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Old 2008-04-16, 00:29   Link #23621
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Originally Posted by Comartemis View Post
*Massive spittake*

Yuuno?! Mr. I-Can't-Even-Turn-On-A-Device is an A-rank?! Where's your evidence?
One must remember that he was able to hang on against Vita who's two ranks above him. RH is also particularly fickle - it is the only device we see that ever needed an incantation to activate.

tshouryuu, this is supposed to be an elite squad, as in one made up of mages who have already reached "Striker" level as mages. B-ranks and below have no place in this squadron, and B+ would be the minimum acceptable rank; any lower than that and you'll be a liability to the team. As it is, Rena and Zero are the only mages in the squad who aren't flight capable, and Zero can at least imitate flight with Sky Waltz. Besides, the ranks you provided are the forwards prior to Nanoha's training regimen; by the end of StrikerS, they're supposedly AA-ranks all around. These characters I'm assembling have already been through the equivalent in their respective divisions; Rico was actually one of Nanoha's earlier students, a AAA when in unison with Nova, a AA- without her.
Actually, the canon made it amply clear that the TSAB's organization philosophy is anti-elitist and their tactical philosophy anti-concentration of force. Rather, assignment is about sprinkling elite mages into penny packets to "beef up" each subunit (which makes sense because elite-less units might as well not exist in the face of real problems). Where there two tasks, elite mages are expected to split up to tackle them simultaneously even at the risk of failure at both tasks.

You will note that they were never officially retested, so if you pick guys with a lot of potential, you can draw in guys with say B and train them up to snuff, but sooner or later they'll probably have to be retested and their real abilities appear (unless you tell your guys to deliberately flunk tests).

You can try the limiter gambit, but it is really lying in plain sight (and a complete shafting of the normal philosophy), so it is hard to imagine its acceptance without a lot of political coverage persuading all to look the other way - backstory for how they got so much coverage is required.

Of particular note is a melee specialist with a new kind of device that I'd like the hackbusters to take a close look at, because I think it would make an interesting addition to OC canon; the Belkan Armored System, an experimental device setup designed to maximize the power of defensive and shield spells. It looks something like this:
How can we h3xxbust a picture? Details man!
Spoiler for Star Wars snubfighters:
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Old 2008-04-16, 00:52   Link #23622
Wild Goose
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@TK: Reading you loud and clear. I guess I was overreacting to the noob. *sighs*

Originally Posted by Comartemis View Post
*Massive spittake*

Yuuno?! Mr. I-Can't-Even-Turn-On-A-Device is an A-rank?! Where's your evidence?
As has been said, tanking AAA+ Vita with Cartridge-powered Raketen Hammer and Graf Eisen with one hand. Note that Nanoha tried to do the same and got her Barrier busted... and then along comes pwn puppy Yuuno, who tanks and holds his own against Vita. Vita has the upper hand in combat power but Yuuno's holding her off - not effortlessly, but he's holding his own ground.

Erick & Franz: "Real men fight with their FISTS!"

Besides, in Alpha, he has a Device. Though he doesn't really need one. (Protip: Apart from being called "Doc" by everyone - Alpha Yuuno is a fully-trained Special Forces combat medic - Yuuno is also, in my mind, Indiana Scrya. ^_____________^)

Regards your squad, Shou seems to be doing a good job on that; I'll let him take the lead as I can't really post much right now. I want to point out something though: B-ranked Forwards were acknowledged to be Striker-class mages. B-ranked.

Of particular note is a melee specialist with a new kind of device that I'd like the hackbusters to take a close look at, because I think it would make an interesting addition to OC canon; the Belkan Armored System, an experimental device setup designed to maximize the power of defensive and shield spells. It looks something like this:

Spoiler for Belkan Armored System:



As ark said, details. If you want me to haxxbust a picture, I will not only say no, but OH HELL NO given as how Vaisaga is a Super Robot and Super Robots are inherently haxxed...although Tengan muteki no Supaa Roboto, KOKONI KENZAN!!!!!! does have an awesomeness to it. <.< And seriously, Ratsel might be arguably more haxxed, though his l337 hax dodging skills tend to be played for laughs... be fair I suppose I can't really complain too much about the design since a running joke in OFM 4-koma is that Lurch keeps trying to turn Chief's MJOLNIR into Alt Eisen. <.<

Originally Posted by arkhangelsk View Post
Actually, the canon made it amply clear that the TSAB's organization philosophy is anti-elitist and their tactical philosophy anti-concentration of force. Rather, assignment is about sprinkling elite mages into penny packets to "beef up" each subunit (which makes sense because elite-less units might as well not exist in the face of real problems). Where there two tasks, elite mages are expected to split up to tackle them simultaneously even at the risk of failure at both tasks.

