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Old 2007-10-09, 03:17   Link #221
anti-sasuke brigade
Join Date: Dec 2006
it was the night that i found this thread.

it was about a guy at uni, where i tease and bag him full on which made him cry while i laugh and laugh. i woke up by my gf telling me that i was laughing and she couldnt sleep.

weird isnt it?
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Old 2010-07-09, 12:54   Link #222
Moving in circles
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Inside a traditional Japanese home, in an enclosed hall. Black wood polished to a high sheen. Trimmings lacquered blood-red crimson. Rice-paper windows glow a warm, luminous yellow, but everything else shrouded in grey-dark. Images in sharp focus, high contrast.

It should be ominous, but it's not. Amid the vivid gloom, a hazy sense of belonging, but also a vague feeling of something (someone?) missing.

I was alone... or was I? In a corner from the main hall, down a tatami-covered, column-lined corridor, was a door. A female presence. No, not a presence but, rather, an awareness that I was not the only person who lived there.

An enigma. A beckoning towards a mystery that had to be solved. On a waist-high cabinet by the wall, a gold-wrapped box of chocolates.

I walk down the corridor. I stand before the door...

The annoying thing is that I feel pretty sure the dream continued from there; a recollection in the back of my mind that I was given a message, something important, that I lost upon waking. It's been a while since I had a dream with such strong "psychic" resonance. It felt like a lucid dream but was not, because I was compelled, taking action without volition.

Heh. I'm by no means a religious person, nor am I particularly superstitious. But when I have dreams like these, I always find myself thinking — without knowing why, because it's not till after I wake that I become fully aware I was dreaming — that I must jot down the details as soon as I wake... only to forget almost everything as soon as I do. There is an immediate sense of frustrating regret, of having let a story slip away, like watching a Polaroid fade away before the picture develops.
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Old 2010-07-09, 16:50   Link #223
Carlos Julian
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I'm walking with my older brother in my backyard when suddenly, I notice that my house has become a post-apocalyptic ruin and I'm wearing nothing but a yellow towel around my waist. Then these foot-tall velociraptors start chasing us. My brother escapes down the driveway that runs up the side of my house, but I end up getting myself cornered. I yank of my towel and prepare to fight for my life.

And then I woke up.
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Old 2010-07-09, 20:17   Link #224
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Lucid dreaming is something I've been dabbling with on and off for the past two years. It takes some practice/effort but if you pull it off your dreams will be 100x better. Basically, you can learn to control yourself in dreams, with some pretty awesome effects. I had one dream where I shot a Dragonball Z style ki blast at a building, blasted off into the air, and landed on a deserted paradise island. The only problem is sometimes you lose lucidity but with practice you can master it. <- Check out the wiki article, it has some good information and links if you want to try.
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Old 2010-07-09, 20:24   Link #225
Sin of Memories
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I dream of things to put into my novel.... Main character is an overall good person until he gets angry, then a dormant side kicks in and he becomes enraged with a lust to kill. The only person who can bring him back is is love which she is almost murdered in the beginning.
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Old 2010-07-09, 20:42   Link #226
Neat Hedgehog
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Weird dreams... hehe, I don't think there's a night that goes by that I don't have what most people think are "weird" dreams. The most common ones involve shooting, stabbing, and beating people who are trying to kill me. They're actually pretty fun because I'm in total control of everything I'm doing.

There are the more or less normal story dreams, like the one about an android girl living in a flying city.

Then there's the obscure dreams. Like when I had to go to my uncle's company to fix a network issue, but the servers were all in the basement which was flooded. So I went to drain the water, but then I needed to find a way to get rid of the aquatic werewolves that were swimming around down there.

Then there're the recurring ones about school work. Like the one where I only got a 25 / 100 on an assignment because an application I wrote failed to perform well when accessed remotely on a library terminal in Canada.

Recent bouts of weirdness include commercials for perfume for drowned girls, and bears with eyeballs in the their nose. Things that random are usually short, and come in batches of six to a dozen. I have even more of them now that I'm not taking Strattera for my ADHD anymore. They got all stylish again, too, like black and white film-noir styles, anime style, 3D video game style, etc... Didn't have as many of those when I was taking Strattera.

Needless to say, I'm pretty much guaranteed to have a lot of fun almost every night.
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Old 2010-07-09, 20:57   Link #227
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Age: 33
I had a really weird dream last night, I've been learning Japanese and I've finally had another dream where it's all in one language. I was speaking to people in full Japanese and they were speaking back, then at the end of my dream Azusa from K-On started blurting random words at me, really, really difficult ones but I could see subtitles of what they were in English. I can't remember what the words were, but maybe it's some of the Kanji words I've been learning over the past few days.

Kind of annoying as I woke up and couldn't speak fluent, but maybe my brain is finally processing the information to me in dreams? It's almost as if I didn't know what the words were, but there were subtitles appearing under her when she was saying it, so I don't know if it was words I've just learnt and my brain was trying to file them down to remember but, weird. :S
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Old 2010-07-09, 22:38   Link #228
Loving Romeo X Juliet
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Location: City of Angels
OK OK OK!!! Grab you fave flavored popcorn cause boy do I have dreams to talk about!

