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Old 2011-08-15, 04:07   Link #1101
Part-time misanthrope
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Originally Posted by Kafriel View Post
That was the plan, but our death timers differed a lot...tried to lock him in disables with 2 ppl, he killed one even under exhaust , used R once ignite wore off, killed the other one, healed with Q and a few minions, came back...anyways, it was prolly just bad luck to be paired against that team (Soraka/Urgot/Kennen/Yorick/Maokai VS Trynda/Jax/Shen/Brand/Janna).

Didn't buy Skarner, love his earthrune skin though...don't see him much in any kind of game, seems average from the little I've witnessed.
Call me if you ever need another Maokai :3

Speaking of champions, once I get Kog'Maw and Blitz I will start getting runes ;_; By that time I should finally be lvl20+. Friggin expensive ;_;
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Old 2011-08-15, 14:43   Link #1102
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I feel like I got a large enough pool, lots of support/offtank/carry/assassin in my roster, and with three tanks just in case. Champions I haven't really invested time in: Kennen, Sion, Corki, Ezreal, Karma, Lee Sin, Nocturne, Shaco, Twitch, Udyr. Which of these ten do you think I should really bother with?
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Old 2011-08-15, 16:36   Link #1103
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Originally Posted by Kafriel View Post
Kennen, Sion, Corki, Ezreal, Karma, Lee Sin, Nocturne, Shaco, Twitch, Udyr. Which of these ten do you think I should really bother with?
Udyr, Kennen, Lee Sin and Corki are all very strong picks. Nocturne and Sion are also pretty good. Karma's alright and very underrated. Ezreal is okay, but one of the lesser ranged carries. Twitch and Shaco are the least viable choices of your list and only strong if they get fed, otherwise not very useful at all.
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Old 2011-08-15, 17:15   Link #1104
Osana-Najimi Shipper
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Kennen actually isn't as strong as he used to be. The Zhonya split REALLY hurt him (Morg as well), as now he has to choose between AP and the active. That's not to say people don't pwn with him in normal/solo q (look up Ego Ignaxio), but he just doesn't bring enough to competitive 5v5s anymore (even well known top tier players who mained him like Salce don't play him anymore).

Sion... no one really plays him now after his stun nerf.

Corki is still the most damaging ranged carry in the game, as it's hard to defend against him because he deals all three types of damage. Ezreal is the weaker Corki really... less range on escape, less overall damage, and no type of AoE farming.

Karma... er, I'd rather have another support. Lack of an ult is really hurting her; they need to up mantra to like 5 stacks or something.

Lee Sin is one of the best junglers in the game. Ganks aren't anything to write home about, but his control of the jungle and his ease of counterjungling someone is almost unmatched. Nocturne on the otherhand is the 'old warwick'... he's the measuring stick that everyone compares to in terms of jungling.

Shaco's ganks are still strong from jungle, but I see less and less of them now, as these people would rather play like Nocturne.

Twitch... don't play Twitch/Eve until the stealth remake please.

Udyr with his mana reduction is IMO the best overall jungler in the game right now, plus he's a nightmare to fight in top lane if you choose to. He's so good he's pretty much permabanned in at least 1500+ elo solo-q (maybe even 1200+ elo).

Yes its YOU childhood friend - source of BERZERKER RAGE since forever
Childhood Friend couple STATISTICS(spoilers abound though)
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Old 2011-08-15, 17:16   Link #1105
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Imo ,

Kennen : Good ninja aoe stun , need good practice to play him well but there are better carry AP but still fun to play +1 for carry AP

Sion : AP -> W+Q Burst , not hard to spam. Not very interesting to play him. AD -> E farming but well , AD sion isn't that great. -1 carry AP/AD

Corki : Good carry even with his big nerf (specially the "blind" Q). +1 carry AD

Ezreal : AP Ez , hmm he have a good burst but not as much as AD ez mixed with passive , hard carry to play btw but he's good too. +1 AD

Karma : Honestly not for me , she's not a full support , better have a janna. -1 support

Lee sin : Good jungler/top offtank , need a lot of pratice to master him. He's great with very good ratio. 1/n/1/2 AD ratio. +1 Offtank

Nocturne : Good jungler/ganker offtank , easy champ to play , very good escape , free banshee. +1 Offtank

Shaco : Good jungler/ganker assassin , hard champ , play AP for fun box spam , AD is the real build for him. +1 Assassin

Twitch : Wait till Riot will have the will to buff him.

