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Old 2014-12-10, 21:36   Link #441
Kogetsu Shirogane
Kneel Before Your King!
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Well this is upsetting... I'm currently stuck on someone else's computer for the time being due to internet troubles and am two chapters behind...

... You wouldn't be in this mess if you weren't so slow...

Ignoring the evil witch who lives inside my head for now...

... I'm not evil...

Of course you aren't... Anyway, I hope you're ready for a Silver Screen Double Feature Review, because It's Showtime!
Spoiler for Nineteen Eighty-Four:

Spoiler for Batman Eighty-Nine:

Hopefully these were worth the extended wait... One that no doubt would've resulted in a triple feature had it been longer.

Er... anyway, great job on these! Can't wait to see more.
Kyouko Sakura and Madoka Kaname, Puella Magi Madoka Magica
WARNING: Kogetsu Shirogane cannot be held accountable for any actions taken by someone else. Potential side effects of communicating with this user include headaches, mild confusion, insanity, delirium, and jumping into fires. Do not expose this user to sunlight or water or feed this user after midnight.
... so you think you're a king now...

Last edited by Kogetsu Shirogane; 2014-12-10 at 22:03. Reason: whoops, forgot something
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Old 2014-12-10, 23:58   Link #442
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The marvellously moe M0ef0xZer0 pushed his (or should I say her?) palms forward in a dramatic gesture. Then shot out enough strings to please even the most elaborate of puppeteers! But these strings were not designed to handle a Pinocchio, but something much more akin to the whale that swallowed Pinocchio…

So these strings wrapped tightly around the Kraken, who groaned loudly while frantically splashing about to try to get these strings crackin’ away from her. But M0ef0xZer0 would soldier on like a good Key heroine even in the midst of a Buffalo-sized snowfall. With gritted teeth, M0efoxZero pulled back on the strings, tightening their hold as much as possible on the Kraken. The scene couldn’t help but make Dr. Casey think to the struggle between Captain Ahab and Moby Dick!

“…N-now!” cried out M0ef0xZer0, “Start charging up now, Sailor Faerie. I-I’ll try my best to hold the Kraken until you’re finished!”

“So impressive…” Dr. Casey said breathlessly, at the sight of M0ef0xZer0 struggling against the Kraken.

Tuxedo R ripped off a piece of his cape to hand to Haak to wrap around Sayaka’s wound. At the same time, Sailor Faerie began charging up!

The eyes of Sailor Faerie’s ramhead staff slowly shone more and more, a bright red, as mystical energies flowed into it, causing a slight mist to appear around it. As those eyes shone increasingly brighter, M0ef0xZer0’s eyes showed increasing weariness and strain. Everyone was on pins and needles wondering if M0ef0xZer0 could hold on long enough, as the Kraken’s groans and growls and pulls and twists became evermore violent!

M0efoxZer0, though nearly reaching a breaking point with sweat glistening down the side of the face and eyes closed tightly in pain, would pull through.

“By the power of Skeletor…!” began Sailor Faerie in triumphant shout, her charge-up now complete, “I have the power!”

Thunderously upbeat music reverberated through the entire scene, with a singer’s voice loudly championing “Faer-ie~!” And right after that name was exclaimed, there appeared behind Faerie an image of Eternia’s Castle Grayskull, but also with the cackling hooded skull of Skeletor appearing transparent over it!

With all of this complete, Sailor Faerie shot off her ramhead staff, the staff that used to belong to Skeletor himself. The ramhead staff shot, successfully struck its mark, and the Kraken exploded in a whitish blast arguably even more powerful than the Tiro Finale! A look of sweet relief swept across the faces of Sayaka and Tuxedo R, as M0efoxZero and Sailor Faerie emerged triumphant.

But a few short moments would remain before this witch’s barrier would dissipate. Dr. Casey attempted to take advantage of that time.

“That was amazing!” he cried out to M0ef0xZer0.

“O-Oh, i-i-it was nothing!” M0ef0xZer0 replied, feigning bashfulness, “I just try to do my best whenever I can, and hope that it’s good enough!”

“It was more than good enough.” Dr. Casey said with a wide smile, “I really look forward to getting to know you better!”

“Teehee!” M0ef0xZer0 replied to that, with reddened cheeks.

Dr. Casey couldn’t take his eyes off of M0efoxZer0. Clearly it had been love at first sight…

“So do you, um, have a boyfriend?” Dr. Casey asked M0efoxZer0, while Dr. Casey nervously scratched the back of his head.

“No, but I have a girlfriend.” M0ef0xZer0 answered.

“A girlfriend?” asked Dr. Casey rhetorically, as his eyes grew wide, “Wow, Tuxedo R should really like you!”

“Him and I are already good friends!” M0ef0xZer0 replied.

“Why didn’t he ever introduce me to you…?” Dr. Casey asked himself. “Bros before hos, dude, bros before hos…

“Don’t worry, Dr. Casey…” M0ef0xZer0 said, while *poofing* back into his true form, “I’m a bro too.”

Dr. Casey’s face then lit up in strikingly sad shock, horror, and embarrassment…

“Dude forgot one of the most important warnings of all time…” Haak said.

“And what’s that?” Tuxedo R asked.

“In the wise words of Admiral Ackbar…”

Chapter 5 – It’s a Trap!

Poor Dr. Casey sat over the edge of the elongated section of the Silver Segway, hanging his head in shame. Tuxedo R tried his best to cheer up his friend, but to little avail. Thankfully, though, one person was very cheered up right now.

“It dropped two Grief Seeds!” exclaimed Sayaka excitedly.

“Damn thing should after all the fuckin’ work we put into putting down that motherfu…!” Haak began

“Hey now, watch your mouth!” Tuxedo R said.

“Hey, I’m just talking to a SHAFT character!” Haak replied.

“Oh, then I can dig it” Tuxedo R responded.

Sayaka was too caught up in cheerfully cleansing her soul gem with two grief seeds to care much about her new friend’s language. After that cleansing was complete, Sayaka fully healed the wound she had suffered during the Kraken-witch fight.

“How did you get to where we were?” Sailor Faerie asked 0utf0xZero, while both sat over the edge of the Silver Segway.

“My brother Darthtabby is a huge fan of The Princess and The Pilot movie.” 0utf0xZer0 replied, “So much so that he made a life-sized replica of the main plane in that movie! I flew that plane all the way out here and into the witch’s barrier! Speaking of which, I better go retrieve that plane now, and follow behind you to Totoum’s place.”

“Right!” Tuxedo R exclaimed, “Let’s get the whole gang together, and keep focused on what this is all about – saving Christmas!”

After that, there was a loud group cheer, while the journey across the Atlantic continued.

Finally a very active day would come to a close in this fight over Santa Claus. Sayaka and her new allies would be thoroughly exhausted by the time they reached totoum’s home, so totoum generously offered to put all of them up for the night, though that resulted in some cramped sleeping conditions.

Kirito, Konakaga, and Hooves all slept with dreams of ClariS’ upcoming concert dancing in their minds. Interestingly, such dreams would also be in Emperor Jinnai’s mind as he slept…

As the following morning arrived, Kirito awoke to a surprising radio announcement.

‘The ClariS concert has been pushed back to an afternoon start time?’ Kirito thought to himself, while drinking a cup of hot coffee, ‘I wonder what caused such a drastic last-minute change? The weather forecast for today and tonight is clear. So what could it be?’

After dwelling on it for a bit, Kirito decided to put it aside for now.

‘Oh well, it’s no big deal’ he thought to himself, ‘Kona, Hooves, and I all have the full day cleared, so we’ll all still be able to make the concert! That’s the main thing.’

The main thing for Sayaka and her new friends was planning what to do next.

“We should head off to the North Pole as soon as possible!” Sayaka exclaimed, during the bright morning hours in Europe.

“Most of us are really exhausted after yesterday…” Sailor Faerie replied, “I know it’s important to try to rescue Santa and Mami as soon as possible, but please give us all some more time to fully recover from yesterday. After all, we don’t want to confront very powerful foes in Jinnai and Tatsuya, without being good and fresh and ready for anything!”

Sigh…” Sayaka replied, “I guess you’re right. But one more hour at most!”

“Agreed” stated Sailor Faerie.

Meanwhile, and nearby, totoum was explaining his special ability to Dr. Casey and Tuxedo R.

The three young men were currently standing in a small and vacant baseball field, open to the general public. Totoum was wearing his red and yellow baseball uniform, which doubled as a superhero costume of sorts for him. On his baseball cap was a “T” standing for totoum.

“So you said that you’re able to throw baseballs that hone in on your opponent’s weaknesses?” Dr. Casey asked.

“Exactly” totoum replied.

“A fitting ability” Tuxedo R chimed in with a smile, “Totoum's always been good at picking apart anime shows and arguments, and finding flaws and mistakes in them.”

“Well, with the possible exception of Cross Game” totoum said, briefly appearing blissful, “I’m not sure if that show has any flaws…”

“Guardian Enzo and Pocari Sweat may well agree.” Tuxedo R replied with a grin.

