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Old 2010-02-26, 22:16   Link #1061
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Hmm.. Dolls have lost their touch, although I think one or two might get in through the 3rd round. Clannad team would have gone through it perfectly if not for a Kotomi vs Ryou match >.<, oh well. Well, Hitagi and Kotomi's win is enough for me.
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Old 2010-02-26, 22:59   Link #1062
Eater of All
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The dolls sure seems weaker, but then again, they blew even worse before the RM faction came in and rescued them last year. Either the majority of the RM faction no longer care, or they don't realize that getting past the prelims is even more important than wtfpwning the main tournament....

EDIT: Go Hanyuu and Nanoha

Last edited by Eater of All; 2010-02-26 at 23:29.
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Old 2010-02-26, 23:47   Link #1063
Ash Falls Town
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Got 3 predictions wrong and two of them were important characters. Rozen Maiden is doing really badly. The Alice loss was unfortunate but it was always my least likely prediction.

Anyway as of preliminary two I have

Spoiler for List:

Only 13 so I need at least half of the remaining six to be from relevant series. And even ignoring how most of them have no chance in hell (LOL Ai) there are only 29 out of 99 relevant girls left. I might have to skip another year of saimoe. Damn.
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Old 2010-02-27, 00:04   Link #1064
Gamilas Falls
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While I'm a little dissapointed in the Rozen Maidens at the moment, all three of the girls they lost to are ones I wanted in the tournament (in fact of the six involved, Shinku ranks lowest of Hanyuu, Suigintou, Suiseiseki, Maria, Chiaki, and Shinku).
Dessler Soto, Banzai!
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Old 2010-02-27, 00:21   Link #1065
<3 ice cream!
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Wow... I was expecting Shinku to make it =( I'm a little sad.

I also love Alice but seeing her get through is a little unlikely. The only ones I'm glad went through were Kotomi and Illya =)
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Old 2010-02-27, 02:15   Link #1066
Last Sinner
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This is crazy. The exact 14 ART8SIMS and I picked to win their groups all did. Like wow. Perfect results for me!
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Old 2010-02-27, 02:30   Link #1067
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Nanoha won, all is well.

Too bad Yami didn't make it, though.
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Old 2010-02-27, 02:44   Link #1068
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Kyoani 16
JC Staff 10
Deen 9

35 out of 44 are from 3 studios. Just Deen alone is equal to all the lesser studios combined (9)

"Every man has two countries, his own and France" - Attributed to Thomas Jefferson
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Old 2010-02-27, 03:29   Link #1069
Gamilas Falls
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Age: 47
Story Time:

To The Rim Young Woman (Preliminaries 2-3)

It was a dark time. The results of the Second Great Moe War took its toll on the Outer Rim and now the remaining Colony Ships were not up to the task of making it through. Ships began to break down. Hulls were breached and engines overloaded. And more importantly, the colonist were beinging to get to each other. While cooperation had saved to lives of many of the colonist, it also brought them too close to each other. Old rivalries would come back to the forefront, and things that should have remained hidden, where exposed once more for all to see.

The First Fleet would have two ships lose power in an ion storm, causing those ships to have to be bolted onto the surviving vessels to keep the colonists safe. Key Intelligence Officer Ichinose would take in the Seekers of the Sacred Uguu~ and their prized ship, the Ayu. The Fujibayashi would take on board the DEEN Directorate's Interigator Shion after much negotiation about keeping the knives hidden from view. This was one of the more civil fleets heading to the Rim.

Second Fleet would see the Rash Ritsu's ship attempt to run too close to a black hole in an effort to cut down on the time needed to reach the new world. While the ship survived, it was too badly damaged from the experiance to continue the voyage. Its survivors were picked up by Shaft Treaty member Hitagi. Meanwhile the Kampfer vessel under Shizuku was attacked by pirates, possibly some of the few survivors out here on the Rim. The Kampfer vessel was rescued by the Mysterious Alice who managed to drive off the pirates. (Some suspect they might be remains of the TOEI, but they should be long gone from this region of space.) The Kampfer survivors were forced to link what was left of their ship to the Alice vessel for survival.

