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Old 2011-11-03, 19:54   Link #41
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okay riruka just punched rukia's boobs and that took her down. I guess shinigamis still retain their human qualities afterall. For a shinigami dude: aim the crotch, for a shinigami female, aim the boobs
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Old 2011-11-03, 20:15   Link #42
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Originally Posted by Ulquihorror View Post
okay riruka just punched rukia's boobs and that took her down. I guess shinigamis still retain their human qualities afterall. For a shinigami dude: aim the crotch, for a shinigami female, aim the boobs
Rukia has boobs?
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Old 2011-11-03, 21:04   Link #43
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Originally Posted by Randrak42 View Post
Rukia has boobs?
mind = blown
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Old 2011-11-04, 03:27   Link #44
Mr. DJ
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Originally Posted by Slayerx View Post
Have you forgotten that yukio stole his parents money, ruined their business and was clearly overjoyed when he found out that it drove them to suicide? in fact this latest chapter suggests that his parents were not really all that neglectful.
guess that's how memorable his character has been
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Old 2011-11-04, 03:42   Link #45
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Hey wouldn't it be funny if Hichigo took over for half a chapter and by the time Ichigo regained control everyone was dead? Everyone except Rukia? He could emo-out for the rest of the chapter and in the next chapter he could find his new resolve, get a powerup, and everyone would be happy again!
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Old 2011-11-04, 12:14   Link #46
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Originally Posted by Casshern View Post
Hey wouldn't it be great if Hichigo took over for the remainder of the manga and by the time Ichigo regained control everyone was dead? Everyone except Rukia? He could emo-out for the rest of his life and in the next life he could find his new resolve, get a powerup, and everyone would be happy again!

What did U say?! I didn't think so
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Old 2011-11-06, 01:23   Link #47
Lord of Pandemonium
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Originally Posted by AvalonCode View Post
Well Im sorry bro^ but, I never really cared for them in the first place. I mean i like Riruka and Tsukishima a lot more than the others but, lets face it; this arc is FAIL. Come on man for real? Fullbring? Lame much? Really though I am interested in Tsuki's FB since the fight with Byakuya started but, the meat and potatoes of this arc should have been around Isshen and Gin. Gin's FB seems kinda lame but, Im more interested in his past as a Shinigami Rep, why he defected and why they want him dead.

I am glad you said this!!!!!!!! This is the problem with the fans. Bleach is a Shinigami driven manga.
  • Ichigo is a Shinigami, a shinketsu (pure blood) and he is the main protagonist.
  • Rukia is the main character and she's a Shinigami
  • The main antagonist and his top two henchmen were all Shinigami
  • Shinji's group the Vaizards are all Shinigami
  • The Arrancar/Espada/Fraccion were basically Pseudo-Shinigami who Bleached their Shihakusho's
  • You only care about Ginjou now that it's been revealed he's a former Shinigami
  • Tsukishima's powers remind you of Aizen (who is also a Shinigami) so now you're interested in him

The Shinigami left and the fans all left with them.
The only people who claim they were disappointed when the Shinigami showed up,
  1. are primarily IchiHime fans that were angered because Ichigo's Nakama Orihime was pushed aside when Rukia the Shinigami returned and...they wanted Ichigo's namkama Ichigo and Orihime or Ichigo Ichigo and Orihime to solve his problems on his own and not with Rukia's help because she's NOT Orihime
  2. Arrancar fanboys and girls, who all say they hate Shinigami because they bring nothing new to the table. Despite Shinigami having the biggest bag of tricks because they're the most developed species in Bleach. The Arrancar they preferred were imitation Shinigami (The irony)

yet it seems like everyone is forgetting the HOLLOWS Not hybrids but the Hollows. The beings that it's a Shinigami's job to purify. Hollows haven't been developed enough. Only in bits and pieces ,here and there. This arc and the Fullbringers actually developed the Shinigami counterparts--The Hollows

A lot of fans scoffed at the Fullbringers using hollow powers. Fans said "They're just asspull powers and look nothing like Hollow powers" But what are hollow powers? Except for a "cero" there is nothing in Bleach that establish what Hollow powers really were.