Udyr : Good jungler/ganker/top Offtank , great dps with tiger stance. Turtle for great survivability. Bear escape/chase stun every 6s , Phoenix just for farm. +1 Offtank

Then after it depends what champs do you want to play.

Easiest champ :


With some training :


Hardest :

Ezreal/Lee sin/Shaco

That's it for me.
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Old 2011-08-16, 03:00   Link #1106
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Thanks for the input guys, I'll focus on Corki, Lee Sin and Udyr for now. Really needed a second jungler besides Trundle
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Old 2011-08-16, 14:01   Link #1107
Part-time misanthrope
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Does anyone of you have experience with Swain? Although I have not played that many games yet I have encountered a fair number of champions but Swain is a complete mystery to me.
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Old 2011-08-16, 16:43   Link #1108
Osana-Najimi Shipper
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With the change to abilities healing off actual damage dealt rather than base damage (Udyr, Swain and Irelia are the one most affected), Swain has lost a lot of followers simply because that was pretty much at least a 30% decrease in effectiveness to his heal (even more late game when people start stacking MR).

He's still an effective nuker with good AoE cc's, but currently more people use Brand, Annie, and especially Orianna because Swain isn't as good as he used to be.

Yes its YOU childhood friend - source of BERZERKER RAGE since forever
Childhood Friend couple STATISTICS(spoilers abound though)
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Old 2011-08-16, 20:59   Link #1109
Duo Maxwell
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Brand became a bit boring for me, although I admit his effectiveness, but I prefer DoT champion once in a while.

Swain is losing his touch in big combat, but his laning phase is still quite good. You don't see people actually bother with Spirit Visage much nowaday, though.
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Old 2011-08-17, 02:53   Link #1110
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Yeah Swain was my 4th champion or something, he still trumps a lot of casters thanks to his torment damage bonus + ignite, but he's got trouble going 1v2 since the nerf...Good laning power with a huge range W and a passive to sustain his costs, and relatively easy to build; DFG, RoA, Void staff, deathcap, Rylai's, common caster stuff but can also be played as support with FH, spirit visage, Will of ancients, etc.
Normally people would counter Swain with high mobility to avoid half his combo but I find Katarina to be a hard counter, especially if she's got exhaust+ignite, because with Swain's lack of an interrupt, the nature of his R and the fact that Kat is one of the few champs who naturally gain MR, it's a tough fight to win.
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Old 2011-08-17, 05:40   Link #1111
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Really Kata ?
If she ulti , just use W then use your combo , well not , just use flash then use W + combo + ignite and she's dead.
Exhaust+ignite is shit summoners together , no escape , you won't live long.

Ok big nerfs for the supports :

* Starcall
** Cooldown reduced to 2.5 from 3
** Base damage reduced to 60/85/110/135/160 from 60/90/120/150/180
** AP ratio increased to .4 from .25
** Mana cost reduced to 35/40/45/50/55 from 40/50/60/70/80
** Shred increased to 8/9/10/11/12 from 8/8/8/8/8
** Maximum stacks reduced to 10 from 20

* Astral Blessing
** AP Ratio reduced to 0.45 from 0.9
** Cooldown increased to 20 from 10
** Base Heal increased to 65/130/195/260/325 from 60/120/180/240/300
** Armor Buff increased to 25/50/75/100/125 from 20/35/50/65/80
** Armor buff duration increased to 5 from 4
** Cast range increased to 750 from 650

* Infuse
** AP ratio increased to .75 from .6
** Cooldown reduced to 10 from 15
** Silence duration compressed to 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 from 1/1.5/2/2.5/3
** No longer grants double mana to soraka on selfcast.

* Wish
** Wish AP ratio reduced to 0.7 from 1.3
** Base heal reduced to 200/300/400 from 200/320/440
** Mana cost reduced to 100/175/250 from 200/275/350

* Aria of Perseverance
** Base heal reduced to 25/50/75/100/125 from 35/70/105/140/175
** AP Ratio reduced to .25 from .35
** Now grants double her passive aura bonus to her heal target and herself for 3 seconds.
* Fixed a bug where Hymn of Valor and Aria of Perseverance caused her to deal 20% reduced damage
* Reduced the lockout time while casting Sona's songs to make them more responsive.

