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Old 2015-08-03, 21:57   Link #57301
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Originally Posted by MeisterBabylon View Post
We covered this several pages ago, use the search function.
hey, if we find out the REAL REASON on why only chicks an pilot IS units, that could help us on why ichika can pilot one, because so far we been coming up with wild guesses, without any proof
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Old 2015-08-04, 05:19   Link #57302
That one guy
Join Date: Nov 2011
Spoiler for part 1:

"Look, I don't care whose fault it is that she's here. The problem now stands that she is here and we have to deal with this somehow.", Ichika hissed before the group collectively turned their heads towards Nagisako who was currently catatonic in shock.

It was kind of hard not to be catatonic and in shock, not catatonic shock that would be deadly, when you see a woman with a fairytale-esque dress showing ungodly top cleavage and a long skirt so fluttery that it floats up from her shins to her thighs at the slightest breeze. Did we forget to mention she's wearing mechanical bunny ears and just crashed through the frikkin' window? Wait, that was repeated at least a hundred times in Nagi's head. She shook her head clear of any thought before gathering the courage to ask her possible future roomies and landlords. "Who is this person?"

Intense shock was now passed on to the hardened veterans of shocking events. Ichika had his mouth in an 'o' while Natasha and Chifuyu saw this as a chance to salvage things. Natasha, being the American practicing what's in her blood, was bold enough to test the waters.

"Don't you know who she is? She introduced herself as she landed.", the blonde asked as if she were tredding on eggshells with nary a breath willing to be breathed.

Nagi gave an uneasy look of her own as she slowly shook her head. "I... kind of missed her introduction.", she confessed, "Her entrance was so surprised by her that I wasn't able to pay much attention."

"I-is that so?", Natasha half-stuttered with gaining confidence that this situation really could be fixed. Then whatever cosmic force in the universe planning her downfall suddenly jumped on her back in the form of a giggling woman with arms around her neck in an embrace so tender you'd say it was loving.

"Oh, you must be the new girl.", quipped the purple haired girl now nuzzling into the scalp of one very wierded out Natasha as the woman's bossom was digging into those golden follicles. Then that icky feeling turned to one of pure sick when said bossom's owner announced, "My name is Tabane."

Natasha felt like she was going to puke. This feeling not helped at all by the aura of death radiating from the glare of an off-sight Chifuyu. She was going to die.

"Tabane-san is it? It's nice to meet you.", Nagi bowed politely before reaching out for a respectful handshake. There was none of the hysteria and immediate authority-calling one associated with discovering the location of the mother of IS, and world's most wanted person right at that moment. This went double when you consider that the person who made this discovery was a journalist, a journalist that claimed she specialized in IS related stories. Whoever could claim such a thing but could not make the connection between Tabane and Shinonono Tabane was either thick, or did not do their research very well. Either way they probably weren't very good at their job. Tabane's name was plastered all over IS related material and she even broadcasted the White Knight Incident with voice over of footage of the White Knight wiping out missiles and military pride.


Wait. Her name and voice were all over media. But they never once released a picture of her did they?


"Mayuzumi-san.", Natasha tried again as she supported the body weight of a fully grown woman on her shoulders with a straight back.

"Yes?", came the reporter's reply.

"Do you know who Tabane-san is?"

Nagi slowly shook her head. "No... should I?"

There! Natasha saw a chance and she wasn't going to let it go to waste. "N-No, not really!", the American IS pilot lied. "She's no one important.", the arms around the blonde's neck tightened ever so slightly just to the brink of uncomfortably choking.

"I-Is that so?", Nagi sighed out. The look on her face not one of disappointment at all but more of relief. Even that sigh was an exhale of tense breath she dared not release. That seemed like a wierd reaction to having a probable scoop turn up to be false right?

Unbeknownst to Natasha, Nagisako's brain was working in the total opposite direction. Her brain was not so poor as to not make the connection of a Tabane living under Orimura Chifuyu's house to be someone other than Shinonono Tabane. The two were documented childhood friends to those in the know and it wouldn't be surprising to have the stalwart Brunhilde shield her friend from any prying eyes, even if those eyes belonged to the authorities of the world. It's just Nagi didn't want to believe it. She was in denial about the woman. AFter all, she already said supersoldiers were her limit in this house. She had tempted fate to one up that and it responded by dumping in the creator of the world's most feared weapon of mass destruction that was powerful enough to cause societal shifts just by the threat of its existence. That creator's name, Shinonono Tabane.

