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Old 2011-02-15, 04:31   Link #7861
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Originally Posted by Shinji103 View Post
and we still don't know if that is what he's going to do now anyway. We may still get no deep character focus at all.

I know, we could be having this conversation for nothing But I would like to believe that something must come from Touma's sacrifice, there is no way the people closest to him would not be changed by this- It might not be much, but anything is better than nothing.
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Old 2011-02-15, 05:28   Link #7862
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Dunno what the fuss is about's quite obvious that Touma will make a return. When? Who knows, but he will return given the rather obvious foreshadowing (one only has to look at 'Never Found The Body'). Funnily enough, it would be considered very bad writing for Kamachi to not "revive" Touma given all the loose ends still present in the story concerning him.

Though at least now with Touma gone, we'll get to see how the people he affected reacts to their illusion being broken. Well that and some character development from magic side folks (hopefully) now that the star has left the stage with the fans clamoring for an encore; which they'll get so just enjoy the show?
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Old 2011-02-15, 07:00   Link #7863
Ice Block
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Touma will be back, and I suspect that is when Laura's plan will start to go into action. For now, the Magic side is still recovering, while the Science side has suffered almost zero losses. When the Magic side has completely rebuilt, and Magic vs Science will happen again... that is when Touma will return. He is the face of Magic vs Science, after all. But whether as a Hero or Villain; that will have to wait for when the time comes.

Originally Posted by Shinji103 View Post
No cliffhanger? Then where is he? Disappearing with no idea as to what happened to him sounds like a cliffhanger to me.
You yourself also just stated that his role in Aleister's plan was given a "little" focus; what about the rest of his role?
There's a difference between a conclusion and cliffhanger, you know. The ending of Volume 22 marked his symbolic "death" as a character (second after memory loss) -- Kamachi even stressed on this. And that event (him being missing) has absolutely nothing to do with what his character is or what "secrets" he holds at all. And what about Crowley's plan? You should know that that is endgame content. Do you want all the ending details to be revealed right at the start of a new arc? And couldn't you infer what his role is from what Crowley mentioned in his little talk with Fiamma? Did you forget the reason why Crowley personally went to (unsuccessfully) silence Fiamma in the first place? Did you forget their talk regarding the Right Hand and the thing being sealed by IB? And what are you trying to bring up? That is all what his role is. There is no "the rest".

Have you seriously forgotten Crowley's grand plan? About the Artificial Heaven, eradicating magic, about the Imaginary Number District: Five Elements Institute, about Angels and what they represent, about being able to surpass Aiwass... Even the comparison between the Star of Bethlehem and AC. Combine all these with his talk with Fiamma in Volume 22 and you can pretty much piece together what he has in store.

Originally Posted by Shinji103 View Post
Yes Touma isn't the only main character, as I specifically said myself in my immediately previous post, but he's the main character, not a main character. There's a reason Accelerator and Shiage have less main character focus than Touma overall. That would be because Toaru Index is mainly about Touma. Plenty of other anime/manga/light novels have shifted focus to another character as the main for an arc, but the main main character doesn't change.
But that's not the point. You don't decide who the real main character is. Kamachi himself states that there are three main characters in his work. And your reason is wrong. The reason why Accelerator and Shiage have less screentime is because Science-only arcs were overshadowed by the Science vs Magic storyline thanks to the GRS mega-arc. But even then, Touma doesn't hog everything in the arcs where he's the MC. Just take Volume 16, for example. Though Touma was the target of an assassination, he was barely there (you could say the assassination was successful ). Furthermore, Volume 17 and 18 are not even about Touma. No, the series is not mainly about Touma. He is merely a catalyst. It's about the whole world as a whole. That's why there are three main characters: to better flesh out this world. Just for example, the whole Parameter List issue and the dark side of AC have nothing to do with Touma.

Originally Posted by Shinji103 View Post
Um, there's a couple things you're doing wrong here. First, in volume 16 he didn't stop her; she just didn't follow him of her own accord. (one of the dumb-ly executed moments where Mikoto should have been involved but didn't) The most he said was for her to go home; he didn't make any effort at all to stop her from coming with him besides that one single, short line. She just chose not to go after him. (again, I found this incredibly dumb)
He did. Maybe you didn't understand it well because you found it "dumb". Doing this is exactly what constitutes as "stopping her", and it was much, much more than just a simple "go home". It's a whole full-length sermon, in fact.
Spoiler for sermon:

He didn't need to do anything more since she complied. Trying to push it would result in a conflict.