The Arrancar were more like Shinigami than Hollow. The only difference was they manifested their powers and wore them and used that form to fight. The Shinigami manifest theirs into a weapon and then fought with it
  1. Ginjou is the one who actually clarified WHAT "hollow powers" . He is the one who told us that the hollow powers come from their lost hearts
  2. When a plus become hollow, they lose their hearts, and those lost hearts become their powers. ( Much like the Shinigami who's zanpakuto represent their true souls)
  3. When you saw the fullbringers back story, you saw them activate the powers of their hearts. Whether it was wrought through pain or hatred...there powers were a manifestation of their hearts.
The Lost Shinigami agent arc developed hollows in way that no other arc has. Sure Ginjou is a shinigami but hollows are also vital to Bleach as the Shinigami, and so they also need development

Originally Posted by Slayerx View Post
Have you forgotten that yukio stole his parents money, ruined their business and was clearly overjoyed when he found out that it drove them to suicide? in fact this latest chapter suggests that his parents were not really all that neglectful.
Word. It looks as though the little bastard didn't consider them good enough for him. He preferred the ones he created with his fullbring. They seemed to be reaching out to him and he shunned them. They probably left him alone because he made it clear that he didn't want to be a part of their family. His ego tripping reminds me of Aizen. Which is why I believe that Kubo made them so similar. After Aizen proudly stating , only week people actually "needed" others and he had no need of such feelings. Ichigo saying he felt loneliness in his sword had fans shouting "OMFG GTFO RETCON!!! "

I think that Kubo used Yukio just to clarify what he meant a bit further. Because Aizen had love and respect from the Shinigami, he just didn't give a damn about them because they loved a facade. They worshiped a person who didn't truly exist, and not the handsome devil he really was. He wanted to be appreciated for his awsm ability to pimp everyone, sex or age didn't matter, his super strength that he used to curb-stomp --everyone and for those he couldn't curb stomp. Why he could just mind rape/ mind fuck them. There was no one to say "ooooooohhh Aizen-sama when I think about how everything in the entire bleacherverse has happened because of your will alone. I just get so wet. You are truly god and I would be so happy if you would just let me be stabbed by your sword and sit on your throne. My greatest wish is die because you thrust your sword into me, until liquid ran out of my hole (the wound). If you would consider giving me the little death. It would truly be my pleasure...."

There was none of that because no one saw Aizen for who he was. No one reached his level of greatness, no one wanted to "change" things like he did. That's why Aizen was so disappointed in Urahara because he's views were so different, despite them being not so different
That is also why he wanted Ichigo to reach his level...Okay so it was more like he wanted Ichigo to be near his level, but Aizen just wanted to be the bigger bad ass.

Yukio was basically an Aizen "Mini-Me". It's freaky how he sorta looked like the love child of Hitsu and Aizen
Yukio's abandonment wasn't abandonment at all. It was self imposed and it is he who didn't give a damn about his parents at all. I love Riruka to the death and I understand that she was child and couldn't comprehend that she was doing something that was truly wrong. But the fact remains that she was a bully that like to take things that didn't belong to her. She strong armed her sister and even as an adult she had no compunction about kidnapping that Yakuza pig dude and forcing him to do her bidding. Just because she wanted to further her own agenda. It doesn't matter that she thought they were vanquishing the evil bad guy. Like my mother used to say about people who did certain things while drunk and claimed it was the alcohol because they could never do something like that. She's say "Really? ...a drunk tongue speaks a sober heart. In other words that side of you was ALWAYS THERE, beneath the surface. It was just hidden So don't blame it on the alcohol. You were always a slut at heart "

They have been under the influence, but he merely inserted themselves in their memories . He didn't change their personalities.

Originally Posted by Nintendo View Post
cant argue with you there....the arc started out pretty good, i even fought for it as i said i liked it. But its chapters like this that make it really hard to enjoy the manga, the pace is off the charts slow, the characters are not likeable and 2 are dead with a 3rd on the way.

sometimes you got to know when to take the L and this taking the L on defending it as it has become undefendable.
what's the "L"? You know shouldn't state an opinion as if it's fact. I liked the arc, I like the pacing--it built up suspense. I only found 2 chapters out of the entire arc boring. In fact I loved it from the very begining and I quite love Riruka so I can't agree that none of the characters are likable.

It's your opinion the arc sucked and in my opinion it didn't.

I thought this arc was brilliant because Kubo reset everything and started over from the begining without Rukia. I loved the Starter 2 because Ichigo's "I refuse" when Unagiya kidnapped him was reminiscent of Chapter 02 "The Starter" when Rukia slapped him with the glove and forced Ichigo to work with her.
This time there was no Aizen and Hollows got proper development. I dunno know about you but I think being able to use the "soul of objects" is damn bad ass. When I think of Ichigo fullbringing objects in conjunction with his other powers...I cream myself. To each his own, I loved it, I just wish fans would really look at the arc for what it is. For how good it is instead of tearing it apart for what it isn't.

