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Old 2014-11-04, 10:06   Link #61
James Rye
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Originally Posted by ellifeedn View Post
I don't worry about spoilers, especially since I listen to a podcast where two guys talk about Shounen Jump series. They love this series, but I just think the series is okay. Also, I cannot keep track of all the side characters that show up. Too many too soon.
In that case, you might want to reread the whole invasion arc once it is fully translated up to chapter 80/81. Which might take some time. I think that will certainly help to remember the names of some more prominent side-charas like Miwa, Izumi, Yoneya, Midorikawa and others. The B agents and most Operators were just introduced and didn't had much screentime anyway, I guess they will get that in future invasion arcs or in the rank wars.

Can't wait when Osamu's team gets formed and they get an Operator for their team.

Chapter 59 is up as well! Yay! I was wrong with my assumption that we won't get another update for the next couple weeks! <3

The beginning already shows why Operators are a very important support class for such battles. If Izumi, Yoneya and Midorikawa had not gotten those informations their fight would have gone very differently. Same with the B-agents telling them what they knew about Ranbein's skills. With those infos they planned ahead and didn't got taken out by Ranbein's enourmous firepower, though they did come close to it.
What I really enjoyed was how Ranbein was not only shown as a trigger-happy soldier but also as a very intelligent one who sees right away through what is a "real" attack and what is a diversion and immediately went on the counterattack for the real meant attack.

Same when he used his flying skill and took the three A agents by surpise with his rain of bullets. Ofc Ranbein got a bit too cocky, probably due him taking out the B-agents before and withstanding their fire power easily and seeing through the A-agents plan. He tries to pick off Midorikawa on his own and he probably would have succeed to do so if it were not for a bit of luck right there.
Midorikawa used his surroundings aka the extinguisher and creates a "smoke screen" which Ranbein had not expected. Ranbein made the, overconfident, mistake that Midorikawa was using it to run away and fired into the smokescreen instead to jump back a couple feet to react if he gets attacked. And so he lost his left leg while Midorikawa could show that he did learned something from his humilation by Yuuma.

A well done chapter which had suff going on that would be shown for like 3-4 chapters in other shounen battle mangas.

I especially liked the part where Izumi created "Tomahawk", in other words he expected Ranbein to figure out his shooting position and go for him first instead for the melee fighters thus creating a trigger cube that would make Ranbein assume a wrong position where to he expected Izumi to be. It shows us that shooters got a great varity compared to gunners and I think it will be very interesting to see how Osamu will deal with the whole shooter business on his own given his lower-than-average trion amount. I doubt he can hold Chika's hand every battle to profit from her monstrous trion.^^

Hopefully this fast upload means we will get ch.60 soon enough. Can't wait till we reach chapter 81 on english, trying to read it on french so far and while I can understand what's going on sometimes I'm like "what the heck does this sentence mean?". Reading manga isn't as much fun if you gotta check a dictionary every couple pages. XD
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Old 2014-11-07, 19:42   Link #62
Licensed Hunter-a-holic
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I've been sort of busy, and so despite the fact I had already read the end of the Invasion Arc early this week, I didn't have time to write my final impressions till today. What I had expected was that there wouldn't have been much activity in the thread, but it sees like James Rye decided to prove me wrong by posting his very through impressions on the chapters

I wish I could respond in full to a lot of what you had written James , since a lot of it was worth commenting on, but I feel I would be repeating a lot of what I want to say in general about the arc. Needless to say, good posts man!

Some things I wanted to touch on however

Originally Posted by James Rye View Post
Now I'd like to talk about the fanservice of World Trigger:

There is none.
There is more to what you wrote here, and I am sorry I had to cut it down to just these two sentences, but having read what you wrote I agree with you that there s little in what would pass as regular fan service/female objectification that you would find in the more popular WSJ titles. There have been minor cases where he skirted the line. Konami in particular is drawn in her Trion body as ''wilder'' than any of the other female characters, and Volume 7's cover did make me raise an eyebrow over her really ... ''interesting'' pose , but even then I never found it to be demeaning of her but rather portrayed her female fury personality well. In general, I would say that World Trigger so far had shown a very balanced portrayal of both its male and female cast.

I could make theories as to why Ashiahra decided to not go down that path (his art not being well suited for such things, feeling the story not really needing that sort of thing etc.) but I think it might just all come down to what sort of series Ashiahra had envisioned (a sports series) and ultimately became the blue prints to the current series (a sci-fi series). When you think about it in that way, every member of the cast needs to appear at the very least competent, otherwise it would compromise the entire premise and reduce the level of the threat/anticipation future events might hold. That would mean that there isn't much leeway in terms of letting any of the cast members being ''cheapened'', especially the female cast. Everybody needs to appear at the top of their game. Even the haughty Kitora when she had that minor crisis of fate just told herself to step up her game and show why she was an A-Rank agent in the first place.

I will say that even as someone who likes fanservice a good portion of the time, I really like and hope World Trigger continues to be this neutral in its portrayal. I like it.

Originally Posted by James Rye View Post
Chapter 56

I was surprised to see Usami working for Team Kazama in the past as operator = working for HQ branch. Or maybe this was before Usami left for Tamakoma or Kazama said he wants to work for HQ and Usami didn't wanted to. That does seem to tell that teams can fall apart or new ones can easily be build up in the rank wars. Ashihara himself said that the team number varies in the rank wars as new might form while others might stop being a team.

I like that, it might mean that someday Team Osamu might have a member leaving them or that new ones will join them and such. A good system to keep the "blood" fresh in the teams, till they had found the perfect team for themselves.
I doubt we will get a change soon to the core group, but maybe if the series lasts more than 2 years lol?

As for Usami, yeah, it was very strange how she appeared there. I did wonder whether there was a bigger reason for her leaving Kazama's old Squad tho. Well see if there is any bad blood between the two parties but from the looks of it things seem normal thus far.

She was cuter with shorter hair tho >.>

Originally Posted by James Rye View Post
Chapter 57

Nice color page, red and black fits good to give the humanoid neighbors a dangerous/evil feeling.

