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View Poll Results: Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - Episode 40 Rating
Perfect 10 15 46.88%
9 out of 10 : Excellent 11 34.38%
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7 out of 10 : Good 2 6.25%
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Old 2017-01-22, 10:27   Link #41
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You know what's really scary about Iok? It's how natural it is to him to be above the law, how entitled he thinks he is (no, no 'thinks', he just breathes that entitlement) to easily violate said law multiple times in a most atrocious fashion while supposedly punishing others for breaking the law in the same breath. That kind of mentality is the most vile and terrifying result of GH's corruption going on for generations.

Jasley looks pretty shocked here, so maybe, just maybe, Iok's death is reported to him?
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Originally Posted by Irenesharda View Post
Also, in the PV Orga is sitting alone in a room again with a bit of a green tint. Is Mika going to have to have another "talk" with him about what they have to do now?
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Orga is sitting in a cabin on one of Tekkadan's ships, presumably on his way to Saisei for the funeral service, and the one he is talking to is someone from GH (the GH emblem is on the screen), so most likely McGillis - not the best man to talk to when in such a vulnerable emotional state. I fear Orga being manipulated...

Originally Posted by Skaddix View Post
They probably shouldn't send Mika in for a talk with Orga. He probably advise a Red Funeral. This probably needs a more subtle approach even if I would love to see Tekkadan roll in and just start firing. Need to send in Kudelia or the Old Man. He gives good advice.
As we've already been shown in s1 with Biscuit's death, Orga is in a very vulnerable position psychilogically when it comes to this kind of emotional blows because he has no one to turn to when he needs a shoulder to cry on, so to speak (we've seen how Mika, who's technically in the best position for it, simply won't allow it) As leader, Orga can't show his men the extent of his grief, especially when he's pushed very close to the breaking point like this and can't have his people pick up on it (for obvious reasons like a huge morale drop). This puts him in a danger of going insane. So yeah, send in the old man Yukinojou or Kudelia. Or both.

Originally Posted by Irenesharda View Post
The thing is, I think that she does know that what a piece of crap he is, but she's so consumed with her own obsession that she no longer cares about whatever he's doing as long as it serves her quest to become stronger.
A quest that she's failing seeing as Amida was able to hold up pretty well against her in a pretty old suit at that. As much as I loved Amida, she would have never lasted against Mika going all out. If Julietta wants to get to Mika level, she's got a long way to go.
Ein-ification for Julietta intensifies. I don't know if they'll actually go that far, but if you think about, the last logical step, if ViGali doesn't stop her in time, for her will be to become like Ein, literally: she realized how powerless she is and in her mad quest for power, the only way she can reach the same level as Mika is becoming one with her machine - that is, installation of the AV system and immuring herself into a lifesupport cube, literally becoming her mech Julia. Unlike Ein, willingly.

Originally Posted by Irenesharda View Post
During his entire time as leader of Tekkadan and even as leader of the third group, Orga has scrapped, fought, and sacrificed for his men, sure some of his men die and he's had to carry that. But he's never purposefully abandoned men under him if he knew he hand the power to help them. Here, while I understand that McMurdo was looking out for the good of Teiwaz, I think there is definitely more he could have done. Especially considering that he could have nipped this in the bud earlier by dealing with Jasley, who has been rather obvious in his animosity. Sure it might be fine to begin with as boys will be boys, but as years past and that animosity grew, you should have known that it was going to come to a head.

I also think that McMurdo could have thought of something else, some way of sending Naze help. I mean, Shino can't be the only one who thinks of a plan to "test boosters", come on.
It shows that Barriston is a ruthless businessman governed by cold rationale who came this far by cutting his losses no matter what, or who, constitutes those losses. I wanted to see the scary side of him, the reason why he is feared, well, in a way they did show it: he becomes indiscriminate when risks to his business are involved and emotions have no say in his decisions. Orga came this far by relying on his comrades and by them all sharing the spirit of being one united group, one family. This makes Barriston and Orga polar opposites, actually, and it wouldn't be strange for such opposites to clash eventually. I also find it quite ironic that although it's Teiwaz that uses family attributes a lot in appearance, it's actually Tekkadan who are family in spirit.