Originally Posted by Shinji103 View Post
Second, in volume 22, how does stopping her from saving him = stopping her from getting involved at all? Those were different circumstances.
The point is that he tried to stop her, and even succeeded at stopping her. That is the only situation in Volume 22 with Mikoto where Touma had any sense of control. And when he had that control, he used it to stop her. Plain and simple. Mikoto, despite her power, is one of the people who "must be protected". And there are a lot of people protecting her. Not counting Crowley, we have Etzali, Touma and Accelerator by proxy (when he decided to protect her mom). These people are all working to prevent her from being dragged into the dark side of AC or the Magic world, and thus "stop" her from getting in on the action in the big events and revelations.

Originally Posted by Shinji103 View Post
But all of that is beside my point; even if Touma was actively trying to stop them, there' really nothing he could do to succeed in stopping them if they want to help him fight. He's not going to knock them unconscious or anything; if they didn't keep choosing for themselves not to fight (which, again, is stupid),
Touma's SermonTM works wonders . And it's far from stupid. It's very smart, actually, as it takes out needless drama. Stepping into a fight and then getting 1-shot or being a nuisance and liability is what's stupid. So is getting into a fight over a misunderstanding that can be easily talked out. What can Mikoto do against Acqua? Against the Star of Bethlehem? Against Fiamma? Against Gabriel? Against Accelerator? Against Kakine? Against Aiwass? Nothing. Even against Oriana, she'd still be a liability.

Originally Posted by Shinji103 View Post
Again, I refer to volume 16 where Mikoto goes completely out of character
No. She didn't go out of character. She respected Touma and respected his opinion, thus she let him go when she understood what he meant. Maybe you should read that segment again.

Originally Posted by Shinji103 View Post
the novel gave no reason for why she didn't go after him
Looks like you really do need to read it again.
Spoiler for text:
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Old 2011-02-15, 08:46   Link #7864
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Originally Posted by Ice Block View Post
There's a difference between a conclusion and cliffhanger, you know. The ending of Volume 22 marked his symbolic "death" as a character (second after memory loss) -- Kamachi even stressed on this. And that event (him being missing) has absolutely nothing to do with what his character is or what "secrets" he holds at all. And what about Crowley's plan? You should know that that is endgame content. Do you want all the ending details to be revealed right at the start of a new arc? And couldn't you infer what his role is from what Crowley mentioned in his little talk with Fiamma? Did you forget the reason why Crowley personally went to (unsuccessfully) silence Fiamma in the first place? Did you forget their talk regarding the Right Hand and the thing being sealed by IB? And what are you trying to bring up? That is all what his role is. There is no "the rest".
How does that answer what happened to him? He disappeared leaving only his belt he got from Mikoto. You're talking about things like his role in peoples' plans and his character. I'm talking about how we're left hanging on what happened to him with the plane thing.

Have you seriously forgotten Crowley's grand plan? About the Artificial Heaven, eradicating magic, about the Imaginary Number District: Five Elements Institute, about Angels and what they represent, about being able to surpass Aiwass... Even the comparison between the Star of Bethlehem and AC. Combine all these with his talk with Fiamma in Volume 22 and you can pretty much piece together what he has in store.
Again, this has nothing to do with how we're left hanging witht he plane thing.

