could be accomplished without Tatsuya's OP power (there are exceptions of course) led me to think of an idea for a Mahouka fanfiction, exploring how Mahouka would really be like if Tatsuya was more of a wish fulfillment character.

More specifically, what if we reverse Tatsuya's and Miyuki's position? There has been a genderswapped fiction where Miyuki is male and Tatsuya is female (which can never be posted here, because of the rules against Rule 34), but what I am suggesting, is not a genderbend, but to rather, have Tatsuya and Miyuki swap roles rather than gender.

Tatsuya is still Tatsuya, and Miyuki is still Miyuki, but rather than Tatsuya being Miyuki's guardian, the relationship is reversed, and Miyuki is Tatsuya's guardian instead. For this situation to come to pass, Tatsuya and Miyuki would have to swap their magical ability set. Tatsuya get's a version of Cocytus, and possibly even inherit Miya's intuitition, while Miyuki obtains Tatsuya's ability to restore or destroy Information, along with Tatsuya's handicap in magic.

What implications would emerge from this dynamic? Firstly, this fiction would probably be even more disturbing than canonical Mahouka, which if you read and think of it carefully, is an already very disturbing world to begin with.

The most obvious change of course, is that it would be Miyuki who would have her strong emotions, beyond those she has for her brother, removed. This fundamental change has massive implications for both characters.

If you consider Miyuki's submissive tendencies to her older brother, even from a position of power over her brother, those tendencies would probably be exemplified if Miyuki was raised to think of herself as a shield and weapon for her brother. While their initial dynamics might well resemble earlier Mahouka, further developments and revelations may well make these dynamics appear very misogynistic.

An additional dynamic to consider might be Miyuki's and Maya's dynamic. I think it's going to be a fascinating one to explore, Maya might well see alot of parallels between herself and Miyuki, both essentially being killed by the same woman, in a similar manner.

The more open question of course would be how a Tatsuya who is not lobotomized would be like. I suspect, actually, that a Tatsuya who is not lobotomized would be extremely charismatic and magnetic as personality. Indeed, he might well rely on charisma and force of personality to accomplish his ends. The possession of Cocytus also means that the way he will tackle a problem changes fundamentally - I suspect he will rely far more on wit, strategy, tactics and cunning to get him through, where previously, Decomposition, Restoration and Gram Demolition sufficed. I can see this Tatsuya being more analogous to a Lelouch or Light Yagami.

The other question too, would be how he would see Miyuki. And I think that depends on whether that element of sexual teasing that Miyuki engages with Tatsuya remains. If indeed, this Miyuki is still capable of sexually flirting with her brother, I suspect that this Tatsuya may well have a harder time at self-control - indeed, how he relates to Miyuki may well be a very central conflict here - impulses of regarding her as his blade, as his precious sister to be politically defended, as a grave responsibility, as a terrfying weapon in his hands, and so on.

Finally, what would be the motivations of a Tatsuya whose existence no longer rest on his sister? I suspect his other motivations, such as to move the magicians away from being mere weapons would remain intact. I also imagine that this Tatsuya would aim to gain control of the Yotsuba clan and be named heir, to give him the power to politically protect Miyuki. If Miyuki physically defends Tatsuya, Tatsuya may well see it as his duty to politically defend Miyuki. At the same time, would this Tatsuya be as receptive to Miya's inculcation of duty and responsibility to the Yotsuba clan? I imagine he may well aim to pursue all three motivations, but place Miyuki as the highest priority if any of these motivations conflict.

One last part I am considering, is how Taurus Silver and FLT would work out if Tatsuya and Miyuki reversed positions. Will Miyuki be Taurus Silver, or will Tatsuya, with the retention of his intellect and non-magical abilities instead come to regard and obtain FLT as the core of his power base, in his quest to become the heir to the Yotsuba's? He might even collaborate with Miyuki in this setting. Infact, perhaps Taurus Silver and FLT may be one of the places where Miyuki and Tatsuya work together as true equals, and is one of the means by which they establish a sibling relationship after Okinawa. Taurus Silver may well be three people this time round, and be a female persona. I think it is ultimately tied to whether Miyuki and Tatsuya also swaps non-magical talents, including intellectual capabilities. How much of their differences was innate, and how much of their intellectual differences was a product of upbringing?