I know it's a very wrong moment, but I look forward to seeing a temporary wardrobe change for a lot of characters (sadly not for Eugene or Akihiro, it seems, but at least for Orga, Lafter and Azee)
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Old 2017-01-22, 10:30   Link #42
Wandering Soul
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RIP Naze and Amida. At least they went out together and they could die knowing that the rest of their family was safe. It's just to bad that Amida's shot didn't get through.

Sign me up for the "hope Iok gets killed brutally" petition.

Those Dainsleif weapons seem really OP.
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Old 2017-01-22, 10:43   Link #43
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I really hate Iok!

At first, I found him to be a lovable idiot who just happened to be part of the corrupt bureaucracy by fate....but his actions here toward ships full of surrendering women and children is just.....asking for a cruel fate for him in the end.

Glad that Echo and Azee are still alive and avoided the death flag. Now I am pump to see the AkihiroxLafter ship. Akihiro consulting with Eugene and Shino about Lafter wanting to squeeze him is probably going end up with bad advice or embarrassing situation (those two had sex with prostitues for crying out loud). I want to see his reaction when Lafter does hug him.
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Old 2017-01-22, 10:50   Link #44
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I want Iok to be done in by Gusion Rebake's pincers... That's the most painful way I can think of.
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Old 2017-01-22, 10:54   Link #45
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This single episode put IBO on part with 08 MS Team and above all the recent crap
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Old 2017-01-22, 11:02   Link #46
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8th would be great without that terrible romance, I would put IBO above it for that reason.
"I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it" (Charles R. Swindoll)
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Old 2017-01-22, 11:27   Link #47
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Originally Posted by tdx View Post
Jasley looks pretty shocked here, so maybe, just maybe, Iok's death is reported to him?
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I don't think Iok is dead (yet), but I think perhaps Jasley didn't get the outcome he wanted? I'm not sure what he wants, but perhaps McMurdo decided to give it to Tekkadan instead? We'll have to see.

On a side note, someone on reddit dubbed him with the name Cowprint McGreekname, which I find hilarious. Not as catchy as Idiok, but still funny.

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Orga is sitting in a cabin on one of Tekkadan's ships, presumably on his way to Saisei for the funeral service, and the one he is talking to is someone from GH (the GH emblem is on the screen), so most likely McGillis - not the best man to talk to when in such a vulnerable emotional state. I fear Orga being manipulated...
It was too hard for me to see who he was talking to, but if it is Macky, it's probably one of two things. Orga is telling Macky what happened, which could provide evidence against Iok and by connection Rustal, which might be the spark McGillis needs to spark this whole revolution. I mean, evidence that a Seven Star Lord personally used illegal weapons deemed thus by Gjallerhorn itself, as well as firing upon helpless women and children who were trying to escape in lifepods? It would politically be worse than everything that Gjallerhorn did at the end of last season and would be an extremely heavy blow to the group.
The other thing they could be talking about is Macky telling Orga the fight is about to begin and that he's assembling his allies.
It's possible that Macky could try to manipulate him, but really, their thoughts are pretty aligned right now. I don't think there is anything that McGillis could want Orga to do that Orga already doesn't want to do. He'd be totally down with taking out Rustal, Iok, and all the cronies.

A last possibility, could be that McGillis is informing him that Naze's setup was an inside job and could have even figured out it was Jasley. If this scene is before the funeral, then Orga holding Eugene back could be in response to jab by Jasley and that as Orga already knows, he already has a revenge plan in mind.
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Old 2017-01-22, 11:32   Link #48
Faux Mecha
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anyone noticed the YouTube thumbnail for this episode is literally a picture of Naze's head bleeding? GundamInfo was not being subtle at all.
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Old 2017-01-22, 11:32   Link #49
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I'm sad

I need a minute
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Old 2017-01-22, 11:55   Link #50
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My view of events here, but when things first started I considered him something like Carta, a self-righteous fool who was fighting on the wrong side. But for all the issues I had with her, Iok is worse by far.

This bastard goes so far as to not only use illegal weapons and fire at his own comrades, but has his own men commit what constitutes war crimes just for the sake of his glory. Carta at least took responsibility for the men under her care and tried to die with her own ideals intact, whereas Iok has repeatedly been a dumbass that’s as bad as their corrupt organization.