“But for anything or anyone with a flaw, your baseballs are able to exploit them, correct?” Dr. Casey asked.

“That’s correct.” Totoum replied, “Let me demonstrate that for you now.”

Totoum was standing on the pitcher’s mound, while a cardboard cutout of Saki’s Aislinn stood at home plate.

Totoum then threw a mighty pitch forward. Just before the baseball would reach the batter, a bright light would pop out of it as though it was a pokeball releasing a pokemon. This bright light would strike against Aislinn, and then, appearing right next to her was… a cardboard cutout of Saki’s Mako! Humorously, the cardboard cutout of Saki’s Aislinn had changed from looking confident to looking horrified with her hands held over her mouth in shock!

“Wow, that’s a potent pitching power!” Tuxedo R exclaimed.

“Thanks!” totoum replied, “I hope it’ll come in handy in our attempts to save Santa.”

“It definitely will!” stated Dr. Casey, very excited at the technological marvels that he could create through using totoum’s ability, “In fact, there are a couple ideas I’d like to discuss with you before we head to the North Pole.”

“Sure” totoum replied, “Anything to help.”

“Then it seems I’ve come to the right place…” came the voice of a one-winged newcomer to this scene.

Akuma Kinomoto!” exclaimed Tuxedo R at the sight of him.

“Yes” he confirmed, “And there is a lot we have to discuss…”

But such discussions would remain private, as we turn instead to a private shocking party where a leader in many wars plans how to arise victorious in his latest one.

Uunnnhhh…’ moaned Akuma Homura, finally awakening after a long night of rest in a chair specially designed to hold her captive.

“So he managed to capture even you, it seems…” stated Mami Tomoe, who was in a similar chair, situated right next to Homura’s.

“Three Puella Magi down, only three left to go! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!” laughed Emperor Jinnai, greeting his two captives, now being held in a large screening room in Santa’s largest workshop.

Three down?” asked Homura.

“Yes!” exclaimed Emperor Jinnai, while pumping a fist, “You and Ms. Tomoe are both my prisoners now, and dear Noel here also managed to shoot Rudolph and Sayaka out of the sky!”

Psshaw! Psshaw!” exclaimed Noel playfully, while making a big, wide smile.

Homura made a very small grin, as she now realized that there was something she was aware of that Jinnai wasn’t. But that meant little at this exact moment, as an ironically partying atmosphere took control.

“Are we going to watch the big ClariS concert now, Mr. Jinnai?!” Noel asked him excitedly.

“We will watch it in just a few minutes!” he replied, “Tatsuya will soon have it all ready for us to watch on TV. So get ready to make some noise!”

Jinnai winked while saying that last word.

“Yay!” cheered Noel, while Jinnai laughed some more, and Mami’s face betrayed disgust.

“Now, keep our guests company while I retrieve Tatsuya and Miyuki.” Jinnai stated, as he briefly left the room.

“Hi!” Noel said gregariously to Mami Tomoe and Akuma Homura.

Mami forced a grin, while Homura could not bear such pretentiousness.

“You look a bit like Yuzuki, only much bigger up here.” Noel said to Mami, while Noel placed her hands on her chest.

“Thanks.” Mami replied, oddly amused.

“And you look a lot like my friend Shione!” Noel said to Homura, “But Shione would never dress that boldly!”

Mami snorted a laugh over that, though Homura was hardly amused.

“Maybe you’re the daughter of Shione and Monster-san?” Noel asked Homura, while placing one finger on the side of her lips.

Mami couldn’t help but laugh loudly at that, while Homura looked crossed.

“Don’t worry, Noel…” Mami said to her, “We’ll find a way to save you from all of this.”

“Save me?” Noel asked, “What do I need to be saved from? We’re going to get to watch a big, exciting music concert!”

And it is to that concert that we now turn. The site of the concert was Mid-Florida Credit Union Amphitheatre. A huge crowd had gathered, in spite of the start time change.

Phew…” Hooves said in a relieved tone, after meeting up with Konakaga and Kirito, “I’m glad the start-time change didn’t cost ClariS too many viewers!”

“Yeah, it looks like we’re still going to have a packed house!” Konakaga replied with a smile.

“And a very varied one as well, judging by that guy over there.” Kirito stated, while pointing towards a heavy middle-aged man with a chubby face and a chubbier gut hanging out a bit under his pink shirt.

“Where’s the Flaming Moe?!” he bellowed out in annoyance, “The big poster for this event promised loads of Flaming Moe. I really want one, since I haven’t enjoyed one in years!”

“Oh dear… I think he’s thinking about the wrong sort of ‘Flaming Moe’” Kirito said to himself, while Konakaga facepalmed, and Hooves snorted a laugh.

This large man then made a truly epic burp, unfortunately releasing some noxious breath on an unsuspecting young woman nearby him.

Eeeewwww… gross!” she complained, trying to hide behind her carefully braided twin-tails.

“Don’t worry, miss, I’ll take care of that!” came the strong voice of a blue-haired and reddish-eyed well-dressed equestrian riding on horseback.

The equestrian made quite the contrast with the heavy man, as stunning sparkle contrasted mightily with unseemly girth and breath that would weaken Captain Planet. But thankfully for the grossed out girl, it would be the equestrian’s heroism that would capture her attention now.

The equestrian sprayed some sweet scent into the air, while handing some mints to both the heavy man, and the young woman who had been disgusted by him. The equestrian then calmly explained the truth of the “Flaming Moe” promotion to the heavy man.

“Wow, he’s so dreamy…” the young woman said to herself, about the gallant equestrian.

The young woman’s good friend, kusabrieka with her wondrously wavy greenish hair, placed one hand over her mouth to avoid laughing. For kusabrieka knew something here that her friend was unaware of…

“That equestrian looks like a taller, male Sayaka Miki…” Kirito said to himself, with one hand on his chin, “I’m sure he’d make a fine friend for Triple R!”

“Oh, that’s no male…” Konakaga said with a grin, “That’s Amane Ootori!”

“Ppffft!” went Hooves, now amused at what had just transpired.

“Anyway, let’s get to our seats!” Kirito exclaimed, “I don’t want to miss a single second of this concert!”

In only a few minutes, Kirito, Konakaga, and Hooves would all take their seats near the front row of today’s big ClariS concert.

Glowsticks were sprinkled heavily across the entire crowd, and anticipation was building to a fever pitch. Finally, the stars of the show, ClariS, would appear, to a rousing eruption of an audience cheer!

“Thanks so very much for the warm greetings!” shouted Clara into her microphone.

“It’s just as warm as sunny Florida itself is!” quickly added in Karen, into her own microphone, ”This place is beautiful. We’re really glad we came here!”

The crowed grew even louder and more exuberantly loving in their cheers.

“We apologize for the early start time” Clara stated, “But trust us, it’ll be worth it. We have a super special surprise waiting you all that we definitely needed extra time for!”

“So let’s kick this concert off with a song that matches our hearts, as well as the weather above – Clear Sky!”

One last wild eruption of applause rose from the crowd at these announcements. Then, as the music started playing, respectful silence took hold.

ClariS began to sing Clear Sky, while Konokaga and Hooves looked on intently with beaming smiles, and Kirito came close to crying tears of joy.

“It’s a nice song that makes me dream of you flying in the air, Onii-sama” Miyuki Dark said to her brother while leaning romantically against his shoulder.

“Yes, but what’s even nicer is what comes after…” Tatsuya Dark replied with a grin.

Heh heh heh!” Jinnai chortled.

Noel joyously waved her large green umbrella-esque plant along with the music.

Mami Tomoe and Akuma Homura enjoyed the music, but were feeling dread…

Finally, ClariS finished singing Clear Sky. But then, only a few moments later, a scene of great cheer and joy turned into one of sheer terror. A scene of gorgeous music turned into a scene of horrific Noise…

An army of brightly colored bizarre creatures, vaguely insect-like but not the bugrom forces of Katsuhiko Jinnai, would descend en masse upon the gathered crowd.

One member of this army raced towards one audience member. The audience member managed to avoid the attack, but his seat didn’t. His seat turned a sickly grey, and then to dust, after merely being touched by this alarming alien atrocity. However, this left the audience far more than just alarmed.

ClariS looked on in stunned horror at the sight of their audience in sheer panic, racing wildly about to avoid this alien force!

“It looks like your hunch was correct, Kona…” Hooves said to her friend.

“Yeah, but I really wish it wasn’t…” Konakaga replied.

“You two take care of the crowd…” Kirito urgently cried to Kona and Hooves, “I’ll make sure that ClariS gets to safety!”

“Ok, Kona, it’s time to transform!” Hooves exclaimed to Konakaga.

“Right!” Kona replied.

Then the two heroines began their magical lyrical transformation!

Hibikiau negai ga ima…” Konakaga began singing.

“♪ Light my fire…” Hooves began singing.

With those two songs, the two heroines called upon their relic fragments – Rhongomyniad for Konakaga, and Dyrnwyn for Hooves!

King Arthur’s lesser known spear, but sharp and large and powerful, looked great in the hands of Konakaga, as she transformed into her greenish Symphogear body armor, covered in an elegant cape.