I think the aim of such a fiction would be to explore what it means to be a true Wish fulfillment character, before deconstructing the concept of a Wish Fulfillment character.

Unfortunately, I would not be able to get to writing such a fiction until next month, because of Finals. But it might well be a summer holiday project.
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Old 2014-04-20, 03:11   Link #3
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Originally Posted by novalysis View Post
Thanks LKK for the Fanfiction thread.

I noticed that a very common charge among Anime-only Mahouka viewers is that Mahouka is a wish fulfillment. Now, most of us who are LN authors know this is absolutely rubbish - no-one in his right mind would want to be Tatsuya, a lobotomized Weapon of Mass destruction enslaved to his sister, in a dystopia.

However, all this talk about Mahouka being a Wish Fulfillment Power Fantasy, and a very interesting claim made by a critic on another forum, that much of what happened in Mahouka could be accomplished without Tatsuya's OP power (there are exceptions of course) led me to think of an idea for a Mahouka fanfiction, exploring how Mahouka would really be like if Tatsuya was more of a wish fulfillment character.

More specifically, what if we reverse Tatsuya's and Miyuki's position? There has been a genderswapped fiction where Miyuki is male and Tatsuya is female (which can never be posted here, because of the rules against Rule 34), but what I am suggesting, is not a genderbend, but to rather, have Tatsuya and Miyuki swap roles rather than gender.

Tatsuya is still Tatsuya, and Miyuki is still Miyuki, but rather than Tatsuya being Miyuki's guardian, the relationship is reversed, and Miyuki is Tatsuya's guardian instead. For this situation to come to pass, Tatsuya and Miyuki would have to swap their magical ability set. Tatsuya get's a version of Cocytus, and possibly even inherit Miya's intuitition, while Miyuki obtains Tatsuya's ability to restore or destroy Information, along with Tatsuya's handicap in magic.

What implications would emerge from this dynamic? Firstly, this fiction would probably be even more disturbing than canonical Mahouka, which if you read and think of it carefully, is an already very disturbing world to begin with.

The most obvious change of course, is that it would be Miyuki who would have her strong emotions, beyond those she has for her brother, removed. This fundamental change has massive implications for both characters.

If you consider Miyuki's submissive tendencies to her older brother, even from a position of power over her brother, those tendencies would probably be exemplified if Miyuki was raised to think of herself as a shield and weapon for her brother. While their initial dynamics might well resemble earlier Mahouka, further developments and revelations may well make these dynamics appear very misogynistic.

An additional dynamic to consider might be Miyuki's and Maya's dynamic. I think it's going to be a fascinating one to explore, Maya might well see alot of parallels between herself and Miyuki, both essentially being killed by the same woman, in a similar manner.

The more open question of course would be how a Tatsuya who is not lobotomized would be like. I suspect, actually, that a Tatsuya who is not lobotomized would be extremely charismatic and magnetic as personality. Indeed, he might well rely on charisma and force of personality to accomplish his ends. The possession of Cocytus also means that the way he will tackle a problem changes fundamentally - I suspect he will rely far more on wit, strategy, tactics and cunning to get him through, where previously, Decomposition, Restoration and Gram Demolition sufficed. I can see this Tatsuya being more analogous to a Lelouch or Light Yagami.

The other question too, would be how he would see Miyuki. And I think that depends on whether that element of sexual teasing that Miyuki engages with Tatsuya remains. If indeed, this Miyuki is still capable of sexually flirting with her brother, I suspect that this Tatsuya may well have a harder time at self-control - indeed, how he relates to Miyuki may well be a very central conflict here - impulses of regarding her as his blade, as his precious sister to be politically defended, as a grave responsibility, as a terrfying weapon in his hands, and so on.

Finally, what would be the motivations of a Tatsuya whose existence no longer rest on his sister? I suspect his other motivations, such as to move the magicians away from being mere weapons would remain intact. I also imagine that this Tatsuya would aim to gain control of the Yotsuba clan and be named heir, to give him the power to politically protect Miyuki. If Miyuki physically defends Tatsuya, Tatsuya may well see it as his duty to politically defend Miyuki. At the same time, would this Tatsuya be as receptive to Miya's inculcation of duty and responsibility to the Yotsuba clan? I imagine he may well aim to pursue all three motivations, but place Miyuki as the highest priority if any of these motivations conflict.