I hope McGillis hangs him with this.
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Old 2017-01-22, 12:27   Link #51
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Well, even in the dark cloud of Naze and Amida's death, there is a silver lining
If the Turbines girls find out two out of their three saviors are single good times await for them. Lafter has obvious dibs on Akihiro, a million girls would love to make a man out of Ride, and to be honest, Shino/Yamagi wouldn't last.

In all seriousness, the Turbines girls owe Tekkadan their lives. They will go "Fuck you, Teiwaz. We're with the Tekkas now". Tekkadan is going to have an army perfect for their kingdom
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Old 2017-01-22, 12:29   Link #52
I disagree with you all.
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I really wonder what McMurdo's thinking of all this. Jasley's confident that as the "remaining son", he'll have all he wants. But if McMurdo so easily abandoned Naze, he won't blink at removing Jasley, if given cause. The question if whether that kind of infighting, where you bring in Gjallahorn to kill one of your "brothers" constitutes a good cause. And, I suppose, if McMurdo knows what role Jasley played in this.
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Old 2017-01-22, 12:32   Link #53
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Dammit, Iok. As if we didn't have enough reasons to hate him already and then there's Jasley.

Orga's mental and emotional state are gonna be worrisome, the last time he was like this was with Biscuit's death and he responded by charging against Gjallarhorn outright. Sure, Mike prodded him but in the end, it was Orgas decision.

Though judging from the preview if he ever goes after Jasley, it will be either tactical and methodical or the mafia esque 'don't mess with us' approach from earlier.
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Old 2017-01-22, 12:34   Link #54
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McMurdo still takes quite risk to accommodate remnants of Turbines so I wouldn't write him off as completely cold blooded.
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Old 2017-01-22, 12:35   Link #55
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Originally Posted by Irenesharda View Post
It was too hard for me to see who he was talking to, but if it is Macky, it's probably one of two things. Orga is telling Macky what happened, which could provide evidence against Iok and by connection Rustal, which might be the spark McGillis needs to spark this whole revolution. I mean, evidence that a Seven Star Lord personally used illegal weapons deemed thus by Gjallerhorn itself, as well as firing upon helpless women and children who were trying to escape in lifepods? It would politically be worse than everything that Gjallerhorn did at the end of last season and would be an extremely heavy blow to the group.
The other thing they could be talking about is Macky telling Orga the fight is about to begin and that he's assembling his allies.
It's possible that Macky could try to manipulate him, but really, their thoughts are pretty aligned right now. I don't think there is anything that McGillis could want Orga to do that Orga already doesn't want to do. He'd be totally down with taking out Rustal, Iok, and all the cronies.

A last possibility, could be that McGillis is informing him that Naze's setup was an inside job and could have even figured out it was Jasley. If this scene is before the funeral, then Orga holding Eugene back could be in response to jab by Jasley and that as Orga already knows, he already has a revenge plan in mind.
From the panoramic shot of the funeral hall, Jasley isn't seen at the funeral (he probably knows the Turbine girls just might rip him a new one if he waltzed in there).
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Orga's gaze sure is heavy, the kind that makes you want to run for your life without looking back. I'm thinking what Eugene wants to do there, with Orga preventing him from it, probably has to do with Barriston rather than Jasley. Maybe Eugene is ready to go and ask Barriston directly questions like what did you allow it, why didn't you try to help... Orga stopping him might carry one of two meanings. First, Orga understands why Barriston did what he did (or rather didn't), so there's no need to accuse him of anything (unlikely, tbh, because Orga was pissed at Barriston's not doing anything at the beginning, so I doubt he finds Barriston's choice right, even if he can understand the reasons). I find the second interpretation more likely, that is, Orga now thinks that they (Tekkadan) can't trust anyone in Teiwaz anymore, including the Old Man, and are basically on their own. If you remember a talk on the bridge of Hammerhead, Naze pointed out that it might be not only Jasley, but also Barriston himself who's involved with framing them. So if Orga asked the main surviving Turbines (Eco, Lafter, Azee) who from Teiwaz he should suspect as the culprit, he should've gotten those 2 names - Jasley and Barriston himself.

McGillis doesn't seem to know the Teiwaz side very well, but I'm sure he'll tell Orga the name of the perpetrator on the GH side, that is, Iok Kujan who is under Rustal Elion. Thus, together, they can get the full picture and all the names of their enemies.

