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NorthernFallout 2008-10-16 01:50


Originally Posted by Evil Rick (Post 1991149)

AtomicoX: Silence Johansen and a Reaper

Well, this might be interesting. You are free to use them however you want. If you want additionl information just ask.

Also, *pats Tempest*

TerranReaper 2008-10-16 02:24

Thx 4 your views and suggestions. I'll improve further. Choppy as it may seem, there is something coming their way and its the negotiator himself. You'll see what I mean. I'm open to further suggestions on how the story should go so please help out. Thx a million.

Kha 2008-10-16 03:09


Originally Posted by Evil Rick (Post 1991149)
Nice logo AtomicoX, my 2 favourite characters of the MSLN series, Vita and Vivio :D


I have something planed, is not a fic, but is something big, the thing is that I need some of your creations guys, if you want of course

I need from:

AtomicoX: Silence Johansen and a Reaper

TSS: Hou, Nyu and Mr. Long

Satashi: Vampire Fate

Kha: Kha

Keroko: Deathwing Keroko and Syn

Kai the Reaper: Medieval Nanoha

I have your aprobation?

Thanks Rick; as it is OC policy, I approve of your request to deploy Kha in your operation. :nod:

RadiantBeam 2008-10-16 05:36


Originally Posted by Vivio Testarossa (Post 1991050)
Any particular reason for choosing a gun, as the weapon type as... Staff -> Gun is quite a major shift...

The main reason for the shift is because at this point, Nanoha isn't capable of handling the magnitude of magic that she used to back in A's because her her injury. Her body is very fragile (just making one set of magic bullets drains her), and I figured a gun was the best choice since, in general, guns are a long-distance kind of weapon that don't require much hand-to-hand combat. I realize there are exceptions to this, but that's what I was going for when I was figuring out what Nanoha could do without any magic or with only a limited amount.

Vie 2008-10-16 06:17


Originally Posted by Vivio Testarossa (Post 1991050)
Any particular reason for choosing a gun, as the weapon type as... Staff -> Gun is quite a major shift...

Dude. Would you PLEASE read the earlier posts, and properly?

Ninja'd. :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by Knight of L-sama (Post 1989560)
Let's try this again...

Spoiler for Pt. 7- Fate's Revolution:

Spoiler for After you read:

Unexpected. Why couldn't the two of them just get together and take over the world though?


Originally Posted by RadiantBeam (Post 1990248)
Now then! I need a vote.

I was discussing some aspects of my AU over with Satashi, and an old idea of mine was brought up again. Major thanks to Satashi, BTW, for going over it with me and helping out. ^__^

Now, then...

The idea is that Nanoha, while still frail and only able to handle a gun, is still capable of using some form of magic, just to keep a connection between her canon persona and her AU persona. This can be done one of two ways:

Option 1: My original idea, in which Raising Heart is somehow attached to the gun/reconfigured into a gun. Nanoha is capable of channeling magic through her body and into the gun, thus firing bullets loaded with magic; a kind of mini version of Divine Buster or Starlight Breaker without the major kick. The downside is doing this leaves her weak and shaky, so she can't do it too often.

Option 2: Satashi's suggestion, in which Nanoha creates sets of magic bullets for her gun. However, she can only create one set at a time and can only fire at least two of them before she starts to get worn out. Kind of like what Shamal does with the catridges for A's, actually.


Anyway, I can't decide which to go with. >__>

What do you guys think?

Actually, I think creating magical items, even cartridges or just bullets puts a lot of stress on the body magically and physically. It might be better if you went with Option 1, but kept it as a trump card when normal guns can't suffice. Devices can be modified, anyway.

TheShinySword 2008-10-16 06:24


Originally Posted by Evil Rick (Post 1991149)
Nice logo AtomicoX, my 2 favourite characters of the MSLN series, Vita and Vivio :D


I have something planed, is not a fic, but is something big, the thing is that I need some of your creations guys, if you want of course

I need from:

AtomicoX: Silence Johansen and a Reaper

TSS: Hou, Nyu and Mr. Long

Satashi: Vampire Fate

Kha: Kha

Keroko: Deathwing Keroko and Syn

Kai the Reaper: Medieval Nanoha

I have your aprobation?

Sure but it's Niu no Nyu


Originally Posted by Tempest Dynasty (Post 1991164)
500 is a pretty big number.

But 10000 is even better :3

Spoiler for ...:

Knight of L-sama 2008-10-16 07:48


Originally Posted by Laith (Post 1990909)
Spoiler for From 400 to 500 there are too many worlds:

Do YOU remember?

I remember! I remember! ^_^ I even remember the stories I didn't read! Ah... but this really does go to show how many AUs we had... And there were more in the section too... >.< Kyaaaaa I loved this last century of fics <3


Originally Posted by DigiGatou (Post 1991416)
Unexpected. Why couldn't the two of them just get together and take over the world though?