Groans of frustration thrummed in a high pitched squeak as the woman riding the American IS representative's shoulders grumbled, "But I am important."

Nagi froze.

Oh kami, please don't say it.

"I'm Shinonono Tabane, the inventor of the IS.", the mad woman informed.

If there was a reaction that the mad scientist was expecting, she probably did not expect the shrill scream of denial ripping from Nagisako's throat that came in a resounding, "Nooooooooooooo!" Actually, no one in the house was prepared for that because they all froze in place as they turned to the journalist who looked to be having some sort of panic attack.

"Why'd you go and tell me something like that!", Nagi hissed angrily to the world's most wanted woman.

For once in her life, Tabane was confused as she asked, "Pardon?"

Nagi threw up her hands in indignation, "Why'd you tell me you were Shinonono Tabane!?"

"One would think that you'd be happy to locate the creator of the IS seeing as you are an IS journalist.", quipped Klarissa.

"YOU!", Nagi turned to the supersoldier, "QUIET!", came the one worded command that inexplicably shut up the quirky German soldier. The reporter then turned her attention back to Tabane befor jabbing a finger in the woman's direction. "And you!", she cried, "I wanted to rent a cheap room so I can live away from my parents who disapprove of my life choices. I wanted to show them that I can live a peaceful, productive and successful life. But with room mates like you I- OOOOOH!", Nagi made a sound between a growl and a whine. "I've seen enough television and novels to see that the reporter dies every single time in groups like these. Famous athletes", she swept an arm to refer to Chifuyu, Maya and Natasha, "I could take. Government secret projects", she jammed a finger in a waving Klarissa's direction, "The finger returned, thrust with such violence that it would have pressed Tabane's nose in had she not pulled her head back, "But you!", Nagi continued with that venomous hiss, "You're the progenitor of something that turned the world on its head. You're a revolutionary with no equal that everyone would not just kill, not just torture but probably give their humanity up for just to get their hands on you. I have better chances at survival sitting next to a bomb."

"Aw shucks, you're flattering m-"

"I am not flattering you!", Nagi screamed at the top of her lungs, ignoring the bashful flush adorning the scientist's cheeks. She turned to Ichika and promptly told him, "I'm sorry but the deal is off. I'll look for somewhere else to live. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone else about what I've seen here. I want to live a long meaningful life." So Nagisako gathered her things, intent to make her leave from this crazy abode.

The journalist's toes barely touched the door threshold before an iron grip held her in place. The grip tightened painfully around her shoulders and she had all the indignation to turn around and give them a piece of her mind. However, whatever righteous fury she had died in her throat along with her words because she was now face to face with a presence nothing short of demonic.

"Oh, you're not going anywhere.", Chifuyu declared in a tone so frigid Nagi felt her sweat freeze.

"I-I said I wasn't going to say anything about anything. I swear. I want to live too you know.", Nagi stuttered nervously.

Chifuyu turned the spectacled woman around and grabbed her by both shoulders. "That's not good enough see. If any government or tattletale catches wind of this then we're going down. And if it just so happens that there's a slight chance that tattletale might be you, then we're taking you down with us." Chifuyu's face turned from an arctic glare to an infinitely more terrifying frozen smile that could probably split her face. "So welcome to the Orimura residence, tenant."


And that is the story of how Mayuzumi Nagisako got mixed up into the lives of the Orimura Household.

Spoiler for omake:
Official art: They know what we want.

Last edited by demino_hellsin; 2015-08-07 at 05:49.
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Old 2015-08-04, 07:26   Link #57303
~ Your Smile ~
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Location: 346Pro
Age: 38
Originally Posted by lovetospoon73 View Post
hey, if we find out the REAL REASON on why only chicks an pilot IS units, that could help us on why ichika can pilot one, because so far we been coming up with wild guesses, without any proof
And we proved that the author didn't care to leave any hints. And why would he, answering that fundamental question ends his story and income.
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Old 2015-08-04, 08:59   Link #57304
Some say I'm the Reverse
Join Date: Jul 2006
Less a rewrite and more chopping off tons of unnecessary dialogue, exposition, and characters.

