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Old 2007-03-08, 08:08   Link #81
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I suddenly remembered, is there an imperial family in the CG Japan? Bushido appears to be alive and well, but it would be a serious anomaly if the central figure of the ideology is non-exsistent?
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Old 2007-03-10, 04:36   Link #82
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Yeah! Japanese animated revisionist history. I want to play too!

Originally Posted by Onizuka-GTO View Post
The American Colonies would have a majority of loyal citizens.
Ye'gads! Did a Brit actually say that?! And I thought the BAE culture was bad enough.

Originally Posted by Onizuka-GTO View Post
America did not jump to help Europe when Germany Attacked the UK, they waited until they saw that the Brits repelled the invasion.
I could be wrong here, but I think the American entrance into the war had more to do with an infamous sneak-attack by a certain pacifist country. Not to say that the Battle of Britain wasn't inspiring, but let's face it: Britain and the allies were losing the war in 1941. If anything, Allied performance in WWII was a disincentive for American entry .

Originally Posted by Onizuka-GTO View Post

IMHO the Chinese Federations seems like either a liberal democracy or a Semi-Democratic state with a ruling oligarchy (similar to the USA)

While the E.U. is more of a Socialist/Socialist with representative Democracy, (Like Germany) but this is all speculation.
That must be satire . Actually, the USA is a federal republic, as is Germany, but with a parliamentary twist. And yes, I know about the oligarchy wannabes...

they're called liberals .
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Old 2007-03-10, 09:50   Link #83
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Originally Posted by JayF View Post
I suddenly remembered, is there an imperial family in the CG Japan? Bushido appears to be alive and well, but it would be a serious anomaly if the central figure of the ideology is non-exsistent?
An earlier universe tidbit hinted that after a certain loss a century or two ago, Japan's regime changed...not sure if it meant the end of shogunates or the imperial family.

Anyway, spoilers and magazines information have been pointing a less-than-subtle finger at a certain person.
<-- Click to enter my (moribund) GFX thread.
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Old 2007-03-19, 07:56   Link #84
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In the episode 19, they say that they have some "area". It seems they are after something specific in those countries.

They talk about the 7th.

Then, when I said there were more than 3 areas (8 and 11) I was right
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Old 2007-03-19, 12:24   Link #85
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Originally Posted by Terrekain View Post
I could be wrong here, but I think the American entrance into the war had more to do with an infamous sneak-attack by a certain pacifist country. Not to say that the Battle of Britain wasn't inspiring, but let's face it: Britain and the allies were losing the war in 1941. If anything, Allied performance in WWII was a disincentive for American entry
You might want to consider the dates of the following naval engagements before concluding that the US was standing aside in 1941 until the Pearl Harbor attack:
  • April 10, 1941 - Destroyer USS Niblack drives off a German U-boat with depth charges after picking up survivors from a torpedoed merchantman.
  • September 4, 1941 - Destroyer USS Greer evades a torpedo attack from a U-boat off Iceland and returns fire with depth charges. President Roosevelt calls the attack "piracy" and declares that US warships will attack any German or Italian vessels found within waters "which are vital to American defense."
  • October 17, 1941 - Destroyer USS Kearny is struck by a German U-boat's torpedo while escorting convoy SC-48 and damaged with the loss of 11 crew.
  • October 31, 1941 - Destroyer USS Reuben James is sunk by a U-boat while escorting convoy HX-156, with the loss of 115 crew.
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Old 2007-03-21, 03:54   Link #86
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Originally Posted by Terrekain View Post
That must be satire . Actually, the USA is a federal republic, as is Germany, but with a parliamentary twist. And yes, I know about the oligarchy wannabes...

they're called liberals .

there is a big differences between what one country claims it's governmental system is called, and what's the reality.

oh, and me? a satirical Brit? umpossible.