Taric - (The comprehensive Taric changes will be out the following patch)
* Base attack speed increased to .625 from .613
* Imbue
** Ability power ratio reduced to 0.6 from 1.1
** Cooldown increased to 24/23/22/21/20 seconds from 16/15/14/13/12
** Basic attacks against enemy champions now reduce Imbue’s cooldown by 4 seconds (still 2 seconds against other targets)

* Javelin Toss
** Mana Cost reduced to 50/60/70/80/90 from 60/70/80/90/100
** Cooldown reduced to 6 from 7
* Pounce
** May now be affected by cooldown reduction
** Cooldown increased to 3.5 from 3
* Primal Surge
** Mana cost changed to 60/80/100/120/140
** Base heal changed to 50/85/120/155/190 from 60/90/120/150/180
** AP ratio reduced to 0.7 from 1.25
* Swipe AP ratio increased to 0.4 from 0.2
* Aspect of the Cougar now grants 10/15/20 Armor and Magic Resist instead of 10% Dodge
* General
** Cleaned up a lot of Nidalee's tooltips, especially Cougar form
Generally , the heals are the biggest nerfs.
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Old 2011-08-17, 08:05   Link #1112
Itadaki-nyaaa !!
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Originally Posted by -Sho- View Post
Really Kata ?
If she ulti , just use W then use your combo , well not , just use flash then use W + combo + ignite and she's dead.
Exhaust+ignite is shit summoners together , no escape , you won't live long.

Ok big nerfs for the supports :

Generally , the heals are the biggest nerfs.
May I ask where you got those information from? Because I can't find anything about it on official or community sites.

If those changes are real then wow, this might completely turn the game upside down, at least concerning effective botlane combos. Time to bring back my tempest janna
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Old 2011-08-17, 09:05   Link #1113
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Really Kata ?
If she ulti , just use W then use your combo , well not , just use flash then use W + combo + ignite and she's dead.
Exhaust+ignite is shit summoners together , no escape , you won't live long.
Yes really Kata, because nevermove has shit cooldown, and if you use it to initiate, you'll be taking a shunpo in the face. Also, Since she's got daggers, she can replace ignite for flash, but Swain can't really replace his ignite with anything...and the bonus MR from shunpo can really show. Anyways, it's not like you can't kill Kata with Swain, it's just a tough match, at least for me.
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Old 2011-08-17, 11:43   Link #1114
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Check the forum sometimes you can find news like that.

Anyway , is it me or what , since the split server i encounter more & more terrible players , in solo queue even in premade with 1-2 friends... they also noticed that. Full premade ftw...
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Old 2011-08-17, 11:51   Link #1115
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Lol @ OP having -1223 likes The NA users sure like to vote :O
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Old 2011-08-17, 12:44   Link #1116
Itadaki-nyaaa !!
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Originally Posted by Kafriel View Post
Lol @ OP having -1223 likes The NA users sure like to vote :O
Seems like most people are pretty pissed about these changes and somehow I agree. Soraka will be eve-like dead if those changes go live. Overall this will push away supports out of many games. I expect to see many no-support teams even in high elo.

Riot claims this change is supposed to make lane sustaining champs play more aggressive but to me if they can't sustain that good anymore there's no reason to pick them in the first place.
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Old 2011-08-17, 13:03   Link #1117
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Their claim about increasing lane aggression is crack, most people wouldn't risk their necks if they can heal half as quickly for half as much, and imo they shouldn't go with the infusion nerf, i.e. giving Soraka half the amount it used to on self-cast. Not only that, they reduce the silence duration, but I fail to see how that encourages people using infusion aggressively...Now, if her Starcall had a +150 cast range, I'd understand, but THIRTY UNITS!? Seriously??? Riot be trollin' :S

Anyways, healer's grave patch will bring Nunu a few levels higher on the actually sustainable list :P
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Old 2011-08-17, 13:26   Link #1118
Anime Snark
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Personally, I don't mind. In competitive arena-style battles, healers tend to be horribly hard to balance. Too little, and it becomes pointless. Too much, and it just drags out the outcome.

~~~~ ~~~~

Now that I have reached Lvl-15+... and started playing more Normal games (XP/IP penalty for AI-games kicks in), I have come to the sad realisation that once again... this is another game that lacks players who want to tank.

"Well, Skane, why don't YOU tank then?"

I am... out of sheer necessity. It seems almost everybody wants to play a Carry. I used up some of my IP to purchase Ashe and Caitlyn, and thanks to a facebook promotion, got Tristina for free. Using them in AI-games is tons of fun.

Alas... I can't use them in Normal games, lest I want to experience the bitter taste of defeat as we pit a team of five squishy Carries versus an enemy team with better composition. Sometimes it becomes five Carries versus five Carries, and then the match becomes a total nightmarish fragfest as people try to flex their e-peen and tower dive like they are going to get RP for kills (You don't).

Or worse... somebody else agrees to take a tank character, and proceeds to deck it out with DPS gear.

"But it helps me to kill them faster!"
"This is me. Psychically cursing you and your descendants."

I don't hate tanking. I tanked in WoW. I tanked in WarOnline. I tank in many games that have the concept of tanking. I even study the strats and stats for successful tanking.


Sometimes I don't want to tank.

I had already planned out a shopping list of what runes to get when I hit Lvl-20 in preparation for Ranked matches. I wanted to concentrate on Caitlyn initially, but with the way things are now... I think I may have to switch to a tanking career.

One plus side I suppose, is that there is no "Go, go, go" in LoL. I will have to kill kittens if there was.

