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View Poll Results: Favourite Code Geass Pairings, Take 2 (multiple choice allowed)
Lelouch stays single 126 11.22%
Lelouch x C.C. 744 66.25%
Lelouch x Kallen 406 36.15%
Lelouch x Shirley 176 15.67%
Lelouch x Millay 65 5.79%
Suzaku x Kallen 150 13.36%
Suzaku x Nunally 102 9.08%
Suzaku x Shirley 46 4.10%
Lloyd x Millay 63 5.61%
Viletta x Ougi 213 18.97%
Rival x Millay 107 9.53%
Lloyd x Cecile 113 10.06%
Schneizel x Cecile 43 3.83%
Cornelia x Guildford 130 11.58%
Other pairings not listed (give who and reason) 78 6.95%
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Old 2007-08-11, 06:32   Link #21
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Originally Posted by Juvyniled View Post
Romance does not directly involve one's ideals. And coming to terms with one another by the summation of the series is entirely different than them coming together during the course of it. The latter of the two would fit with that perspective, but the first would not. They've definitely been in each other's faces a lot and they have a terribly strained relationship. On the pace they are headed, it won't be likely that they'll even be coupling at the end of the series. But I will agree that it would have a negative effect on her character's popularity/fandom should she have a sudden change of her at this stage in the game.
You are right. The reason I said it in such an all encompassing way is because I cannot really see their characters come to terms with one another without either a heavy shift in ideals or some strange 'plot twist'. I suppose it is possible that if Japan were liberated and Britannia destroyed, they could come to terms. But as it stands right now, Suzaku will always be against them, ultimately he'd be a giant impediment for her dream to be a reality and this show revolves around dreams, so them coming to terms at the end of the series would require one of them to give up a dream/ideal but both are 'stubborn' characters to say the least.

But then again, I could be missing something.

I'll agree that if she were to change, as everything stands now, she would drop like a rock on the charts. So would the plot for that matter.

Originally Posted by HunterRequiem View Post
Romance, sadly, also often has little to do with Viability as well. Its happened all throughout history and literature. Just because SuzukuxKallen does develop doesn't mean that it will follow and logic, or really get anywhere. Remember that the basest human instinct is to survive to have children, and, if necessary, one can...beget children in about 5 minutes. My point is that logic and romance have NEVER, EVER gone hand in hand (ok, maybe somtimes, but as a rule, don't expect romance to be logical). Considering that this is Code Geass, and we're dealing with romance, anything could happen. We could end up with some particularly bizarre pairings. So don't immediately rule out KallenxSuzuku (even though I personally don't support it).
This is true, but at the same time, people do not simply drop their ideals just to survive. There is a problem with basing romance on base instinct, especially in a war of ideology. In this show everyone is either showed as fanatical or a bystander. Some may be more moderate (Kallen, Euphie, etc) but others are at the rim of insanity (Lelouch, Suzaku, etc).

I agree that bizarre pairings can occur but I just do not see some of them 'realistic' in light of the setting and their characters.
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Old 2007-08-11, 07:35   Link #22
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I also believe that romance and logic seldom go hand in hand, but in the case Suzaku x Kallen it's not about defying logic, it's more like pure insanity. Why? Well, they're both very driven characters, acting accordingly to their dreams and ideals. Given the fact that they both oppose one another's dreams and ideals I'm having a hard time figuring out how they could ever end up together. Suzaku hates the way Kallen and the rest of Zero's minions try to change the situation. There's a thin line between love and hate, and I guess Suzaku could develop feelings for her in the long run, but not without a really cheap change in character that would (imo) ruin the plot. Kallen on the other hand is driven by her hatred for Britannia and those fighting for her (with her I mean Britannia ofc). Suzaku is one of the main obstacles standing between her and her dream (and the dream of her people). To say that this pairing would be devastating to the plot is an understatement.

I'm not saying that it won't happen though. In all anime-shows that I've seen so far (and that's alot) there has always been (with only one exception) something that makes me insanely disappointed with the plotdevelopment. CG has yet to disappoint me, but hey... we're looking at an upcoming season here. I can think of a lot of things that could happen and that would really disappoint me. Kallen is, next to Lelouch, the most important character in the show to me. Even so I would rather see her die than ending up with Suzaku. That's how much I would hate that pairing. But... the more I hate something, the more I expect it to happen nowadays... even though it in this case would require one of the cheapest plottwists available.