Third Fleet had shots fired. The two Rozen Federation ships attempted to link up, but some wounds run deep, and other obsessions are hard to break. The HnG Combine's Legendary Maria would lanced the Blue Garden World of Souseiseki's ship in order to prevent it from gathering with the Suigintou. Being merciful the HnG Combine would take on all the survivors and hold what remained of the vessel in tow for supplies and living space. Meanwhile the Collector, remembering how much fun she had in the previous war with Suigintou, attempted to "take her home". While the Dark World of Suigintou had been weak early in the last war, they had because very strong by the end of that war, and pride would not allow them to be taken by the Ryugu. Managing to suppress the Collector (barely) the Rozen Federation realized that they needed parts and crew to continue the voyage and would salvage the Collector's vessel and put the crew to work for the Federation in order to continue their progress.

Fourth Fleet would see the tactical minds of Commander Tsukasa and Commander Hayate knock heads with each other. In the end the Stars of Fortune's Balsamic Fleet commander had far more useful tactical knowledge, and would bring the fleet together for there own protection. The Persocom's of Chii however would break down due to the intense radiation fields along their planned course through the old Nebula of the Golden Darkness. The Yami would be needed to shield the Chii for the remainder of the voyage.

Fifth Fleet would see Kaede of Nyan's ship nearly implode from a massive systems failure. Only the bold actions of the Clannad Republic's Nagisa would save the colonists. More shots were fired between DEEN Directorate's Demon Ai and the Angel Ikaros. The Angel's managed to defeat the demons but retribution would have both ships paired up for survival after the heavy exchange of fire.

Sixth Fleet would see a food shortage. The Diet Warriors of Minorin would bring in the Matsuri in order to combat the food disaster, while K-Onsonance Support Chief Ui would take in "The Dread" Koromo's people in an effort to extend to amount of food left in the fleet.

Seventh Fleet seemed to vanish for a time. When it reapeared, the Starfish Warriors of Fuuko had Secret Society of Haruka survivors onboard and the Mikan were under the care of the Angel Nymph. No one would give an explanation (or at least one that made sense).

Eighth Fleet would see an Alliance combined victory as the White Devil and HnG Combine Minister of Provisions and Distribution Ayumu were forced to suppress the Kobato and the Animalistic Peoples of Makoto after both developed some form of space madness. survivors were placed aboard the two remaining vessels.

Nineth Fleet. Something happened...but no one speaks of it. All that is known is that the Izumi willingly surrendered to the Witch-Regent C.C. and the First One. Sakura, vanished without explaination. Leaving only HnG Combine member Sakuya to wonder where they went.

Tenth Fleet would see HnG Combine's Spiritualist Isumi somehow guide the Yuuko of the EF through a dense asteroid field, though the damage to both ships would means the HnG Combine vessel was the more intact of the two, and thus survivors would move to it. A minor dispute between the Techno-Magi Commander Index and Lt. Shirai would see the chain of command followed with Index's orders carried out by Shirai.

Eleventh Fleet had the Yui of the Golden Nebula come begging to be taken in by Suiseiseki (desu~). Suiseiseki would take them in after they swore loyalty to Suiseiseki (desu~), Suiseiseki will have all the followers (desu~) Ahhahahahaha......(desu~)
Meanwhile the Mysterious Hanyuu would be forced to take in the Stormtroopers of Nayuki in order to protect herself from the apparently unstable Maiden of Rozen.

Twelfth Fleet would see open conflict between the Tenuous Alliance and the DEEN Directorate. DEEN Directorate's Discretionary Council Judge Chizuru would defeat Techno-Magi Lt. Uiharu and take their colonists captive while Kugimiya Padawan Yuuhi would defeat Club Master Mion and maintain the balance of power for a time.

Thirteenth Fleet would see more direct conflict. An intense battle between the Red World of Shinku and K-Onsonance's Tsumugi the Seer. After much damage was done, the Rozen Federation vessel was the more intact and took on the KyoAni colonists as prisoners. The DEEN allied Assassins of Shiki would attempt to kill Chiaki-hime and remove one more of the nonaligned worlds from the Rim. Chiaki-hime was quicker than the assassins gave her credit for, seeing as Chiaki-hime was a veteran of the First Great Moe War. The remaining assassins were rounded up and placed under guard until the colony was reached.