Who recognizes the Is described in the latter scenario?
I feel like a dad at a kid's party, Canfield muttered under his breath. The
rest of the sergeant's squad were loudly arguing the merits of the basketball
teams playing on TV in between huge bites of barbecue chicken ribs and french
fries. Thankfully no alcohol was involved, but the team was quite loud.

"Are the Army's IS units locked down regularly after testing?" Fairs asked,
breaking Canfield's train of thought.

"Excuse me, Captain?" The sergeant responded, before digesting the question and
formulating his answer. "Uhm, yeah. Completely disarmed and fully locked down.
They don't even keep them in standby mode anymore." A blink. "Why?"

"No, nothing." Fairs went back to reading through the files. Digital, on a viewing
tablet as she scrolled through the info for what seemed the twelfth time. "Just
bouncing some ideas off you, Sergeant."

The captain went silent, but Canfield could see her brow furrow as she intently
tried to make sense of her data.

"You have a personal reason for chasing this down so hard, Ma'am?"

Natasha looked up from the files she read. For a moment she paused, tempted to
tell the sergeant to mind his own business. But then she put the tablet down and
looked Canfield in the eye.

"What do you know about the Silverio Gospel incident, Sergeant?"

"Just that the Gospel's a test unit developed between us and the Israelis, and
that somebody managed to hack it with the pilot still inside. No details about how
they got it to stop, but apparently it happened over the sea of Japan." Canfield
shrugged. That was the official line, and nobody knew more than that. "Whoever the
pilot is, she's lucky to be alive."

Natasha did not smile. "I'm that pilot."

The Sergeant's jaw dropped.

"Don't." Fairs was stern for a second, then stopped. "Don't say you're sorry,
Canfield. Everyone does." She clasped her hands together and breathed deeply. The
rest of the soldiers were too engrossed in the game on TV to notice her
conversation. "It doesn't help. So just don't."

"Got it." The sergeant had been curious, but knew when to back off. "You're
thinking whoever hacked Gospel hacked this test unit."

"The test unit was never scheduled for a flight. It just took off without warning.
Half an hour later, two unknown IS tried to intercept it." Natasha tapped the edge
of her empty coffee cup. "Coincidences don't happen. At least not when you're
talking about the Infinite Stratos."

Canfield just nodded, but minutes later felt awkward at Fairs' silence. The
Sergeant had nothing to add, though, and decided not to simply fill the air with
small talk.


"Ten units airborne, ma'am."

There was little hint of the mess hall's original purpose as it had been covered
on every table and space by computers and other electronic equipment. The hall was
well-lit, and each console was staffed. At the centre of the activity was Chien,
overseeing the operation with unfeeling eyes.

The intelligence officer looked at five coffin-shaped units laid to one side,
sealed from the rest of the group.

Each of the repose pits had a single airman lying inside them, controlling the
drone aircraft in the skies. The workload was light, each pilot only controlled
two at a time. At full capacity, one repose pit could fly four drones at once. The
fully immersive virtual reality interface and completely closed inner environment
ensure they could focus on their work without outside interruption. The experience
of using the repose pits was jarring, as pilots felt like they were split into two
different places at once. They were necessary as the Twenty-fifth operated RQ-210
drones, which the rest of the USAF were yet to know existed, much less have access
to. The stealthy drones took positions over the skies. Slow-moving, loitering
about the airspace over Providence. They would only be in the sky until dawn, then

"Pull up the input from the repose pits."

Not even a nod as the screens lit up. Real-time feed from the landscape. Each of
the RQ drones were equipped with three camera eyes, and the men and women in the
room saw what the pilots in the repose pits saw. The units were undetectable even
to friendly local and military radar, and flew silently above the community. Each
one was armed, for both air and ground targets which the pilots could pick out
with precision. It was an abnormal amount of firepower for their apparent mission:
The official statement was that they were looking for the test unit lost the other

The truth was, Chien and the rest of the Twenty-Fifth couldn't care less about the
lost unit. It was bait for the real catch.

A foreign power's IS.