One last part I am considering, is how Taurus Silver and FLT would work out if Tatsuya and Miyuki reversed positions. Will Miyuki be Taurus Silver, or will Tatsuya, with the retention of his intellect and non-magical abilities instead come to regard and obtain FLT as the core of his power base, in his quest to become the heir to the Yotsuba's? He might even collaborate with Miyuki in this setting. Infact, perhaps Taurus Silver and FLT may be one of the places where Miyuki and Tatsuya work together as true equals, and is one of the means by which they establish a sibling relationship after Okinawa. Taurus Silver may well be three people this time round, and be a female persona. I think it is ultimately tied to whether Miyuki and Tatsuya also swaps non-magical talents, including intellectual capabilities. How much of their differences was innate, and how much of their intellectual differences was a product of upbringing?

I think the aim of such a fiction would be to explore what it means to be a true Wish fulfillment character, before deconstructing the concept of a Wish Fulfillment character.

Unfortunately, I would not be able to get to writing such a fiction until next month, because of Finals. But it might well be a summer holiday project.
if we reverse the character and keep the current set of circumstances story wise nothing would be different. But character interaction will be completely different.
Not to mention the siblings realation will hit a new record of disturbed and twisted.

I`m not much of a writer heck man i barely know anything about it. but concept of a Wish Fulfillment character from what i could learn about it it seems they are the character from who the story exists and not the character existing for the sake of the story, meaning they are the characters that through the changes they suffer along the way they drive the story and not the characters that needs to change to fit in the story that drives itself.
And another notion i keep coming across is this type of character always have flaws but this flaws seem to be contained in a few categories like:
- the flaws is important for the character to define him as he his but it has only a minimal impact on the story itself.
- disguised flaws that in reality are actually strengths, this description seems to fit tatsuya to the letter.
- as for the last one is the characteristics that define the characters masquerade as flaws and this type of flaw seems like a tool used by the authors to further tie the character to the story and the other characters in the story, also this seems to fit tatsuya as well.
Also another thing about this type of character is that the author keeps on reminding the readers his flaws every time the story permits it and this type of character is usually so tied in the story and protected by the story itself that even the most dire situation the character is in its not really that dire.

On some level you could say tatsuya fits this kind of character but not at the same time. Yes he has flaws but his flaws are genuine and not actually strengths not all of them .
His character is not the one for whom the story exists, the story has other plot mechanics that drives it that are outside his character, like old conflicts, power struggles, politics etc.
My opinion is that the author tries to make tatsuya to look like an wish fulfillment character but in reality he is not.
Tis is just my opinion and like i said before i`m an business major not a literature major so writing and stuff are not in my abilities
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Old 2014-04-20, 03:19   Link #4
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Originally Posted by SoboSobo View Post
if we reverse the character and keep the current set of circumstances story wise nothing would be different. But character interaction will be completely different.
Indeed. Which is why I think about half of my proposal was dedicated to thinking about characterization.

Not to mention the siblings realation will hit a new record of disturbed and twisted.
It's an already deeply disturbed and twisted relationship. Tatsuya and Miyuki switching roles however, simply reveals more easily how disturbing it is. When a male is enslaved to a female, we find it less objectionable then when a female is enslaved to a male. It would actually be even creepier, if this was a genderbender rather than a row swap - imagine Miyuki's Brocon tendencies... turning into a Siscon obsession. At the very least, it is possible to justify a Tatsuya with all his emotional capabilities, without such tendencies.

His character is not the one for whom the story exists, the story has other plot mechanics that drives it that are outside his character, like old conflicts, power struggles, politics etc.
There are characters in Mahouka like Mayumi, where it's very possible to write a spin off for. No disputes about this.

Tis is just my opinion and like i said before i`m an business major not a literature major so writing and stuff are not in my abilities
And I am an economics major. I don't think what we choose to specialize in is necessarily a bar to writing.

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Old 2014-04-20, 05:18   Link #5
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Originally Posted by novalysis View Post
And I am an economics major. I don't think what we choose to specialize in is necessarily a bar to writing.

True but writing takes some talent which in our case is more directed in out fields

Back on topic

If the characters will be reversed but the situation of the characters will stay the same its gonna be way to twisted and it will kill the dynamic of the siblings.