You will note that they were never officially retested, so if you pick guys with a lot of potential, you can draw in guys with say B and train them up to snuff, but sooner or later they'll probably have to be retested and their real abilities appear (unless you tell your guys to deliberately flunk tests).

You can try the limiter gambit, but it is really lying in plain sight (and a complete shafting of the normal philosophy), so it is hard to imagine its acceptance without a lot of political coverage persuading all to look the other way - backstory for how they got so much coverage is required.
As an example of all this in action, Ivanovich is AA-ranked in private evaluations conducted by the OFM and SOPCC, but he deliberately flunks his periodic assesments to remain officially a B-ranked mage; generally about the only people in the OFM who are honest about their ranks are the officers, who are all A and above (IIRC you have to be minimum of A to go to OCS). Although in Ivanovich's case he didn't want to be "demoted" to 2nd Lieutenant. There about ten or so people in the entire OFM who are A-rank or above; almost everyone else is a B-rank. It's not about your power level, it's what you do with it, that counts.

On snubfighters, aren't the Y-Wings and B-Wings classed as bombers?
One must forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged.Heinrich Heine.

I believe in miracles.

Last edited by Wild Goose; 2008-04-16 at 01:05.
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Old 2008-04-16, 01:53   Link #23623
Sword Wielding Penguin
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Y-wings are classed as an old, outdated workhorse... but a bomber.

A B-wing is superior to a Y-wing in almost every aspect. Better shields, more lasers, more ion cannons, more torpedos... FASTER... (And from my experiences playing Xwing for years... a helluva lot better field of vision in the cockpit. God DAMN Y-wings felt like flying from the back of a tunnel.)

Straight answer.

Y-wing: Bomber
B-Wing "Assault Starfighter." (Bomber)

Spoiler for Fighters:
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Old 2008-04-16, 02:17   Link #23624
Knight who says D'ni
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I hate to jump in just because of the Star Wars debate, but having been an EU obsessee for years, until I finally wised up from seeing the latest set of franchised books. . .

Spoiler for fansp33k:
The more that you resist the tide
The more it pulls you in
The more you hang on for your life~

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Old 2008-04-16, 04:21   Link #23625
~Night of Gales~
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Type-0 Sentoukijin

Rebuilt of Uomo

Hmm... nothing really much to say here, but the choice of image is... I dunno, weird?

Originally Posted by Tormenk View Post
And meanwhile the male lead goes off and picks the brunette..
And the brunette's parents run a... cake house bakery...


Oh, the lulz that would ensue...

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Buy less games, more PC?
Not that simple, but in time, I suppose.

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Circumstances? Do explain. :3
Put Keroko in Tomoya's position (( dilemma )) in the Kyou route. :3

Originally Posted by Tormenk View Post
ReBuild of Katrina? Nah..


A placeholder for the revised version of the original profile. I got tired of referring to three separate posts for one profile and decided to make changes to the old one while I was at it.

A list of the changes.
  • - comestic changes to history
  • - reorganization of each section.
  • - rank fixed at S+
  • - Edited spells and added in some new ones.
  • - junking of conflicting spells such as AMF
Explains why I don't recall much difference overall. Except she looks hot as always.

Originally Posted by Comartemis View Post
'Course it isn't KH...


>.>'s Reservoir Chronicle Tsubasa!


*...then adds Yuuko to "characters in need of porting" list*
RCT just makes things crazier.

CLAMP always does that.

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post


This was fun as hell to make!

This is my little surprise profile for my comeback after being away for so long due to exams. Absolutely NO ONE knew I was making this!

As it is, this profile is highly subjective in inception but I tried to be objective in most parts. To be fair, I included most of the good AND the bad traits I can find in her.