I guess some of you won't agree with me though, but thank god we don't all think alike. The world would be pretty damn boring.
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Old 2007-08-11, 11:16   Link #23
Vallen Chaos Valiant
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Here is what I have against SuzakuXKallen;

obviously, in fiction anything is possible. But right now nearly any paring is more plausible than SuzakuXKallen. Because if a pairing require one or the other to go through near-insanity to achieve, then it is not a pairing at all. Technically, you can pair anyone with anyone else if you make them brain-damaged enough first.

I need to repeat again; a Kallen who will follow the current Suzaku is not really Kallen, and a Suzaku who will follow the current Kallen is not really Suzaku. In fact, due to Sunrise's infamous resurrection record, currently Suzaku's still more likely to be paired to the deceased Euphie than a living Kallen.
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Old 2007-08-11, 12:39   Link #24
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Lelouch x C.C. is the best. About Suzaku and Kallen... I can't see them being together in the near future, but maybe near mid to end S2, depending on how the plot unfolds. I feel like Suzaku may leave Britannia if they start doing questionable things.
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Old 2007-08-11, 13:41   Link #25
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I voted for:

1) Lelouch x C.C.
of course xD It's my OTP! I already liked this pairing since episode 1 xD

Lelouch x Kallen isn't that bad but . . . it just so happened that for me, Lelouch is still better with C.C.

Lelouch x Millay is cute . . . but once again, comparing to Lelouch x C.C., C.C. wins xD

As for Lelouch x Shirley . . .. I GREATLY DESPISE IT T_T 'nuff said

2) Suzaku x Nunally
The Suzaku pairing that I like the most is still Suzaku x Euphemia. But because of her death, she's no longer in the poll ^^; So I go to my second favorite: Suzaku x Nunally. I think it's already obvious that Nunally likes him, and that Suzaku truly cares for her. It's very sweet

Suzaku x Kallen is another thing that is just . .. okay. But still, comparing it to the pairings with Euphie and Nunally . . . they're still better than this one ^^;

As for Suzaku x Shirley . . . I also hate this pairing x_x (I actually hate Shirley being paired to bishies I like >_> . .. to me, she doesn't deserve them xD Too annoying >_>)

3) Lloyd x Cecile
because they're such a hilarious pair xD I overly enjoy whenever these two are together xD And I love it when Cecile overpowers Lloyd and Lloyd going mischievous!!! Sooo cute xD
To me, they're already like a couple with Suzaku as their son. Like imagine as this: Lil' Suzaku goes to school. Mommy Cecile fetches her boy from school or he goes home by himself then says"I'm home". There's the "welcome home" thing then daddy Lloyd makes his son play with his new robot invention. Suzaku plays with it. Lloyd makes a bad joke about something. Cecile hits him. They bicker like a couple. Tra la la la la xD

Okayz, I was in my Lloyd x Cecile dreamland xD

but Schneizel x Cecile isn't bad either. Their super little moment in one of the eppies is pretty cute

And . . . I also think that Lloyd x Millay is cute They don't have much interactions, but when they do, I can also imagine them as a pair

but I prefered . .

4) Rivalz x Millay
Rivalz crush on Millay is already too obvious xD They're a pretty cute and interesting pair as well xD I've loved this pairing ever since I have seen them together xD Heehee

5) Guilford x Cornelia
I'm a sucker for knight x princess romance xD 'nuff said, hehe

I almost voted for Ougi x Viletta but I prefer her as Chigusa ^^; Oh well ^^;
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Old 2007-08-12, 03:17   Link #26
Vallen Chaos Valiant
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Originally Posted by Darkside View Post
Lelouch x C.C. is the best. About Suzaku and Kallen... I can't see them being together in the near future, but maybe near mid to end S2, depending on how the plot unfolds. I feel like Suzaku may leave Britannia if they start doing questionable things.
Pray tell, what kind of "questionable things" do you have in mind?

If Suzaku does not mind what Britannia is already doing, then nothing can faze him. It is Britannian to do questionable things.
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Old 2007-08-12, 10:19   Link #27
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The question is, does he know about the atrocities the Brittanian government committed? For instance the Shinjuku massacre. Do you really believe he would stay after knowing/hearing about it? I highly doubt he saw those people get killed or even has a clue what took place.