The flaming sword Dyrwyn similarly looked great in the hands of the reddish armored Hooves, her bluish eyes shimmering and steely as she prepared for battle!

The two leapt into decisive action, quickly dispatching dozens of Noise soldiers!

But then…

“Hearing that song again made me feel nostalgic…” came the voice of a sharp dressed squared jawed ‘man’ wearing cool shades, addressing Hooves.

“Sydonay…” said a horrified Hooves to the Shakugan no Shana antagonist.

“And not just him, but Bel Peol as well!” Konakaga shouted, at the sight of the elegant but deadly Arbiter of Reverse Reasoning.

“Where are they coming from?!” Hooves asked in horror, “It’s like someone’s knocking over a stack of Shana villain domi…”

Dddooommminnnoeeeee~!!!” exclaimed Professor Dantalion, arms outstretched as his flying high-tech mode of transportation skyrocketed, leaving much smoke in its wake.

And behind that smoke…

“The Master Throne Hecate…” said Konakaga, almost petrified.

“Enjoy my bal masque royal flush, ClariS fans” stated Emperor Jinnai, “This entire hand of trump cards will defeat anything you can throw at me. And then Santa’s soul gem will be mine!”

To Be Continued…


AS Character images:


Note - Not many this time, except a lot more work to do in listing off all the anime shows and characters featured.

As always, I really look forward to reader response. Especially from Symphogear and Shana and ClariS fans now.

Anime shows featured in this chapter:
Puella Magi Madoka Magica (Sayaka, Mami, Akuma Homura, and overall setting)
El Hazard: The Magnificent World (fanfic version of main villain - Katsuhiko Jinnai)
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei (Tatsuya Dark, Miyuki Dark)
Sora no Method (Noel, references to Yuzuki and Shione)
Symphogear (Noise)
Shakugan no Shana (Sydonay, Hecate, Bel Peol, Dantalion)
Saki (Aislinn, Mako)
Strawberry Panic (Amane Ootori)
Other anime references - will explain any if requested.
Western cartoon - Yes, Barney Gumble

Last edited by Triple_R; 2014-12-22 at 17:57.
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Old 2014-12-11, 00:01   Link #443
♪~Deculture~♪ (✿◠‿◠)
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*reads all current Christmas special chapters*

I don't know what I like more, Tuxedo R and the so far underused canadian flag cape (what hidden features could it possibly possess?!), or Haak and his outstanding Segway. Though I do look forward to what themes/bgms other characters may be coupled with.

Originally Posted by 0utf0xZer0 View Post
About my only regret with this chapter is apparently none of you got to witness my transformation sequence. I want reactions people.
Sharing some sentiment with this. My curiosity does wonder how you would describe such a transformation Triple_R

edit: oh what joyus timing, chapter 5!
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Old 2014-12-11, 01:12   Link #444
Akito Kinomoto
Sekiroad-Idols Sing Twice
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Moefoxzero. A light voice, a soft step, an easy attitude, small shoulders, a slender neck, pursed lips, lush lashes, endearing eyes...

But he's a guy.

Ah, so Kona is a badass nee-sama. And considering her music, quite literally so.

Deese Hooves ah on fiyaaa!

Wait, the Black Swordsman is here. Now I'm sure some of our audience readers are asking...what would happen if an unstoppable Gary Stu (Kirito) met an immovable Gary Stu (Tatsuya)?
Heil Muse. Bow before the Cinderella GirlsMuses are red
Cinderellas are blue
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Old 2014-12-11, 07:40   Link #445
Yuri µ'serator
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Firstly I am pretty sure Skeletor would be rolling over in his Gravetor over Faire's line when she uses the blast.

Poor Dr. Casey first finds out Moefox is taken, then finds out about genderswapping for Magic form. Rough day.

Noel's interaction with Homura and Mami gave some amazing on humor, that the chapter could use with how srs it had been. As that the drunk and Amane's cameos/interactions was only other humor really.

And last I really can't wait to see how you write me and hooves' fight(s) honestly.
Kotori Minami - Love Live! School Idol Project
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Old 2014-12-11, 15:05   Link #446
Joseph Defense Squad
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Mars
I am alive~ Sorry for the delay, apparently Faerie's Mokona - abilities were the hottest commodity ever this week, which totally justified smothering her in work and adding more work at hourly intervals ^_^;

Anyways! Chapter 3!

Random: As they share their last name... I have issues and so my confused mind has decided this is secretly Mami's parent

- oh good, just when I thought Miyuki couldn't disturb me more.

- oh good, just when I thought Tatsuya couldn't disturb me more

- Sayaka and I would be besties irl. Just saying.

- I will never be able to think of you as just Triple_R again. "Tuxedo. (ugh)."

- OMG, Out/Moeof0xZer0, that's too funny. I actually saw a book about Moe at the store yesterday. I'm going to assume you wrote it.

- I question Tuxedo R's sanity.

- Simpsons joke. Hah.

- "meeting Mami Tomoe in person" I would like that too, Kirito!

- We shall be the JLMG* (+Gang)! Any objections? No? <ignores protests> Anyone? Ok, it's decided, then.

- Omg, Senpai Haak has noticed u... <sees Segway> ... why do senpais only notice you when you wish they didn't? -.-

- seriously though, that scene cracks me up.

- oh god, School Days puns XD

- yeahh, fight! In the name of Homerun-sama. Homeru..Hameru... HOMURA-SAMA. God, I need to go back to bed. This has to be my weirdest review yet. Gonna try to get back up to speed, I'm just two chapters behind... um.. the rest of the world.

* Justice League of Magical Girls.


Chapter 4!

- lol, that song. It had to happen. It was inevitable.

- good old Sayaka, finding positives in the most absurd of transportation methods. Then again, I do guess she used to drive a pastel-coloured elephant cart. This should just be another day at the office for her.

- White and Nerdy lol that's like, been specifically written as an insert song for this.

- in all seriousness, how awesome would a witch fight like that be?

- lol, the thought of Jinnai making a contract with QB.

- Heck yeah, Homura is here!

- the real question isn't even if they can save Christmas, but if Tuxedo R will manage to make each line of his cheesier than the last

- haha "literally heartbroken"

- get off of Homura, you horrible... thing..! >.< Akuma.. DO something...! Not sure what, but do it! Q___Q

- LOL, Go Haak, go, you got this! ... Look at him go, guys!

- Priorities! ----> "“…ClariS’ upcoming music concert…” Tatsuya mused to himself." Seriously, Santa.

Great chapter, again. Ah, and I already told you, but perfectly happy with everything Sailor Faerie.

Last edited by Faerie; 2014-12-11 at 15:33. Reason: merging
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Old 2014-12-12, 03:29   Link #447
Pretentious moe scholar
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Age: 37
Originally Posted by Akuma Kinomoto View Post
Moefoxzero. A light voice, a soft step, an easy attitude, small shoulders, a slender neck, pursed lips, lush lashes, endearing eyes...

But he's a guy.
I am legend.

Originally Posted by Konakaga View Post
Poor Dr. Casey first finds out Moefox is taken, then finds out about genderswapping for Magic form. Rough day.
I am honoured by his feelings of moe. I will shed manly tears of sympathy on his behalf.

Originally Posted by FlavoryFantasy View Post
Sharing some sentiment with this. My curiosity does wonder how you would describe such a transformation Triple_R.
There's two transformation sequences I had in mind while coming up with the character were Itsuki's in Yuuki Yuna, and Ayumu's in Kore wa Zombie - basically over the top cute or mentally scarring. I'd probably favour the former as I find the... "confusion" it can cause a comedy goldmine.

Signature courtesy of Ganbaru.
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Old 2014-12-12, 07:52   Link #448
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Thanks a lot to everyone for their compliments, support, and reviews.

Originally Posted by FlavoryFantasy View Post
*reads all current Christmas special chapters*

I don't know what I like more, Tuxedo R and the so far underused canadian flag cape (what hidden features could it possibly possess?!), or Haak and his outstanding Segway. Though I do look forward to what themes/bgms other characters may be coupled with.
I have to admit I never previously considered giving the Canadian flag cape hidden features, but now that you've suggested it...

I said before that I'd limit myself to what Tuxedo Kamen can do, but your idea might be too fun an idea to pass up.

Originally Posted by Akuma Kinomoto View Post

Ah, so Kona is a badass nee-sama. And considering her music, quite literally so.
Yeah, Kona made a very good music choice there. So did Hooves.

Originally Posted by Konakaga View Post

Noel's interaction with Homura and Mami gave some amazing on humor, that the chapter could use with how srs it had been. As that the drunk and Amane's cameos/interactions was only other humor really.
Just to prepare readers, I'm not sure how much humor I'll be able to get into the next couple of chapters. There's going to be a lot of combat going on. I'll try to get in at least a little bit of comedy if I can, though.

Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed the Noel bit. It was probably the section of Chapter 5 that I enjoyed writing the most.

Originally Posted by Faerie View Post

- oh good, just when I thought Miyuki couldn't disturb me more.

- oh good, just when I thought Tatsuya couldn't disturb me more
Now you know how I see them.