They did not have to wait long. A blip appeared over the dark Providence skyline.
No radar signal and a very low heat signature. Too small for any civilian or
military light aircraft. The first pursuing drone's long-range camera trailed
looking at a slight glow of thrust. Two other drones closed in, confirming the

The image grew as the drone camera's digital zoom attempted to focus on the
suspected machine. It looked like a dark-colored butterfly, dragging thick legs
behind it in flight. A head with thin antennae completed the butterfly motif,
turning side to side as if searching for something below. The techs started trying
to identify the unit based on their records of foreign IS.

"Do not engage." Chien was still as a statue, eyes narrowing as the drones began
to maneuver towards the target. "Keep your distance."

"Confirm only one target." The tension ramped up as the other Drones kept their
distance, only the three main machines following miles away. The makeshift control
room was silent as the techs watched both the video and satellite feed. It was
far, but it almost seemed that the vaguely human figure turned to look back at
them. Unnerved, one of the techs turned to Chien. "Do you think the pilot knows
we're watching?"

"She knows." Chien's own eyes were locked to the screens. "She defintely knows."

No one questioned their commander, and the drones kept an eye on the Is that
watched them back. The night was silent until the dawn, but the Twenty-Fifth knew
the work had just begun.
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Old 2015-08-04, 12:18   Link #57305
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If I'm not mistaken wavy that's Silent Zephyrs right?

If so does that mean Madoka is the pilot?
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Old 2015-08-05, 04:45   Link #57306
Some say I'm the Reverse
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Originally Posted by S.Freedom View Post
If I'm not mistaken wavy that's Silent Zephyrs right?

If so does that mean Madoka is the pilot?
- Yes and yes. I'm trying to make it obvious without outright saying who it is. I was hoping it'd be clear just from the description.

You're seeing it from the point of view of the US Air Force--this is chronologically before the incident where Madoka tries to take the Silverio Gospel, so they don't know what they're looking at just yet, but anyone who's been following the LNs or TV series will pick up on the description straight away. And without spoiling too much this is an actual plot point. (remember the prologue I mentioned TWO blue IS chasing down the Red drone?)

That's the biggest complaint I have with most fanfic critics, they need me to spell it out for them in big highlighted words. I would very much like to believe that people are smarter than that and can clue in to what I'm writing.
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Old 2015-08-05, 08:34   Link #57307
Some say I'm the Reverse
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Just a basic pointer. I'm rereading some dos and donts of writing dialogue myself, as I find most of the stuff I'm writing for my current fic comes across as stilted or hashed. It doesn't flow as naturally as I did with other fics I've written.
Speaking of Dialogue:

10 Easy Ways to Improve Your Dialogue:
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Old 2015-08-05, 09:01   Link #57308
I am no one
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Location: Inside your head
So I'm coming back with another dumb idea.

In the Glory of the Loser, no one has prototype to spare for Ichika's personal unit. Unfortunately, the original Tempesta would be considered unfit due to it's poor stability. So instead of looking for contractor, Britain cobbled together I.S. parts from various European product to make an unit that would fit both Chifuyu and Ichika's request.

The gundam reference to that would be Leo Glyph/Greif, in reference to Talgeese.

Leo Type IV (Greif): Featured in the Gundam Wing novelization, New Mobile Report Gundam Wing: Frozen Teardrop, and New Mobile Report Gundam Wing: Glory of the Defeated. Resembles the Tallgeese even more, and features the high speed flight capabilities of the Aries. The cannon is developed from the Tragos, the backpack verniers from the Aries, and the head crown from the Tallgeese. Rebels at the Marius Plant of the Lunar Factory used black-painted Gryphs in their rebellion in AC 186.
Later, they updated Tempesta up to spec from the data gathered, result in Tempesta II and III, just like how Talgeese upgraded in canon.
My OTP is fucked up as expected
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Old 2015-08-05, 09:10   Link #57309
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And meanwhile, I am eerily chilled by how real life has decided to mirror a piece of history from the Meisterverse.

Granted I was playing cheat by knowing for a long time the richer more capitalist Arabians never really liked their more faith-crazed counterparts and thinking "surely the Middle East will start tearing at one another once they have enough resources..."

I don't think there's going to be a clear victor, unlike my work though.
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Old 2015-08-05, 09:13   Link #57310
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Originally Posted by MeisterBabylon View Post
And meanwhile, I am eerily chilled by how real life has decided to mirror my work.

Granted I was playing cheat by thinking "surely the Middle East will start tearing at one another once they have enough resources..."