I have Ecchi, Horror, Drama, Suspense, Mystery, Sci-Fi..... All original content generated by my irrational noodle while it was dreaming!

Weird Techy dream:

This dream is clearly the product of the bad influence Google Earth has had on me. I dreamed I found this capsule thingy where only 1 person was able to fit in. Curiously, I jumped in and it immediately took me 6K feet above ground and the minute I thought about Montana I was taken there in 3.02 seconds flat.

To my surprise I was just above a beautiful field, 6-9 feet off the ground, it was a gorgeous day and 6 butterflies were flying by. This capsule thingy gave me the grand tour around this beautiful place and after 15 mins it jumped 6K feet of the ground again and this time it took me to Russia.

To make the story short, I visited about 5 breathtaking places all in one dream! How is that for savings?


I was walking down the street with my brother when we see a weird guy walking in our direction. As he approached us we were able to see that he was holding something in his hand. A few seconds later I saw that he was concealing a baseball bat and the guy looked pissed for some reason.

When we got close (3-4 meters away) the guy rushes towards my brother and starts hitting him with this bat but he only focused on his head. I was shocked to hell when I saw my brother bleeding profusely after receiving several vicious blows to the head in a matter of a few seconds.

Thats when I snapped and all of the sudden "by the magic of dreams" I realized someone had left a sledgehammer outside a house in construction which was right next to where this thing was going down.

I grabbed that sledge hammer and with serious killer intent I hit the guy in the head, once, twice, three times .. after a few seconds I lost count of the number of times I had hit his head with the sledgehammer .. it was only when a started to feel I was hitting something hard that I stopped and realized, I had completely smashed this guys head, there was nothing left but a bloody stump, some white stuff and his decapitated body.

The scene shocked me as I had never seen a body go from normal to what I turned his body into..thats when I woke up and to my surprise.. I was still so angry... SO ANGRY that I closed my eyes really hard because I wanted to get back into that dream to completely erase this guy's existence.

A few seconds later I realized... DAMMIT DUDE! Calm down it was only a dream!

Thats the first time I've ever hated a dream foe so much as to want to go back to a dream to mutilate him.

It took me about an hour to completely calm down. Couldn't fall asleep after that.

Last edited by CuXe; 2010-07-09 at 22:56.
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Old 2010-07-09, 22:59   Link #229
Evil Vampire
Join Date: Jan 2010
I sometimes have a dream where a circle of lolis holding hands are spinning in a circle around me, sitting in a chair. It's strange, but I like it.
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Old 2010-07-09, 23:14   Link #230
Neat Hedgehog
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Originally Posted by Nadeko_Sengoku View Post
I sometimes have a dream where a circle of lolis holding hands are spinning in a circle around me, sitting in a chair. It's strange, but I like it.
Yeah, so, you've probably heard about the theory that two people can send either other their dreams...

Don't suppose you'd care to give that a shot, would you?
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Old 2010-07-09, 23:18   Link #231
Loving Romeo X Juliet
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^ Hey don't be stingy! I am tired of having creepy/violent dreams... I've had some ecchi ones sure but there is no such thing as ecchi overload!

Send some of that vibe my way too!!
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Old 2010-07-09, 23:30   Link #232
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Originally Posted by CuXe View Post
[wat. - Komari]
Hm, interesting that you dreamed of seeing something you've never seen before, a smashed human head. Have you, by any chance, seen something of this nature on TV or a game? I thought that dreams were only allowed to show things you've seen or experienced; I heard that's why we never die in dreams.

About the lucid dreaming, I'd like to do that. I guess I already kind of can, since I can end a nightmare if I see fit (though it's a challenging); when I identify the dream as a dream and not reality, I can halfway control what happens, but my control on the dream usually slips fairly quickly and I wake up. For me, controlling dreams is like walking a very thin tightrope, with waking up the consequence for falling. Sometimes I remember that and just let the dream carry me on.
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Old 2010-07-09, 23:43   Link #233
Loving Romeo X Juliet
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Originally Posted by Komari View Post
Hm, interesting that you dreamed of seeing something you've never seen before, a smashed human head. Have you, by any chance, seen something of this nature on TV or a game? I thought that dreams were only allowed to show things you've seen or experienced; I heard that's why we never die in dreams.

About the lucid dreaming, I'd like to do that. I guess I already kind of can, since I can end a nightmare if I see fit (though it's a challenging); when I identify the dream as a dream and not reality, I can halfway control what happens, but my control on the dream usually slips fairly quickly and I wake up. For me, controlling dreams is like walking a very thin tightrope, with waking up the consequence for falling. Sometimes I remember that and just let the dream carry me on.
Thats what impressed me, I've never seen this particular series of events in a movie, not with the level of detail and vicious imagery I saw.

The first dream I posted was clearly the influence of Google Earth ... but this second one was just way too vicious.

Now, I've never had lucid dreaming. In many other dreams I've had I always wake up before something bad happens to me so it never gets as bad as in the second dream.