~~~~ ~~~~

That said... wow... the forums are VILE. The amount of racism and bigotry is staggering. I can feel my humanity being sapped just by reading some of the thread titles.

GIFT indeed.

~~~~ ~~~~

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Old 2011-08-17, 13:50   Link #1119
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this is another game that lacks players who want to tank.
True as it may be, LoL offers an alternative in tough DPS and tough casters, i.e. off-tanks. They can put out a lot of damage and fulfill tanking duties if there are two of them (like Garen, Xin Zhao, Jarvan IV, etc.) and can be very fun to play and dominate with.
Or worse... somebody else agrees to take a tank character, and proceeds to deck it out with DPS gear.

"But it helps me to kill them faster!"
"This is me. Psychically cursing you and your descendants."
I lol'd Tanks don't do all that well in secondary roles, I mean ok you can have AP Galio but his ult damage has been raped, and AP Shen is a lot more useless than a normal tank one. Some people do admit their mistakes though, like a guy trying out AD Malphite with lifesteal...although I can't say it gets any better.
"Well, Skane, why don't YOU tank then?"

I am... out of sheer necessity.
Speaking of which, have you tried any games at Twisted Treeline? A 3v3 setup doesn't neeeeeed a tank since the TF are smaller and faster, and AD carries are pretty popular as long as they got a dash or escape technique.
I had already planned out a shopping list of what runes to get when I hit Lvl-20 in preparation for Ranked matches. I wanted to concentrate on Caitlyn initially, but with the way things are now... I think I may have to switch to a tanking career.
Ranked games have a big bonus, people enter to tank. First thing you'll hear is "I know Malphite, Rammus and Amumu, which one to get?". On the downside, many tanks get banned :P
That said... wow... the forums are VILE. The amount of racism and bigotry is staggering.
Gotta LOVE this thread
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Old 2011-08-17, 14:31   Link #1120
Anime Snark
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Originally Posted by Kafriel View Post
True as it may be, LoL offers an alternative in tough DPS and tough casters, i.e. off-tanks. They can put out a lot of damage and fulfill tanking duties if there are two of them (like Garen, Xin Zhao, Jarvan IV, etc.) and can be very fun to play and dominate with.

I lol'd Tanks don't do all that well in secondary roles, I mean ok you can have AP Galio but his ult damage has been raped, and AP Shen is a lot more useless than a normal tank one. Some people do admit their mistakes though, like a guy trying out AD Malphite with lifesteal...although I can't say it gets any better.

Speaking of which, have you tried any games at Twisted Treeline? A 3v3 setup doesn't neeeeeed a tank since the TF are smaller and faster, and AD carries are pretty popular as long as they got a dash or escape technique.

Ranked games have a big bonus, people enter to tank. First thing you'll hear is "I know Malphite, Rammus and Amumu, which one to get?". On the downside, many tanks get banned :P

Gotta LOVE this thread
Hmm... at the moment, I am using Malphite who is on the weekly rotation. I tried Galio and Amumu, but got bored out of my skull using them (they are not weak, just... dull to me, personally). Malphite's skill set is interesting to me, and fun to play with. The utility of his R-skill is amazing.

Might try Garen next, since I got a 7-day free trial for him.

As for Twisted Treeline, being on the SEA server... the queue time for that map is waaaay too long. With only 3 countries on our server, the variety is kind of limited. A lot of GM events though. I managed to participate in one (kinda hilarious to see everybody else with triple-digit wins, and this one guy (me) with three) and got a couple of XP/IP boosts for winning.

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league of legends, lol

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