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Old 2007-03-23, 07:21   Link #87
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well, i also believe germany to be a federal republic. its economic system however, is called social market economy, which means basically that the state intervenes into the market and helps each citizen with offering free education and so on.

and why would should they not make the eu (which seems technologically pretty advanced after seeing ep 22) democratic, and chinese federation communists?
itīs a clichee that chinese are communists, so why not make them like that in cg universe.
and we all know the eu in our universe tries to unify europe on a long term basis, why think of something totally new, the writers could just state that in the cg universe, they already suceeded.
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Old 2007-03-31, 00:32   Link #88
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Depending on the theory of Americain government you choose to identify with, you may interpret the US government differently.

1) Elitist Theory: The government is controlled by a small social elite. The elite does not necisarily cooperate (rarely does, in fact).

2) Pluralist: Interest groups make sure that political leaders are aware of the issues at hand. Since there are so many, there is no particular political elite since everyone gets the same ammount of say.

Note: "Elite" does not refer to the economic elite, though there is a degree of overlap. The elite are the people who are active in the political process. This includes everyone from the members of the NRA (national rifle association) to to the ALF (Animal Liberation Front). The elite often clash over issues, given their often massive gap in ideaology.

The US is a Federal Democratic Rebublic

(back on topic)

As to the discrepancy in the timeline, it is possible that 2017 is simply a discrepancy made by the staff, asuming people would assume that meant AD, or, it is possible even that whoever established the dating system made a mistake at when the empire was actually established. After all, Christ was actually born somewhere arround 4 AD, not 1 (major oops on someone's part).
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Old 2007-04-05, 20:56   Link #89
Vallen Chaos Valiant
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Originally Posted by FlyByNite77 View Post
Yea I think the Code Geass alternate history is presented on a DVD extra, It also says that the calendar system in Code Geass is based on the failed invasion by Caesar... so since that occurred in 54-55 BC our time, that probably means any year in Code Geass would need 55 added to it so Code Geass is taking place in the 2070's probably in our time.

The one thing I wonder is then are the main inhabitants of Britannia (or at least the UK region we know today that would be the "headquarters of the empire") actually Celts?

The Celts were the main inhabitants of Britain and the region when Caesar invaded so if they managed to overpower the Roman empire and form a kingdom is it not a Celtic Kingdom? The Anglo-Saxon's didn't begin any major incursions of Britain until the 300 or 400's I think. So then if Britain had already formed into a significant nation by that time and if this line of succession in the Brittanian Empire can indeed be traced back to that first King perhaps they also repelled the Anglo-Saxon invasions which killed around 50% of the Celtic population in the process.

So then that would make this world empire in Code Geass actually the "Irish"?
Just reposting an interesting observation from Toonzone forums...
Yeah, the idea that Britannia is the Irish empire is most interesting indeed.

Anyone Irish around here? I would like to hear your opinion on this.
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Old 2007-04-05, 21:07   Link #90
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Originally Posted by Vallen Chaos Valiant View Post
Just reposting an interesting observation from Toonzone forums...
Yeah, the idea that Britannia is the Irish empire is most interesting indeed.
It's a neat theory, but it doesn't really work since the Celts aren't exactly unique to Ireland. The Celtic inhabitants of Britain at the time of the Roman invasion were fairly diverse groups that were rarely cordial with outsiders, and the Irish Celts would definitely qualify as such.
The victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won...
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Old 2007-04-16, 18:13   Link #91
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With 98 Emperors... all saying ruled for about 20 years... give or take... given to some chances of the civil wars mentioned... was about 1960 years of legitimacy of Emperors... by the looks of it they were not always of the same house, as it seems with the many sons and daughters that the 98th one has. (Used as an example.)

As for how this started, probably due to a council of the kings of Britannia (or effectively The British isles)... with one united chief, it would seem that they could hold off the Romans and keep their independence. With this they probably stayed trade partners with the Republic, because the Roman Civil war had yet to happen. So as the kings were united... did Rome stay a Republic? or did did a failing Julius still became murdered within the Senate. In fact... did Caesar still have the fame and glory?