But that's not the point. You don't decide who the real main character is. Kamachi himself states that there are three main characters in his work. And your reason is wrong. The reason why Accelerator and Shiage have less screentime is because Science-only arcs were overshadowed by the Science vs Magic storyline thanks to the GRS mega-arc. But even then, Touma doesn't hog everything in the arcs where he's the MC. Just take Volume 16, for example. Though Touma was the target of an assassination, he was barely there (you could say the assassination was successful ). Furthermore, Volume 17 and 18 are not even about Touma. No, the series is not mainly about Touma. He is merely a catalyst. It's about the whole world as a whole. That's why there are three main characters: to better flesh out this world. Just for example, the whole Parameter List issue and the dark side of AC have nothing to do with Touma.
It is the point I'm trying to make; the story mainly revolves around Touma and his exploits. Accelerator? Introduced when Touma beat him down to save the SISTERS. Shiage? Brought to the "screen" when he was hired to kill Misuzu but stopped by Touma and Accelerator. It all traces back to Touma. And like I said, there's a reason the majority of the story takes place around him.
For the record though, writers/directors can tend to mix their own stuff up. For example, Gundam 00 director Mizushima sets up Sergei Smironov as a great tactician but shows him to be only a mediocre pilot. Later, he totally contradicts his own work by saying Sergei is one of the series' top two pilots in an interview, even though Sergei was shown to be mediocre at best and constantly being outperformed by his subordinate Soma. I'm just saying, sometimes directors and writers lose sight of their own work, not that Kamachi is an idot and can't be trusted; the author says Shiage and Accelerator are main characters and I don't dispute that at all, but almost everything in the novel material, Kamachi's own work, revolves around/is traced back to Touma.

He did. Maybe you didn't understand it well because you found it "dumb". Doing this is exactly what constitutes as "stopping her", and it was much, much more than just a simple "go home". It's a whole full-length sermon, in fact.
Spoiler for sermon:

He didn't need to do anything more since she complied. Trying to push it would result in a conflict.
Okay, part of the problem here is a little taking it out of context. In that scene, Mikoto was asking Touma why he doesn't come to her for help and why he fights so hard, leading to that quote. That whole part is about why Mikoto couldn't stop him from going, not him convincing her to stay out of the fight. There's not a word (aside from the line I spoke of which you got there) that says she should stay away; the whole thing is about Touma and his reason for fighting, and convincing Mikoto to let him go. That's why he's talking about his old self motivating his current self through his heart, even though he doesn't have any memories.
And by "result in conflict," exactly what would Toma have done to stop her had she not just suddenly lost her character there, and decided to go with him? The guy is more than smart enough to realize it would be a waste of what little energy he has to try and stop her, especially when he had nothing to stop her with. IB wouldn't do him much good in stopping Mikoto from following him.

The point is that he tried to stop her, and even succeeded at stopping her. That is the only situation in Volume 22 with Mikoto where Touma had any sense of control. And when he had that control, he used it to stop her. Plain and simple. Mikoto, despite her power, is one of the people who "must be protected". And there are a lot of people protecting her. Not counting Crowley, we have Etzali, Touma and Accelerator by proxy (when he decided to protect her mom). These people are all working to prevent her from being dragged into the dark side of AC or the Magic world, and thus "stop" her from getting in on the action in the big events and revelations.
You blew right past my point again. I'm saying that Touma doesn't try to stop Mikoto from getting involved in the magic side. This instance you're talking about is Touma realizing hes in a bad situation and not wanting to bring Mikoto down with him. Different circumstances.

Touma's SermonTM works wonders . And it's far from stupid. It's very smart, actually, as it takes out needless drama. Stepping into a fight and then getting 1-shot or being a nuisance and liability is what's stupid. So is getting into a fight over a misunderstanding that can be easily talked out. What can Mikoto do against Acqua? Against the Star of Bethlehem? Against Fiamma? Against Gabriel? Against Accelerator? Against Kakine? Against Aiwass? Nothing. Even against Oriana, she'd still be a liability.
Missing my point again. Mikoto doesn't know whether or not she'd be useless against these bad guys (and I'd argue that she wouldn't be as useless as you make her sound, but that's a different topic), so why would she not even try to help? It's out of character, hence stupid; like Touma, Mikoto wouldn't turn her back on a situation she could help with.

No. She didn't go out of character. She respected Touma and respected his opinion, thus she let him go when she understood what he meant. Maybe you should read that segment again.
Again, he was answering her about why he still fought and didn't ask for help from her. That quote wasn't about stopping her. Which takes us back to her being out of character; even if that quote was about him getting her to stay away (which makes no sense; why is he explaining his reason for fighting if he's trying to keep her away from the fight?), Mikoto isn't the type to just bend over and take it like a dog, especially when she had just realized that she was in love with him.