And yes, I did make her persona a bit darker than what 7arcs may have intended...
But I'm sticking with it!

Comments, criticisms, advice are welcomed...

Spoiler for Credits:

I'll deal with the rest of the work later. I'm beat and it's already past 4 in the morning here...

Thanks for your time.
Nothing much we don't know, but it's nice to see a compilation I guess.

Though the front image of choice reminds me of Nineteen 2 dojin, of which I lulz because Hayate (( doesn't )) gets shafted. XP

Originally Posted by Kagerou View Post
Will bust backlog later; for now, this:

Spoiler for Final Scene, MSLNAlpha Episode 03:

Will post on the fanfic thread when Goose finishes the rewrite he's been doing for like... two weeks.
Pretty short this time round.

Though the cliffhanger was evil, and should've been more evil. It didn't feel like she was in danger of death the way those last parts were written. :3

Originally Posted by Evangelion Xgouki View Post
*peers out of the Sea of Dirac*


*dives back into the Sea of Dirac*
Nice short piece. Pretty much the usual pimp!transition piece, but it's okay.

... Does she has a DisCalibur? >_<

Originally Posted by Comartemis View Post
Because--with a few exceptions who shall remain nameless--the people on this thread are generally friendly and helpful, and perfectly willing to help inspire new talent.

Hey, you in the back! Quit sniggering!

*Throws a brick at the heckler*

As it stands right now from my perspective, firepower or melee supremacy are the first and last words of combat in the Nanoverse. The only way you could create a "different but equal" type of mage would be a stealth specialist or an assassin of some sort... both of which I find to be utterly utterly boring concepts.
It's really a question of how one is written to reflect what is needed.

Take my Saga for example, (( my only Tri-Ace-level OC at his base )). He doesn't have any supremacy, even if he's a well-rounded mid-ranger. The way his character and abilities are written is that his well-rounded skills and natural instincts honed with his foresight puts him as a fighter that never allows the opponent to get the upper hand using rounded abilities and styles to always be able push the opponents into a situation where they can never fully unleash 100% of their full arsenal.

Originally Posted by PhoenixFlare View Post

Well, this will come as a little surprise, but this chapter is supposedly combined together with Chapter 8. A little review separated them, though, because I think dropping another Bluecheese Nuke rivaling Chapter 6 (which was capped at 26K words, combined Chapter 7-8 probably slightly more than that) is going to make a lot of people go bonkers and start screaming for my skin .

Nothing big here, really, just a lot of information dump. And I think I got some of the characters OOC (Out-of-Character) and some things OOC (Out-of-Canon) .

Anyway ...

*drops nuke and runs*

Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha GuardianS

Chapter Seven?A Tale from the Past

Edit: I don't know how to use the youtube tag, it doesn't seem to work ... The song will have to link, then.
Originally Posted by PhoenixFlare View Post
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha GuardianS

Chapter Seven?A Tale from the Past

Spoiler for Scene III:

Spoiler for Scene IV:

That's all for now, and the length is not as long.

Concurrently, Chapter Four has been edited slightly to suit the timeline (Scenes VI to VIII), and update has been made to the main link.

Right, be going now.

Spoiler for Chapter Eight will come later.
Oh, epic information chapter.

The whole religionbabble by Yuuno, strangely reminds me of the Wicker Man. (( I know, BIG difference, but still. ))

Originally Posted by Sheba View Post
Kakyoin Noriaki fought a losing battle against Dio Brando, it didn't stopped him from being awesome until the end.

So was Bruno Bucciaratti who has to deal with a bastard who could predict the ten next seconds and change whatever happened in it.

Shonen has instances of AWESOME w/o giving some main characters obscene hax.

In Nanoha canon, Teana is one of the most popular Striker for a very good reason.
JoJo with the exception of III, V, VI's ending battles, had always extracted a good value of crazy abilities + tactics. Problem is, writing 'normal' POWAH LEVELS battles are far easier than doing anything remotely JoJo, especially Part II-ish ones.

Golden Experience Requiem was pure h4xx though.