I like how Enedra tries to rile Kikuchihara and Utagawa up to get them to attack him. And most likely would have succeeded to do so if it were not for Kazama ordering them to get out and talked some sense into them. I liked how Kazama used the example of a B-agent who Kikuchihara had uhm been quite frank with "you're weak after all" to tell those two that a B-agent was a "better agent", in the sense of following reason, logic and orders, than them who were hungry for revenge for their captain.
But they pulled out after all, showing Enedra that he does not deal with hot-blooded warriors but calculating fighters.
Once again, I mentioned this way back, but I still love how not a single party in this war looks like they are being worfed in favor of making the other look better. Enedora is a beast, but Kazama took his loss with grace and made the right (?) call by telling his team to fall back. I still love his very blunt and direct style, and his line to his team mates was just great. ''Small but Effective'' indeed!

I'll wait for a day to post my impressions on the overall arc, just to see how caught people are by then. Needless to say, really loved the arc, but it was really risky going with it this early.
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Old 2014-11-08, 18:46   Link #63
James Rye
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Originally Posted by Arabesque View Post
I've been sort of busy, and so despite the fact I had already read the end of the Invasion Arc early this week, I didn't have time to write my final impressions till today. What I had expected was that there wouldn't have been much activity in the thread, but it sees like James Rye decided to prove me wrong by posting his very through impressions on the chapters

I wish I could respond in full to a lot of what you had written James , since a lot of it was worth commenting on, but I feel I would be repeating a lot of what I want to say in general about the arc. Needless to say, good posts man!

Some things I wanted to touch on however
Glad to see I am not the only reading and talking about WT in this forum! So you saw the new chapter 82 as well? And thanks!

Originally Posted by Arabesque View Post
There is more to what you wrote here, and I am sorry I had to cut it down to just these two sentences, but having read what you wrote I agree with you that there s little in what would pass as regular fan service/female objectification that you would find in the more popular WSJ titles. There have been minor cases where he skirted the line. Konami in particular is drawn in her Trion body as ''wilder'' than any of the other female characters, and Volume 7's cover did make me raise an eyebrow over her really ... ''interesting'' pose , but even then I never found it to be demeaning of her but rather portrayed her female fury personality well. In general, I would say that World Trigger so far had shown a very balanced portrayal of both its male and female cast.
Yeah, but I feel like Konami is an expection due her using neighbor triggers. Her body trigger could be done by a neighbor nation as well, which could explain the weird arm protection while the legs are shown.
I'm glad though that WT gives the same uniforms to both males and females. Just try to imagine how it would look like if the boys go in their usual armors but the girls are shown with clevage and free stomach and such. Would kind of destroy the whole credibility of Border.^^;

Originally Posted by Arabesque View Post
I could make theories as to why Ashiahra decided to not go down that path (his art not being well suited for such things, feeling the story not really needing that sort of thing etc.) but I think it might just all come down to what sort of series Ashiahra had envisioned (a sports series) and ultimately became the blue prints to the current series (a sci-fi series). When you think about it in that way, every member of the cast needs to appear at the very least competent, otherwise it would compromise the entire premise and reduce the level of the threat/anticipation future events might hold. That would mean that there isn't much leeway in terms of letting any of the cast members being ''cheapened'', especially the female cast. Everybody needs to appear at the top of their game. Even the haughty Kitora when she had that minor crisis of fate just told herself to step up her game and show why she was an A-Rank agent in the first place.

I will say that even as someone who likes fanservice a good portion of the time, I really like and hope World Trigger continues to be this neutral in its portrayal. I like it.
I like fanservice as well, as long as it fits to the manga that is and I don't think WT is a manga that would profit from fanservice or doing it as excessive as some other battle mangas.
Besides the fanservice you are right about competence, in many battle mangas, where the females are not the main chara/focus, the female charas tend to be...uhm, "less competend than their male parts" for the most part. Which is obvious due most battle mangas being Shounen and thus made to appeal to boys and who boy likes to read how girl fighters whups the male main charas ass over and over again?

In WT females can be as good or even better than their male comrades. Konami is part of what we got told is the "strongest team of Border". She could probably fight people like Jin, Kazama or Tachikawa on her own as well. And she is part of Border longer than Jin which also speaks for her abilties.
Also despite Osamu and Yuuma being the main charas, osamu with the will-power and yuuma with the experience, Chika is the "power house" of them three. She can, even without a black trigger, reach S-class status if she trains correctly. We saw her shooting a hole into the wall of Border, accidently, while Ilgars failed to do the same.
She is right now a huge variable as she is still young and new to this whole battle and war stuff, but I believe that after witnessing...yeah that is spoiler stuff. XD
Don't read it if you don't want too!!!

Spoiler for Seriously don't read it if you don't have read the raw or Viz translations yet! Invasion arc spoiler ahead!:

So yeah, I like that WT's girls are not there to be "eye candy" bu to hold their own weight and to be as important as the boys. And some girls can even top that.

Originally Posted by Arabesque View Post
I doubt we will get a change soon to the core group, but maybe if the series lasts more than 2 years lol?

As for Usami, yeah, it was very strange how she appeared there. I did wonder whether there was a bigger reason for her leaving Kazama's old Squad tho. Well see if there is any bad blood between the two parties but from the looks of it things seem normal thus far.

She was cuter with shorter hair tho >.>
I hope it does last that long.
I could see Izuho joining Osamu's team though. if she trains hard enough and joins Tamakoma that is.

Also with Jin giving up on his BT and returning into the A-ranks and a new BT welder been searched for in the A-ranks we are already getting some changes. This system will put people into different positions, ranks and also introduce new people as they raise or fall.

Heh, you also like shorter hair? When I got to see Konami in short hair in her battle maiden mode, I was like "gj, Ashihara!". ;D

Originally Posted by Arabesque View Post
Once again, I mentioned this way back, but I still love how not a single party in this war looks like they are being worfed in favor of making the other look better. Enedora is a beast, but Kazama took his loss with grace and made the right (?) call by telling his team to fall back. I still love his very blunt and direct style, and his line to his team mates was just great. ''Small but Effective'' indeed!