Kubo's pacing is the same as always. It took more chapters than this to kick off the SS arc that everyone glorifies so I can't understand the complaints about the pacing at this late date. I think this arc was brilliant and I knew the Shinigami would be back eventually so I didn't bitch about them not being there. I only cared about how Kubo was going to give Ichigo's powers back and the way he did it was damn awesome
Originally Posted by Aqua Knight View Post
Typical Long-Running Action Manga/Anime/Western Comics- character introduction:
1) New character(NC) appears
2) NC fights: win/lose
3) NC fights again
4) NC flashback
5) NC wins/dies/joins Ichigo/uncertain status like Nel, GJ

They all do that...
Originally Posted by Aqua Knight View Post
But mixing everybody's past together wasn't a good idea ,as at first I thought that a time guy was Riruka's father
I actually thought Yukio's story was part of Riruka's when I first saw the page. Once I read "father" I knew it was Yukio's because he's the only one that said he was adopted. The time guy I knew it was his story because he looks like his father and he mentioned a watch

I think it was excellent the way it was done and the thing I can't understand is this. If no one liked them or cared about them, then shouldn't you be happy it was all done at the same time instead of longer histories in every fight? This way you can learn about them and be done with it *shrugs*

Originally Posted by Nintendo View Post
this chapter should have been when itchigo was introduced to them and introduced their powers. then we might have cared for them. But hell, two of them are already dead, so who cares about their lives as they wont return(but they will) why tells us this now, tell it earlier to make us understand them and try to care for them.

Er..why would he want you to care about characters he wants to kill? He developed in way that not to many people would get too attached to the ones he planned to kill of quickly. Because so far the ones he did kill barely had any dialogue. It's like the some of the Espada..the ones that Kubo planned to kill didn't say much. Take Starrk, I didn't care about him or his death until he released and I saw those guns. If Riruka dies (Like Ulquiorra did) it's sure to have impact on Ichigo. She's like a wild-reason-to-Emo- card. Ichigo needs one since Emo-along-wtih-hero-complex+beat-U-down-attitude-is--the-stuff-his-character-is-made-of.

If Kubo had of did the flashback thing when they were introduced, it would have been a major reveal and then the rest of the arc truly would have been pointless. The way he did it wasn't, despite a lot of claims that it was

Originally Posted by AvalonCode View Post

Originally Posted by Casshern View Post
Hey wouldn't it be great if Hichigo took over for the remainder of the manga and by the time Ichigo regained control everyone was dead? Everyone except Rukia? He could emo-out for the rest of his life and in the next life he could find his new resolve, get a powerup, and everyone would be happy again!
kekko desu!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Casshern View Post
Hey wouldn't it be funny if Hichigo took over for half a chapter and by the time Ichigo regained control everyone was dead? Everyone except Rukia? He could emo-out for the rest of the chapter and in the next chapter he could find his new resolve, get a powerup, and everyone would be happy again!

.....DAME! DAME!

Originally Posted by Randrak42 View Post
Rukia has boobs?
Yes, she has boobs. Sometimes more than a handful is too much. Size isn't everything. At least not when it comes to female anatomy. If we were talking the male anatomy--then size would be important

Last edited by Lord of Pandemonium; 2011-11-06 at 02:10.
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Old 2011-11-06, 02:38   Link #48
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Hate on double standard, proclaim another one immediately afterwards.
Here's your hat

I think a new Hichigo is in order though. Regular ol' Ichi shouldn't be the only one with new looks.
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Old 2011-11-06, 04:41   Link #49
Lord of Pandemonium
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Originally Posted by Alchemist007 View Post
Hate on double standard, proclaim another one immediately afterwards.
Here's your hat
I am kind of slow sometimes. You mind clarifying. You never come right out and say it

You get your digs in,(<--yet accuse me of that) but you never say exactly what you mean. You just find a [/INSERT SARCASM AND PLENTY OF IT/]"clever" way to insult me but you never do it outright... So what double standard am I hating and what double standard am I proclaiming? Do tell...

You know, love me or hate me, but at least I don't veil anything. I come right out and say it. Why can't you do the same? Are you a teenage girl?

what do you mean? Why don't you say it and I don't look good in hats so you can keep it. Or at least get me a cooler looking hat. I wouldn't wear that one unless you paid me a LOT OF MONEY...