Well, on the Yuuno thing, even if we assume one factor over the other on the Vita defensive fight, he had always held his own against Arf in S1, who was A rank as well, and performed as valuble back lines in A's. (( 5% of the reason StrikerS was mildly dissapointing. Back lines played little to no support roles in 'proper' fights whatsoever. ))
Night~and~Gale: ~ The Final Mythology of the Man who Defied Destiny.

The sleeping lion shall awaken beyond the depths of time, crossing ten billion lights, come to Terra.
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Old 2008-04-16, 04:57   Link #23626
Adeptus Animus
Join Date: Jan 2007
Age: 36
Okay, now hopefully the storm has calmed and we can return to propperly forming characters again.

Originally Posted by ghazghkull View Post
This is the last thing I'm saying before I sigh off from this.

There's a difference between multi-universe, and multi-dimensions.

Multi-Universe refers all various universes that exists, known to us, meaning that the Pokemon Universe, DBZ Universe, X-Men Universe, etc. etc. are all a hop-skip-and-a-jump away from one another.

Multi-Dimensions, now that's like when you're dealing with various levels of reality or space. A good example would be the Warp from Warhammer 40K. Another example would be the concept of Sub-Space from Star Trek.

@Keroko: Do correct me if I'm wrong however.

*Gets off the train*
Sounds about right.

Originally Posted by Comartemis View Post
What if I dropped the missile count down to about 25 or so?
Hmm, 25 sounds a bit... harsh, that's like 1/4th of the beginning.

Important detail, but what is your characters specialization?

Originally Posted by Jimmy C View Post
It doesn't work that way. The Arc takes too long to charge and the range is too short to be a viable tactical weapon. Strategic, yes. Tactical, no. If a TSAB ship pops out of dimensional space and starts charging the arc, it's targets are either going to scatter or focus fire on it.
That asumes the enemy is able to detect them at all by any means other then visual. Earth certainly wasn't able to detect the Arthra.

Originally Posted by Evangelion Xgouki View Post
One of the viewpoints we use in adapting characters can be taken akin to what Yuuko states in Tsubasa Chronicles: As you travel to different worlds you will encounter faces you had met before. However, they will not always be the same person. Even though the soul is the same, the events of their lives have shaped each one differently. A friend in one world may be an enemy in the next.

Well, something like that . In this case if we want to port over a character, we merely use them as a base and alter them to integrate better.
That would be a good analogy to use.

Originally Posted by Kagerou View Post
It will, in time. It involves me to do lots of nearly impossible things, but I'll do it, and when you see it, bricks will be shat.
I'll pass on that last bit.

Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
You mean Rein Zwei, right? Can she even do that?
Yes she can, a feature I am still grumbling they never animated.

Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
When you can combine magnificent bastard and master strategist, you know someone's badass.

Also, the base idea of Tesla's strategizing expertise was taken from Thrawn.

Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
Now that you mention it, there isn't much real dogfighting in the series, is there?
Needs moar!

Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
You and your trap tomfoolery.
[Solo]Hey, it's me.[/Solo]

Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
Somehow, I think getting Tesla drunk the honest way might be a better option...not that I'm eager to try.
It all depends on the how and why. Let's not forget not a few Wolkies and Aces would be quite upset if your intentions were... not that pure.

Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
If you're dead set on canon integration though, Keroko-kun here's as good as anyone to get advice from.
And I'm always willing to help.

Originally Posted by Comartemis View Post
*Massive spittake*

Yuuno?! Mr. I-Can't-Even-Turn-On-A-Device is an A-rank?! Where's your evidence?

Originally Posted by Comartemis View Post
tshouryuu, this is supposed to be an elite squad, as in one made up of mages who have already reached "Striker" level as mages. B-ranks and below have no place in this squadron, and B+ would be the minimum acceptable rank; any lower than that and you'll be a liability to the team. As it is, Rena and Zero are the only mages in the squad who aren't flight capable, and Zero can at least imitate flight with Sky Waltz. Besides, the ranks you provided are the forwards prior to Nanoha's training regimen; by the end of StrikerS, they're supposedly AA-ranks all around. These characters I'm assembling have already been through the equivalent in their respective divisions; Rico was actually one of Nanoha's earlier students, a AAA when in unison with Nova, a AA- without her.
Hmm, doesn't sound too bad. Max rank seems to be AA around the squad, with one AAA when unisioned. This seems to be according to the limit StrikerS put in place. Heck, with the lack of S-ranks, its actually a bit bellow that.