I'll wait for a day to post my impressions on the overall arc, just to see how caught people are by then. Needless to say, really loved the arc, but it was really risky going with it this early.
Aye, same with Ranbanein who lost to the 3 A agents and 7 B agents. He even praised them and had a good laugh at how he lost. That guy really was a sympathic one. So this does not only apply to Border but to it enemies as well, which I enjoy very much.^^

I hope I can get to read your impressions soon enough, if you gonna talk about the whole arc all at once it gonna become a big comment for sure. :3
I agree that it was risky but I guess Ashihara was told to show not only the readers but also the Jump editors that he can create a good battle arc and I think this Invasion arc was done very well. And unlike other arcs that goes on and on for YEARS this one made it nicely paced, with lots of different battles, well-thought battle plans, consistent power rankings and lots of team play which you hardly get to see nowadays in shounen battles as the usual norm is to spam magic nukes to get the win. XD

Well, chapters got updated till 65. Oh man, that's a lot to talk about...and then there's the new raw as well to talk about...

Spoiler for Spoiler Chapter 82 - don't read it if you don't want to be spoilered:

Chapter 60-65

Gods, if I write everything down I thought about this chapters, the battles and stuff shown/told giving way to new theories about Aftokrator and what not, then this would take forever.
I gonna narrow it down:

Those chapters were awesome, 'nuff said!
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Old 2014-11-12, 11:17   Link #64
James Rye
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Ch.67 and 68:

Daaaaaamn, OsamuxChika (XD) is a strong ship, I mean team combo. Her fueling his asteroids attacks leaves those rabits in pieces. Liked how that one rabit didn't even bothered to dodge and once Chika hold Osamu's hand it was like "NOPE!NOPE!NOPE I am SO outta here!". XD

Those rabits would have stood no chance against the A-ranks and the Osaika cannon (or the Chimu cannon?) so ofc Hyrein, the commander of the Aftokrator forces had to step up and boy did he left a mark on the field.
He showed up and owned the A-ranks with his Alektor Black Trigger. Forcing Midorikawa to bail out, Yoneya to lose his weapon and making a mess out of Izumi's legs. And then he got Chika as well!!!!! Because Osamu got drunken of tasting "real" power for the first time and destroying even tough enemies like the rabits in one shot, he got overconfident and thus risked too much and now he gotta live with having put Chika to unneccessary risk. Man, he must so blame-hate himself when he saw Chika turning into a cube in front of him! >.<

What a table turning chapter.

And Moira/Mira, the warp-gate controller woman, is still out there waiting for her apperance. This starts to look really bad for the Border forces there. >.<
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Old 2014-11-14, 11:13   Link #65
James Rye
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Chapter 69-72:

Well dang, Mikumo. You f@cked up. Chika's now a cube 'cause you ignored orders and tried to attack Hyrein instead to run away. But the good thing is that now Chika is easier to carry around. Not small enough to put in your pocket mind you. XD

His scape against two rabits was pretty sweet, though ofc there was no way he could outrun two A-ranks trion soldiers. Still a cool move with how he riped open the neck of that one rabit that tried to grab Chika.
Osamu really grows over himself when he gotta protect somebody.

Replica has awesome timing plus his powers, creating a gate to show up a balack Border rabit - daaaaaaaamn.No idea how long it took Aftokrator to develop those rabits but Replica can just analyse and well replicate their technology in a matter of seconds!

Spoiler for Picture of Konami, Usami and Yotaro plus Thunder god enjoying the summer:

Nice picture! Never found that one in google search, seems to be a really rare one. Thanks for sharing, betterthannothing+Zettai translation project.

Replica really is useful with his way to analyse and counter trigger mechanism immediately. Makes me wonder what Troipoi must be for a neighbor nation, given Viza that is where Replica was made apprently. Is Yuuma's mother from Troipoi? Did she perhaps build Replica?

Back to Enedra vs Suwa. Still like how a B-team can keep a BT busy as long as they got the right situation for it, meaning having chosen the training simulation room for their combat ground.
Weird how Enedra didn't try to escape but looks like he's dead-set on getting the monkeys killed before him. Giving the operators enough time to analyse his trigger and see where his body core is.

"That mischievous brat..." sounds like this was not the first time Shinoda decided to go for a short"cut". XD

960 seconds till the crossroad future. Finally, countdown timing for the final!

An AC used in a shounen battle fight. XD
Makes sense against gas, just kind of rare to see in mangas not using nuke a, or special move b or supersecretstuff to turn around a battle. Just turn on the AC and no inbody blades anymore for Enedra. XD

No wonder Shinoda is the defense chef and teacher of Tachikawa, the number 1 A rank, he got quite the skills for how he deals with a BT on his own.

Enedra got another trick up his sleeve though as he has moved away his core and showed up on a different and higher location using his liquid form wandering through the cracks in the floor. And with that Shinoda gets hit by his gas attack and inner blades burst out of his body.

"Internal shields": Interesting detail, given Shinoda's trion body look being the same from that short flashback of the first Border agents it might mean that his trion body has no "bail-out" function but instead got harden trion shells as internal shields to protect the trion supply and relay center. Ofc I doubt that helped much in actual fights to protect the agents lifes. Bail-out is a much safer option to prevent Border agents deaths. Though that explains why we got so few adults left in the agent forces, most of them died or got injured too heavily to continue duty before bail-out was invented.

Suwa squad then attacks and Hisato does an invisible attack which was a sacrifice move to create a smokescreen for the real assassins: Kikuchihara and Utagowa were the ones dealing the final blow to Enedra's core and getting revenge for their captain.

I really enjoyed how those chapters showed that "small fry" can also bring down a Black Trigger user, people who are the elite of the elite, rare warriors in the neighborhood. Even a military superpower like Aftokrator only has a couple of those. And some B-ranks and A-ranks such a battle monster. Not another black trigger, nope, not even whole teams of A ranks, nope, just a couple agents who did their job and made the best of the situation they were in.
Shame this chapter ranked so low in Jump, guess people cannot get much enjoyment outta such well-thought and planned fights with actual tactical stuff when they don't know the characters good enough yet.