- I will never be able to think of you as just Triple_R again. "Tuxedo. (ugh)."
Will you now forever think of me whenever you see Tuxedo Kamen, I wonder?

Honestly, Yuuki Yuuna's Itsuki will always make me think of 0utf0xZer0 now, lol

- I question Tuxedo R's sanity.
As do I, for writing this! But insanity can be a lot of fun sometimes.

"Justice League of Magical Girls". Nice name! It doesn't fit everybody's sex, but as 0utf0xZer0 showed, it doesn't have to matter.

- haha "literally heartbroken"
I was hoping you'd like that line. I'd be heartbroken otherwise. Figuratively, of course.

Great chapter, again. Ah, and I already told you, but perfectly happy with everything Sailor Faerie.
That's good to know!

Originally Posted by 0utf0xZer0 View Post
I am legend.
Your character idea has been a smash hit. And I think I will have a transformation scene at some point...
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Old 2014-12-12, 08:43   Link #449
Me, An Intellectual
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Tuxedo R ripped off a piece of his cape to hand to Haak to wrap around Sayaka’s wound.
You lazy arse!

“Damn thing should after all the fuckin’ work we put into putting down that motherfu…!” Haak began

“Hey now, watch your mouth!” Tuxedo R said.

“Hey, I’m just talking to a SHAFT character!” Haak replied.

“Oh, then I can dig it” Tuxedo R responded.
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Old 2014-12-12, 10:49   Link #450
Kogetsu Shirogane
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I'm actually posting relatively on time again! Hooray!

... Punctuality is hardly something to celebrate...

This coming from someone obsessed with clocks and time.

... I can easily freeze you at six o'clock again...

Perhaps I should get on with the review...

Spoiler for Return of the Jedi:

TL;DR version: Oh wow, this chapter was a blast. Only thing it's missing is a certain BGM from a different "Star" franchise to close things out... But that's just a minor omission, nothing I'd deduct points for.

If I had one made, this chapter would most definitely get my Silver Seal of Approval. Great job!
Kyouko Sakura and Madoka Kaname, Puella Magi Madoka Magica
WARNING: Kogetsu Shirogane cannot be held accountable for any actions taken by someone else. Potential side effects of communicating with this user include headaches, mild confusion, insanity, delirium, and jumping into fires. Do not expose this user to sunlight or water or feed this user after midnight.
... so you think you're a king now...
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Old 2014-12-12, 21:12   Link #451
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Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
“My brother Darthtabby is a huge fan of The Princess and The Pilot movie.” 0utf0xZer0 replied, “So much so that he made a life-sized replica of the main plane in that movie! I flew that plane all the way out here and into the witch’s barrier! Speaking of which, I better go retrieve that plane now, and follow behind you to Totoum’s place.”[/SIZE]
I was too late to be one of the heroes, but I guess I can consider that a cameo of sorts. BTW, the plane in The Princess and the Pilot is called the Santa Cruz. OutfoxZero better not get any scratches on it. If he does, I'll... not give him a nice Christmas present this year or something.
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Old 2014-12-13, 00:11   Link #452
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16000 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington DC
The White House

A top security, top level emergency briefing had just been called. There the President, the Vice-President, and the President’s Chief of Staff were all discussing something very alerting.

“So Florida’s causing me problems again, is it?” asked an increasingly world-weary President Obama.

“I’m afraid so, Mr. President” answered Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, “But thankfully we have some of our top operatives already inside the MCU Amphitheatre.”

“They’re fine men and women…” added in VP Biden, “But they’re not enough for this situation! We can’t let the existence of Noise and Crimson Denizens get out to the general public. Who knows how people will handle it?!”

“That’s a good point, Joe, so I’ll have a MIB team handle information control” stated President Obama, “But that doesn’t solve the more immediate problem. How many attack drones, and fighter jets, do you suggest we throw at this thing, Denis?”

“We have a bit of a problem there, Mr. President…” replied the Chief of Staff, as he showed the President a recent demand note sent directly to the Pentagon.

The President and the VP started pouring over the demand note.

“…Who the hell is this ‘Emperor Jinnai’?!” asked VP Biden.

“Whoever he is, his threat checks out…” replied the Chief of Staff, “Right at this moment, there is an invisible flying saucer right above the White House. Our top tech guys are able to have it show up in one of our heat sensors. It’s like straight out of the Independence Day movie!”

“Denis, what sort of madness are we dealing with here?!” the President asked.

“I don’t know, sir, but it’s a very serious madness, sort of like Vladimir Putin waking up on the wrong side of the bed” replied the Chief of Staff, “Going by this demand note, if we send any forces into the MCU Amphitheatre, this Emperor Jinnai will order an operative codenamed “Noel” to blow us up with this flying saucer of his.”

The President looked uneasy, as he slumped a bit back into his chair, ran one hand over his mouth and chin, and thought very carefully over what to do next.

“What do you think we should do, Joe?” President Obama.

“I have faith in you, Mr. President” replied the VP, “Life is a matter of really tough choices, and I’m confident that you’ll make the right one here.”

“We do have a very secret, very elite tank division we can send in sir…” the Chief of Staff suggested, “That might escape this madman’s notice!”

After a tense but thoughtful moment, President Obama made his decision.

“Ok, let’s go with that then…” replied President Obama, “Contact that elite tank division, tell them to move out, and make sure they know how important this is!”

The Chief of Staff nodded to that, and made a quick phone-call.

A few moments later…

“Who was on the phone, Dan?” asked an excited Kay, as she noticed he was just contacted on the super-special-secret red phone.

“It’s the President’s Chief of Staff” replied Dan Eagleman, “We’ve just received the order to head down to the MCU Amphitheater, and to deport some crimson denizens and practice some Noise control!”

Excellent”, interjected the ever-smugly grinning Bandit Keith, while shifting from a slouching position to an enthusiastic standing one, “It’s time to kick some ass…”

Chapter 6 – In America!

Hooves’ battle cries echoed loudly across the MCU Amphitheatre as she fought valiantly against the cold crushing chimera of Sydonay! At the same time Konakaga raced wildly, with sparkling sweat springing from her head, as she attempted to protect every human at the ClariS concert from the soldiers of Noise, and the round green-colored Dominoe-style robots of Professor Dantalion. Konakaga did so with wide wickedly fast circular slashes of her spear, instantly slicing many robots in one fell swoop!

Dantalion smirked widely as he watched on. Bel Peol, oozing calm collected confidence, stood silently as she carefully took in the actions of her enemies. Hecate hung ominously in the mid-air…

‘Why are they holding back?’ thought Konakaga to herself, ‘They have us outnumbered! They almost certainly could crush us both!’

“Sooooo much ~eeeeeeeexxcitinnnnnnngg data!” exclaimed Dantalion, flamboyantly flapping his arms, and implicitly answering the question that Kona had just asked herself, “These relic fragments are unlike annnnnnnyyyyything I’ve ever seen befoooooore!”

“Still…” stated Bel Peol, betraying some impatience, “These two girls’ attack styles are very crude and straightforward. I grow impatient with us merely toying with them.”

As Bel Peol stated that, a large swiping sword strike from Hooves clashed against a fierce claw swipe from Sydonay, resulting in a big bright white spark of a light in mid-air!

“But they are strong…” Sydonay stated, “I haven’t enjoyed a battle as rewarding as this one in a very long time.”

“If they’re so strong, let’s see them handle some of the blasts that the Master Throne can reign down!” exclaimed Bel Peol.

Hecate then began shaking her staff, clearly heeding Bel Peol’s words.

“No…” cried out Kona, “We can’t handle that! Not yet!”

Hecate then lowered her staff, about to lower several booms, not unlike an immense carpet bombing.

The tumultuous thunderous energies of Hecate’s staff were then released! The gathered crowd gasped in horror at the menacingly glowing sight, preparing for the worst. Who could possibly save them from this?!

And sure enough, Hecate’s attack landed with great force, leaving large luminous blast radiuses and billowing smoke in their wake! But as the smoke cleared, it became clear that the gathered crowd had remained unharmed…

Hecate’s eyes went wide in slight shock, at the realization that her blasts had impacted a thick, solid reddish green energy shield, shaped like a honeycomb. And with arms outstretched under that honeycomb, it became clear that everybody had been saved by…

“Is that… is that really…?!” came a hope-filled adult female voice at the sight of a heroic man in thick reddish clothes and long white beard.

“Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus…” replied Virginia’s friend, Faith

“I sought out refuge with these people” Santa Claus stated, “And they were kind enough to take me in when I needed their help and protection. I will not let you hurt them, Hecate!”

“You dare address her so casually?!” Sydonay shouted angrily at Santa Claus, as Sydonay’s chimera form flew rapidly towards him.

You’re the ones who have dared too much today!” came the sudden loud shout of Kirito, as he leapt high into the air, and brought his mighty sword down hard upon Sydonay’s leg, protecting Santa Claus in the process.

Sydonay howled in pain from that attack that came seemingly out of nowhere.

“Great job, Kirito!” exclaimed Hooves with a wide smile, while pumping an elbow and fist.