Fourteenth Fleet would see the procecution of the Kanon Protectorate Survivors by both the DEEN Directorate and the Kugimiya Knights. (or at least that is what the KyoAni Imperial News will tell everyone). The Loli-Clones of Illya would nearly wipeout the Gentle Sayuri while the Kugimiya Knight Louise of the Void would hold the Demon Hunters of Mai back from being able to help their friends from Sayuri. The disheartened survivors would be loaded onto the DEEN and Alliance vessels for the remainder of the voyage.

Dark times indeed, and they aren't even "there" yet....
Dessler Soto, Banzai!
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Old 2010-02-27, 03:33   Link #1070
Yuri µ'serator
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I am happy with who got in this round most importantly Hitagi .
Kotori Minami - Love Live! School Idol Project
Sig by Patchy
Avatar by TheEroKing
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Old 2010-02-27, 04:07   Link #1071
Gamilas Falls
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Story Time again:

To The Rim Young Woman (Preliminaries 2-4)

After many dangers the remaining colony ships would reach their destinations. It was decided that of the surviving two ships of each Fleet that one would land to claim the world while the other remained in orbit in case something went wrong. The choice of who would claim the world at the end of the long voyage would be different for each Fleet. Some would be peaceful, and others would result of bitterness, tears, and bloodshead.

The First Fleet remained one of the most peaceful fleets. The World would be claimed by the Clannad Republic no matter who landed, thus Key Officer Ichinose was selected to claim the world given her greater experiance. Fujibayashi would remain in orbit repairing the colony ship in case it was needed.

Second Fleet would also have a relatively peaceful landing with Shaft Treaty Member Hitagi claiming the world without much objection from the Mysterious Alice.

Third Fleet would almost start a war. The Rozen Federation and the HnG Combine have not seen eye to eye on a lot of things, and the Legendary Maria would not let the Federation gain a new foothold if she had anything to say about it. Maria's vessel would claim the new world for the HnG Combine and keep her weapons and shields up to fend of Suigintou. The Rozen Federation would stew over this.

Fourth Fleet would find Commander Tsukasa nealy assassinated by the Yami, but the Stars of Fortune's Hiiragi the Younger would claim a third world for themselves, securing the trade routes for the Legendary Girl A from the Rim to the Core.

Fifth Fleet would see a relatively peaceful landing as the Angel Ikaros and Nagisa the Bold would drop of survivors of the other ships off to keep them save. Ikaros would watch the sky while Nagisa claimed the world for the Clannad Republic by popular demand of the survivors.

Sixth Fleet would come in nearly starved to death. The Diet Warriors of Minorin, having the greater experiance, would land on the surface to start attempting to provide for the colonists. K-Onsonance's Ui would stay in orbit, setting up solar stations and other needed items to keep the colony going. Claiming the world became an afterthought to survival. Since the Minori would already on the ground, it was decided that they would claim the world for the Dragon Dominion.

Seventh Fleet was a mass of confussion. The Starfish Warriors of Fuuko space out upon finding some weird lifeform on the planet's surface and the Angel Nymph agreed, after some starnge wordplay, to hand to world over to the Clannad Republic even though the Angel landed first.

Eighth Fleet was a duel between allies...but the White Devil..."befriends" all that are in her way. Ayumu was "befriended" for the sake of the colony.

Ninth Fleet. Rule Number One: We don't talk about Ninth Fleet. Rule Number Two: We DO NOT talk about Ninth Fleet. (Rule Three: The Geass works on Sayuka).

Tenth Fleet was another allied parties duel for control of the world. This time Spiritualist Isumi of the HnG Combine would hold a superior position to Techno-Magi Commander Index, and thus the chain of command was followed again.

Eleventh Fleet would prove to be another stall for the Rozen Federation as the "Nano Desu" proved stronger than the "Desu~"..but not by much. Suiseiseki was seen in orbit ranting about little horned chibi humans....(desu~).

Twelfth Fleet would show that Kugimiya Padawan Yuuhi was still not fully trained as Discretionary Council Judge Chizuru was able to out moe Yuuhi in a fair fight....well at least it looked fair. The DEEN Directorate would gain its full Discretionary Council with the colonizing of this world.