... beyond that, what has Britannia done that is questionable to Elevens (not what the government has done to him) that Suzaku has knowledge of?

If anything is evident in past series of this sort, relationships that occur throughout the course of the series never last. The ending always manages to change the pairings in one way or the other. But it is also very likely the case that one of them will meet their demise (their convictions will be their hubris and lead them to their downfall). Or maybe it won't become cliche and there won't be any resolution between their differences. But for the course of the show.... it is impossible for either of the two to 'hook up.' But there is no way for anyone to possibly argue that they can or cannot end up together by the summation of the series (anything could happen, such as a time skip allowing time for such a resolution).

Last edited by Juvyniled; 2007-08-12 at 10:34.
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Old 2007-08-12, 10:54   Link #28
Vallen Chaos Valiant
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Originally Posted by Juvyniled View Post
But there is no way for anyone to possibly argue that they can or cannot end up together by the summation of the series (anything could happen, such as a time skip allowing time for such a resolution).
But I could use that same argument for supporting EmperorXShirely, or RivalzXKaguya.

In fact, Suzaku is just as likely to be paired up with the 11-hating Nina. That's why I can't support KallenXSuzaku; when it is just as likely that Nina might marry a Japanese, you know the pairing is dead.

As doujin proved, anyone could be paired with anyone if you disregard the facts. But doing so means even the characters no longer matter.
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Old 2007-08-12, 12:45   Link #29
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There are obvious pairings that won't occur. But it isn't as if Suzaku hates Kallen or Kallen hates Suzaku (nothing indicates such, it is just war and they are enemies). They really oppose the other person's ideals... but overall there isn't much to indicate a he hates her, she hates him type of relationship. Are they going to continue opposing one another at the end of the series simply because they had different values (assuming that both are still alive by the end)?

It's obviously impossible to pair them together as it is now given their feelings, motivations, current circumstances (this is the deciding factor), etc. But unless there's any strong indication that a relationship isn't possible (Nina hates Elevens, that will never change, so that is a definite indicator that Nina can never be with Suzaku no matter what), it's really a personal opinion on whether you believe they should or shouldn't be paired together.
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Old 2007-08-12, 18:59   Link #30
Vallen Chaos Valiant
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Originally Posted by Juvyniled View Post
There are obvious pairings that won't occur. But it isn't as if Suzaku hates Kallen or Kallen hates Suzaku (nothing indicates such, it is just war and they are enemies). They really oppose the other person's ideals... but overall there isn't much to indicate a he hates her, she hates him type of relationship. Are they going to continue opposing one another at the end of the series simply because they had different values (assuming that both are still alive by the end)?

It's obviously impossible to pair them together as it is now given their feelings, motivations, current circumstances (this is the deciding factor), etc. But unless there's any strong indication that a relationship isn't possible (Nina hates Elevens, that will never change, so that is a definite indicator that Nina can never be with Suzaku no matter what), it's really a personal opinion on whether you believe they should or shouldn't be paired together.
What makes you so sure that Nina would never stop hating 11s? Just as what makes you so sure Kallen or Suzaku could change their ideals?

And I really don't see why Kallen wouldn't hate Suzaku as much, if not more, than as Nina does. Kallen had a valid reason too. Neither Suzaku nor Kallen are like Lulu, in terms of the "don't take it personally" mentality. Specifically, Kallen does hate her enemies.
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Old 2007-08-12, 19:15   Link #31
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5) Viletta X Ougi - Can't help but find them cute as a couple since each supposedly hates the others' faction with a passion.

4) Lulu X CC - The most likely contender to 'win', which I don't mind really as long as it isn't Lulu X Karen lol.

3) Lloyd X Cecile - These two are fun: great wit and great teamwork.

2) Lulu X Shirley - Through most of season 1, Shirley was third in Lulu's 'affection' radar (behind Euphie and Nanalie). Just too bad the geass contract is making him obssessed over CC like the guy before him. T_T

1) Lulu X Milly - oddly enough, they were my OTP long before there were even hints of them knowing each other for a long time.

Honorable Mention: Lloyd X Laksharta- Intellectual rivals are always fun, its just too bad there isn't much of anything in terms of interaction between the two in season 1.