“None will trifle with us” stated Bel Peol, as she threw a great and fearsome chain at Kirito’s leg, wrapping the chain around Kirito’s leg, and then dragging him down to the ground with it.

Kirito landed very violently unto the ground from that attack, with the crowd rushing out of the way to avoid his crash-landing.

So specific one-on-one contests now began to take form. Kirito’s arms and sword strained strenuously against Bel Peol’s chains and ensnaring attacks. Hooves continued her fight with Sydonay, taking advantage of the damage left by Kirito. Konakaga gradually grew closer to her chosen target, Dantalion, as she mowed down many of his robots and machines. And Santa engaged Hecate in a magnificently marvelous mage battle in the skies!

A stalemate was starting to settle in, until…

A man dressed like the ultimate gentleman, and ironically in Christmas colors, especially with lots of green, appeared on the scene with a snap of his fingers.
Konakaga’s mind was then aggressively assaulted by intensely intimidating illusions of the final form of Gen’ei’s Cerebrum!

Konakaga screamed in terror at the sight, her attack on Dantalion now halted just in time to prevent him from receiving a direct blow.

“Kona!” cried out Hooves in deep concern, unfortunately leaving herself open to a tail-swiping strike to the back from Sydonay.

Hooves went hurtling downwards by that attack, crashing not far from where Kirito had.

“Exceleeeeeent Tiiiiiiiiiming!” Dantalion exclaimed at this newcomer in large green jacket.

“Yes it was, wasn’t it?” he replied, briefly taking off his green top hat.

“Who are you?” Hecate asked him, while managing to deflect a blistering boisterous blizzaga attack from Santa.

“My name is Kogetsu Shirogane” he said, “I don’t really care much either way about Emperor Jinnai’s plans, but I am here to help put an end to this repeating travesty called ‘Christmas’!”

“Kogetsu… why?!” cried out Kirito, after managing to knock Bel Peol to the ground with a kick.

But before Kogetsu could answer that question, yet another newcomer would arrive to this scene of battle, and in dramatic fashion…

Divineeee…!” she began, crying out from above, alarming everyone.

“Nanoha Takamachi…” Bel Peol stated in horror, having regained her footing to knock Kirito aside with a punch.

“White Deviiiilllllllll!!!” cried Dantalion, as his face began to appear euphoric, “I have alllllways wanted to study heeeeerrrrrrrr!!!”

“… BUSTER!!!” finished the StarS Squad Commander, striking down with a blow that would send Kogetsu Shirogane flying!

“Professor…!” Bel Peol cried out, in a highly atypical tone of urgency at the sight of this S+ class mage, “Have your new nutcracker robots hold back Santa Claus! Hecate must engage Nanoha now, before it’s too late!”

Dantalion did as instructed, and had his nutcracker robots march into action, grabbing Santa from behind. Hecate then flew furiously forward at Nanoha. The two tremendously powerful magic-wielders would clash in a battle leaving the entire ClariS crowd in awe!

Sydonay was distracted just enough by that same sight as to enable Hooves to cut him down to size with a frenzied flashy flip of the wrist. Her sword Dyrwyn caused his fur to be singed and his blood to spurt! Sydonay bellowed in pain, while Hooves rapidly descended to help out Konakaga.

“Kona, are you Ok?!” Hooves asked her friend.

“Y-Yeah…” Konakaga replied uneasily, while grabbing her head, “With Nanoha knocking back Kogetsu, my mind is free again.”

“Then let us put an end to this!” Hooves said with a smile.

“Right!” Kona replied.

“I think not” came yet another newcomer to this scene, but one whose voice was hauntingly familiar to Nanoha Takamachi.

“Jail Scaglietti…” she said, while still kept mostly in check by Hecate.

With a snap of his fingers, Jail Scaglietti had managed to ensnare Hooves and Kona within tight reddish binds.

Sydonay began to heal his latest wound, Bel Peol had regained her calm with Kirito now completely wrapped in chains before her, and Dantalion was, well, Dantalion. Nanoha’s immediate impact had been impressive, but now seemed like merely a minor blip on the road to villainous success. Hooves, Kona, Kirito, and Santa were all now effectively captured, and Nanoha was stuck in a decidedly tough contest with Hecate.

So Noise was able to roam free, causing the crowd to start screaming in extreme terror!

“Somebody… pleasesave us!” cried out a woman, while cringing and wrapping her arms tightly around her young son.

Help would arrive in the form of a tank blast. A tank blast that sent Noise scattering!

“Conventional military hardware affecting Noise?” asked Konakaga in confusion.

“If it can handle commies, then it can also handle Noise!” came the clarion call of Dan Eagleman, pointing his two index fingers forward while doing so.

Then came rolling the M4 Sherman tank, the preferred tank of Kay, but now with Dan Eagleman’s upper body emerging out of the tank, in a command position.

“Nobody kills Americans… in America!” added in Bandit Keith, while sitting inside the tank, and dramatically removing his shades during “in America!”

“Nobody kills Americans anywhere, but especially not here in America!” added in Kay.

“And that’s why we’re now fighting alongside the greatest American of all time…” Bandit Keith said, “A Real American in America!”

“…No way…” exclaimed Hooves, while the classic Derringer song started playing, “It really is him!”

Hulk Hogan then slowly strutted up to the Noise, somehow managing to affect them with his punches.

“He’s just like Genjuroo!” Konakaga stated excitedly

“Cheer him on, everyone!” Dan Eagleman shouted to the crowd, “Hulk Hogan feeds on your cheers!”

And so the ClariS crowd started going wild anew!

“That’s right, bro!” Hulk Hogan said back to Dan Eagleman, after knocking aside a few Noise, “But I’m going to now call on the last member of our head-knockin’, Noise-crunchin’, Denizen-smackin’ five-person team! She’s someone with sweetness that could melt even the cold, dark, black heart of Mr. McMahon. And she’s someone who found a way to tap into Hulkamania, and run it even wilder with magic! You know who I’m talking about, bro?!”

“Of course, Hulkster!” Dan Eagleman replied, with hands at his hips, “Every patriotic American now knows Magical Girl USA!”

“Give ’er a great big cheer!” Hulk Hogan exclaimed to the already cheering crowds, as he knocked aside a couple more Noise, “Cheer on our most beloved Asian-American… Magical Girl USA Kaname Madoka!”

“What?!” exclaimed Akuma Homura, eyes bulging in shock, at the strangely red, white, and blue sight of Puella Magi Madoka now leaping into the air.

“Why are you surprised?” Mami Tomoe asked Homura, “You're the one who made her into a transfer student from America, remember? 3 years is a long time to adopt a new culture as your own..."

Kaname Madoka started shooting off arrows, with red glare, sending Noise bursting in air!

With a gleeful look in her face, and Hulk Hogan posing for the crowd as their cheers grew almost deafening!

“Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth!” stated Kaname Madoka, extending out her slightly plant-like bow, and quoting George Washington in the process.

Madoka then pulled back on her bow and arrow, and shot a large reddish arrow blast at Bel Peol, Dantalion, and Sydonay.

The blast hit its target, and the crowd erupted in renewed applause. Hogan started strutting and doing the ear-cup with the hand, gesturing theatrically to the crowd. Madoka giggled in glee at the sight, before Hogan lifted her up off the ground, and had her sit atop his mighty bronzed shoulders.

It looked like the day had at last been saved! America coming to the rescue of Christmas. But one particular American did not want that.

After the smoke of Madoka’s marvellous magical attack cleared, it became clear it had left little damage. It had all been absorbed into a giant mirror controlled by the smirking Kogetsu Shirogane!

“As Kurt Angle proves, your style of American patriotism is passé, Hulkster” Kogetsu stated with a grin, “So it’s time for you and your friends to be drawn into my mirror of forgetfulness!”

And sure enough, a great sucking sound came forth from that mirror, drawing into it the five targets of Team America!

“No, my shades!... in America” cried Bandit Keith, as he lost control of his shades, and flew into the mirror.

Dan Eagleman and Kay followed quickly behind him.

Hulk Hogan tightly grabbed hold of a pillar with one hand, while grabbing hold of Madoka’s hand with the other. Hulk Hogan grunted loudly, while he strained to both resist Kogetsu’s mirror, and save Madoka from it.

“…Y-you have to let me go” Madoka said to Hulk Hogan, “Save yourself, and save Christmas!”

“…N-never!” Hulk Hogan replied, “I never give up! I’ll just catch a second wind like I always do, and hulk…”

But then a different sort of “second wind” proved overwhelming for both Hogan, and Madoka. Hogan grunted in pain, and Madoka screamed in fear, as they were both sucked into Kogetsu’s mirror!

“NNOOOOO!!!” cried Akuma Homura, in grievous horror and emotional pain.

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha!” laughed Emperor Jinnai.

America now appeared defeated, by a foreign warlord with worrisome dreams of glory and conquest. Nanoha was then attacked by all four gathered Bal Masque members! Their collective attack was too much for even her, as she was sent crashing into the ground below.