Looks like you really do need to read it again.
Spoiler for text:
No I don't need to read it again; I remember that scene just fine. For argument's sake though I did read the quote, and again I see nothing that says why Mikoto wouldn't go after him; he explains why he fights even without his memories, and that effectively shoots down her resolve to help him? Huh?
That quote is filled with reason for why she let him go, but not a thing about why she didn't think "But I don't want to see him get hurt, so I'll go help him!"

EDIT: Meh, I think we're getting a bit off of the originally intended topic here. (Touma coming back or not)

Last edited by Shinji103; 2011-02-15 at 08:58.
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Old 2011-02-15, 08:53   Link #7865
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What can Mikoto do against Acqua? Against the Star of Bethlehem? Against Fiamma? Against Gabriel? Against Accelerator? Against Kakine? Against Aiwass? Nothing. Even against Oriana, she'd still be a liability.
Mikoto's true power has yet to be revealed, I think we should not underestimate level 5s.
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Old 2011-02-15, 09:50   Link #7866
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meh, we *do* know that she'd be pretty much useless against accelerator and kakine. And we know she'd be useless against Gabriel and Aiwass and Fiamma, who are much more powerful than accelerator...

Acqua is the guy who makes saints look like weaklings, the same saints who are compared to nukes and who's descriptions make them look a hell of a lot more powerful than "normal" level 5...heck we have Hamazura, the guy who was a member of ITEM and thus knows Mugino fairly well, comment on how Acqua's power was far greater than any level 5....

It is the point I'm trying to make; the story mainly revolves around Touma and his exploits.
and yet, at this point, the story can work perfectly well without him. The focus had already shifted from 'Kamijou Touma' to 'Imagine Breaker' ever since GRS was introduced.

This is no longer a character driven plot, but a story driven plot(or at least, it seems to be going in that way), Touma himself no longer needs to be the focus for it to work, nor is he even necessary anymore: IB is

and IB could come back without Touma...

How does that answer what happened to him? He disappeared leaving only his belt he got from Mikoto. You're talking about things like his role in peoples' plans and his character. I'm talking about how we're left hanging on what happened to him with the plane thing.
IB and whatever is inside Touma are still pretty much the most important things in the story, so this is very likely to be explained in the future...and it doesn't need to be explained until Touma/IB/whatever come back into the story...
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Old 2011-02-15, 10:06   Link #7867
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Originally Posted by bizzi View Post
Mikoto's true power has yet to be revealed, I think we should not underestimate level 5s.
No, mikoto's real power is already revealed unless the author did something unexpected like level up her character from an ordinary level 5 to the chosen divine level 5. But that will make his work full of lies because it's stated already before.

Mikoto is strong. As strong as a normal esper can do.

Touma can be gone for a volume or 2 and the story wouldn't be effected that much. The story or the focus of story should be from now on the age of horus and the state of kamijou.

With the defeat of roman catholics the age of osiris is already been defeated.
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Old 2011-02-15, 10:15   Link #7868
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Originally Posted by Marcus H. View Post
Celty? What does she have to do with Fre-nda?
It has became her nickname, isn't?

Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen View Post
Simple, both Mikoto and Index can finally be more active and involved. With their 'protector' gone, it's time for them to step up and stop being sheltered by people.
But Mikoto being from Academy City still has Kuroko, Uiharu, Saten, her clones (you know they told her anything about the incidents involving Touma and Accelerator), Unabara Mitsuki/Etzali.
And overall nobody has a control over her mind like the one on Index. Mikoto still has protectors.

Originally Posted by giorno View Post
and yet, at this point, the story can work perfectly well without him. The focus had already shifted from 'Kamijou Touma' to 'Imagine Breaker' ever since GRS was introduced.

This is no longer a character driven plot, but a story driven plot(or at least, it seems to be going in that way), Touma himself no longer needs to be the focus for it to work, nor is he even necessary anymore: IB is

and IB could come back without Touma...

IB and whatever is inside Touma are still pretty much the most important things in the story, so this is very likely to be explained in the future...and it doesn't need to be explained until Touma/IB/whatever come back into the story...
He turned his eye to the boy's right arm that he had acquired.

Even now, Fiamma was dissecting the 'Imagine Breaker', taking it into himself. However, he noticed that the piece of flesh he had acquired was steadily losing its light. There cannot be two of this unique power in the world - what he was watching made him think of this concept, this rule. And the rule is, "the right arm attached to the boy called Kamijou Touma possesses the true power".