Even now in the normal state the relationship seems disturbed but its not actually, i more like miyuki trying to get a reaction out of tatsuya rather then jump his bones.
Besides myuki has a pretty bad personality with some evil tendencies her self. Its not like she some little angel she is quite the opposite. Tatsuya personality is more stable and not evil and not so disturbed as miyuki's but his personality also has the flaw of not being able to say no to miyuki.
If he was they were to change positions, and tatsuya get miyuki personality but keep his intelligence and powers and myuki getting tatsuyas personality with not being able to say no to tatsuya then that will be very disturbing an i mean very very disturbing.
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Old 2014-04-20, 05:34   Link #6
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I believe that switching the roles between the siblings is only disturbing if you think about it in a feminist way. Otherwise I'm not sure how much will be different, if at all, because you have never specified how much of each other was switched over (power? Intelligence? Emotions? Motives?)

Society in Mahouka is already extremely corrupt even without switching the roles lol
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Old 2014-04-20, 06:25   Link #7
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Originally Posted by IceHism View Post
I believe that switching the roles between the siblings is only disturbing if you think about it in a feminist way. Otherwise I'm not sure how much will be different, if at all, because you have never specified how much of each other was switched over (power? Intelligence? Emotions? Motives?)

Society in Mahouka is already extremely corrupt even without switching the roles lol
Power, Intelligence, Emotions, Motives. That's an excellent summary of the changes in the characterization of both,that have to be defined in the role reversal.

I was thinking of starting with Power, as the fundamental basis. All other changes stem from the fact that Miyuki and Tatsuya's powers are swapped over in this fiction.

This beings with personality. If Power is swapped over, then Miyuki would almost certainly have her capability to feel passions and emotions removed by Miya - in that respect, Miyuki's personality changes are easier to think about. Infact, I imagine that Sakura Honami will be the de-facto woman who brought up Miyuki in this situation, the gender difference would likely result in, perhaps a closer relationship. However, if I was to keep Miyuki's base tendencies intact, I suspect her submissiveness to Tatsuya would be even stronger in this scenario. To make it a little easier to think what would be left of Miyuki's emotions after Miya's lobotomy, I think I could keep a simple rule that Miyuki can only feel strong emotions pertaining to Tatsuya, in general. From the Feminist perspective, that's demeaning to woman however.

But Tatsuya's personality is the problematic challenge here. We could take Tatsuya's original, pre surgery personality as the starting point of his development. But as far as I know, how Tatsuya was like before he was lobotomized by his mother, is lost to us, and hence it'll be a matter of speculations of how Tatsuya would turn out, if he was raised as an heir rather than a warrior. I was thinking of going for a Lelouch/Light esque approach for Tatsuya - but that's on the account of his possession of Cocytus as oppose to Decomposition and Restoration. I was also thinking of having Tatsuya inherit Miya's intuition magics - which proves very helpful for a Tatsuya who relies on cunning even more than power.

I don't intend to do a straight personality swap though - that was an approach done in the Genderbending fanfiction, and I don't want to take a lazy way out.

Let's skip intelligence first, and proceed to motives. I intend to start my fiction with Okinawa, so motives may well be the very first thing that the fiction would try to set up. The problem is that agency, with regards to motives is in the hands of Tatsuya. For Miyuki, motives are probably going to be very straightforward - Onii-Sama is her entire life and being, even more so than it was for Tatsuya. Tatsuya's motives on the other hand, are again harder to tackle. I think though, that in the aftermath of Okinawa, Tatsuya may well ask a simple question: given Miyuki's astounding, miraculous, nay divine powers, why is Miyuki still despised?

From here, he comes to a conclusion that the reason why Miyuki is excluded is despised, is because she lacks political power. From that point on, Tatsuya's finds a personal motivation to pursue the Yotsuba headship, to gain the political power to protect Miyuki's honor, and becomes determines to amass political power for the sake of restoring Miyuki to the status his goddess of victory deserves. For this to happen, he needs to accumulate a power base. FLT, is going to be his initial power base, where he builds a following loyal to him.

It's quite a different motive from: I belong to Onii-Sama.

Which brings us to the issue of Intelligence, which becomes very important in determining who forms Taurus Silver, and from there the power base in FLT. It boils down really, to how much of Tatsuya and Miyuki's intelligence and non-magical ability are a result of nature or nurture. I was thinking of going for an assumption of an equal basis of intelligence for both of them , on the basis of exploring the genetic legacy of the Fourth Laboratory.