Cuz then I would have nothing remotely serious to write about :naughty:

Vie 2008-10-16 08:05


Originally Posted by Knight of L-sama (Post 1991513)
I remember! I remember! ^_^ I even remember the stories I didn't read! Ah... but this really does go to show how many AUs we had... And there were more in the section too... >.< Kyaaaaa I loved this last century of fics <3

Cuz then I would have nothing remotely serious to write about :naughty:

But I liked the cracky "innocent" Quack!Fate that was full of innuendoes! :p

But as long as you write I'm fine lol.;)

Satashi 2008-10-16 10:06

@EvilRick: Sure you can use her ^_^

@Thread no ficcy right now, maybe one at lunch time :3

Evangelion Xgouki 2008-10-16 12:58

Current standings for Divided Destiny:

B) I

RadiantBeam 2008-10-16 14:15


Originally Posted by DigiGatou (Post 1991416)
Actually, I think creating magical items, even cartridges or just bullets puts a lot of stress on the body magically and physically. It might be better if you went with Option 1, but kept it as a trump card when normal guns can't suffice. Devices can be modified, anyway.

The idea strikes me because it's a very Nanoha-ish thing to do, pour her all (magic included) into something if she has no other choice.

Plus, the idea of Raising Heart modified as a gun is awesome.


Why do more plotbunnies attack me while I'm trying to focus on just one? D:

NorthernFallout 2008-10-16 14:20


Originally Posted by RadiantBeam (Post 1992085)
Why do more plotbunnies attack me while I'm trying to focus on just one? D:

Plotbunnies are such evil creatures. They always strike when you are unprepared, don't have time or just don't want to...I'm starting to think they are divine, summoned by the Great Plotbunnie living in an alternate dimension.

On a more serious note, no development on the DR and FotR front. My ideas are lacking again so it might take some time to get going again. I don't know why, might be a combination of assignments, exams and lazyness...

Vivio Testarossa 2008-10-16 14:37


Originally Posted by RadiantBeam (Post 1991377)
The main reason for the shift is because at this point, Nanoha isn't capable of handling the magnitude of magic that she used to back in A's because her her injury. Her body is very fragile (just making one set of magic bullets drains her), and I figured a gun was the best choice since, in general, guns are a long-distance kind of weapon that don't require much hand-to-hand combat. I realize there are exceptions to this, but that's what I was going for when I was figuring out what Nanoha could do without any magic or with only a limited amount.

Ok next question... what type of gun? Shotgun? Sniper rifle? Uzi? etc...

RadiantBeam 2008-10-16 14:38


Originally Posted by Vivio Testarossa (Post 1992126)
Ok next question... what type of gun? Shotgun? Sniper rifle? Uzi? etc...

Unfortunately I'm not familiar with the different kinds of guns that exist today, but it's a handgun. You know, the kind of thing a police officer would carry that can be strapped to the waist or on the shoulder with a belt or sling. I'm even thinking of having Elise give Nanoha one of her guns, since in the Triangle Heart OVA she has two of her own.

Seraph42 2008-10-16 15:03


Originally Posted by TerranReaper (Post 1990371)
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Fanfic

Hope this is worth reading

Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS: Alpha Outbreak
Chapter 1: First Contact
Nanoha gave Subaru a sour look after she said she quit. It was unlike her to do that but then again, Nanoha did push her to the brink during training that Subaru almost attempted to hit her. Unacceptable.

“Okay, Subaru, go get some rest. Perhaps you can think it over clearly after that.” said Nanoha.

“Yeah yeah, I know.” Subaru said while she gave Nanoha a sarcastic salute. Nanoha wanted to rebuke her for insubordinance when Subaru turned around and walked away. Maybe she was too harsh on her. Maybe she’ll go talk to Subaru about it later.

Later that evening, Nanoha sat down at the cafeteria to watch the news. Lately, there were reports of TSAB ships being destroyed near the Solar System. Nanoha wondered if Chrono Harlaown had the right mind to explore there because besides Earth and Mars, there were no other hospitable places suitable for colonization. Speaking of Earth-

“Nanoha, can you turn around for a moment?” Nanoha turned around to find Fate standing behind her with a few pictures. “I want you to look at this” said Fate. There was a tone of confusion in her voice. Nanoha took the pictures and looked at it. It showed a blurry outline of a large object, most likely man-made. It was kind of blockish yet intimidating to look at. “What are these suppose to be, Fate? Boxes?” she asked. “That is what I want to know too. One of the ships sent to scout the Solar System took this before being destroyed.”

“That is certainly wrong. Our ships could survive firefights but this is an exception. Could it be that humans have mastered space superiority?”