Originally Posted by Comartemis View Post
Of particular note is a melee specialist with a new kind of device that I'd like the hackbusters to take a close look at, because I think it would make an interesting addition to OC canon; the Belkan Armored System, an experimental device setup designed to maximize the power of defensive and shield spells. It looks something like this:

Spoiler for Belkan Armored System:
I'm going to need a bit more then a simple image like that.

It looks like a mecha, in which case I already would discourage you. The Nanohaverse is not the place for Mecha.

Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post
Hmm... nothing really much to say here, but the choice of image is... I dunno, weird?
You think? I felt the need to radically alter his apearance (the former version was build too much on 'lol, one of Jail's' crack).

Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post
Put Keroko in Tomoya's position (( dilemma )) in the Kyou route. :3
<--- has not played the game yet and has stopped watching the anime as to not spoil the game.

Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post
Well, on the Yuuno thing, even if we assume one factor over the other on the Vita defensive fight, he had always held his own against Arf in S1, who was A rank as well, and performed as valuble back lines in A's. (( 5% of the reason StrikerS was mildly dissapointing. Back lines played little to no support roles in 'proper' fights whatsoever. ))
Deductive fanboy logic could actually turn that into 'StrikerS was mildly disapointing because of a lack of Yuuno' :3

Last edited by Keroko; 2008-04-16 at 05:21.
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Old 2008-04-16, 05:19   Link #23627
~Night of Gales~
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
<--- has not played the game yet and has stopped watching the anime as to not spoil the game.
I suppose you're waiting for the unofficial official patch? :3

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Deductive fanboy logic could actually turn that into 'StrikerS was mildly disapointing because of a lack of Yuuno' :3
Meh, they can say what they want. I for one didn't really give a damn about Yuuno or Chrono's cameos in StrikerS, other than watching the Legions break down.

I suppose I felt cheated mildly, seeing how Nanoha talked about the role of Strikers. Things like teamwork, etc, in the end of things, held little weight in the story. I'm fairly sure the 'whole Aces got saved by Forwards' in 26 was supposed to represent that, but c'mon, out of everything possible, that was the least palatable.
Night~and~Gale: ~ The Final Mythology of the Man who Defied Destiny.

The sleeping lion shall awaken beyond the depths of time, crossing ten billion lights, come to Terra.
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Old 2008-04-16, 05:25   Link #23628
Adeptus Animus
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Age: 36
Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post
I suppose you're waiting for the unofficial official patch? :3
Pretty much. Though I must say the urge to go and seek out the unofficial patches has been rising, due to the lack of progress reports.

Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post
Meh, they can say what they want. I for one didn't really give a damn about Yuuno or Chrono's cameos in StrikerS, other than watching the Legions break down.
I was disapointed myself, mainly because I like Yuuno and Chrono, and those two cameos were not nearly enough to satisfy me.

Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post
I suppose I felt cheated mildly, seeing how Nanoha talked about the role of Strikers. Things like teamwork, etc, in the end of things, held little weight in the story. I'm fairly sure the 'whole Aces got saved by Forwards' in 26 was supposed to represent that, but c'mon, out of everything possible, that was the least palatable.
No kidding. It felt ridiculous, really.
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Old 2008-04-16, 06:45   Link #23629
Jimmy C
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Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
That asumes the enemy is able to detect them at all by any means other then visual. Earth certainly wasn't able to detect the Arthra.
If their adversaries have space warships of their own, they had better be able to. More importantly, the arc's charging is a highly energetic event. That should be virtually impossible to hide. The transdimensional portal's opening should be quite visible on sensors too.
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Old 2008-04-16, 06:51   Link #23630
Adeptus Animus
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Age: 36
Should it? It's an entirely different form of energy, after all. Once again: Earth didn't exactly notice the Arthra blowing up a Lost Logia while in orbit either, even though we have stuff pointing skywards all the time, which would suggest 'space worthy' does not equate 'able to detect TSAB ships'
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Old 2008-04-16, 06:59   Link #23631
Jimmy C
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Look, you're talking about an opponent dire enough that the Bureau is willing to deploy the arc against. I should hope such an opponent can detect magic on the scale of a weapon like that. The Bureau may be able to mask their activites from a low-tech world like Earth, but against someone that can field ships they need to use the arc against?
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Old 2008-04-16, 07:10   Link #23632
Adeptus Animus
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Age: 36
Hey, I'm not the one who suggested the TSAB would even go into battle in the first place, go ask the others who want to have the TSAB warships go into battle.
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Old 2008-04-16, 07:27   Link #23633
~ I Do ~
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Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post
And the brunette's parents run a... cake house bakery...