Honestly though, I found this fight to be a lot more enjoyable than most of the battles in Naruto or Bleach. Enedra might have been crazy but at least he kept his mouth shut about his powers and didn't told anybody that he can uses gas attacks and what now. But ofc Naruto and Bleach are masterpieces mangas and WT is nothing compared to them, so what do I know about what makes a battle good or enjoyable? <_<

Anyway, Moira/Mira shows up!!! Yes! 8D
And she goes and takes off Enedra's hand for start. o_o
Makes sense though that she only retrieves the BT and leaves Enedra behind. He defied orders, went on a amokrun when told to capture baby chickens and apparently has braincancer due his trigger horns taking root in his brain and changing his personality.
Wonder how Toei gonna show that cut of arm scene given they wanna make a kiddy show. Hope they wont censor it too much.
And ofc the death of Enedra, pirced in the chest by several trion spikes from Moira's wormholes.
First death in WT, gentlement and ladies.

Didn't people said there's no tension there due the trion bodies preventing death? Seems like somebody hasn't told Enedra about it. Or the Border people he killed in the communication center.

Liked how calm Shinoda handled the situation and ordered for a medical team to observe the dead neighbor body. His horns, warp locator bracelet and other stuff he might carry with him will be definetely useful for Border's engineers and scientists.
Interesting how not shocked Kikuchihara and Utagowa were when Enedra was killed or how they showed no hesitation to search a just killed man for tools. Suwa, an adult, clearly showed shock and most likely would have been creeped out by searching some dead guy. The two teens on the other hand acted as if they had done that a lot already.
Makes me wonder how they "steal" trigger technology from other nations...

In the fight Jin vs Hyuse it seems like Hyuse is really rattled up by hearing he will be abadonned and that Enedra got killed by one of Aftokrator. Given he wants to "see the truth with his own eyes", he might become a possible ally for Border later on when he really gets left behind by his team.

Izumi vs Hyrein goes into the next phase, bees. Too small now for Izumi to hit them all with little trion shots. Nice trick of Izumi though with figuring out Hyrein's BT ability and using it to make Hyrein think he wanted to bury him under rubble while he only meant to make way for the snipers of Border to take their shots at Hyrein.
Who got immediatly hit, a pretty big hole in his stomach. Seems like bees don't make good shields after all. :P

Hope I get to read the raw for chapter 83 soon. From what I heard Osamu's mom ships her son with Chika. If she ship-teases her son with other girls as well and embarress him this way, she gonna be a fun mom. XD
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Old 2014-11-17, 11:58   Link #66
James Rye
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Chapter 73-75:

We get to see the snipers who took a shot at Hyrein: Narasaka, Shohei and Toma. We had seen them before though we get two new charas, Tsukimi, operator of Team Miwa and the captain of A2 Fuyushima, a special OPS called "trapper".
Hyrein loses too much trion as Narasaka and Toma manages to shot through the little holes in his fish shield. Moira comes in and takes over the sniper position by warping some rabits over there.
Still, Izumi thinks he won this now as Hyrein had lost too much trion by now. Too bad Hyrein's BT allows him to take-in the trion he had turned into cubes with his animals. And Izumi had to bail-out to prevent getting captured.

Kyousuke aka Karasuma aka Torimaru tries to buy enough time for Osamu to get to HQ by entering Geist mode, taking out a rabit in one strike and trying to take down Hyrein. We see the reason why in a flashback where Jin tells him that he won't be able to change the future for Chika and Osamu as he will be defeated by somebody.
Which exactly happened, kinda scary how accurate Jin's foresight is.
However he put up a nice fight, too bad though that he was not buying time as he thought he was just kept busy and away from the HQ when Moira returned to get Hyrein back to capture Osamu.

What I really liked about this chapter was that a surprise attack in a shounen finally did its frikking purpose: Take out a strong figther in a single strike.
No immortal or illusion or "aha, I am the one behind you" bs, a straight hit from behind due trion bullet fishes send through a warp portal of Moira. Those two got a nice combo going there.
Yet Karasuma's defeat didn't seem to have been for naught as the future did shifted again, for the better or worse, who knows. Maybe it was good that he got defeated as now Border has more information about the portal work and that surprise attack won't be a surprise when they use it next time.

With no Border agents nearby to hold Hyrein away from them, Osamu and Replica make a run through the houses as Hyrein's fishes can't shoot through the walls. Thanks to Hyuse's magnet spikes they can locate his position though and with Moira's warp control they can send the fish swarms inside the houses, sealing off the escape way. Osamu gets hit by some jellyfish traps and Replica's clone, send out to open the HQ door when they arrive, got taken out by Moira.
Osamu and Replica are caugth, their option limited as they can't fight two BTs and their remaining options don't speak too good for them.

This is where the "hero" shows up: Miwa walks down the street, declaring he will handle it.
A single A ranked agent against two Black Trigger user, oh boy, that will either be a short fight, or it will show how even a "in power weaker" fighter can deal with powerful enemies by using the right tactic thanks to the right equipment coupled with the right informations.

But before that fight happens, Osamu asks Miwa to take the Chika-cube and get her to safety which reminds Miwa of the day he lost his sister. Something he doesn't seem to like to remember for obvious reasons.
Man, there sure were a lot of dead bodies with holes in their chests, doubt they will show that scene in the anime if they get there that is.
Well, Miwa kicks the hell outta Osamu, tells him he doesn't care and that he should not depend on others. Man, he's pretty hardcore. Kind of an ass as well, but an understandable ass.
It ends with Miwa telling Hyrein he gonna get killed (I don't doubt Miwa will cut off Hyrein's real head once he has destroyed the trion body one) and chapter ends. Next chapter the fight will finaly start while Osamu gonna try to get Chika to safety.

Raw 83:

Spoiler for Spoiler for chapter 83:

Q&As from volume 5-8:

Spoiler for Q&A Stuff from WT:

I found the "old Border" one interesting. Border existed far longer than 4-5 years given that Yuuma is the child of a Boder agent who traveled the neighborhood and a neighbor woman (if that is the case, we know yet nothing about Yuuma's mother). Border seems to have existed for a long time but as an underground organisation, taking care of Trion soldiers in secret before they went public after that huge attack on Mikado city.
Also liked the question where we heard that such warp gates are opening up everywhere in the world, but the whole world belives that the y exist only in MIkado city due their prominence there as well as the other gates being too small and taking only some people (and since ten thousands or even hundred thousands of people go missing every year who woul believe some of them got captured by aliens? XD). I wonder if that means that Border is everywhere in the world and that maybe someday we get an US Border and a EU Border and a world-wide Border organisation, creating an army armed with alien technology, a threat to any superpower/nation on earth as the public sees Border agents more and more as heroes and saviors while their own goverments lose power and reputation in the raise of Border. Well, we gotta see where this manga will lead us.^^
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Old 2014-11-19, 12:08   Link #67
James Rye
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Chapter 76:


Or did he? Well, most likely not 'cause then Yuuma and Miwa would be without little Replica-clones helping them in their fights, making them worse for them. Plus then Osamu has like zero chance to enter the HQ to get Chika to safety.

