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Old 2015-06-24, 12:26   Link #1
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One Piece - Chapter 791 [manga]

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Spoiler's here, courtesy of AP's Redon and Aohige:

-Chapter title is "Rubble". Splash page has Sanji and Chopper.

-After taking the full force of Luffy's finisher, Doflamingo crashes to the ground near the underground dock. Meanwhile, an exhausted Luffy deflates from his powered-up state, and gets shambled to the ground by Law. The commentator Gatz gets back on his feet, and points out to the populace that the Birdcage has finally disappeared!

-As he continues announcing that the land is finally free from Dofla's control, Gatz becomes emotional, as do the rest of the people. We then see various flashbacks of the tragedies the country went through under Doflamingo's rule. As the flashbacks end, the people cheer for joy and celebrate amidst the rubble, and with a crying Rebecca hovering over him, we see an unconscious Luffy laying on the ground, smiling.

So yep, looks like the fight's finally over, folks! Unfortunately, it's been pointed out that we still don't see Dofla's eyes this chapter. I also guess Sabo vs. Burgess is also done with if everyone's already started celebrating (it would be kinda awkward to have a couple guys locked in mortal combat in the midst of the festivities, I think, heh).

Last edited by marvelB; 2015-06-24 at 23:40.
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Old 2015-06-24, 13:25   Link #2
The Fearless
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Well, maybe when the glasses come off, it's like the kid gloves come off. O.o
But I'll assume many want this fight to end, so it's probably at like 95% done. lol
Can't wait till I get to read it. BBT.

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Old 2015-06-24, 22:58   Link #3
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Guys, what do you think of this possible summary or outcome for One Piece Chapter 791:

One Piece Chapter 791 - Doflamingo's Last Words:

The chapter starts out with Law and everyone in Dressrosa looking at how Luffy punched Doflamingo so hard, making the air crack. Many buildings of Dressrosa are destroyed from the force of the King Kong Gun. Law sees that Luffy’s gear fourth is fading again.

Everyone in Dressrosa is shouting out “He did it, he beat Doflamingo” and then they see that the Bird Cages strings is becoming quite soft and the strings from the cage is falling. Fujitora says so my bet on Straw Hat was sucessful, huh? Zoro sees Luffy falling and runs over to catch him, and when Zoro finally catches him, he sees his captain smiling.

Law does a room and comes beside Doflamingo holding a gun, and tell Doflamingo that “Corazon, couldn’t pull the trigger, but surely I can" and then.........BANG!.....we hear a shot fired while not seeing Law and the scene changes to him again and we see Fujitora blocking the shot. Fujitora asks of Law not to kill him (Doflamingo) as he will make sure that Doflamingo pays for everything he has done.

Doflamingo opens up his eye and we see a flashblack when he tried to go back to Mariejoa but didn’t have permission from the WG and Tenryuubito (World Government and Celestial Dragons) to return to the Holy Land.

Then we are back to the present again and we see Doflamingo very angry as he tries to stand up while coughing up blood and Fujitora decided to hold him down with his gravitation abilities.

Meanwhile we see Sabo and Burgess averting their eyes from where the fight of Luffy and Doflamingo took place. We see Sabo smiling and saying to himself in his mind, Luffy you have become very strong, I am sure Ace would be proud of you. Burgess is thinking that Damn Straw Hat had another trick up his sleeve......look at how much damage it did and Doflamingo couldn’t even stop it, this confirms it, I am going to take his Gomu Gomu no fruit. In addition, I will take Mera Mera fruit too. Burgess then gets a call from Blackbeard via Den Den Mushi and tells Burgess to come back to the ship, since the plan has changed. Burgess looks irritated but obeys his captain and retreats for now, but tells Sabo now that he has eaten Fire fist’s fruit, Blackbeard won’t let him live and that in the end the fruit will be ours.

On the outskirt of Dressrosa, we see five people, and one of them reports that Doflamingo has been defeated. Longer out of Dressrosa we see a boat and one of the people says “Yes, it will be done Kaido-sama”. We see a silhouette of Kaido (One of the Emperor's and the Strongest Creature according to what Law mentioned before at the end of the Punk Hazard arc) with a terrifying smile.