Oh, the lulz that would ensue...
Yuuno: "Believe in yourself, because I believe in you!"

Mr. Takamachi: "If you fail right now, we'll really be disappointed with you!!! Momoko, say something!!!"


And of course, the finisher:

Yuuno: Well... Erm... Would you mind if we wake tomorrow and say that we're dating...?
Nanoha: Heh?


Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Should it? It's an entirely different form of energy, after all. Once again: Earth didn't exactly notice the Arthra blowing up a Lost Logia while in orbit either, even though we have stuff pointing skywards all the time, which would suggest 'space worthy' does not equate 'able to detect TSAB ships'
We'd never know if SETI went nuts with the spectrometers and recordings after the explosion, only to have all the research transferred lock stock and barrel to the secret department just like during the Area 51 incident at Roswell.
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Old 2008-04-16, 07:38   Link #23634
He Who Smites Shippers
Join Date: Mar 2008
Age: 36
Actually, the canon made it amply clear that the TSAB's organization philosophy is anti-elitist and their tactical philosophy anti-concentration of force. Rather, assignment is about sprinkling elite mages into penny packets to "beef up" each subunit (which makes sense because elite-less units might as well not exist in the face of real problems). Where there two tasks, elite mages are expected to split up to tackle them simultaneously even at the risk of failure at both tasks.

You will note that they were never officially retested, so if you pick guys with a lot of potential, you can draw in guys with say B and train them up to snuff, but sooner or later they'll probably have to be retested and their real abilities appear (unless you tell your guys to deliberately flunk tests).

You can try the limiter gambit, but it is really lying in plain sight (and a complete shafting of the normal philosophy), so it is hard to imagine its acceptance without a lot of political coverage persuading all to look the other way - backstory for how they got so much coverage is required.
Goddammit, then the whole concept falls apart! DA is supposed to be a backup unit for Enforcers in the field, providing a significant boost in firepower for lone mages trying to retrieve LLs and/or dealing with hostile forces. How can they do that if they're barely better than a squad of mooks?!

Hmm, doesn't sound too bad. Max rank seems to be AA around the squad, with one AAA when unisioned. This seems to be according to the limit StrikerS put in place. Heck, with the lack of S-ranks, its actually a bit bellow that.
Yay for conflicting opinions! Now I'm really confused!

As ark said, details. If you want me to haxxbust a picture, I will not only say no, but OH HELL NO given as how Vaisaga is a Super Robot and Super Robots are inherently haxxed...although Tengan muteki no Supaa Roboto, KOKONI KENZAN!!!!!! does have an awesomeness to it. <.< And seriously, Ratsel might be arguably more haxxed, though his l337 hax dodging skills tend to be played for laughs...
No super robots here, nor any robots period. This is actually something one of my friends on another forum came up with.

Originally Posted by Heaven's Daemon
Actually I already thought of something like that, an "Armor Integration System" that has a few advantages: 1. Greatly boosts the defensive abilities of both the Knight Armor/Barrier Jacket, and any defensive spells cast. 2. Since the device elements extend throughout the armor, it extends the ability to cast multiple spells at the same time. One with a normal device, one with an offhand if aplicable, one through the armor itself, possibly for Defense, and perhaps even one through the mage/knight's base capabilities. 3. The main purpose of the system, stress reduction for both the device and the user, allowing not just for easier use of high end bombardment spells, or especially the Cartridge System, to the point where multiple Cartridge Systems can be employed, such as one on the main device and up to three on the armor. (though at that point the user would be experiancing the same stress as if they were using a normal Armed device if they fired all four at once, and there would be further stress risks to the device)
...Though now that I'm looking at this one a second time, it would have to be busted down on some aspects to balance it out.