My opinion is that I was able to gain some control because of the rage I was feeling, or maybe my brain channeled some of that anger and created something gruesome thus creating the illusion that I had some control over what was going on. It is impressive just how Angry I was, I mean, I've never had a dream that makes me go insane and gets me so angry that even after waking up and 30+ mins later... I was still in full attack mode...

Thats a once in a lifetime kinda thing... I think (and I hope)

.....As a side note... I've had dreams where I walk around and get to know a place I've never seen before just to find myself in that very same place I dreamt of but in real life. LOL I am glad I am not superstitious, the human brain surely is a fascinating thing!
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Old 2010-07-09, 23:54   Link #234
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I had a dream where I was a lion protecting some humans or something. And the humans were shooting at me and the animals I was protecting them from.

My friends were sleeping over and one said "Do you sleeptalk? I swear I heard you say "rawr" more than 3 times..."
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Old 2010-07-10, 00:06   Link #235
Neat Hedgehog
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Originally Posted by Komari
Now, I've never had lucid dreaming. In many other dreams I've had I always wake up before something bad happens to me so it never gets as bad as in the second dream.
Lucid dreaming is interesting. Most of the time, I end up doing it "video game" style, where I follow along the dream like normal until something goes wrong (typically I am about to die). Then I can stop it, rewind it, and attempt the scene over again until I get it right.

What's really weird is when you're having a lucid dream in which there is someone else who also has control of your dream world. I had that happen once. It seemed to be like a "virus" that I had to fight against and try to kill it, despite the fact that we were evenly matched. Talk about split personality issues, eh?

Originally Posted by CuXe View Post
.....As a side note... I've had dreams where I walk around and get to know a place I've never seen before just to find myself in that very same place I dreamt of but in real life. LOL I am glad I am not superstitious, the human brain surely is a fascinating thing!
I used to do that a lot when I was about 13. I'd dream out entire conversations and situations, and then the next day, they would happen. That would happen almost every night for about a week sometimes. Too bad I never saw any sports scores.
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Old 2010-07-10, 00:36   Link #236
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Originally Posted by Neat Hedgehog View Post
Originally Posted by Komari
Now, I've never had lucid dreaming. In many other dreams I've had I always wake up before something bad happens to me so it never gets as bad as in the second dream.
No es mí. Try again.
Originally Posted by Neat Hedgehog View Post
I used to do that a lot when I was about 13. I'd dream out entire conversations and situations, and then the next day, they would happen. That would happen almost every night for about a week sometimes. Too bad I never saw any sports scores.
You have psychic powers, just like me. You believe me when I say I can see the future, right?
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Old 2010-07-10, 01:06   Link #237
Loving Romeo X Juliet
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Location: City of Angels
^ Psychic powers uh? Please do tell, things like that are highly amusing just like reading about weird n intersting dreams

When I was 10yo I met this girl who thought she had psychic powers however there was a trade off which was eating her from the inside. It was an OCD type of thing, she told me she dreamed of things in advance but in exchange for seeing these things she had to repeat certain body movements 2 or three times as a way to protect herself from what she called "bad things"

Sometimes she would walk and stop, she'd take 3 steps back, stand still and completely change the course she was taking. If she grabbed a flower she would sometimes put it back and take it again and the put it right back.... I could tell this thing was really getting to her.

I dunno what happened to her as my family moved but the last time I saw her she scared me, she was crying and saying that she couldn't stop repeating certain things because she was afraid of the consequences.

Yeap, that was some weird sh*t right thur....
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Old 2010-07-10, 04:25   Link #238
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Originally Posted by CuXe View Post
^ Psychic powers uh? Please do tell, things like that are highly amusing just like reading about weird n intersting dreams

When I was 10yo I met this girl who thought she had psychic powers however there was a trade off which was eating her from the inside. It was an OCD type of thing, she told me she dreamed of things in advance but in exchange for seeing these things she had to repeat certain body movements 2 or three times as a way to protect herself from what she called "bad things"

Sometimes she would walk and stop, she'd take 3 steps back, stand still and completely change the course she was taking. If she grabbed a flower she would sometimes put it back and take it again and the put it right back.... I could tell this thing was really getting to her.

I dunno what happened to her as my family moved but the last time I saw her she scared me, she was crying and saying that she couldn't stop repeating certain things because she was afraid of the consequences.

Yeap, that was some weird sh*t right thur....
I dunno about all of that. It's just sometimes I have a random spontaneous scene play in my head, and then it happens. The problem is that I never know that it's a vision until it happens in real life.
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Old 2010-07-10, 04:26   Link #239
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My friends were sleeping over and one said "Do you sleeptalk? I swear I heard you say "rawr" more than 3 times..."
No comment on The Khu Talk.

I can't remember my dreams. I don't know what I'm dreaming about. If there was one dream I remember clearly... It would be the one me being stuck in a green room with worms and spiders crawling onto me. Just so you know, I hate bugs.
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Old 2010-07-10, 04:49   Link #240
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Probably my latest.

I was shocked, I dreamed that I watched K-on episode 14. It feels like I repeated what I did in day....Déjà vu. Then I woke up after it finished. Hmm....
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