If you meant the "size" issue ...Size does matter if we're talking about penises

Originally Posted by Alchemist007 View Post

I think a new Hichigo is in order though. Regular ol' Ichi shouldn't be the only one with new looks.
I actually suspect he will look different because both halves of Zangetsu merged. I think that hollow Ichigo as we know him went bye-bye (I am actually kind of hoping he is gone for good) because Ichigo accepted him and he fused with his other half so I can't see any reason for the hollow to exist. Unless fullbring gave Ichigo more hollow powers than Shinigami and Zangetsu retains his hollow look. I expect to see a version of Zangetsu with white hair and one avatar when we see him next
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Old 2011-11-06, 06:10   Link #50
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Originally Posted by Lord of Pandemonium View Post
I am kind of slow sometimes. You mind clarifying. You never come right out and say it

You get your digs in,(<--yet accuse me of that) but you never say exactly what you mean. You just find a [/INSERT SARCASM AND PLENTY OF IT/]"clever" way to insult me but you never do it outright... So what double standard am I hating and what double standard am I proclaiming? Do tell...

You know, love me or hate me, but at least I don't veil anything. I come right out and say it. Why can't you do the same? Are you a teenage girl?

what do you mean? Why don't you say it and I don't look good in hats so you can keep it. Or at least get me a cooler looking hat. I wouldn't wear that one unless you paid me a LOT OF MONEY...

If you meant the "size" issue ...Size does matter if we're talking about penises
Lol, you just got totally burned Alchemist. XD

He was probably talking about this:
Originally Posted by Lord of Pandemonium View Post
You know shouldn't state an opinion as if it's fact.
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Old 2011-11-06, 13:28   Link #51
Chiisai Kuma
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God i love these forums^

sig made by the wonderful Godlike1889
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Old 2011-11-06, 14:32   Link #52
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Originally Posted by Lord of Pandemonium View Post
F U Alchemist, I hate your guts and...F U I DON'T GET IT so I'll call you a girl
Originally Posted by Haak View Post
Lol, you just got totally burned Alchemist. XD
Or I would've been if LoPpy hadn't missed only the biggest meme on the internet this year

If I didn't quote you, I was referring to the last thing you said. I thought this was obvious forum procedure.
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Old 2011-11-06, 17:53   Link #53
Lord of Pandemonium
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Originally Posted by Haak View Post
Lol, you just got totally burned Alchemist. XD

He was probably talking about this:
I never say opinions are facts. They're my opinions, and yes I am a opinionated but I clearly say it's an opinion. I state facts are facts.I base my opinions off of FACTS. Always have.

I clearly said "in your opinion the arc sucked and in my opinion it didn't"

I have also proclaimed (more than one once) that it's a matter of "tastes" sure it wasn't the "size" issue? I mean that was a double standard but it's justified
Originally Posted by Alchemist007 View Post
Or I would've been if LoPpy hadn't missed only the biggest meme on the internet this year

If I didn't quote you, I was referring to the last thing you said. I thought this was obvious forum procedure.
You're not a girl?...I don't hate you, I am not being a wise ass but I don't think enough about you to hate you. Hate is strong word. I hate a lot of things and some people but you're not one of them. You're not a girl? The way you post those IchiHime pics and not just Orihime pics made me think you were a girl. Also I was aping called me a dizzy little teenage girl several times as an insult. I rarely hold grudges over disagreements, it's not that serious. Especially about a manga even if it's my most beloved one.... If that's the case I'd hate Haak's guts but I don't He even negged repped me but he signed his name so I respect that.

Ah I see....yeah I missed that but since you started it here's your hat

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Old 2011-11-06, 18:08   Link #54
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Originally Posted by Lord of Pandemonium View Post
Yes, she has boobs. Sometimes more than a handful is too much. Size isn't everything. At least not when it comes to female anatomy. If we were talking the male anatomy--then size would be important
Was just a joke, no need to dissect every post :<
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Old 2011-11-06, 18:30   Link #55
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Originally Posted by Lord of Pandemonium View Post
The way you post those IchiHime pics and not just Orihime pics made me think you were a girl.
Your baiting is way too obvious now.
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Old 2011-11-06, 18:37   Link #56
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[QUOTE=Lord of Pandemonium;3844376]I am glad you said this!!!!!!!! This is the problem with the fans. Bleach is a Shinigami driven manga.
  • Ichigo is a Shinigami, a shinketsu (pure blood) and he is the main protagonist.
  • Rukia is the main character and she's a Shinigami
  • The main antagonist and his top two henchmen were all Shinigami
  • Shinji's group the Vaizards are all Shinigami
  • The Arrancar/Espada/Fraccion were basically Pseudo-Shinigami who Bleached their Shihakusho's
  • You only care about Ginjou now that it's been revealed he's a former Shinigami
  • Tsukishima's powers remind you of Aizen (who is also a Shinigami) so now you're interested in him