It simply cannot be lost.
By Fiamma.

Last edited by Miraluka; 2011-02-15 at 11:01.
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Old 2011-02-15, 11:57   Link #7869
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woh new tastement cover

according the cover frenda / bardway / Toki Queen girl / new char , will she became Accel or

Shiage harem ?

or reverse harem > accel and shiage will became her personal harem @_@
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Old 2011-02-15, 12:00   Link #7870
Ice Block
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I'm going to trim down the walls of text and just do quick answers.
Originally Posted by Shinji103 View Post
How does that answer what happened to him?
Why do you need to know right off the bat? Why? Are you not familiar with what happened in Volumes 3-4-5, 5-6-7-8, SS1-14-15, 14-15-16 and 18-19-20?

Originally Posted by Shinji103 View Post
It is the point I'm trying to make; the story mainly revolves around Touma and his exploits.
Tell that to Knight Leader, Maiden of Versailles, Annihilatus and the Russian Orthodox Archbishop, Ollerus, Bardway and the Golden Dawn, Acqua's past exploits in England, Parameter List, Aiwass, Spark Signal, SCHOOL, BLOCK, GROUP, MEMBER, ITEM, Hound Dog, Amai Ao, etc. The whole story doesn't revolve around him -- it just so happened that the GRS arc, which is already over, had him as the the focus and prominent MC. Being a catalyst in the setting does not mean that the story revolves around you. Using that logic, you can say that the story revolves around Heaven Canceler. Everything that happened in the novels traces back down to Aiwass, but it isn't a main character.

Originally Posted by Shinji103 View Post
taking it out of context.
Nope. I'll just point out the important lines again.
"Sorry Misaka. You hurry back."
"I'm going. It's not something I can entrust to others."
(He didn't say I was wrong. I need to get him to a hospital right away. There's even the option that I go with him together to his battlefield... But, I know he isn't lying. Probably, in this situation, the fact that he's standing on his own legs has a special meaning to it.)
(But, something like that, I can't stop. Right now seeing him off has to be the right answer. Holding both hands, praying to God that he will come back in one piece is the most correct thing to do. All other options, whatever they are, are pointless. He definitely isn't wishing for anything like that...)
Probably, in all that Kamijou Touma said, there isn't a single lie. He simply let his true feelings be known. Even so, because he wants to, he decided on fighting. If you need a reason, it would be because that opinion needs to be respected. She understands this. Even an idiot would have to understand this.
She's even conflicted here since she couldn't accept that opinion. However, her inability to move showed her that she was indeed respecting that opinion -- not due to having her resolve broken, but due to love.
Misaka Mikoto couldn't stop him in the end.

The reason was not because her spirit had been beaten because of his actions.

It was because part of the emotion she had realized pressed against her chest in such a manner that she couldn't move a single finger.
Do you remember what Touma did when he needed Mikoto's help back in Volume 13? He asked for it. When he doesn't ask for it, Mikoto understands that he doesn't need it.

And just for the record, convincing Mikoto to let him go is practically the same as convincing her to stay out of the fight since it was done in a way that told her to go home and let Touma fight alone.

Originally Posted by Shinji103 View Post
what would Toma have done
A longer speech that will surely break her resolve, like he always does. He could even do it the way he did in the Sisters arc. Violence is not the only answer to everything.

Originally Posted by Shinji103 View Post
Touma doesn't try to stop Mikoto from getting involved in the magic side.
It doesn't happen much since Mikoto very, very rarely tries to interact with the Magic side in the main novels, but he already did. Volume 16 (See above) and Volume 9. I really suggest you reread Volume 16 since you seem to have forgotten it judging from your replies.

Originally Posted by Shinji103 View Post
Mikoto doesn't know whether or not she'd be useless against these bad guys (and I'd argue that she wouldn't be as useless as you make her sound, but that's a different topic), so why would she not even try to help?
See above.

Originally Posted by Shinji103 View Post
Again, he was answering her about why he still fought and didn't ask for help from her. That quote wasn't about stopping her.
See above. And I suggest you reread the entire section. You have clearly forgotten it or did not read it properly since you call one of her most important character development scenes "being out of character".