“I doubt it, Nanoha. No race could just advance like that without going through decades of trial and error.Then again, only one race lives in the Solar System and that is your race.”

Nanoha winced. Humans mastering space superiority in just years, not decades? She has been absent too long from Earth so she was not updated. It’s impossible, astronomical in fact, which this could happen. “So what is Chrono’s next course of action?” Nanoha asked? “He decided to stop scouting Solar System for now. I’m still wondering though. If Chrono knew there were inhabitants there, why did he bother going there in the first place?”

“Perhaps he thinks he could bully the humans because they are weak.” Nanoha joked. The two gave false laughs and stopped. Chrono came in and stared at them.

“What was this bully thing I heard?” he said with a sarcastic tone. Nanoha laughed nervously and said “Well, we were just…uhh…joking! Yeah, we were just joking that you love to bully the uh…new mages!” Fate noded her head and grinned. “New mages? But I don’t train them. You do.” said Chrono. “Anyway, I’m just pondering over a few things I want answering as soon as possible. How did the inhabitants on Non-goverened Planet 97 get so advanced and what kind of weapon are they using? Do you girls know?” Fate scratched her head and sighed “Your guess is just as good as ours, sir.”

Chrono shook his head and left.
That night, Subaru took a stroll near the water edge. Cool night wind blew in her face and it felt soothing. She took a stone and threw it into the sea when Nanoha came behind her.

“Subaru, can we have a talk?” “Leave me alone” muttered Subaru but Nanoha came up to her anyway. “Listen, have you ever felt my pain before?” asked Nanoha. “I’ve seen it through the vids months ago before Jail Scaglietti’s attack. I know it is invading your privacy but I’ve seen it anyway. I know my pain does not match yours but that does not mean you can push me around, Captain Nanoha.” said Subaru bitterly. “Yes I know but it is my duty. If I just let you go on willy nilly, what can you succeed? Think about it, Subaru, if it were not for the vigorous trainings I’ve put myself through when I was younger, I would not be so succeesful. I am who I am now because of that and I intend to teach my trainees the value of hardwork. Get what I mean? I have taught Teana that lesson before so I’m teaching you now.” Subaru wiped a tear away from her eyes. Nanoha patted her shoulder and smiled.

“So I assume you’re alright with it?” asked Nanoha smilingly. Subaru gave a slight nod and smiled back. She saluted. “Good, go get some rest then. Our next training will begin tomorrow. Remember, even if we were disbanded, that does not mean we don’t look out for each other anymore.” Nanoha said. The next morning, Nanoha trained a group of new trainees when Fate contacted her. “Nanoha, come to Saint Church now. Chrono says that it is urgent.”

“How urgent?”

“Code Red urgent. It might, I repeat, just might lead to an open war.”

Nanoha shuddered. Cold sweat ran down her head and felt tingles in her spine. Open war was the worst thing the Mid-Childans were ill-prepared for since the tight military budget was discouraging anyone from joining the military, coupled with the number of mages KIAed during the attack Jail Scaglietti launched. Military power wasn’t sufficient.

“I’m on my way.” said Nanoha as she closed the holocom. “Okay, trainees, you are dismissed for now. I have an urgent meeting to attend.”

At Saint Church, Chrono paced in his office while watching a video transmission sent by one Fleet Admiral Kiethon Marshall. It originated from Non-governed Planet 97. He was older than Chrono by 5 years but he looked like he had 20 years of battle experience. The dangerous look on his face suggested that.

“This is Fleet Admiral Kiethon Marshall of Terran Space Force Command located in Okinawa, Japan. To whoever intruded our territory, we have traced a signal to your homeworld and we have our sights on you. You have violated Terran Space Protocol by intruding without official permission. We have the authority to use force against you for your intentions are unknown. However, we will send a negotiator to hear your explanation for your intrusion as we try not to risk war. But if I find my negotiator killed or your explanation is unable to convince us, you better prepare yourself. Kiethon signing out.”

Chrono tapped his foot and scratched his head. “What say you, Fate?”

Fate looked down and replyed “Lets wait for Nanoha, then we decide whether to discuss this with the top brass or take things into our hands.”

[B]What is your verdict? Should they choose
a) Let the military top brass do the talking
b) Meet the negotiator themselves, or
c) Kill him

Can't wait for more :D
B on this one.


Originally Posted by Laith (Post 1990909)
Spoiler for From 400 to 500 there are too many worlds:

Do YOU remember?

Yes actually I do :p


Originally Posted by Evangelion Xgouki (Post 1989175)
Two People, Two Paths

Spoiler for Divided Destiny, pt. 13:

Previous Installments
-Chapter 01
-Chapter 02
-Chapter 03
-Chapter 04
-Chapter 05
-Chapter 06
-Chapter 07
-Chapter 08
-Chapter 09
-Chapter 10
-Chapter 11
-Chapter 12

B please


Originally Posted by Knight of L-sama (Post 1989560)
Let's try this again...