But getting cut in half surely isn't all that good even for an autonomus trion soldier who can create little clones of himself, so I suspect this to be a very serious wound to Yuuma's last family member (If his mom isn't alive somewhere or he got some uncle on earth we don't know about xD). Also imagine how that would left Yuuma - losing his father due being overconfident in his skills and then losing Replica due ordering him to help Osmau and Chika (which was good that he did, else they would have been captured already):
He would be devasted. Or at least I would, if I were in his place.

Oh well, just shows why you should not annoy woman with horns, doesn't it?
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Old 2014-11-19, 12:26   Link #68
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Originally Posted by James Rye View Post
Chapter 76:


Or did he? Well, most likely not 'cause then Yuuma and Miwa would be without little Replica-clones helping them in their fights, making them worse for them. Plus then Osamu has like zero chance to enter the HQ to get Chika to safety.

But getting cut in half surely isn't all that good even for an autonomus trion soldier who can create little clones of himself, so I suspect this to be a very serious wound to Yuuma's last family member (If his mom isn't alive somewhere or he got some uncle on earth we don't know about xD). Also imagine how that would left Yuuma - losing his father due being overconfident in his skills and then losing Replica due ordering him to help Osmau and Chika (which was good that he did, else they would have been captured already):
He would be devasted. Or at least I would, if I were in his place.

Oh well, just shows why you should not annoy woman with horns, doesn't it?
Yes, horny women can be very dangerous.

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Old 2014-11-20, 08:50   Link #69
James Rye
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Originally Posted by XFire View Post
Yes, horny women can be very dangerous.

I see what you did there. Not sure if I should grin or facepalm. Probably both.^^

Hm, given the spoilers for chapter 84, it looks like the world outside of Mikado city gets involved now. Interesting choice.
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Old 2014-11-21, 15:10   Link #70
James Rye
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Chapter 77 reminded me a lot of HxH, I wonder why? XDDD
Still, as rough as it was, it had a pretty good charm to it in my opinion. And it was pretty clear as well in storytelling as we got to see that even the elite of the elites have troublesome opponents to which their triggers are not compatible with. Hyrein vs Miwa with his unstoppable lead bullets, many little shields and closecombat advantage to which Hyrein with his long and mid range trigger is in the disadvantage and can only mostly defend and dodge to avoid losing too much trion. Mira vs Black rabit who cannot be pirced by her warp-spikes and whos swings can hardly be countered with a black hole unlike shots from gunners or snipers.
It's good to know that even something that seems superstrong can get weakened a lot only by simply countering its strong points and focusing on its weak ones.

Chapter 78, liked how Osamu tried to keep his cools while he was nearly about to panic. Heck most of us would have paniced by now if we were in his shoes, I know I would have. XD
Good thinking of him to take the bigger half of Replica with him. Replica must have been really hurt, obviously given he lost nearly half his body, that he has to switch to auxiliary systems to be able to talk and help Osamu/Chika. Twenty seconds doesn't sound much but evading lots of trion spikes and alektor birds with only one functional leg -baaaad idea. But Replica got an idea so they will probably find a way out without anybody getting hurt, right?^^

Dang! I know WT battles tend not to look as flashy or as impressive as in other shounen manga, but they still got their own kind of epicness added in. Seeing Viza's Organon blades circulating and cutting through what was once homes and workplaces of so many families while Yuuma is dodging them, maintaining his distance to Viza, it just sort of has an elegant yet sad feeling. Elegant in its destruction and sad at the same time if you imagine your own home getting cut to pieces.

The power consisteny of WT is well done in my opinion. Despite Yuuma being a veteran in battle he clearly sees his own disadvantage to Viza's full experience who, given his trigger being a national treasure, seems to have the status of a national war hero who has nearly been never defeated in his whole life. That Yuuma thus decided to go with a head-on attack, disregarding his father's rules to be able to leave this fight to help Osamu and Chika is pretty gutsy.
And we see why when Viza was nearly about to cut Yuuma's head in half but he was using his chain ability on himself (i like it when a single ability gets used in many different ways instead of only one) to stop himself midair, the blade cutting milimetres before him thin air and then catapults himself again towards Viza. And then he loses his legs as he gets past the last blade and when you just think he got Viza now you get to that nicely done diagonal cut panel and see Yuuma being cut in half (this is sort of a theme, isn't it? XD) by Viza's sword in his hand.
And then that was the whole trick, as Viza sees Yuuma not bailing out and getting ready for an attack. An Attack Viza could not avoid as he wanted to hit back and kill Yuuma when his trigger was to heavy to move with its lead bullet in it. Viza's confusion cost him valuable seconds and in those Yuuma's attack landed, pulverizing Viza'S body! Ofc Viza had no clue about Yuuma's trick as he didn't know that Yuuma had a trion body under his trion body and could still attack thanks to his black trigger. But I doubt that trick would work a second time on Viza. If those two ever have a fight again that is.^^

I liked that chapter a lot as Viza was shown as the superior and stronger fighter of them two yet he still "lost" due something he had no knowledge about and this little fact was what Yuuma made full use of to get the needed advantage to finish Viza off. Like the old man said "he cannot be beaten alone with brazen ferocity alone". You have to spice it up with a little trick to surprise him and make the hit connect.

Also chapter 84 raw is out!

Great, when I get next week's raw I will have no real clue what exactly they will be talken about. :/
Still a good chapter, but being such a political one I cannot see it getting high ranks in Jump.
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Old 2014-11-23, 17:04   Link #71
I’m sorry, Kamijou-san!!
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Wow, I just marathoned the anime (or what there is of it) and read all of the manga that's out so far... up through the raws... This is really interesting, fascinating, good and I really like it.