Even with the Empire being thus, a stable trade and dangers of landing and controlling a beach head, probably kept the Britons alive. Given that they would have a stable kinship, probably developed deep partener ship with Rome. Thus when Rome fell, Briton possibly kept a very strong Roman Imperial sense of rule, especially with the offspring constantly trying to win against one another, the smarter and more charismatic would follow through?

As a nexus, or 4th Rome, Londinum (present day London) could have been a support of literary power, A united Briton would be relatively easy to hold against invading barbarians... and without a sword in your back... you can think.
So with the fall of Constainople, and the movement of scientists back into the west... could've sparked a Rennaisance not only in Rome... but in London.

With such it is possible, that wth the beginning of Colonialism and superiority of strategic placement, would've been better off in the arms struggle with Spain and France. With the Neopolianic Wars... maybe Britain would've been far more effective with a constant struggle with its own elites to be the best?

Further still, Even with the Declaration of Independence... maybe the greater power of the elite and constant adaptation ability, would've fared much better in the American theatre, possibly winning the war.

America could've possibly developed much faster, with no regard with the Native Indians due to its deeply rooted beliefs of Ranked society?
Indians as Numbers?

Even with the opening of Japan, it could be seen as a strong example of Britannian as the main opening force... firing of the guns in the port.

With the future control of South america, and Central America, and continue control of India, South Africa and Austrailia... I can easily imagine that Britannia could hold 1/3 of the world's land mass.

Though I believe the World Wars would become null and void, as a tiny Germany would not be able to stand up to the massive industrial and superior manpower that the Britannians could field.

AS for military tactics, they porbably could be found within Britannians favour, due to a constantly competing enviroment... and a wide variety of views which could be found within the Empire.

nuclear development possibly could have been developed... and may have limited the world to one war... Would the depression still exist... it is unknown.

However... this is just what I think. More focus on the Britannian evolution than the other world governments.

(Would Charlemange still be crowned the Emperor of the Romans... I wonder...)

Edit: In support with the council of the british kings... A.T.B... I assume is the timeline frame of reference which stands for (Ascension Throne Britannia) or the beginning of the Imperial line. I know I saw this ATB thing somewhere else... magazine exceprt I believe.

Thus 2017 ATB... given with 1960 years or Britannia hier... 20 years average a piece to each emperor.... it could be seen that the timeline appears to work.

Last edited by Nazaroth; 2007-04-16 at 21:49. Reason: Addition of the A.T.B time refernce.
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Old 2007-04-23, 01:36   Link #92
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I believe, in order for an Irish-esque Britannian *empire* to exist, the Romans would have had to conquer the whole of Britain in order to completely eliminate any sort of *regional* culture clash that could supplement any other conflicts there would be in a united Britannia.

North & South was the main issue behind Roman Britain and Celtic Britain (main reason Britain could not unite as early as other modern "nations" did [differences between Scotland and England]) as North & South was more obviously seen as the central issue in the United States’ Civil War. Believe it or not, a regional culture clash is the worst kind of conflict that can exist within a nation since it divides sociopolitical and even economic aspects affiliated with the regions themselves.

If the Romans did successfully conquer the entirety of Britain and maybe even Ireland for some time, I’m sure they would’ve been unable to completely exterminated the Celtic culture. Since all of it would be under Roman control, at least the Celts living in a Romano-Britain would be equally influenced and/or maltreated by the Roman conquerors, therefore making it slightly easier for a Celtic rebellion to begin and succeed in order to form a loosely united Celtic state. At the very least, the Roman Civil War would have done much to damage the Roman political organization system of Britain allowing the Celts to slowly rise to the point that the Celts gain control of themselves through the system set up by their former oppressors.

Upon full realization of the fall of the Roman Empire and the loosened state tightens following whatever crises that may result directly from it is when I believe they would have likely taken up the name “Britannia”.