Last edited by Best_name_ever; 2015-06-24 at 23:14.
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Old 2015-06-24, 23:43   Link #4
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Summary's up! Looks like the fight is wrapped up, after all. Curiously, we still don't see Dofla's eyes despite the glasses coming off. Maybe we'll see them when he regains consciousness....?
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Old 2015-06-25, 02:58   Link #5
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Originally Posted by marvelB View Post
Curiously, we still don't see Dofla's eyes despite the glasses coming off. Maybe we'll see them when he regains consciousness....?
It'd be hilarious if he somehow gets another pair of sunglasses and we never see his eyes. I'm sure we will get to see them though... or will we...
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Old 2015-06-25, 04:23   Link #6
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BTW, while I'm sure a bunch of people will label this as a "filler" chapter straight away, I personally think it's worth it for some of the goofy reaction shots alone (particularly Gatz's and Bartolomeo's, lol). That, and I also find it amusing that Fujitora (aka the blind guy) was the ONLY one out of the swordsman group who didn't lose his balance after the cage vanished.
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Old 2015-06-25, 05:00   Link #7
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Finally over !?

^It may look as filler chapter but atleast now this fight is over(95% sure) and I think Oda do the right thing to show the reactions of the people. Sometimes our MCs should get their deserved portion of gratitude
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Old 2015-06-25, 08:19   Link #8
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Our national nightmare is finally coming to a close. Children can finally walk the streets once more knowing they will not have to deal with endlessly long almost filler level fights with characters no one really cares about. Mothers will be safe knowing that useless female characters will be cast aside hopefully for kick-ass ones to finally emerge. And Fathers can finally be secure in the knowledge that we will never have to deal with useless toys, the stupid physics of how a one legged man fights, or, even worse, needlessly convoluted fighting abilities and power-ups that come across as silly rather than interesting.

Rejoice nation for the end is nigh, and hopefully something far more interesting is on the horizon.

Sadly we'll still have to deal with Sabo...
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Old 2015-06-25, 08:43   Link #9
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Hey now, we finally get a chapter that we haven't seen in a really, really long time.

The One Piece celebration party! I love their party chapters.


Also, Rebecca is going to drown Luffy with those tears, ha ha. I still think it's adorable though.
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Old 2015-06-25, 11:41   Link #10
Gintoki fan
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Can't we go one chapter without Rebecca crying? I swear, not one character I like in this arc. Ok, maybe Bart. I wonder how Strawhats A group will be getting off this island? There ship is off fighting against Big Mom's crew and who knows what happened with them? Are they still fighting for there life or did they get caught? Are we going to have another arc without Sanji's group in it? Cuz I mean how are Luffy's group going to reach them? Wano being the next arc well, it's complicated at this moment.

I guess Bart or Law could give them a lift? Still.

I like celebration chapters the best, than we should be getting a chapter of the worlds reaction to it. Can't wait to see Kids, that should be hilarious
Fullmetal Alchemest - Ed fan. Inazuma Eleven - Endou fan.
Marchen Awakens Romance - Ginta fan. KS Dadesico - Akito fan. Gintama - Gintoki. Yugioh Arc V - Yuya fan. Boruto fan. Lupin fan.

Pairings I support : Ed x winry. Ash x Serena. Endou x Natsumi. Ginta x Dorothy fan. Luffy x Hancock. Akito x Yurika fan. Gintoki x Tysuki. Boruto X Sumire.
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Old 2015-06-25, 11:43   Link #11
a random Indonesian otaku
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Why this chapter left such a weird feeling to me? It is obvious that everything is not end yet... and someone probably would die
They don't show Doflamingo's face at all

Kyros and Rebecca moments in this chapter are touching...
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Old 2015-06-25, 15:37   Link #12
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I hope in the next chapter we find out if Nami and the rest succeeded with Law's plan.
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Old 2015-06-25, 16:33   Link #13
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watch dofla was blind all this time
hence the glasses
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Old 2015-06-25, 18:12   Link #14
He Who Games
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Sorry, i'm just venting in this post right now. please don't hate, this is my honest opinion.