The Shinigami left and the fans all left with them.
The only people who claim they were disappointed when the Shinigami showed up,
  1. are primarily IchiHime fans that were angered because Ichigo's Nakama Orihime was pushed aside when Rukia the Shinigami returned and...they wanted Ichigo's namkama Ichigo and Orihime or Ichigo Ichigo and Orihime to solve his problems on his own and not with Rukia's help because she's NOT Orihime
  2. Arrancar fanboys and girls, who all say they hate Shinigami because they bring nothing new to the table. Despite Shinigami having the biggest bag of tricks because they're the most developed species in Bleach. The Arrancar they preferred were imitation Shinigami (The irony)

yet it seems like everyone is forgetting the HOLLOWS Not hybrids but the Hollows. The beings that it's a Shinigami's job to purify. Hollows haven't been developed enough. Only in bits and pieces ,here and there. This arc and the Fullbringers actually developed the Shinigami counterparts--The Hollows

A lot of fans scoffed at the Fullbringers using hollow powers. Fans said "They're just asspull powers and look nothing like Hollow powers" But what are hollow powers? Except for a "cero" there is nothing in Bleach that establish what Hollow powers really were.

The Arrancar were more like Shinigami than Hollow. The only difference was they manifested their powers and wore them and used that form to fight. The Shinigami manifest theirs into a weapon and then fought with it
  1. Ginjou is the one who actually clarified WHAT "hollow powers" . He is the one who told us that the hollow powers come from their lost hearts
  2. When a plus become hollow, they lose their hearts, and those lost hearts become their powers. ( Much like the Shinigami who's zanpakuto represent their true souls)
  3. When you saw the fullbringers back story, you saw them activate the powers of their hearts. Whether it was wrought through pain or hatred...there powers were a manifestation of their hearts.
The Lost Shinigami agent arc developed hollows in way that no other arc has. Sure Ginjou is a shinigami but hollows are also vital to Bleach as the Shinigami, and so they also need development

Dude.......wth did you just say?! None of what you said had anything to do with what I mentioned. The moral of the story is that most of us could give a rats a$$ bout the FB chars. Gin has ties with the Shinigami and he cut those ties. I wanna know 1. How he became a Shinigami Rep. 2. Why he cut ties to the Shinigami. 3. Why the Shinigami want him dead because just like Ichi, he is Shinigami/Hollow/Human hybrid but, he is still human and Shinigami dont kill humans.

What did U say?! I didn't think so
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Old 2011-11-06, 18:43   Link #57
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I was confused as hell until I realized by Gin you meant Ginjou.
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Old 2011-11-06, 19:08   Link #58
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All I want to see is a team of Vasto Lord (no pansy ass Vasto Lord turn Arrancar just pure Vasto Lord) that proceed to murder both the FB and the Captains in epic fashion.

Really now, I still remember when they said that "If Aizen has a handful of Vasto Lord, then SS is doomed" well Aizen had at least 3 turn arrancar and they didn't last long. So much for the "SS is doomed" thing...
I say bring back Hollows as the main antagonists! Give us a Vasto Lord that would rape full Hollow Ichigo!

I miss Hollow...not FB, not rogue shinigami, not arrancar...just HOLLOWS!
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Old 2011-11-06, 22:29   Link #59
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Originally Posted by Randrak42 View Post
All I want to see is a team of Vasto Lord (no pansy ass Vasto Lord turn Arrancar just pure Vasto Lord) that proceed to murder both the FB and the Captains in epic fashion.

Really now, I still remember when they said that "If Aizen has a handful of Vasto Lord, then SS is doomed" well Aizen had at least 3 turn arrancar and they didn't last long. So much for the "SS is doomed" thing...
I say bring back Hollows as the main antagonists! Give us a Vasto Lord that would rape full Hollow Ichigo!

I miss Hollow...not FB, not rogue shinigami, not arrancar...just HOLLOWS!
Sorry to break it to you, but much like the gillians, normal VL's turned out to be mostly overhyped. Seriously, if the top 3 espada disappointed you, then normal VL's can't be expected to perform any better. Because those VL class espada were actually more powerful than your typical VL-class menos since shinigamification greatly augmented their strength.
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Old 2011-11-07, 02:18   Link #60
Chiisai Kuma
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things getting bitchy up there^
lets go off-top to happier things shall we?
I just stayed up to 7am on a school night to watch the yu gi oh abriged movie, TOTALLY WORTH IT!
gotta get ready for school now tho. >.>

sig made by the wonderful Godlike1889
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