A huge problem, however, is pretty much how the Anglo-Saxon invasion would have played out around what we know as the 1000s A.D., because that would a determine a big deal of how exactly Britannia would progress afterwards.

Religion is also a big issue. Apparently the Spanish would’ve still held a grudge against Britain sometime around the discovery of the New World for some reason and difference of religion would have been the only thing to authorize such a conflict. It’s kind of awkward to look at since the majority of Irish people in general were then and are Catholic now. Since we have deformed the history of Britain, it’s quite indistinguishable.

Apparently, whichever religion prevailed in Britannia would have been greatly accepted so that the colonization of the New World would be purely economic and strategic with the majority of the colonists having no reason to dislike Britannia and for no reason for Britannia to dislike the colonies (as long as they impose taxes extremely early on in the colonization game to eliminate most of the problems that escalated the Revolutionary War).

I guess the rest is history from there? I’m sure, though, that there is much, much more to address.
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Old 2007-04-24, 13:14   Link #93
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I'm just curious to see what you guys think about this.

I initially was under the impression that Britannia controls all of North America because of the fact that they suppressed the American Revolution, thus preventing the USA from ever existing.

After watching Code Geass episode 1 (DVD version), I noticed that when they showed the map of Britannia invading Japan from what we know of as the United States, there were locations that were clearly US locations. Mainly, an "IOWA BASE" for the Britannian Air Force, a "LA BASE" and "SEATTLE BASE" for their Navy (I think) and also some base in Anchorage, Alaska.

Is it safe to assume Britannia, at some point in time, invaded the US and conquered us? Or were they ruling the United States from the beginning and these locations just match by coincidence?
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Old 2007-04-24, 13:23   Link #94
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^ I was curious about the same issue, but couldn't quite find enough evidence to hit either theory.

The only idea I can come up with is the loss Britannia suffered in the Geass timeline's Battle of Trafalgar (ep. 9, classroom scene?), which in our time was Britain's greatest naval victory in history. This would support a theory that Britain actually might have relinquished control of the British Isles in the Geass timeline to the EU, and only control the Americas and the rest of their colonies.

Granted I'm no expert in history, fictional or otherwise, so there's bound to be holes in all these different theories until the writers of Geass give us more to chew on.

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Old 2007-04-24, 13:41   Link #95
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It seems like, America is non exist in this universe. Instead of the Revolution and seperation from Britian. There was never one and they still are Britian Colonies.
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Old 2007-04-24, 16:03   Link #96
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Does anyone have info on what the other areas are, especially those pre-Area 11? [that'd be Areas 1-10].

I was thinking of posting this on the Q&A thread but there might not be any info on this at all so I guess it's open to speculation...

Britannians strongly distinguish themselves from "Numbers" which means Area 1 probably isn't the mainland. I wonder where "mainland" is? Real world US, if we base it on the "invasion map" shown in the first few eps?
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Old 2007-04-24, 17:51   Link #97
Vallen Chaos Valiant
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Originally Posted by m-san View Post
Does anyone have info on what the other areas are, especially those pre-Area 11? [that'd be Areas 1-10].

I was thinking of posting this on the Q&A thread but there might not be any info on this at all so I guess it's open to speculation...

Britannians strongly distinguish themselves from "Numbers" which means Area 1 probably isn't the mainland. I wonder where "mainland" is? Real world US, if we base it on the "invasion map" shown in the first few eps?
If real history of many countries are any judge, Britannia as a nation is probably still viewing the British Isles as "The lost MotherLand", and is still fighting to gain it back one way or another.
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Old 2007-05-06, 23:53   Link #98
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Well here is the map that I was referring to in an earlier post.

Note the numerous bases in the United States.
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Old 2007-05-07, 04:15   Link #99
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Not only in the US, every circle is a base
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Old 2007-05-09, 09:24   Link #100
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There's even a Philippines base

Does this mean aside from the Big 3 (Brittania, EU, China), only Japan maintained independence prior to Britannia's invasion?
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