Important detail, but what is your characters specialization?
Ranged combat, anti-infantry with one or two anti-material spells, like a hypercharged javelin throw intended to pierce through multiple layers of armor. Extreme penetration and explosive power at the cost of a long charge-up time (20-30 seconds).

Kill the Darkfic.
Burn the Angst.
Purge the Bad End.
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Old 2008-04-16, 07:42   Link #23635
the "Z" is for "Zeta"
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Portugal
I'm back Now cooled off and with my head on the right place

Use this time to develop a lot of new interesting ideas.
Though, not involved with MSNL but still using Koji, Yui and Maren...and maybe Altea and Treize too
It's another original story I'm working on (with this makes three of them)

I haven't decided the name yet (like Elemental Guardian...or something alike )
Basically, it's a mix of Prism Ark, Erementar Gerad and a bit of Zero no Tsukaima's my lightspeed backlog breaker

Spoiler for Backlog:


Ok, now, I guess I'll be working on a remake of the last chapter, and make it acceptable. Maybe just change the whole Relic number 11/Experimental Relic Weapon mess I made...

Well, off to work on it ~kamo
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Old 2008-04-16, 07:53   Link #23636
He Who Smites Shippers
Join Date: Mar 2008
Age: 36
Ranged combat, anti-infantry with one or two anti-material spells, like a hypercharged javelin throw intended to pierce through multiple layers of armor. Extreme penetration and explosive power at the cost of a long charge-up time (20-30 seconds).
Correction, now I'm getting my own concepts mixed up. Rico's only a ranged fighter on his own, with Nova's assistance he turns into a hybrid fighter with a very slight preference for ranged combat. In melee he utilizes a mixture of an old Belkan martial art called Taisetsu and spear-fighting. The spear isn't a device, it's an enchanted weapon Nova forms in voidspace and uses as her primary weapon, and can supercharge it with mana for the aforementioned javelin throw.

Spoiler for Nova and her lovely spear:

Kill the Darkfic.
Burn the Angst.
Purge the Bad End.
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Old 2008-04-16, 07:57   Link #23637
Adeptus Animus
Join Date: Jan 2007
Age: 36
Originally Posted by Comartemis View Post
Goddammit, then the whole concept falls apart! DA is supposed to be a backup unit for Enforcers in the field, providing a significant boost in firepower for lone mages trying to retrieve LLs and/or dealing with hostile forces. How can they do that if they're barely better than a squad of mooks?!

Yay for conflicting opinions! Now I'm really confused!
RF6 was limited to the point where they had AA-rank mages, which means a team with AA rank mages should be doable.

Originally Posted by Comartemis View Post
No super robots here, nor any robots period. This is actually something one of my friends on another forum came up with.

...Though now that I'm looking at this one a second time, it would have to be busted down on some aspects to balance it out.
Yes, for one multi-casting is not device dependant, the device still taps into the users magic supply to cast the spell, so I don't see where the stress-reduction part comes from. If anything, having two spells cast at the same time would increase stress on the user.

The defensive plus is an OK though. I see no problem with having a Device in armor form either.

Originally Posted by Comartemis View Post
Ranged combat, anti-infantry with one or two anti-material spells, like a hypercharged javelin throw intended to pierce through multiple layers of armor. Extreme penetration and explosive power at the cost of a long charge-up time (20-30 seconds).
Single-target or multi-target? Nanoha, for example, would be a single-target specialist with a few multi-target spells. My OC, Keroko, is the reverse, she is a multi-target specialist (an expert with taking down multiple targets, meaning lots of Axel-Shooter type spells and wide-area explosion spells) but she's far worse at taking down single well armored targets.

Originally Posted by FlameSparkZ View Post
I'm back Now cooled off and with my head on the right place

Use this time to develop a lot of new interesting ideas.
Though, not involved with MSNL but still using Koji, Yui and Maren...and maybe Altea and Treize too
It's another original story I'm working on (with this makes three of them)

I haven't decided the name yet (like Elemental Guardian...or something alike )
Basically, it's a mix of Prism Ark, Erementar Gerad and a bit of Zero no Tsukaima
Flame! Thank goodness you're back, for a while you had me scared I chased you off.