The kind of manipulation I fear from Macky is him instrumentally pushing Orga into Tekkadan taking the full brunt as a sacrificial pawn (as was noted by someone - I don't remember whom, sorry - in the previous thread, Macky doesn't exactly care how many of Tekkadan members die as long as Orga, its leader, and Mika, its ace and core fighter, live). Despite his emotional state and him obviously wanting revenge, I hope Orga still has enough presence of mind to stick to the principle of trying to keep death toll among his people to a minimum and can identify it if Macky tries to lure him into something that goes against it.
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Old 2017-01-22, 12:37   Link #56
Obelisk ze Tormentor
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Originally Posted by azenable View Post
This single episode put IBO on part with 08 MS Team and above all the recent crap
I hope you're not pointing your finger at Thunderbolt, Origin, or GBF. Those were excellent at most and very enjoyable at the very least.
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Old 2017-01-22, 12:39   Link #57
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So Naze wasn't able to survive afterall.

Frankly, I starting to doubt McGillis being the final big bad with the way the story is going, in fact, I can actually see why McGillis have to resorted to such measures considering how Idiok show us how far could corruption get in the current Gjallarhorn. As much as I want Idiok to die, he seem like he will live just fine until way longer when he get his just judgment.
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Old 2017-01-22, 12:39   Link #58
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Originally Posted by Twi View Post
My view of events here, but when things first started I considered him something like Carta, a self-righteous fool who was fighting on the wrong side. But for all the issues I had with her, Iok is worse by far.

This bastard goes so far as to not only use illegal weapons and fire at his own comrades, but has his own men commit what constitutes war crimes just for the sake of his glory. Carta at least took responsibility for the men under her care and tried to die with her own ideals intact, whereas Iok has repeatedly been a dumbass that’s as bad as their corrupt organization.

I hope McGillis hangs him with this.
Carta was an idiot but she was an idiot with honor, the woman had an ideal and she went down with it until the very end and thatīs something you have to respect even if she killed Bisquit in the first season.

This episode was an emonional bomb from start to finish, Naze was my favorite character of this story by far!. The man was never the womanizer he appear to be , he cared for his family and he went down like a real man protecting them, many tears I cried for the guy.

Letīs talk about Iok, this guy is the official hate sink of the story, he just commited 12 war crimes as far as I saw by attaking the Turbines like the coward he is. He only cares about his honor and Rustal, I hope he dies the most horrible death is Gundam franchise for this.

And the worst possible result is here for Rustal and the Arainhold Fleet: now itīs personal for Tekkadan. Before this they were going along with McGuillis out of ambition or a desire ti protect their future, Now their older brother is dead, the one guy who stood up for them when everybody else, except Kudelia, treated them like crap. I hope they take no prissoners, this is war!.
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Old 2017-01-22, 13:11   Link #59
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The way they set Iok's character up was clever, I think.

Because a few people here have said they thought he was similar to Carta, and that's absolutely how he was presented to us -- the show very deliberately and very pointedly drew parallels between the two to make us think that Iok was, you know, stupid but also basically honourable.

Thus setting us all up perfectly for the triple gut-punch of 'Iok will happily use illegal weapons,' 'Iok will attack fleeing or cowering civilians,' and 'Iok is a total coward.' At the moment, Iok isn't quite the most unremittingly awful person who's been in the show, but he's up there.

It was left ambiguous as to if he was dead, but I kinda hope he isn't, purely because I think this would be the straw that breaks the proverbial camel's back for Rustal. Because Rustal is ruthless, but we've also seen that he puts a certain amount of value on honour, and moreover, Iok screwed up. Alive, Naze could have provided information that would help them against Tekkadan (even though he obviously wouldn't). Dead, all that's left is evidence that Gjallarhorn broke its own laws, and a quite possibly furious Teiwaz.

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Old 2017-01-22, 14:07   Link #60
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Whatever can be said about Iok has already been said, so I'm not going to bother lol. What was gutwrenching was Naze and Amida's sacrifice didn't quite nail him, the ship bounced off it and hit the other one I think. The fight between Julietta and Amida was amazing, Amida really got in her head. Perhaps Julietta'll reconsider her quest for strength....or maybe she'll double down and go to dark places. I kinda want her to go all the way like Ein did, but it'd be redundant and would probably be better if she realised she's heading down a wrong path.
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