I don't think there's going to be a clear victor, unlike my work though.
"Humanity is at a precipice. Afraid to jump into the chaos of uncertainty."
Cerulean Blue's faceless mien seemed to evoke the coldest laugh one could imagine.
"I am here to push it over the edge."
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Old 2015-08-05, 09:15   Link #57311
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Meanwhile India cancelled MMRCA deal, and there goes Rafale sales....

You know I should have written mockumentary of sort, pull everything from he headlines and put it in I.S. world.

"Meanwhile, multinational third generation multirole combat I.S. the Lightning III had meet some problem with water resistance and had to be grounded again. The congress continue to increase it's funding in hopes that it will soon become the best strike fighter in the world as it deserve."

"Egypt had decided to deploy Rafale as their latest vanguard of their defense force."

"Iran sanction has been lifted, currently pursuing advancement in indigenous I.S. technology"
My OTP is fucked up as expected
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Old 2015-08-05, 09:52   Link #57312
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Originally Posted by wavehawk View Post
"Humanity is at a precipice. Afraid to jump into the chaos of uncertainty."
Cerulean Blue's faceless mien seemed to evoke the coldest laugh one could imagine.
"I am here to push it over the edge."
Considering that Tabane was the one who caused the Great Wars...

Originally Posted by ZeroXSEED View Post

Meanwhile India cancelled MMRCA deal, and there goes Rafale sales....

You know I should have written mockumentary of sort, pull everything from he headlines and put it in I.S. world.

"Meanwhile, multinational third generation multirole combat I.S. the Lightning III had meet some problem with water resistance and had to be grounded again. The congress continue to increase it's funding in hopes that it will soon become the best strike fighter in the world as it deserve."

"Egypt had decided to deploy Rafale as their latest vanguard of their defense force."

"Iran sanction has been lifted, currently pursuing advancement in indigenous I.S. technology"
It is very possible. I did a long thought experiment of "in 2010, IS was invented; in 2031 Ichika enrols in a weird school, in a weird world. What happened?"

I then researched the major zones of conflict both military and socially and identified a few choice pieces. This meant that whatever happened in the Meisterverse started from something that was brewing before 2010, in our time, but was twisted because of 2 things: the game changer from IS and the game master Tabane who was doing what she does, help people regardless of the consequences in pursuit of her own unknown goal.

The clash between the UAE (which would become the first state of the West Emirate Solidarity) and the Iran-backed forces was waiting to happen (in the Meisterverse, Iran was backed up the Caliphate before all the infighting started). It was most probably going to be in a 3rd party state, given the history of most post WW conflicts.

I haven't specified which state as I felt it was best left vague for prequel material in future. Real life picked Yemen.
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Old 2015-08-05, 10:11   Link #57313
Some say I'm the Reverse
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Originally Posted by MeisterBabylon View Post
Considering that Tabane was the one who caused the Great Wars...
- Laughs maniacally Oh, how close you are, Meister. HOW CLOSE YOU ARE AND YOU STILL DON'T KNOW IT
psychotic laughter ringing on
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Old 2015-08-05, 12:54   Link #57314
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Remember what I said about Tabane and theatrics? About having her name in lights?
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Old 2015-08-06, 06:40   Link #57315
Lumine Passio
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Originally Posted by ZeroXSEED View Post
So I'm coming back with another dumb idea.

In the Glory of the Loser, no one has prototype to spare for Ichika's personal unit. Unfortunately, the original Tempesta would be considered unfit due to it's poor stability. So instead of looking for contractor, Britain cobbled together I.S. parts from various European product to make an unit that would fit both Chifuyu and Ichika's request.

The gundam reference to that would be Leo Glyph/Greif, in reference to Talgeese.

Later, they updated Tempesta up to spec from the data gathered, result in Tempesta II and III, just like how Talgeese upgraded in canon.
.... Let's me guess, another European-centric? Cecilia again?

Anyone here has read Ghost Fleet?