Nanoha slowly began to rise to her feet, but while wincing in pain, with dust on her head, and a cut on the side of her face. She managed to get to one knee, but with Hecate’s staff pointed at her head, at point blank range. Bel Peol, Kogetsu, Dantalion, Jail Scaglietti, and Sydonday transformed back into his more human-like self, all looked on with confident grins.

Kirito, Kona, Hooves, Santa, and Hogan’s team were all now captured. Only Nanoha remained! Could even she hope to defeat six sinister scheming villains alone?

“The red and green and white flowers of hope will die now” Kogesu stated.

It certainly seemed that way, as Hecate began to charge up for her attack, but then…

A different sort of flower flashed through the air. It struck Hecate on the back of her hand, leaving a sharp and painful cut. Hecate dropped her staff in response!

“As long as just one sweet-smelling rose can be found on the walk of life… hope remains!” came the voice of a different sort of tophat-wearing Anime Suki member.

“Tuxedo R!” exclaimed Kogetsu, as the gallantly grinning gregarious friend to magical girls everywhere arrived on the scene.

“You will not hurt Nanoha while I am here.” he said, as he helped her to her feet, “And while you may have dealt a severe blow to America this day, Canada still stands strong!”

“And in the name of the moon…” came the voice of a faerie-winged hero, as she posed like one of her childhood inspirations and pointed towards Bal Masque, “I will punish you!”

“He he!” chuckled Sailor Faerie, “I’ve always wanted to say that to an actual villain!”

Akuma Kinomoto and the full JLMG had been assembled, arriving on the shimmering Silver Segway. They all posed dramatically like the Ginyu Force!

Now everything converged on Florida, as the Keystone state offered the key to the conflict over Christmas.

To Be Continued…


AS Character images:



Kogetsu Shirogane

And... Magical Girl USA Kaname Madoka!

Kogetsu requested to be an antagonist for this, but you never know, he might pull a Scrooge/Grinch.

Anime shows featured in this chapter:
Puella Magi Madoka Magica (Madoka, Mami, Akuma Homura, and overall setting)
El Hazard: The Magnificent World (fanfic version of main villain - Katsuhiko Jinnai)
Sora no Method (reference to Noel)
Symphogear (Noise, references)
Shakugan no Shana (Sydonay, Hecate, Bel Peol, Dantalion)
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS (Nanoha Takamachi, Jail Scaglietti)
Yu-Gi-Oh! (Bandit Keith)
Guilty Crown (Dan Eagleman)
Girls Und Panzer (Kay)
Other anime references - will explain any if requested.

Last edited by Triple_R; 2014-12-22 at 17:56.
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Old 2014-12-13, 01:51   Link #453
♪~Deculture~♪ (✿◠‿◠)
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That was awfully taxing on my lungs, I was suffocating from lack of air due to this chapter.

Ah, yes...there's the other infamous White Devil. Going off with that specific spell too. she could have nuked the ClariS audience if her attack got redirected!
“If it can handle commies, then it can also handle Noise!” came the clarion call of Dan Eagleman


“Nobody kills Americans… in America!” added in Bandit Keith, while sitting inside the tank, and dramatically removing his shades during “in America!”

“And while you may have dealt a severe blow to America this day, Canada still stands strong!”
Tuxedo R please. Please stop. My lungs. My sides.
Akuma Kinomoto and the full JLMG had been assembled, arriving on the shimmering Silver Segway. They all posed dramatically like the Ginyu Force!
I am so glad you did this.

I have to say, the members of Team America were a surprise. Bandit Keith, and Madoka especially - I had the same reaction as Homura, and completely forgot about that minor detail until Mami brought it up the very next line. Though lol@ their swift arrival and capture. As for Konakaga + Hooves + Kirito's fighting scenes, I too was curious to how that would work out written considering the powers they were bestowed for this story... fairly satisfactory imo. I look forward to seeing that trio shine with their camaraderie, along with that of the other heroes! Hopefully.

This was quite the entertaining chapter! I do wonder how many more characters will be introduced though, you have quite the cast so far. I'll just assume at the moment this is the majority of them. At the very least, I am preparing myself for face palming next chapter since Tuxedo R will most likely do something in his...unique manner.
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Old 2014-12-13, 02:51   Link #454
Me, An Intellectual
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“I don’t know, sir, but it’s a very serious madness, sort of like Vladimir Putin waking up on the wrong side of the bed”

“It’s the President’s Chief of Staff” replied Dan Eagleman,
Oh good lord, not this guy. I freaking hated this guy... (whatever you do, don't make us pretend we're friends XP)
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Old 2014-12-13, 11:48   Link #455
Akito Kinomoto
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The way the story was going I thought it was escalating quickly before, but now Will Ferrell can't even make the joke 'cause it didn't escalate at all; just going straight to the top floor of the next building.

Poor Terry Bollea. Still looks good for his age, but unlike Richard Fliehr his fighting style doesn't age well.


But before she could make any friends, our heroes got Jailed. In America. And now the villains have control. In America. But wait! Bandit Keith still has a chance to do something! IIRC, he's actually Canadian. In Canada.

So apparently Kogetsu isn't part of WCW Jinnai's stable but still causes interference. The WWF JLMG would probably win the Survivor Series match once everyone could finally get together though. Wait, no, that passed already. Well the Royal Rumble is coming up soon.

Songs of Flame Spirits and Railguns make our Floridian Femme Fetales wear skintight space suits. Now you got me doing it.

If Kogetsu is the Grinch, it'd be fitting if Madoka brought him to his sen--

Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
Akuma Kinomoto and the full JLMG had been assembled, arriving on the shimmering Silver Segway. They all posed dramatically like the Ginyu Force!
Heil Muse. Bow before the Cinderella GirlsMuses are red
Cinderellas are blue
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Old 2014-12-14, 04:35   Link #456
~Official Slacker~
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Akuma Kinomoto and the full JLMG had been assembled, arriving on the shimmering Silver Segway. They all posed dramatically like the Ginyu Force!
Well that was certainly hilarious to see

This chapter has also been taxing on my lungs.
Freyja Wion from Macross Delta!
Signature from: TheEroKing
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Old 2014-12-14, 18:50   Link #457
Kogetsu Shirogane
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Well... this isn't going to be awkward in the slightest.
... Well... you did ask for this...
Right now I'm feeling like early '90s Sgt. Slaughter.

Spoiler for Team America: World Police:

... There, I finished it for you... you can pay me back by destroying that contemptible blight upon my pristine silver...
No promises!
... Whatever...

Anyway... another great chapter, with brilliant action scenes, more plot twists than an M. Night Shyamalan movie marathon, and... well, I think my fellow readers have pointed out the quality of its humor already.
Kyouko Sakura and Madoka Kaname, Puella Magi Madoka Magica
WARNING: Kogetsu Shirogane cannot be held accountable for any actions taken by someone else. Potential side effects of communicating with this user include headaches, mild confusion, insanity, delirium, and jumping into fires. Do not expose this user to sunlight or water or feed this user after midnight.
... so you think you're a king now...
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Old 2014-12-14, 21:46   Link #458
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A cry is heard. A cry from what looks like a young teenage girl. She is wearing wistfully whitish, strangely stylish strands, all around her body. Those strands are strange in how elegant they appear even while making one think of a mummy, and not the sort that gives birth to you. Ah, but there is irony there, for this girl’s current state is due to what could be considered her mother…

“Why?” she asks, as she looks at her outstretched hand clenched like a claw, surprised at her current presence upon the rooftop of a hugely tall building in Japan.

“How?” she continues in search of answers, as she wildly looks about the natural world of reality, after having been yanked out from a virtual world of BATTORU.

“It is because of that most strange and horrific of beings, Homura Akuma!” came the oddly chipper high-pitched voice of an alien supposedly lacking in any and all emotion.

Ulith then turned around to face the origin of that voice, which belongs to the one Homura Akuma likes to call ‘Incubator’, as he stood perched upon some sleek scaffolding.

“What do you mean by that?” she asks him, “Also, why does your eyes look like Mayu’s earrings?”

“Mayu is clearly a big fan of mine, as you can tell by her being all white and having red earrings that look just like my eyes!” Kyubey answered, “As for your first question, you already know the source of your existence, correct?”

“Yes” she replied with a grin, “My original human self was created due to Homura’s decision to free herself of all her anger and bitterness and wrath, and personify that as me. She did that to ensure that she could stay true to her goal of preserving a beautiful and picturesque world for Madoka.”

“Exactly right” Kyubey replied in turn, “And very recently, Homura was plunged into a deeper despair due to Madoka enduring an unexpected defeat.”

Ulith made a truly wicked open smile over that reveal.

“So with all of that added negative emotion to take care of…” Ulith began, stating her theory, “Homura had to pour even more power into me, which caused me to appear in the real world as my LRIG self?”

“Precisely” Kyubey confirmed, “And I’m very curious to know what you intend to do now that your LRIG self is here in the real world!”

“Isn’t it obvious?” Ulith asked, with a raised eyebrow, and a seductively smug smile, “I’m going to search out my other ‘mother’… Sayaka Miki.”