Essentially, I'm going on the theory that in addition to explorations on magical calculation areas and mind manipulation abilities, the early Yotsuba's were genetically engineered for maximum cognitive capabilities, back in an era where it was suspected that Intelligence had a correlation to Magical Calculation Areas. Essentially, both Miyuki and Tatsuya share a similar genetic package for intelligence, optimized for maximum cognitive capabilities - in terms of nature alone, their potential intelligence is alike. Their differences in Intelligence however, is based on various epigenetic factors, as well as how they are nurtured and mentally developed.

In brief, both Miyuki and Tatsuya have an equal and extraordinarily high potential intelligence, but their actual intelligence is based on nurture as well as how their powers interact with nurture.

As a result of this divergent upbringings, before Okinawa, Miyuki's and Tatsuya's intelligence were approximately swapped over. After Okinawa however, because Tatsuya's motives differ from Miyuki, and he seeks FLT as a power base, his technical abilities at magical engineering, while not as absurd as his canonical self, is greater than Canonical Miyuki. On the other hand, Miyuki obtains a Magical Engineering skill, perhaps slightly less than Tatsuya canonically. The result is of course, a Taurus Silver made out of three people - Taurus Silver's accomplishments are Miyuki's, but persona and branding is forged by Tatsuya. Miyuki focuses on the technical aspects, while Tatsuya focuses on the business strategic aspects of FLT, a mirror of their relationship in High School, where Tatsuya is the public face of the siblings, while Miyuki provides force where Tatsuya's cunning cannot resolve the situation alone.
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Old 2014-04-21, 03:25   Link #8
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Originally Posted by IceHism View Post
I believe that switching the roles between the siblings is only disturbing if you think about it in a feminist way. Otherwise I'm not sure how much will be different, if at all, because you have never specified how much of each other was switched over (power? Intelligence? Emotions? Motives?)

Society in Mahouka is already extremely corrupt even without switching the roles lol
But miyuki's personality is more aggressive, she is more easily provoked and more confrontational then tatsuya especially when it comes down to him.If tats wasn't around she will probably pick a fight with anyone saying anything bad about her brother.
Also miyuki its not as calculated when it comes to battles, she will not hold back interms of magic power when it comes down to battle unlike tatsuya who always thinks how he can defeat the opponent without revealing to much power or abilities and not through raw power.

Giving tatsuya powers to myiuki without changing personality would be a disaster waiting to happen.
think of miyukis aggressive, impulsive and little evil personality with material burst at her fingertips. Time bomb if you ask me haha
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Old 2014-04-21, 10:41   Link #9
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Originally Posted by Makall View Post
If Tatsuya could use his powers, he'd owned everyone at the Ice Pillar event right?

He could just decompose the opponent's pillars instantly and regenerate his own if necessary.
Originally Posted by BW95 View Post
You're right. Though I don't know what the rules say about restoring your own pillars.
You have me now imagining Tatsuya standing by and doing nothing while his opponent destroys each of his pillars. Just when the opponent is about to finish Tatsuya's last pillar, his sister shout's at him to wake him up as he fell asleep. Tatsuya then restores all of his pillars in the blink of an eye with his left CAD and then proceeds to finish the opponent's pillars in one swoop with his right CAD and then walks away while yawning and stretching his neck.
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Old 2014-04-21, 16:18   Link #10
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Originally Posted by Guest2 View Post
You have me now imagining Tatsuya standing by and doing nothing while his opponent destroys each of his pillars. Just when the opponent is about to finish Tatsuya's last pillar, his sister shout's at him to wake him up as he fell asleep. Tatsuya then restores all of his pillars in the blink of an eye with his left CAD and then proceeds to finish the opponent's pillars in one swoop with his right CAD and then walks away while yawning and stretching his neck.
that actually could be funny haha.Not to mention the WTF reaction from everyone.

Or the match starts he activates AOE decomposition spell and the sits there watching while the other guy tries to hit the pillars but no magic reaches them and wait from him to drop down from magic overuse, then pulls his trident turns the ice pillars into ice cubes that he will use for the drink miyuki just brought him while wearing a string type bikini

Last edited by SoboSobo; 2014-04-21 at 17:40.
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Old 2014-05-03, 00:34   Link #11
Lumine Passio
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Never much a fan of Mahouka. The only think I like is Tatsuya - at least he is distingtive.