I hope more people start watching this, get into it, find out abut it. I highly approve.

I can see why people said that the story takes some time to build up. It really did get a lot more interesting.

Though, the author is hella ambitious because the previous arc felt like a One-Piece arc (in terms of length) even if it was done really well, and had a lot of interesting world-building and information...

(It isn't that I read OP... it's just that... we suddenly got a long arc... and this would have to be popular... in order to have completion with the story... but I really hope that this gets more popular, because it's awesome.)
Favorite Series: 0. To aru Series & Legend of heroes: trails sub-series. 1. Ze Tian Ji 2. Reincarnator
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Favorite Game Series: #0 The legend of heroes (everything but especially ZERO/AO) #1 Zero escape series. #2 Persona series. #3 Pokemon. #4 Bravely Default series. ; #5 Ace Attorney (including the spin-offs); #6 Legend of Zelda. #7 Dragon Quest (including the spin-offs)

Favorite Anime: Castle in the Sky (why is this so underrated ) Gankutsuou; Railgun S; Little Witch Academia (one of the most philosophically interesting/deep shows that I've seen, while also being the single most feel good of feel good shows that I have ever seen; literally the weirdest combination ever); Kill la Kill (because it saved anime )
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Old 2014-11-25, 10:26   Link #72
James Rye
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Originally Posted by dniv View Post
Wow, I just marathoned the anime (or what there is of it) and read all of the manga that's out so far... up through the raws... This is really interesting, fascinating, good and I really like it.

I hope more people start watching this, get into it, find out abut it. I highly approve.

I can see why people said that the story takes some time to build up. It really did get a lot more interesting.

Though, the author is hella ambitious because the previous arc felt like a One-Piece arc (in terms of length) even if it was done really well, and had a lot of interesting world-building and information...

(It isn't that I read OP... it's just that... we suddenly got a long arc... and this would have to be popular... in order to have completion with the story... but I really hope that this gets more popular, because it's awesome.)
Glad to see that you got to like the manga (despite the pretty poorly done anime <.<). WT did had a slow pace, it got faster lately, but at the beginning it was pretty slow. If you'd compare HeroBoku's first twenty chapters with WT's first twenty then there are worlds between their pacings and of stuff happening. xD

But it's not like I dislike it from WT as long as it manages to get Osamu, Yuuma and CHika someday to a neighbor world. Though I guess we might get to see a neighbor world earlier with following Jin and others on one of their expeditions as an arc that builds up Jin's character.

Now for chapter 79:

Wow, this was a very intense chapter!
Probably due how much happened here and how many moves and action and tricks and surpises were shown ALL AT ONCE! That chapter alone had battle development worthy of like 10 chapters of your average shounen battle manga!

First ofc the defeat of Viza, which takes both Hyrein and Mira by shock as well as Yuuma immedaitely rushing to osamu's aid. Really like how there is no "celebration" panel like usually done where the winner can say something cool/relax/etc after winning the fight. Instead it is a "quickquickquick" running away from that site of battle as it doesn't mean anything to Yuuma if he were too late to protect Osamu by giving him cover fire with his seals.He didn't even pat himself on the shoulder like other MCs would do after defeating a troublesome opponent with a ballsy move.

Then we had the result of the off-panel fight of the two rabits versis the snipers and the trapper of Border, making the battle even more hasty and needing to come to a quick end for Hyrein and Mira as soon they will lose the ground control of the sniper position and then they are "f@cked".
Osamu goes for it! Mira spots him, Hyrein sends his birds, I think those are pigeons, out to cubefiy Osamu but the rabit throws himself into the bulletbird-fire getting cubefyed to pieces . You did a good job, rabit, good job!Yet his sacrifice was for naught as Mira's warpspikes pirces Osamu's body and stop his get-away!

Everything seems over as the birds approach Osamu's positon with rapid speed and then he shouts "TRIGGER OFF!", escapes those spikes as his trion body together with the spikes vanishes, leaving his real body vulernable but free to escape to HQ!
The birds scatter like glass as they hit his real body unable to cubefiy blood and flesh. And Hyrein's getting really pissed.

Miwa ofc won't have it that Hyrein doesn't pay attention to him so he taunts him and it is effective as Hyrein wants this to be over already and uses the combo attack with Mira BUT! That was EXACTLY what Miwa had been waiting for, knowing about this trick of theirs already! using his Viper function on his pistol he shoots through the wormhole, wounding the two BT soldier heavily in a single go! F@ck yeah, did that scene looked good!
Miwa goes for the kill but Mira uses her warpportal to send Miwa far away from the battlefield. Now Osamu is without cover but Mira has used up her trion as her wounds are too grave and her trion is running out.

And yet this is still bad news for Osamu as Hyrein personally goes for the kill, intending to capture Osamu before he reaches the door to HQ and he knows he WILL be able to do so!
But (man, we got tons of "buts" in this chapter xD) both Miwa and Yuuma are not done yet! They shout to Replica to give them the location of Hyrein via the clones as they ready their weapons! Yuuma with a HUGE seal and Miwa pulls out frikkin' Fujin after taking his trigger body off (most likely as fujin would not have function if he were in his trion body as it was not added to it yet) and then we get told that there are 7 SECONDS LEFT TILL OSAMU EITHER GONNA DIE OR SURVIVE!


Man, I need a drink after reading this chapter. Intense as f@ck!

Really liked how a single information (Hyrein and Mira combo) combinded with the right tool/equipment (Viper bullets from Miwa's gun) were THE deciding factor in this battle as it resulted in a single A-agent (who's ranking 7th with his team no less while higher agents have been defeated already) dealing a lot of damage to two Black Triggers, forcing one to run out of trion to send him away and the other to go personally for the kill as their bodies are running dangerously low on trion!
Yeah, Aftokrator b!tches! Where is your superiority now, huh?

Osamu however has also done a avery nice twist in this chapter as he gives up on the safety for his own life aka the bail-out of his trion body and puts his real life on a bet to risk and ALL that just to keep Chika safe (man, whoever ships Osamu with Chika must have had a heartgasmn at this chapter)! It is one thing to see high ranked and talented agents fights till their combat bodies give out and they return home to base, to safety, thanks to bail-out and a whole other deal to see a lowly B-agent discard his combat body and accepts the risk of death to protect a friend and comrades of his! Damn!
That was a really gutsy and ballsy move, deep respect for Osamu for going so far. Doubt any A-agent would be ready to give up on their trion body to put their real one to risk for a plan we still have no clue about but is ultimatley concerned with Chika's safety and preventing the enemy from capturing her.