And for that reason and others, we now begin…

Chapter 7 – Blue Christmas

“~Shooot!” cried Nanoha Takamachi, as her blasts impacted noisily on Bel Peol’s chains, shattering them, and physically freeing the now unconscious Kirito in the process.

“Riveting Rose Riposte!” rhapsodied Tuxedo R, as his roses forced Hecate to conjure forth several tiny blasts to disintegrate dozens of roses in mid-air.

“Homura bullet barrage bombing!” proclaimed Akuma Kinomoto, ironically bringing down the Noise level with his marvellously massive militaristic assault.

“Sweet sword music!” shouted Sayaka Miki, as she cut down two larger Noise types.

“Make mine moon-blasts!” exclaimed Sailor Faerie, demolishing dozens of Dantalion’s robots with shots from her ramhead staff.

“Fearsome physician flick!” announced Dr. Casey, flicking his finger on Kogetsu’s forehead, making Kogetsu go “Ow…”

They see me ballin’, they wailin’♪…” sang totoum, throwing numerous actual baseballs at Dantalion, sending the Professor racing wildly about while screaming hysterically.

“Goodness gracious great balls of fire!” bellowed Haak, as he summoned forth… three teensy tiny little balls of fire.

That brought this scene of awesomely accelerating action to a screeching halt, to a degree that would make Sosuke Aizen blush. Everybody, on all sides of this Christmas conflict, couldn’t help but to stare in shock at Haak’s attack.

“What?” Haak asked, shrugging his shoulders, “They’ll get the job done, and that’s what fucking matters most!”

Haak then threw his three teensy tiny little balls towards the reddish binds holding Konakaga and Hooves.

Jail Scaglietti snorted contemptuously at the sight. But then...

The three balls of fire exploded with such vivacious violating violence that they left everybody’s heads shaking from the resulting ground shaking. Most importantly, they managed to free Konakaga and Hooves, causing the two heroines to smile widely and cheer!

“I guess size really doesn’t matter…” Dr. Casey said.

“Don’t tell Nodoka Haramura that, she’s counting on it being enough to win over Saki.” Tuxedo R whispered to Dr. Casey, while grinning suggestively.

“Sigh…men…” stated Sailor Faerie, as she rolled her eyes.

“I know, right?” Sayaka added in with a look of nervousness mixed with agitation on her face, “Let’s get back to crashing this Bal Masqué!”

And with that, Sayaka and her new friends went back to trying to get this party ended, hopefully awakening Kirito in the process, as his mind still seemed to be held in the grip of Bal Masque. A huge smoke-cloud arose out of this calamitous clattering combat, until…

“Objection!” shouted 0utf0xZer0, dramatically stretching out one arm, and pointing a finger in the general direction of his allies.

“Uhhhmmm… what’s wrong, dude?” asked Hooves.

“It’s the very fact I’m still a dude!” he stated, “That, plus I’m the only JLMG member who’s been getting left out here. So I think now is the perfect time for a certain transformation scene.”

“Tatsuya, I want some more popcorn.” Jinnai said, “Dis gun b gud!”

“Here you go, big man!” Tatsuya replied, taking out a big handful of popcorn and putting it in Jinnai’s popcorn bag.

“Yay!” cried out Miyuki, “Now more room in our popcorn bag for me to snuggle my fingers around Onii-sama’s…”

Homura looked grossed out, while Mami shuddered as though she needed a cold shower, at the sight of Miyuki’s sibling affections…

But enough of that! Now it’s time for 0utf0xZer0 to activate a cellphone app!

After doing so, 0utf0xZer0 quickly found himself immersed in a wave of glowing whitish sakura petals. He held his left arm out to the side, holding his left hand daintily in the air. It started to glow! He then held his right arm out to the side, holding his right hand daintily in the air. That hand also started to glow!

With a bright wide childlike smile above a slightly scruffy chin, his face also transformed, gaining a flower hair accessory in the process! His face became smaller and incredibly more feminine, causing him to wink knowingly at trap fans everywhere. He then turned about, to get a symbol of luscious lolicon love emblazoned upon the back of his magical girl outfit! Then his head turned about, with a cheerful smile that made Dr. Casey cry a tear of joy.

He then clicked his heels, and gestured his hands over his chest, causing cute boots and magical bows to appear. He then leaned his face forward, closed his eyes, and made an open mouth smile while making an indescribably moe sound that caused Haak to hhhhhnnnngggg violently!

0utf0xZer0 then lifted one arm dramatically up, like the Statue of Liberty, symbolizing his flaming freedom from his sex of birth! Bracelet-style wrist weapons and rows of tulips appeared on his costume, causing chimes to be heard. Then with one last theatrical cutting motion through the air with his left arm, 0utf0xZer0 completed his transformation into Moef0xZer0. With a final echoing giggle, M0efoxZer0 took one of the most Kawaii~ poses of all-time.

“I must clone her!” Jail Scaglietti exclaimed at the sight of M0ef0xZer0.

“Nnoooooo!” Professor Dantalion replied, “She must be studieeeeeeeddd by MEEEEEEEEEE!!!”

The two mad scientists then sneered at each other, eventually coming to fiercely flying fisticuffs after making mutually exclusive claims on M0ef0xZer0.

“Not bad, m0ef0x!” Konakaga stated to him, with a playful smile on her face, “With just one transformation scene, you have two of our enemies taking each other out.”

“He he he…” replied M0ef0xZer0 replied, while rubbing the back of his head.

“As fun as this all is…” interjected Nanoha, “Jail Scaglietti is one of the main reasons I’m here. So I’ll be taking him in now!”

“Why else are you here?” asked Dr. Casey.

“That’s a long story.” Nanoha replied, “But I’ll explain it to you and your friends later. First we have some criminals to take care of!”

“Oh, I’d say that many of your new allies, Nanoha, are technically criminals due to anime pirating…” Kogetsu Shirogane stated with a smirk, and a raised eyebrow, “Do you intend to take them in as well?”

Several people then chuckled nervously at Kogetsu’s words.

“I’ve learned to be forgiving of minor infractions like that.” Nanoha replied, causing many sighs of relief.

“I have to admit, Kogetsu, you’re starting to piss me off” interjected totoum, “So let’s see how your Mirror of Forgetfulness holds up against this!”

Totoum then pitched one of his special baseballs forward, causing it to stop just short of the mirror, and strike the mirror with a yellowish blast of light.

“We all know the weakness of mirrors” totoum said, “That weakness is that they can shatter! And when this mirror shatters, it will…”

“Team America!” exclaimed Konakaga, as the five members of Team America now appeared, unharmed, only a few feet from Kogetsu Shirogane.

“They’re free!” shouted Hooves in turn.

Akuma Homura breathed a very deep sigh of relief, but Kogetsu Shirogane was now sweating so many bullets it would even impress Akemi Homura!

“Let your discourse with men of business be short and comprehensive” stated Kaname Madoka, again quoting George Washington.

“Exactly” said Hulk Hogan gruffly, “So let’s finish this!”

Hooves launched into action, knocking Kogetsu Shirogane to the ground with a punch!

Konakaga also launched into action, doing a combination attack with Nanoha to take down Jail Scaglietti!

“Now what about Bal Masque?” asked Akuma Kinomoto

“They seem to have fled…” Dr. Casey said, startled at their sudden disappearance.

Bizarre…” stated Sailor Faerie, “Wasn’t one of them just fighting against Jail?!”

It is always within my ability to clear the environment of all unwanted elements…” came a voice that was vaguely familiar to most here, but long unheard.

Kogetsu chuckled at the sound of that voice, while Hooves held him by the collar, preparing for another punch.

“I never thought I’d see the day I’d get saved by her of all people…” Kogetsu said with a wide open grin.

Ryoko Asakura…” said M0ef0xZer0, turning about in horror at her sight.

The skies above then clouded over in such rapid comprehensive fashion that it made Tuxedo R think he was watching Little Busters! again. And sure enough, those clouds above would bring with them torrential rains. But these rains had some nasty added twists to them, as they were both acidic in nature and caused nasty allergic reactions in magical girls!

M0ef0xZer0, Sailor Faerie, Hooves, Konakaga, Nanoha Takamachi, and Kaname Madoka all dropped to the ground, while crying in pain!

“Hey, where’s Sayaka?” asked Akuma Kinomoto, “Shouldn’t this sort of attack affect her as well?”

“Good point” Dr. Casey replied, contemplatively stroking his chin, “But it’ll have to wait. We now have to deal with Ryoko Asukara!”

Tuxedo R grunted angrily, while hurling a couple dozen extra-thorny roses at Ryoko Asakura. All of those roses simply dispersed on contact with Ryoko’s data disintegration field that she had placed a few feet in front of her face and body.

Sigh…” Ryoko Asakura stated in a tone of feigned annoyance, “Really, Tuxedo R, that attack was just barely worth the data manipulation I did in order to stop it.”

However…” Ryoko Asakura then continued, as her eyes lit up and her voice grew increasingly menacing, “You were right about one thing you said earlier. Canada does still stand strong. But she still stands strong solely due to me!”