now that this arc is done, i have to ask this question. does anyone else think oda is starting to become a bit repetitive now? something i've noticed about more than a few past arcs is that a certain pattern is taking place. this pattern entails luffy to defeat the final arc boss before a certain time limit, and going past the time limit most certainly means death for him and his friends. and at the end of every fight he defeats the boss with a final special move. i'm sorry to say this but, after this arc, to me it feels like, even though the arc was well written, oda unnecessarily dragged out this arc, especially during the final fight, trying to create story tension, all for the very predictable end of luffy eventually defeating doffy. basically, this arc suffered from story padding. by this chp, all i could think of was, "finally we can move to the next arc now". seriously it has been two years since the beginning of this arc already.
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Old 2015-06-25, 18:32   Link #15
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I loved Punk Hazard which essentially was the precursor to this arc. And I really liked the Dressrosa setup, the toys, Kyros backstory, and the gladiator arena until it got too drawn out and boring. Then everything else is very forgettable to me. I find most of the new friend characters boring, Rebecca was a big disappointment, and Luffy vs Doflamingo was indeed epic, but also somehow very boring as well. I would have MUCH preferred Law to be the one to beat Mingo or at least a Law Luffy combo in the end. Or if Mingo actually DID kill Law one of those fifty-five times that Oda tried to troll us with it. Give us something memorable and surprising. Having Luffy beat the big bad with a super punch is the most lack-luster ending I can think of. This arc felt like an ordeal to read for the last year or so.
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Old 2015-06-25, 22:15   Link #16
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Originally Posted by james0246 View Post
Our national nightmare is finally coming to a close. Children can finally walk the streets once more knowing they will not have to deal with endlessly long almost filler level fights with characters no one really cares about. Mothers will be safe knowing that useless female characters will be cast aside hopefully for kick-ass ones to finally emerge. And Fathers can finally be secure in the knowledge that we will never have to deal with useless toys, the stupid physics of how a one legged man fights, or, even worse, needlessly convoluted fighting abilities and power-ups that come across as silly rather than interesting.

Rejoice nation for the end is nigh, and hopefully something far more interesting is on the horizon.

But on the other hand, now Luffy won't have an official commentator backing him up in future battles anymore...... that is, unless said commentator joins the crew.


Originally Posted by coded321 View Post
now that this arc is done, i have to ask this question. does anyone else think oda is starting to become a bit repetitive now? something i've noticed about more than a few past arcs is that a certain pattern is taking place. this pattern entails luffy to defeat the final arc boss before a certain time limit, and going past the time limit most certainly means death for him and his friends. and at the end of every fight he defeats the boss with a final special move. i'm sorry to say this but, after this arc, to me it feels like, even though the arc was well written, oda unnecessarily dragged out this arc, especially during the final fight, trying to create story tension, all for the very predictable end of luffy eventually defeating doffy. basically, this arc suffered from story padding. by this chp, all i could think of was, "finally we can move to the next arc now". seriously it has been two years since the beginning of this arc already.

Eh, like you said yourself, this is a pattern that Oda's repeated more than a good few times already (one that can be pretty much be traced back to Alabasta), and I guess it's precisely for that reason that I'm not bothered by it at this point. Though I do find it interesting that a lot of the specific complaints that people made about this arc (needlessly dragged out fights, extensive focus on side characters, etc.) applied to the CP9 arc as well.... which many of those same people praise to high heaven. It even ran for just about as long as this arc did (2 years). I wonder if there would be less complaints if Lucci were the main villain of this arc rather than Doflamingo?
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Old 2015-06-25, 23:35   Link #17
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Originally Posted by marvelB View Post

You say that as if it is a bad thing .

Originally Posted by marvelB View Post
Eh, like you said yourself, this is a pattern that Oda's repeated more than a good few times already (one that can be pretty much be traced back to Alabasta), and I guess it's precisely for that reason that I'm not bothered by it at this point. Though I do find it interesting that a lot of the specific complaints that people made about this arc (needlessly dragged out fights, extensive focus on side characters, etc.) applied to the CP9 arc as well.... which many of those same people praise to high heaven. It even ran for just about as long as this arc did (2 years). I wonder if there would be less complaints if Lucci were the main villain of this arc rather than Doflamingo?
The key difference between the CP9 arc and this one, though, is the simple fact that Oda took away half of the Strawhats and inserted a variety of new characters that, more often than not, were simply funny designs with no real appeal beyond their physical deformities*. (And of course Sabo was there, and damn if Sabo doesn't ruin everything....) Besides the "Rescue Ace Arc" (which worked, in part, because the Strawhats were absent), the Strawhats have all had a starring role in the story; Even with divergents like Skypiea, the Strawhats were still the key players interacting with a new cast and crew of characters.

The Strawhats are the core of the story, each with their own brand of humour, drama and fighting abilities. By eliminating half of the crew from the arc, Oda managed to, quite literally, take away key components of what makes One Piece such an enjoyable reading experience.