In chapter 80 we finally get the last chapter of the Invasion arc!
Great final I'd say!
Seeing this chapter it feels like Karasuma's defeat against Hyrein was not for nothing. It was after all the information that Miwa used to wound both Hyrein and Mira severly. WHich I think is the reason Osamu did not died there. If Mira had her full trion she would have produced over a dozen needles that might have killed Osamu as quickly as they did to Enedra!
So even a lose/defeat can have some good sides to it if it gives more ground for a future victory!

I really enjoy how tactics/equipment/situation/enviroment/and what not are important in WT and do not take a seat back before "AWESOME POWERS/SKILLS!!!!" and instead show that they can overtake somebody with great power even if you do not have a great power yourself.

Which is shown by Osamu and Replica - a weak B-agent and a badly damaged trion soldier. Not the heroes you would imagine for a war. And certainly not the way they did brought victory.
No power-up.
No giant monster called forth to beat back the invaders.
No epic skill used to change the entire landscape (and have nobody die anyway).
Just a boy running with his legs and a trion soldier knowing how to hack things. A throw, a second of superspeedhacking - done. The invasion is repelled.
Nice, I like how we got a MC who did something important without being suddenly imba or getting an OP-skill only 2 other people in the world can used and for which they needed years to train and the MC only 3 months.

Ofc without cool skills or weapons Osamu would have been killed by Hyrein, so they did played their part. However they were not the main reason the Aftokrators had to retreat, they provided the main reason coverfire. Miwa's Fujin and Yuuma's huge seal bolt fire were not the reasons the Aftokrator forces pissed their pants and run like beaten dogs.
The Aftokrators didn't even "lose" if you see it that way that they seem to have achieved some of their obejctives, they just didn't got everything they wanted, that's all.

Border on the other hand can be seen as "winner" yet with that destruction and losing so many agents in such an invasion does not speak well for their defenses if future invasions might become even bigger than this one. A second ship filled with humanoid neighbors and hundreds of Trion soldiers would have finished Border and the City with ease together with the first one.

And again a surprise attack was useful and left heavy damage. I really can't understand why so many shounen battle mangas always do the "hey asshat, I'm over here, let's have a fight" instead of having a much more logical surprise attack from behind to get this done quickly without getting too injured yourself.
Or why the villians always have to explain their skills.....
Anyway, hyrein lost his Alektor weapon thanks to Miwa's long-ranged Fujin strike thus Hyrein's fish shield was riddled with holes and Yuuma's shots connected, stopping Hyein's rush to Osamu who then had enough time to aim to throw Replica to the ship's computer.

Same is with how Osamu and Replica tricked Hyrein by using another trion cube, probably from the black rabit, to think it was Chika's cube till he touched it to confirm its trion quality.
Hyrein and Mira would probably have stayed till the bitter end if there was a chance to get their hands on Chika, no matter what forces Border throws at them. The 60 second return command gave them no choice though. So it did felt to me like Aftokrator could have done far worse damage if not forced for a retreat. Alone by kidnapping people and stuff.

To think that they left Hyuse behind just because they did not captured Chika... and they killed Enedra with no second thought once he lost... seems like things are not going well in Aftokrator if they decide to kill a BT-user (although he has gone mad) and leave behind a skilled and talented warrior.
Guess we will hear later about that, maybe from Hyuse himself who is now alone in enemey's land.

Replica's last words were pretty sad. Even at the end he only thought of Yuuma by asking Osamu to take care of him. :C

Well and that's the end of the manga as we get to see Osamu losing consciousness in his blood. Quite a lot of blood but probably pretty close to how three wounds in upper leg, stomach and arm would bleed like for a couple minutes. It's pretty clear though that Osamu not gonna die now though he will have to recover from those wounds which might take some time. I'm hoping to see some trigger(trion technology that might speed up said healing. <3
And I hope Osamu might get to keep some scars from that experience. Sure those scars will never look as cool as Zorro's nor been seen constantly if anytime at all as they would usually be covered by his clothes/uniform, but it still would look good on him and be a sign of how far he is ready to go to protect somebody else. That of itself is already pretty cool in my opinion.
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Old 2014-11-25, 13:26   Link #73
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Originally Posted by James Rye View Post
The power consisteny of WT is well done in my opinion. Despite Yuuma being a veteran in battle he clearly sees his own disadvantage to Viza's full experience who, given his trigger being a national treasure, seems to have the status of a national war hero who has nearly been never defeated in his whole life. That Yuuma thus decided to go with a head-on attack, disregarding his father's rules to be able to leave this fight to help Osamu and Chika is pretty gutsy.
And we see why when Viza was nearly about to cut Yuuma's head in half but he was using his chain ability on himself (i like it when a single ability gets used in many different ways instead of only one) to stop himself midair, the blade cutting milimetres before him thin air and then catapults himself again towards Viza. And then he loses his legs as he gets past the last blade and when you just think he got Viza now you get to that nicely done diagonal cut panel and see Yuuma being cut in half (this is sort of a theme, isn't it? XD) by Viza's sword in his hand.
And then that was the whole trick, as Viza sees Yuuma not bailing out and getting ready for an attack. An Attack Viza could not avoid as he wanted to hit back and kill Yuuma when his trigger was to heavy to move with its lead bullet in it. Viza's confusion cost him valuable seconds and in those Yuuma's attack landed, pulverizing Viza'S body! Ofc Viza had no clue about Yuuma's trick as he didn't know that Yuuma had a trion body under his trion body and could still attack thanks to his black trigger. But I doubt that trick would work a second time on Viza. If those two ever have a fight again that is.^^