Originally Posted by Shinji103 View Post
No I don't need to read it again
Yes, you do. Sorry.

Also, the HQ version of the new volume cover is already available on Haimura's site.
Spoiler for large image:

She really does look like Frenda's little sister or something.
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Old 2011-02-15, 12:16   Link #7871
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even if it would be somewhat dissapointing, i think touma's death wouldnt affect the overall series, i accept that touma is none of the best things of the series, but the series can still go on and i think that would add a suspense factor(if the "main"and a liked one at that, died, anyone could be next).

my specullation migth be that toumas body will appear but with another personality, im not sure if that will mean he is dead or alive...
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Old 2011-02-15, 12:21   Link #7872
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I wonder if the new character has her own special right hand.
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Old 2011-02-15, 13:04   Link #7873
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Originally Posted by tsunade666 View Post
I wonder if the new character has her own special right hand.
Look at her hand.

Oh I forgot to post this:

Parts 13 and 14 updated.

Last edited by Miraluka; 2011-02-15 at 13:19.
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Old 2011-02-15, 13:50   Link #7874
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^ if you just look at her hand. it looks normal but the right hand of that new girl is shown. And this story with the right hand or right seat bears meaning. I wonder if that girl is also special.
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Old 2011-02-15, 14:10   Link #7875
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Originally Posted by Wilfriback View Post
We don't know yet if IB is tied to Kamijou Touma's soul or body, volume 22 implied that IB is there to seal 'something' inside Touma's body

so technically, it could be possible for IB to exist without the person known as 'Kamijou Touma', so long as the body is still there...
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Old 2011-02-15, 14:41   Link #7876
faiz blaster
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Something just caught my attention in that pic: although the setting was supposed to go back to Academy City, Accelerator is still wearing those same winter clothes from Russia.

Any thoughts about it?
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Old 2011-02-15, 14:44   Link #7877
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Originally Posted by faiz blaster View Post
Something just caught my attention in that pic: although the setting was supposed to go back to Academy City, Accelerator is still wearing those same winter clothes from Russia.

Any thoughts about it?
AC is entering the winter months. they are entering november, aren't they?
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Old 2011-02-15, 15:45   Link #7878
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Originally Posted by zeniselv View Post
even if it would be somewhat dissapointing, i think touma's death wouldnt affect the overall series, i accept that touma is one of the best things of the series, but the series can still go on and i think that would add a suspense factor(if the "main"and a liked one at that, died, anyone could be next).

my specullation migth be that toumas body will appear but with another personality, im not sure if that will mean he is dead or alive...
I think Touma dying is retarded.

To Aru Majutsu no Index is set in Academy City, a technologically advanced academic city located at western Tokyo, which studies scientifically enhanced superhuman students who developed powers, known as ESPers. However, within this world of scientifically developed superabilities, there exists an underground world of magic and occults connected to the religious institutions of the planet. Kamijou Touma, an unlucky boy who happens to be one of the many students within Academy City, possess a mysterious power in his right hand known as the "Imagine Breaker", an ability which allows him to negate all forms of supernatural powers, whether they be magical or psychic. One day, he finds a young girl hanging on his balcony railing named Index. She is a nun from Necessarius, a secret magic branch of the Church of England, and her mind has been implanted with the Index Librorum Prohibitorum—103,000 forbidden magical books the Church has removed from circulation. His encounter with her leads him to meet others from the secret world of science and magic.
Touma's unusual power places him at the center of conflicts relating magicians and science-based espers in Academy City. As Touma tries to help and protect his friends, he learns the people he knows are not as they appear and begins to attract the attention of magicians and espers alike as they try to unravel the secrets of Academy City and Index.
this is the main idea of the story. So this pretty much sets me to believe it revolves around him(most of the time). I have NEVER heard of a story where the MAIN main character dies and the story continues on unless its the end. Killing him would be bad for business.
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Old 2011-02-15, 16:46   Link #7879
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I wonder if Touma is considered as a Top Agent in Magic/Science side.

Goodwill Shall Be Trusted For Now
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Old 2011-02-15, 16:49   Link #7880
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Originally Posted by I_am_Kami View Post
I have NEVER heard of a story where the MAIN main character dies and the story continues on unless its the end. Killing him would be bad for business.
Mmm.... Death Note.
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