*(Of course, Robin was also a much more detailed character than anyone in Dressrosa (not necessarily more interesting...who am I kidding she is more interesting), and it was quite easy to get the audience to care about her motivations and dreams as opposed to this almost random island with no known inhabitants with stakes that have have little bearing on the Strawhats or their friends.)
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Old 2015-06-26, 00:28   Link #18
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Originally Posted by marvelB View Post
oh please no I don't need to hear some random guy yell "let's get ready to rumblllleeeeee!'" before every fight.

Though I do find it interesting that a lot of the specific complaints that people made about this arc (needlessly dragged out fights, extensive focus on side characters, etc.) applied to the CP9 arc as well.... which many of those same people praise to high heaven. It even ran for just about as long as this arc did (2 years). I wonder if there would be less complaints if Lucci were the main villain of this arc rather than Doflamingo?
just throwing my 2 cents in here, but I also am not a huge fan of the CP9 arc (aside from anything involving Franky or Merry or Spandam come to think of it). That arc was also too long and drawn out like Dressrosa imo. And I think Lucci has a bigger fanbase than he deserves frankly.

My favorite arcs are Alabasta, Skypeia, Thriller Bark (despite Moria), Saboady (as short as it was), and Punk Hazard. There was a lot of greatness in Impel Down and Marine Ford but they were too large and poorly paced for my liking similar to Dressrosa.

Originally Posted by james0246 View Post
You say that as if it is a bad thing .
I'm pretty sure it would be bad, but Brooke worked out so who knows.

The key difference between the CP9 arc and this one, though, is the simple fact that Oda took away half of the Strawhats and inserted a variety of new characters that, more often than not, were simply funny designs with no real appeal beyond their physical deformities*. (And of course Sabo was there, and damn if Sabo doesn't ruin everything....) Besides the "Rescue Ace Arc" (which worked, in part, because the Strawhats were absent), the Strawhats have all had a starring role in the story; Even with divergents like Skypiea, the Strawhats were still the key players interacting with a new cast and crew of characters.

The Strawhats are the core of the story, each with their own brand of humour, drama and fighting abilities. By eliminating half of the crew from the arc, Oda managed to, quite literally, take away key components of what makes One Piece such an enjoyable reading experience.
Really well said. I think that is also a reason I don't like Impel Down or Marine Ford as much as other arcs. The Strawhats are too awesome to get pushed aside for fresh new characters. I do however respect Oda for taking chances by focusing on other characters instead of his cash cows.
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Old 2015-06-26, 00:33   Link #19
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Originally Posted by james0246 View Post
You say that as if it is a bad thing .

When did I ever say it was? Like I said in a previous thread, Gatz could serve as the Speedwagon of the Straw-Hat crew!

Originally Posted by james0246 View Post
The key difference between the CP9 arc and this one, though, is the simple fact that Oda took away half of the Strawhats and inserted a variety of new characters that, more often than not, were simply funny designs with no real appeal beyond their physical deformities*.

Really, I wasn't talking so much about the lack of main characters so much as I was addressing the complaints about the story dragging due to an influx of secondary characters. Obviously Dressrosa has a higher quantity here, but it's not like the CP9 arc only had a handful of people participating in the EL campaign, either (we had the shipwrights, the Franky family, Kokoro, those two giants, etc..... heck, I even recall a chapter devoted to those two sea bulls that the Franky family used for transport, lol). But while the people back in that arc were primarily dealing with fodder marines, at least the gladiators here were a lot more active, dealing with the arc bosses and lending much more all-around support in general. Sure, they're not going to be as memorable as the main cast, but at least they proved that they can more than pull their weight in the middle of a huge conflict aside from maybe Rebecca, lol.

Though as far as the far as the lack of main cast is concerned.... if anything, that could have dragged the arc even further. I mean, do we really need another "Zoro gets cuffed to Usopp" situation!?

Originally Posted by itachi-san314 View Post
Thriller Bark (despite Moria),

Moria is actually one of my favorite villains! Unfortunately, most people don't feel the same way about him (you being one of them, I see). Heh, I think I even remember James being glad that he apparently died at the hands of Doflamingo before the skip.... only for Oda to reveal later that he survived after all. Can't wait for his inevitable return during he Kaidou conflict!

Last edited by marvelB; 2015-06-26 at 00:45.
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Old 2015-06-26, 05:36   Link #20
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CM for upcoming Volume 78. And the Gear 4 hype is evident.

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