So, here is my idea: A kind-hearted servant of managed to take Tatsuya away before the experiments were made on him. Thus, he retains his emotional capability. Years latter, the young boy whose guardian was murdered decided to join the war.

It's a bit like Mobile Suit Gundam: The 8th MS Team. I want to experiment how would a normal Tatsuya be when surrounded with normal people.
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Old 2014-05-03, 06:00   Link #12
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The boiling kettle lets out a mist, which is soon brought away by the cool wind. A relieve sigh escapes Tatsuya's lips. He gently grabs the wooden handle and slightly pours out a bit.


Ah, the familiar sound of water meeting the metal roof. The puddle quickly cool down, but Tatsuya has already confirmed that the temprature is perfect. The rest of the water is poured to a simple porcelain teapot. He narrows his gaze, focusing to let out just the right amount of liquid, as well as the smalles crack on the dirt-brown China.

Everything is absolutely. Just like usual.
A little test, to find out how is Tatsuya befor beauty.
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Old 2014-06-12, 00:52   Link #13
Fear the Spear
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Woah, never thoughat that there's a fanfic thread for this. I mean, so many folks disliked this series because of this so-called "Tat-Stu-ya". I liked this personally though, but I'm not a die-hard fan.

Okay, enough of my intro (or rather a rant). I've been watching the anime, and started reading the LN recently when an idea struck my mind: a Mahouka-Kamen Rider Wizard xover. Pretty weird, huh. Well the story is set where the theory that the Wizardriver is the grandfather of CADs, and the antinites were actually a type of Magic Stone, or the Induction Stone used in modern CADs, is the new term for the Grimoire Stone.

Well, that's just some of the ideas. I'm still processing it for now.
"All that is left for us is to fight to our hearts' content."
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Old 2014-06-23, 09:56   Link #14
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I have a suggestion to make:

Due to extremely random, increasingly random accidents, Tatsuya is forced to replace one girl after the other in the (first) 9SC and puts on the skirt: Enter Tatsuko! Miyuki will of course rabidly adore her brand-new "Onee-sama". Mayumi will have a field day. Ichijou boy will find true love (drawing Miyuki's ire)... and Mitsuki will misunderstand. It could be glorious! A particular treat for the eyes will be Tatsuko in the Mirage Bat outfit and during Ice Pillars Break.
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Old 2014-06-23, 19:50   Link #15
OneTrueTatsuya's apostles
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Originally Posted by Astraeia View Post
I have a suggestion to make:

Due to extremely random, increasingly random accidents, Tatsuya is forced to replace one girl after the other in the (first) 9SC and puts on the skirt: Enter Tatsuko! Miyuki will of course rabidly adore her brand-new "Onee-sama". Mayumi will have a field day. Ichijou boy will find true love (drawing Miyuki's ire)... and Mitsuki will misunderstand. It could be glorious! A particular treat for the eyes will be Tatsuko in the Mirage Bat outfit and during Ice Pillars Break.
Dude, just think about it make me goosebumps.

Even if the characters in Star Dust cross-dress, they wouldn't give me that much goosebumps!
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Old 2014-06-23, 20:34   Link #16
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Oh yes it does! I want to see it more with every passing moment...

Someone write it for us? Please?

....too bad that 3vs3 combat event is men only. I would've loved seeing Leo and Miki join him.
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Old 2014-06-23, 20:55   Link #17
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Originally Posted by Astraeia View Post
Oh yes it does! I want to see it more with every passing moment...

Someone write it for us? Please?

....too bad that 3vs3 combat event is men only. I would've loved seeing Leo and Miki join him.
well someone did not write tatsuya as a crossdresser but they did write tatsuya into a girl character and miyuki as a guy character though it did not get far enough for the completion.
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Old 2014-06-23, 21:08   Link #18
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I would love to see that cross dress tatsuya -faint-
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Old 2014-06-23, 21:11   Link #19
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actually now that i think about it there is one fanfiction i can think of that has tatsuya crossdress but i dont know if you guys want to read it because it is just a small moment
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Old 2014-06-23, 21:13   Link #20
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Originally Posted by guestuser View Post
actually now that i think about it there is one fanfiction i can think of that has tatsuya crossdress but i dont know if you guys want to read it because it is just a small moment
Okay anything is fine with me but I love traps and crossdresser more
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