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Old 2007-08-12, 19:43   Link #32
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Luluche x CC wins so bad. This is not even a competition anymore.

Come on Susaku x Kallen, you can beat Lulu x Kallen there!
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Old 2007-08-12, 20:14   Link #33
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Even LulouchxShirley is beating SuzukuxKallen o.0 Thank god.
I do, however, have a very strong feeling the later pairing there is going to make it to the anime, despite my strong dislike of it. At lest, in Code Geass, we don't end up with a cast that sections itself out into perfect pairs
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Old 2007-08-12, 20:26   Link #34
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I voted for LULU X C.C.....<3

I thought LULU X Milly is a cute couple too....but yeah...C.C. still wins~

I dont really mind LULU X long as that person is not suzaku.....

and ummmm......I really hope Kallen wont end up with Suzaku......~!!!
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Old 2007-08-12, 21:03   Link #35
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Originally Posted by Vallen Chaos Valiant View Post
What makes you so sure that Nina would never stop hating 11s? Just as what makes you so sure Kallen or Suzaku could change their ideals?

And I really don't see why Kallen wouldn't hate Suzaku as much, if not more, than as Nina does. Kallen had a valid reason too. Neither Suzaku nor Kallen are like Lulu, in terms of the "don't take it personally" mentality. Specifically, Kallen does hate her enemies.
I think that idea (for not hating him) comes from the fact that, following the discovery of each others identity, they kept quiet at school (that and the moment when Suzaku was trying to beat his idea of what is right into Kallen's head). Though I find this to be more or less common sense, otherwise others will start to wonder what is up.

Watching their final battle though, Kallen really seems to despise Suzaku, or at least thats what her tone and words seem to imply. Suzaku is also not all that caring of her, he was going to kill her without much worry or care. So, in the end, I agree with you.

Originally Posted by HunterRequiem View Post
Even LulouchxShirley is beating SuzukuxKallen o.0 Thank god.
I do, however, have a very strong feeling the later pairing there is going to make it to the anime, despite my strong dislike of it. At lest, in Code Geass, we don't end up with a cast that sections itself out into perfect pairs
If it does, put another check under 'cliche' for sunrise... especially if VilettaxOugi happens. At least the latter has some tangible backing.
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Old 2007-08-12, 21:17   Link #36
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"I still love you even though you're holding a gun at my head."
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Old 2007-08-12, 23:38   Link #37
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I guess realistically speaking, after seeing the talk Lelouch gave to C.C. and that kiss they shared..... Logic would definitely point towards a Lelouch and C.C. pairing....

After saying that, i still hold out for Lelouch and Kallen, although the chances of that happening are pretty slim considering the bond i see between Lelouch and C.C. The only thing that would probably break C.C.'s and Lelouch's bond is maybe what C.C. has in store for Lelouch, as after all that Geass contract wasn't free.

From the current standpoint i think Lelouch and C.C. is the most logical choice, but hey, who knows Sunrise might surprise us.
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Old 2007-08-13, 00:34   Link #38
Vallen Chaos Valiant
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Originally Posted by Var View Post
I think that idea (for not hating him) comes from the fact that, following the discovery of each others identity, they kept quiet at school (that and the moment when Suzaku was trying to beat his idea of what is right into Kallen's head). Though I find this to be more or less common sense, otherwise others will start to wonder what is up.
Keeping quiet? You call trying to stab Suzaku in broad-daylight, in front of dozens of students, keeping quiet?

Kallen was prepared to expose her own identity if that means Suzaku could stop breathing. Lulu's intervention was the only reason Kallen hadn't done anything else drastic. She is just waiting for the right time to cut his heart out.
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Old 2007-08-13, 00:45   Link #39
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In all honesty, what possible advantage could Kallen have for outing Suzaku as lancelots pilot in school? I mean, Suzaku didn't say anything because he tries to be a nice guy, knowing that if Kallen was outed, she'd probably be trialled and executed. and he wanted to convert Kallen anyway. So in reality, I think it's doesn't allude to romance so much as it does to common sense.
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Old 2007-08-13, 02:31   Link #40
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Oh, if there is any kind of "negative vote" (-1), then I would vote that -1 for SuzakuxKallen.

Suzaku should belong to Nina
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