Oh, and where is the Kurd stand in all of this war, Meister?
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Old 2015-08-06, 08:27   Link #57316
Some say I'm the Reverse
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Originally Posted by MeisterBabylon View Post
Remember what I said about Tabane and theatrics? About having her name in lights?
Ange: "Sonofa~~~"
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Old 2015-08-07, 05:51   Link #57317
That one guy
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Originally Posted by demino_hellsin View Post
Spoiler for part 1:

Spoiler for part 2:

Spoiler for omake:
Finally finished this literary diarrhea that spewed forth from my mind. The idea kept bugging me but the words just didn't want to come. I wish I could post it as a chapter for Cake Eater, this was supposed to be a 4th chapter, but seeing as how messed up the writing is. I think I should put that idea on ice.
Official art: They know what we want.
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Old 2015-08-07, 06:38   Link #57318
Lumine Passio
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Location: Hanoi, Vietnam
Age: 18
How to keep the coherence of a particle beam? We all know that the more active the nucleus and electrons are, the faster they dissipate. The central idea is that a mysterious field surround the beam - like a tube. But what sustain the field? The plasma itself?

... Maybe that is the problem people may first encountered when making these. Imagine first generation particle weapons consist of a ceramic tube connect to a generator. A good anti-armor tool, provide that you can attach the tube to the tank and keep it in place.

Anyway, has anyone here thought about an OC modeled after McNamara? An entrepreneur-turned-IS legislator?

Imagine him fuss over the standardization of IS force.
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Old 2015-08-07, 08:27   Link #57319
Some say I'm the Reverse
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Originally Posted by Fireminer View Post
How to keep the coherence of a particle beam? We all know that the more active the nucleus and electrons are, the faster they dissipate. The central idea is that a mysterious field surround the beam - like a tube. But what sustain the field? The plasma itself?
- Was goign to point to a link but forgot that your net is probbaly banned form American sites, so:

Taken from and I quote:
Originally Posted by FAS.ORG
A Neutral Particle Beam (NPB) weapon produces a beam of near-light-speed-neutral atomic particles by subjecting hydrogen or deuterium gas to an enormous electrical charge. The electrical charge produces negatively charged ions that are accelerated through a long vacuum tunnel by an electrical potential in the hundreds-of-megavolt range. At the end of the tunnel, electrons are stripped from the negative ions, forming the high-speed neutral atomic particles that are the neutral particle beam. The NPB delivers its kinetic energy directly into the atomic and subatomic structure of the target, literally heating the target from deep within. Charged particle beams (CPB) can be produced in a similar fashion, but they are easily deflected by the earth's magnetic field and their strong electrical charge causes the CPB to diffuse and break apart uncontrollably. Weapons-class NPBs require energies in the hundreds of millions of electron volts and beam powers in the tens of megawatts. Modern devices have not yet reached this level.

Particle beams are an outgrowth of conventional atomic accelerator technology. Weapons-class particle beams require millions of volts of electrical potential, powerful magnetic fields for beam direction, and long accelerating tunnels. Current technology accelerator devices with these capabilities weigh in the hundreds of tons and require enormous power sources to operate. Composed of neutral atoms, NPBs proceed in a straight line once they have been accelerated and magnetically pointed just before neutralization in the accelerator. An invisible beam of neutrally charged atoms is also remarkably difficult to sense, complicating the problem of beam control and direction.
In short: Neutral-charge particle beams work more like a microwave oven than a death ray. Charge Particle beams are more like the beam weapons we normally think of but are still nto practical.

... Maybe that is the problem people may first encountered when making these. Imagine first generation particle weapons consist of a ceramic tube connect to a generator. A good anti-armor tool, provide that you can attach the tube to the tank and keep it in place.
- Unfortunately not as good as you would think. Current Particla Beam weapons can fry circuitry on missiles et al but require a lot of time to do notable damage to armor.

Anyway, has anyone here thought about an OC modeled after McNamara? An entrepreneur-turned-IS legislator?
- No, but a lot of the obstructive beaureaucrats you'll see in my fics are based on real government employees I've had the misfortune to deal with back when I was living in the Philippines.

Don't try too hard to model a character on a public person whom you don't know well. It's like making a caricature of a caricature--you're basing your character on a public image (and criticisms of that public image)
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Old 2015-08-07, 08:36   Link #57320
The Corniest Mecha Fanboy
Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: SRX's Tronium Engine
Okay, since I'm surrounded by theoretical physic scientists, I need to ask a question here:
How much damage would a Neutron Beam deal ? Like, how thick are the armor that the beam can destroys before complete dissipating? We'll be using tungsten armor because I'm an unoriginal fuck.
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