Originally Posted by FlameSparkZ View Post
It doesn't matter how many time I see this image...I never get tired of it
Thank you.

Originally Posted by FlameSparkZ View Post
Ok, now, I guess I'll be working on a remake of the last chapter, and make it acceptable. Maybe just change the whole Relic number 11/Experimental Relic Weapon mess I made...

Well, off to work on it ~kamo
Don't be afraid to call on us for help.
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Old 2008-04-16, 08:14   Link #23638
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Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Should it? It's an entirely different form of energy, after all.
When charging for firing, it glows in the visible spectrum very well.

Once again: Earth didn't exactly notice the Arthra blowing up a Lost Logia while in orbit either, even though we have stuff pointing skywards all the time, which would suggest 'space worthy' does not equate 'able to detect TSAB ships'
Quite frankly, there is no evidence either way given our straw-POV. The anime has a tendency to sweep inconvenient problems under the pavement. It is arguably more likely they at least knew something wierd happened, but without enough information, could not go very far, and after awhile, everyone except for scientists just went back to their lives (what else could they do?), with a new urban rumor sweeping through the streets.

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
RF6 was limited to the point where they had AA-rank mages, which means a team with AA rank mages should be doable.
They had 4 AA, 2 A, 4 B, and 1 C. The guy needs 12, all of which apparently have to be A or above. The math doesn't work out. Even if 3 of the AAs are depowered to A (the leader presumably must be at least AA), that still is 1 AA, 8 As, 1 B and 1C. More likely, the leader is 3A and that crimps the budget even further.
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Old 2008-04-16, 08:39   Link #23639
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Originally Posted by FlameSparkZ View Post
I'm back Now cooled off and with my head on the right place

Use this time to develop a lot of new interesting ideas.
Though, not involved with MSNL but still using Koji, Yui and Maren...and maybe Altea and Treize too
It's another original story I'm working on (with this makes three of them)

I haven't decided the name yet (like Elemental Guardian...or something alike )
Basically, it's a mix of Prism Ark, Erementar Gerad and a bit of Zero no Tsukaima's my lightspeed backlog breaker

Spoiler for Backlog:


Ok, now, I guess I'll be working on a remake of the last chapter, and make it acceptable. Maybe just change the whole Relic number 11/Experimental Relic Weapon mess I made...

Well, off to work on it ~kamo
Good to have you back. I kinda miss your WAFF stories
Do visit the IRC if you have the time
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Old 2008-04-16, 09:38   Link #23640
Loveable Jerk
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Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post
Meh, they can say what they want. I for one didn't really give a damn about Yuuno or Chrono's cameos in StrikerS, other than watching the Legions break down.
Well it would have pained them even more if we'd seen them acutally interacting or doing something during the series. I personally think they could have at least tossed them some token fight scene the chance was there for Yunno to go out and help kick some butt during the second incident of the series while wowing the foward's by doing it without even needing a device.

I suppose I felt cheated mildly, seeing how Nanoha talked about the role of Strikers. Things like teamwork, etc, in the end of things, held little weight in the story. I'm fairly sure the 'whole Aces got saved by Forwards' in 26 was supposed to represent that, but c'mon, out of everything possible, that was the least palatable.
Seriously I’ve had squads with better teamwork in pick up games in BF2142. (one of the ones that comes to mind is a team I had where basiclly we were the only people holding down the second flag on Fall of Berlin and the teams where IMBA as hell they had like 50% more guys, but we somehow dug in and held them off for the better part of half and hour to win the game, sitll one of my fav gaming moments SO many times we almost lost it only have the medic review the AT guy or our cloaking Spec Ops demo the APC just in time to save the day. )

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Should it? It's an entirely different form of energy, after all. Once again: Earth didn't exactly notice the Arthra blowing up a Lost Logia while in orbit either, even though we have stuff pointing skywards all the time, which would suggest 'space worthy' does not equate 'able to detect TSAB ships'
Dude… it was causing a multi-color laser light show in the fucking sky all you’d need to do to “detect it” is look up. Everyone awake and looking up in the facing hemisphere knows SOMETHING weird happened in the sky that night, though perhaps not quite what.

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