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Old 2009-11-19, 02:24   Link #22113
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: In Your House. No, really, look properly.
Originally Posted by Revolutionist View Post
To me Shirley and to an extent the student council (except for Nina) all represented the positive side of Britannia. The only thing Shirley can be condemned for is wounding Villetta and not finishing her off for good.

You can't say she's a bad person because she happened to be Britannian and didn't take Kallen's stance. Shirley had no reason to lash out at society in a childish fit, and she showed she was capable for forgiveness. Kallen would've never forgiven the guy who killed her brother. She chooses to kill people who had nothing to do with her brother's death just because they're Britannians, and never mind that whoever off'd Naoto was just doing his duty. Terrorism is dangerous business, perhaps Naoto should've chosen a different career path?
There is no such thing as a "positive" side of Britannia. You should realize that the people you are referring to are not much older than 16 or 17. Whatever their mindset was, it could change as they grow older. And plus, they are what, 6 people out of a whole damn society? A small prickle of light shrouded in complete darkness won't do much.

And I don't think you understand the matter here. Kallen ADORED her brother. She looked up to him, he was the representation of what she wants to become. Would you forgive the person who killed him? And please, Britannian rule of Japan and any of her other colonies and terrorism are not much different in terms of brutality. The only difference was that at least the Japanese terrorists aimed for military targets, not kill civilians in cold blood because they felt like it. And Kallen's hate for Brittania extends far more than simply because of Naoto. Naoto may have influenced her, but Kallen had her own reasons. Reasons that were never truly explored within the boundaries of the show.

Credit to Godlike1889 for the sig!
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