Ryoko Asakura then rapidly lifted one arm up into the air, summoning forth what looked like several large wide streams of Canadian evergreen trees! She sent those streams at Tuxedo R, at Dr. Casey, at Haak, at Akuma Kinomoto, and at totoum.

Tuxedo R raced about wildly, trying to dodge the streams of trees. Dr. Casey dropped low to the ground to dodge them. Haak tried to block and hold back a stream with a martial arts maneuver, but he was ultimately forced to disengage and roll to the side to avoid getting crushed by the stream of trees. Akuma Kinomoto danced through the air, skillfully dodging the streams of trees, while taking slick sniping shots at Ryoko Asakura… but sadly, every such bullet simply seemed to melt into a transparent wall of water protecting her face and body. Totoum threw balls at the streams of trees, causing them all to burn to crisps!

“Yes!” exclaimed Tuxedo R, pumping a fist, “Totoum’s weakness-finding baseballs should solve this Asakura problem for us!”

“Darn, knowing Asakura, it probably will…” said a dejected Kogetsu Shirogane rising to his feet.

Kogetsu was right about how Ryoko had frequently failed in her past attempts at apparent villainy. But there was a difference this time that would soon dawn on all of our heroes…

Totoum pitched one ball at Ryoko Asakura, and sure enough, it caused a yellowish blast of light to engulf her. And sure enough, it did target her weaknesses, and exploit them. But this is one case where a weakness can become a strength…

Ryoko’s eyes lit up in seemingly delirious glee, and she flashed into action!

Dr. Casey was knocked out by a Ryoko jumpkick! Akuma Kinomoto was sent flying thousands of kilometres by an epic Ryoko uppercut! Haak was rendered unconscious by Ryoko imitating a Vulcan, and pressing her fingers tightly between his neck and shoulder blades.

“What in the blue blazes…?!” asked Tuxedo R, as he just barely managed to dodge Ryoko’s fourth attack.

“I was afraid something like this might happen…” totoum revealed, “Ryoko’s weaknesses are impatience and impulsivity. In the world of Haruhi Suzumiya and Yuki Nagato, those character traits can easily backfire. But against less powerful enemies or targets…”

Totoum would fittingly become Exhibit D in his own argument, as Ryoko shoulder-tackled him from behind, sending him crashing down to the ground, knocked out!

“No…” cried Tuxedo R.

“Don’t worry, brother, Team America is still here!” shouted out Hulk Hogan while pointing towards Tuxedo R.

“That’s right!” added in Dan Eagleman, “And all of us, except poor Madoka of course, just freed Santa Claus!”

“Now, Saint Nick…” Hulk Hogan said, “You can briefly take Madoka’s spot on Team America, and we’ll finish off this last threat to Christmas!”

Ho ho ho!” Santa Claus heartily laughed in agreement, “Christmas and Hulkamania will make an even better combo than the Rock N’ Sock Connection!”

And for a wondrous moment, that seemed to be true. Santa Claus, Hulk Hogan, Dan Eagleman, Bandit Keith, and Kay all raced towards Ryoko Asakura with such valor that it would make the Three Musketeers blush. But their charge would ultimately end in disappointment for anime’s most famous musketeer…

“They’re not going to win, are they?” Mami asked.

“No, they won’t…” Homura said dejectedly.

With several spine-tingling strikes, Ryoko Asakura brought down Santa, and all of the remaining members of Team America. She then turned her sights towards Tuxedo R.

Now, Tuxedo R, it’s just you and me…” she said menacingly to him.

His top hat and tuxedo starting to slowly dissolve away from acidic rain… his teeth gritted in tense rage and horror… his high hopes seemingly completely dashed… mere desperation and pride was all that Tuxedo R could muster up in this darkest of hours.

Tuxedo R raced wildly at Ryoko Asakura, as he shouted a loud battle cry, preparing to swing his cane at her with all the force that he could muster. Ryoko Asakura grinned evilly in turn, while she pulled out her knife, racing towards Tuxedo R. They then had the classic jousting match, and it ended as definitively as such matches typically do. Ryoko was unharmed, and Tuxedo R… had been stabbed in the stomach.

Tuxedo R fell to the ground, blood dripping out of his stomach, and blood coughing out of his mouth.

No!” cried Sailor Faerie, able to block out her own pain to focus on her fallen comrade.

Yes!” exclaimed Emperor Jinnai, victoriously pumping one elbow and fist, “I knew that wishing on Noel for 30 days use of a high-end reality warper would come in handy!”

“It certainly did.” Miyuki stated with a wide smile.

Ryoko pirouetted playfully about, holding her knife outstretched while Tuxedo R's blood came splashing off of it. She made for the perfectly psychotic centerpiece of this flawlessly dark scene…

“Is it really over…?” M0efoxZer0 asked herself weakly, while crying, and trying to block out the pain of the magical girl-weakening acid rain.

“Now what should we…” began Madoka.

“What should we…” added in Nanoha.

“What should we do?” asked Hooves and Konakaga in unision.


Rain, GO AWAY…” a crystal clear cry came, “AWAY! Away…”

“That voice…”, stated Tuxedo R, as though he had heard the voice of an angel.

And that voice’s affect truly did seem Heaven-sent, as it caused the storm clouds above to slowly disperse, and for the magical girl-harming acidic rain to stop! The sun now shone brightly overhead. Nanoha, Madoka, M0ef0xZer0, Sailor Faerie, Konakaga, and Hooves all looked deeply relieved, and felt renewed, as they stood tall once more in the shimmering sunlight.

“No way…” expressed Sailor Faerie, in disbelief.

“What?!” exclaimed Jinnai angrily, with his eyes bugging out.

“Did you do this?!” he asked Homura angrily, as he brought his face in close to hers.

“No…” interjected Tatsuya, “If my suspicions are correct, this is far worse than Homura somehow managing to get through my mechanisms in order to access her powers…”

“…This is impossible!” screamed Ryoko Asakura angrily, “Nobody can override my environmental control! Nobody!”

“If people put their minds to it, they can do anything!” came the crisp cheerful cry of the same girl who had shouted away the rain, as she stood on the ClariS stage, flanked by two dear friends.

“I’m celebrating my friends in ClariS by bringing back Clear Sky!” she continued, now addressing the ClariS concert crowd, “And with Kotori by my side, we will all fly high! And with Umi by my side, the tide begins to turn! With our singing, your love we hope to earn!”

She then pointed dramatically upwards, as though piercing the heavens themselves!

“We’re ClariS’ super special surprise, and we’re named Muse!” she continued, “I am Kousaka Honoka, and I will end your Christmas Blues!”


Notes - I think this chapter speaks pretty well for itself. But I will say that don't worry, I have my WIXOSS/Madoka Magica mash-up idea thought out (some will have to be dealt with later). I'm now extra interested in getting Kona and Hooves' take on this episode, given who they have as avatars.

That being said, I definitely want to hear what all of the audience thinks of this chapter.

Anime shows featured in this chapter:
Puella Magi Madoka Magica (Madoka, Sayaka, Mami, Akuma Homura, Kyubey, and overall setting)
El Hazard: The Magnificent World (fanfic version of main villain - Katsuhiko Jinnai)
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei (Tatsuya Dark, Miyuki Dark)
Love Live! School Idol Project (Honoka Kousaka, Umi, Kotori)
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (Ryoko Asakura)
Selector-Infected WIXOSS (Ulith)
Symphogear (Noise, references)
Shakugan no Shana (Sydonay, Hecate, Bel Peol, Dantalion)
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS (Nanoha Takamachi, Jail Scaglietti)
Yu-Gi-Oh! (Bandit Keith)
Guilty Crown (Dan Eagleman)
Girls Und Panzer (Kay)
Other anime references - will explain any if requested.

Last edited by Triple_R; 2017-03-30 at 14:17.
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Old 2014-12-15, 01:38   Link #459
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2009
That transformation sequence... are you trying to scar me for life?

Is it bad if I didn't immediately think of Mami when you mentioned "anime’s most famous musketeer"?
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Old 2014-12-15, 08:13   Link #460
Yuri µ'serator
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: FL, USA
Age: 36
Chapter 6 thoughts:
  • Honestly the way the white house scene was handled was just golden.
  • I am pretty pleased with how editing of image for me came out here .
  • Good Action
  • Unreal escalation on both sides here in terms of size of force
  • (Abridged) Bandit Keith is so best member of the tank squad besides Madoka IN AMERICA .
  • Alas poor Santa, I knew him, IN AMERICA Ok, I'll stop now sorry, I couldn't help it.
  • Kogetsu that fiend How could he do such a thing? IN AMERICA sorry I lied.

Chapter 7 thoughts:
  • Dr. Casey's attack on Kogetsu too good lol .
  • The armsrace escalation is real and continues to absurd heights, now bringing in reality warping .
  • I do wonder where he's getting all these villians from
  • Kogetsu interaction towards Nanoha was amusing.
  • Good Action once again.
  • M0ef0xZer0's transformation was impressive Spiderguildy and his group would approve.
  • Awesome ending to the chapter , I approve of Muse being IN AMERICA, this will be the last one I swear...
Kotori Minami - Love Live! School Idol Project
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