Thirteenth Fleet would be yet another setback for the Rozen Federation as Chiaki-hime would claim the new world for an indepenance party outside the major factions. Shinku would have to plan her next move from orbit as she readied the remaining colony ship for one more voyage.

Fourtheenth Fleet would see another clash between the DEEN Directorate and the Kugimiya Knights, this time Knight Louise of the Void would fall to the Loli-Clones of Illya as they claimed the world for the Kingdom of Night. Louise of the Void would be stuck having to report the news to Grand Master Shana as she readied the ship.

The new Outer Rim colonies would spend time building in the hostile region. Ships would be used for the colony, but also to help clear the routes back to the Colonies and the Core Worlds. A secondary mission is to setup more long range sensors and telescopes in the hope of finding six more worlds to inhabit as per the Act of Colonization. The remaining 14 ships in orbit would be rebuilt as best they can be and sent with whomever was left from the other nations that had planned to colonies...out on the Rim.
Dessler Soto, Banzai!
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Old 2010-02-27, 07:23   Link #1072
Part-time misanthrope
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Originally Posted by Konakaga View Post
I am happy with who got in this round most importantly Hitagi .

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Old 2010-02-27, 08:12   Link #1073
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Furukawa Nagisa vs Ikaros.....................
................(CLANNAD)><(Sora no Otoshimono)

Ibuki Fuuko vs Nymph.......
................(CLANNAD)><(Sora no Otoshimono)
SB tell me it's not a fan's war or sth like that
Spoiler for vietnamese fan's reaction:

BTW: it's not me in the picture you see thought
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Old 2010-02-27, 08:27   Link #1074
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It is sad to see that certain Anime Series just can't get voters' love despite having such a lovable characters.

Spoiler for Some girls I feel to lack the love they deserves:

Last edited by wontaek; 2010-02-27 at 08:52.
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Old 2010-02-27, 16:25   Link #1075
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Originally Posted by wontaek View Post
It is sad to see that certain Anime Series just can't get voters' love despite having such a lovable characters.

Spoiler for Some girls I feel to lack the love they deserves:
Yea! We need to give them some more loving!! D:
It is rather sad to see the dolls doing so horribly. How ironic that I wish for the RM faction to rise once again, when I despised them so much last year
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Old 2010-02-27, 18:40   Link #1076
Gamilas Falls
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It isn't like the dolls are bad, just they need to have a middle ground instead of this so low they can't make 50% (nor the tournament) or super dominate where even the top 16 can't stop them.
Dessler Soto, Banzai!
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Old 2010-02-28, 01:31   Link #1077
Reset, reset, reset...
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"Every man has two countries, his own and France" - Attributed to Thomas Jefferson
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Old 2010-02-28, 01:51   Link #1078
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Nice graphic and signature melange. Are you trying to convert me to minervazionism?
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Old 2010-02-28, 03:27   Link #1079
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Originally Posted by wontaek View Post
It is sad to see that certain Anime Series just can't get voters' love despite having such a lovable characters.

Spoiler for Some girls I feel to lack the love they deserves:
I agree. But there might be instances that the series might be both not very popular and the series might be old. Like sola (2 1/2 years ago), I would have missed this anime if I wasn't a fan of Mamiko Noto. School Rumble is popular indeed, but there are more recent school comedy shows that had been appearing. considering that the third season is only 2 episodes and is focused mainly on the main protagonists, Yakumo wouldn't have enough screen time. I would have thought that Yomi would do good as well, I like her more in the manga (as an antagonist) though, but as I've said it might not be that popular with the viewers. Same reason why Sakura lost to Sakuya (although I did vote for Sakuya because she's my 2nd favorite HnG chara and I don't really find Sakura attractive when there's a babe called Tomoyo with her) is that CCS is an old anime and Sakura in TRC isn't as great as she was in CCS. I do feel bad for Saki characters though, their anime is not old but it seems that they are not that popular at all. Another anime that had a lot of girls I like but are not that popular is Negima.. been pushing for Setsuna and Eva, but oh well.

Note: these are all but opinions as to why some of the girls are doesn't have enough love. It does not mean that I hate these girls and these opinions are not to be taken offensively.
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Old 2010-02-28, 06:48   Link #1080
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Negima is an enigma in ISML. There are many reasons to believe it should be getting more votes and get more girls through nomination phase, yet it just falls short.
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