I liked that chapter a lot as Viza was shown as the superior and stronger fighter of them two yet he still "lost" due something he had no knowledge about and this little fact was what Yuuma made full use of to get the needed advantage to finish Viza off. Like the old man said "he cannot be beaten alone with brazen ferocity alone". You have to spice it up with a little trick to surprise him and make the hit connect.
That's the thing that caught my attention.
Because the battle was not about ultimate powers, not about your bravety or enduring through friend's power. It was simply tactics.
It is the most interesting there - battles there are not about fighting power or battle scale. It is about how you use your abilities and what can you do in order to win.
And the good thing that the result of the fight against Viza was satisfacting - despite Viza being defeat there are not any sense of "WTF?". It's feeling more like "Yuuma won because of a trick he had under his sleeve". Morever the trick was not some asspull but exactly existing thing we knew about.
Dominus factotum
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Old 2014-11-28, 11:08   Link #74
James Rye
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Originally Posted by ChuckE View Post
That's the thing that caught my attention.
Because the battle was not about ultimate powers, not about your bravety or enduring through friend's power. It was simply tactics.
It is the most interesting there - battles there are not about fighting power or battle scale. It is about how you use your abilities and what can you do in order to win.
And the good thing that the result of the fight against Viza was satisfacting - despite Viza being defeat there are not any sense of "WTF?". It's feeling more like "Yuuma won because of a trick he had under his sleeve". Morever the trick was not some asspull but exactly existing thing we knew about.
Yeah, tactics play an important part in WT's battles. Yet, they play only one part in them. Like we have seen in the mock duel between Kazama and Osamu - 20 loses and only one draw. 20 loses due the overwhemling power, ability, skills, experience and equipment Kazama got over Osamu. Yet Osamu also had all that yet compared to Kazama it obviously was not even close enough. Add the right tactic to it to stop some of Kazama's abilities like his speed and render some of his equipment useless like the Chamelopn boddy opt trigger and suddenly the battle became a bit more even.
Especially when Osamu lead Kazma to believe he had only a simple plan while it was more complex and took his opponent by surprise thus giving him a chance to land a hit on a as good as zero distance.

And in other battles as well. Izumi, Yoneya and Midorikawa with the B-agents against Ranbanein used the shield function to shield another agent but them, something we have seen Tokieda do in the battle against Miwa squad to protect Jun Arashiyama when the HQ elites tried to kill Yuuma/rob him of his BT.

So Osamu will continue to struggle given his battle power but he will have a better chance by using the right tactics he will learn during the course of this manga. PLus with a team of such strong teammates his wit and cunning becomes more important as he has to not only think about himself but also how to make best use of his comrades abilities and battle power.

Which leads me to a new spoiler as raw for chapter 85 is out.^^

Spoiler for Chapter 85 spoiler:

Looks like the aftermath of the Aftokrator Invasion arc is over and we enter a new one! A very important one given Chika's, Osamu's and Yuuma's goals.
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Old 2014-11-28, 11:23   Link #75
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Originally Posted by James Rye View Post
Yeah, tactics play an important part in WT's battles. Yet, they play only one part in them. Like we have seen in the mock duel between Kazama and Osamu - 20 loses and only one draw. 20 loses due the overwhemling power, ability, skills, experience and equipment Kazama got over Osamu. Yet Osamu also had all that yet compared to Kazama it obviously was not even close enough. Add the right tactic to it to stop some of Kazama's abilities like his speed and render some of his equipment useless like the Chamelopn boddy opt trigger and suddenly the battle became a bit more even.
Especially when Osamu lead Kazma to believe he had only a simple plan while it was more complex and took his opponent by surprise thus giving him a chance to land a hit on a as good as zero distance.

And in other battles as well. Izumi, Yoneya and Midorikawa with the B-agents against Ranbanein used the shield function to shield another agent but them, something we have seen Tokieda do in the battle against Miwa squad to protect Jun Arashiyama when the HQ elites tried to kill Yuuma/rob him of his BT.

So Osamu will continue to struggle given his battle power but he will have a better chance by using the right tactics he will learn during the course of this manga. PLus with a team of such strong teammates his wit and cunning becomes more important as he has to not only think about himself but also how to make best use of his comrades abilities and battle power.

Which leads me to a new spoiler as raw for chapter 85 is out.^^

Spoiler for Chapter 85 spoiler:

Looks like the aftermath of the Aftokrator Invasion arc is over and we enter a new one! A very important one given Chika's, Osamu's and Yuuma's goals.
thanx for the regular spoilers update
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Old 2014-11-28, 19:41   Link #76
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Don't forget the Rank 10 shotgun squad who fought Enedra in the training room.
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Old 2014-11-28, 20:11   Link #77
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Would it take a lot of Trion to make Trion bombs/landmines?
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Old 2014-11-28, 20:13   Link #78
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I don't think we've seen an outright trion bomb from the manga aside from the bomber trion solder.
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Old 2014-11-29, 06:35   Link #79
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Originally Posted by KBTKaiser View Post
I don't think we've seen an outright trion bomb from the manga aside from the bomber trion solder.
well, reiji used a mine like thing when he fought against magnet boy...
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Old 2014-11-29, 17:33   Link #80
James Rye
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Originally Posted by dark44 View Post
thanx for the regular spoilers update
No problem, glad somebody is reading them.

Originally Posted by KBTKaiser View Post
Don't forget the Rank 10 shotgun squad who fought Enedra in the training room.
Suwa's squad? Won't forget them for sure, can't wait to see Osamu's team fighting them in the B-rank wars.

Originally Posted by ellifeedn View Post
Would it take a lot of Trion to make Trion bombs/landmines?
Originally Posted by KBTKaiser View Post
I don't think we've seen an outright trion bomb from the manga aside from the bomber trion solder.
Originally Posted by Triok123 View Post
well, reiji used a mine like thing when he fought against magnet boy...
We have seen Border using trion for rockets and cannon shells though. Remember the traps at the beginning of the invasion that stopped the trion soldiers long enough till the B-team arrived to kill the rest? Or the Ilgars that got shoot down by the Border cannons?
As we know only trion can hurt trion so those rockets and cannon shells must be made of trion or have a trion head that causes damage. Which means Border must have some factory where they produce that stuff. Probably underground their HQ as it would be too risky to build that stuff somewhere else where it could get attacked by Neighbors. The HQ is pretty much the safest place to produce weapons and ammuniton.

What I wonder in the spoiler for future chapter is
Spoiler for you can read it, just future speculations with a bit chapter 85 info in it:
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