Spoiler for Pt. 7- Fate's Revolution:

Spoiler for After you read:



Originally Posted by Satashi (Post 1989561)
Just a little help... (Part 1)
Just a little help... please? (Part 2)

Spoiler for Just a little help... 3:

To be continued!

Poor Fate, LOL :p:D


Originally Posted by markesellus (Post 1989698)
Poor Fate. :p Nanoha's so oblivious to her surroundings sometimes. I want a picture of Fate in that outfit. :heh:

I second this Request :D
Mercurianangel we need you :kisskiss:


Originally Posted by RadiantBeam (Post 1992133)
Unfortunately I'm not familiar with the different kinds of guns that exist today, but it's a handgun. You know, the kind of thing a police officer would carry that can be strapped to the waist or on the shoulder with a belt or sling. I'm even thinking of having Elise give Nanoha one of her guns, since in the Triangle Heart OVA she has two of her own.

Duel wielding (:heh:) or just 1 gun?

Satashi 2008-10-16 15:07


Originally Posted by RadiantBeam (Post 1992133)
Unfortunately I'm not familiar with the different kinds of guns that exist today, but it's a handgun. You know, the kind of thing a police officer would carry that can be strapped to the waist or on the shoulder with a belt or sling. I'm even thinking of having Elise give Nanoha one of her guns, since in the Triangle Heart OVA she has two of her own.

Give her two, one black and one white. Name the white one Ivory, and the black one Ebony.

Cookies for reference. :cool: many shorts. I feel like doing another PS!Vivio, but I need to do some Vampire!Fate and "OMFG PLEASE help me!Fate"......

Laith 2008-10-16 15:14

And a guitar-scythe for the lolz.

DMC of course Sata.

And story´s wall are horrible. They are hard to destroy.

Keroko 2008-10-16 15:15


Originally Posted by RadiantBeam (Post 1992133)
Unfortunately I'm not familiar with the different kinds of guns that exist today, but it's a handgun. You know, the kind of thing a police officer would carry that can be strapped to the waist or on the shoulder with a belt or sling. I'm even thinking of having Elise give Nanoha one of her guns, since in the Triangle Heart OVA she has two of her own.

If you want handguns, take Desert Eagles. I'm no gun-expert, but I know what I like, and I do like Desert Eagles.


Originally Posted by Satashi (Post 1992195)
Give her two, one black and one white. Name the white one Ivory, and the black one Ebony.

Cookies for reference. :cool:

Someone has been hunting crying devils lately. :p


Originally Posted by Satashi (Post 1992195) many shorts. I feel like doing another PS!Vivio, but I need to do some Vampire!Fate and "OMFG PLEASE help me!Fate"......

Well, my vote goes for more Vivio, obviously.

Tempy 2008-10-16 15:51


Originally Posted by RadiantBeam (Post 1992133)
Unfortunately I'm not familiar with the different kinds of guns that exist today, but it's a handgun. You know, the kind of thing a police officer would carry that can be strapped to the waist or on the shoulder with a belt or sling. I'm even thinking of having Elise give Nanoha one of her guns, since in the Triangle Heart OVA she has two of her own.


Originally Posted by Keroko (Post 1992215)
If you want handguns, take Desert Eagles. I'm no gun-expert, but I know what I like, and I do like Desert Eagles.

I, however, am.

A Desert Eagle is nice if you want target shooting or a really scary looking gun, but in most combat situations, you won't want that brick. It's powerful, yes, but it's also very very big. Nanoha wouldn't be able to grip it with one hand. I'm a big guy myself, and even I find gripping it a little daunting.

Very commonly used, by police forces and the US military in general, is the Beretta M92FS, designated M9.

Also popular with police and elite branches of the military are the SIG series of firearms, particularly the P226.

The US Marines, as well as SWAT teams around the US, are very in favor of M1911A1 derivatives, choosing brands such as Springfield, Kimber, and Para-Ordnance. They do not have as high a capacity as other pistols, but M1911A1s are astoundingly reliable -- almost 100 years old and still in use to day.

I could talk about this all day, as the variety of arms is staggering. PM me if you want more detailed information,

Knight of L-sama 2008-10-16 17:09


Originally Posted by RadiantBeam (Post 1992085)

Why do more plotbunnies attack me while I'm trying to focus on just one? D:

Have you never heard that bunnies of all varieties multiply to the nth power? And that certain MSLN bunnies watch each others backs (and fronts)? Fweet.

Edit: Page claim for belated page claims? -_-;;;

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