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Old 2007-08-23, 10:23   Link #7301
Reiji Tabibito
The OTHER Time Lord
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: The "Other" TARDIS
I don't believe it... SUCH MASSIVE BACKLOG!!!



Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
M-masaka! Is that Jun?!?!

Originally Posted by Kha View Post

And LEEEROOOOOOY REEEEIJIIIIII has a kind of fun ring to it. I love my ingenuity.

2 people? Sakura and Jun much?
YOUR genius?! I came up with the original!

Another Jun thinker?

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Jun? Yep, you better run
Masaka... <begins twitching>

Originally Posted by Kha View Post


*is stepped on by mecha feet*


*charges attack*


*Far away, rays of light can be seen bursting from OC Thread, followed by a massive shockwave that blinds all*

... ...

Help... Nanoha... Feito-chan... Their indignant screams... *nosebleeds* Get them out of my head!




Sakura: Wii~~

OMG this is my worst case of fanboyish eva... Ugh... *plod*
Calm down! Tabun...

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Jun on the hunt? MUST SEE!

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
*two flaming silhouettes with Hayate evilgrins look back*

What makes you think so? We're perfectly trustable.

Either a) X and I are genious, b) Seven Arcs really has been ripping us off, c) I have a split personality who works at Seven Arcs.
And if you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you.




Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
As for my OC's...

Aurion = KIA'd but still thinking how. Kha is the likely candidate. No Perfect Void there.
Brevis = Killed by Kha and the numbers before he wen't rogue
Cressida = Dies in a shuttle crash. No Einst in Twist's Fate world.
Vinson = KIA'd on bodyguard duty.
Liana = Assassinated
Barabus = Also killed in the Forsa family massacre as he takes down the rest of the killers in a Kamikaze move. Plot device. PLOT DEVICE!
Originally Posted by An Hero in Disguise View Post
So we're going with a completely different Universe which eventually ceases to exist?

In such case:

Serge = died soon after his birth due to the lack of control over his ability
Anatoly = died in the incident with false military intelligence along with the rest of his squad
Ramsus = never showed up, probably deceased with the closure of Shepherd Project
Mirian = died along with the rest of her home world
Sarah = died during the accident together with her parents, S'Zet family ceased to exist and its property was taken apart, partially passing to TSAB, partially to criminal organizations etc.
AO = unknown

Daemons never showed up.
Well, for my guys:

Boomer - Never encountered the TSAB squad on Earth; living comfortably in Ireland as a tavern owner

Sevasti - has yet to find his parent's killers; still an Enforcer

Mel - Never received Esperacchius, b/c it was never found in this universe. But she IS a knight... and DOES have a legendary Device - Enforcer known in the Bureau as "Lady Dragonslayer."

Arcas - Unknown... graduated from TSAB Academy, given Intelligent Device Apalis... and vanished not long after.

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
I just had a Mindburst!

Continuation of SophiaHayate:

Hayate: Wagateru, O-nee-chan! (hugs from behind)
Sophia: (blush) H-hey what are you doing?
Hayate: Thanking my onee-chan properly desu~
Sophia: But your hands--! (moan) Ahh~~!
Hayate: Onee-chan is very soft and cuddly desu~~
Tsundere's are always soft and cuddly - once you get past the whole 'beating you to an inch of your life' thing.

<tilts head> Could Arcas and Sophia get cuddly once? PLEASE? (Don't worry about Mel - it'll be strictly platonic) (And NOT cuddly like this)

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
I see... There's quite a lot of OC devices that can't be copied well in that sense, like Artherion, Tausend Kreuz, Swertkreuz, Kaleidostick, Jeweled Sword of Zelretch, Apalis and A-something, the Zestro-devices, the Intel Dept's, LineBacker L & R, Sofia...

I quoted, to the best of my ability, all the Rank S devices in the thread. Apologies if I missed anyone's.
A-something = ASCALON da yo! AS-CA-LON te ba!

And he wouldn't be able to copy Esperacchius either.

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post

Hmm... With Auron being the father and Shamal at times being refered as a mother...


Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Not to mention his character has single parent qualifications (Kiritsugu).

Yan-papa FTW!

AurionXShamal FTMWTFWin!!!

(tapdances around A********* shots)
<snorts @ idea>


<laughs haltingly>

<breaks down in manic laughter a la Higurashi>

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Old 2007-08-23, 10:37   Link #7302
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Originally Posted by Reiji Tabibito View Post
Tsundere's are always soft and cuddly - once you get past the whole 'beating you to an inch of your life' thing.

<tilts head> Could Arcas and Sophia get cuddly once? PLEASE? (Don't worry about Mel - it'll be strictly platonic) (And NOT cuddly like this)
Sophia? Getting cuddly with Arcas?

<snorts @ idea>


<laughs haltingly>

<breaks down in manic laughter a la Higurashi>

If you're planning on matchmaking my character with anyone in your scenario's, two words, forget it(permission from maker, denied). If Aurion is ever to get a mate, it's gonna be an OC from me. I don't pair my Original Characters with Canon Characters. Flirting, maybe. But those are to be done by me and are meant to be as slight comic relief only (Like those snippets with Reinforce 1 and Signum; and that sekuhara-ish scare tactic used on Hayate in one scenario).

OC Profiles
Yagami Hayate: ver. GenerationS; Part 1, Part 2

Last edited by Aaron008R; 2007-08-23 at 10:55.
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Old 2007-08-23, 10:55   Link #7303
Loveable Jerk
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Originally Posted by Nightengale
You call Vivio drama?

Until Nanoha’s stuck between 300 rocks and another 300 hard places, I wouldn’t call it drama yet.

Thus far, it seems like a simple issue of just saving her… I hope that simplicity gets crushed to the point where it’s either save Vivio and risk billions, or kill Vivio with her own hands to save billions.

Or something THAT cruel. At least. Call me evil, but I love drama which forces one to choose between hell and a different hell.
See I feel that drama is okay, but it can also quickly end up overdone and just become silly, soap opera’ish melodrama. Something like this would fall into that category IMO it would just be so ridiculously over the top it would be impossible for me to take seriously, plus “mysterious little girl on which the fate of the world hangs” is cliché beyond words at this point. There are ways to generate drama beyond cheap contrived moral dilemmas, if you even need drama which I don’t feel you really do for certain stories and shows to work.

I never got why allot of people seem to hate happy endings so much, you know large parts of life DON’T end in horrible soul crushing train wrecks, in fact more often then not they tend to turn out pretty okay. Allot of times life really is pretty simple, at least in terms of deciding what to do, execution can be trickier. I mean following this logic really Hayate and all of the knights should probably have been killed to stop the book, but no somehow they found a way to save them and stop the book and the one person that died really didn’t they just changed form, and shrunk a little. So basiclly you seem to want the very tenants of the entire series to somehow shift to suit you… and if they did we’d probably have guys moaning about how everyone was suddenly so damn emo.

Me I don’t mind a series that doesn’t try to inject massive doses of forced drama into my veins. But then I’m also a guy that watched Eva for the robot battles and fast forwarded past the stupid monologues and stuff and won’t apologize for it. “Yes, yes you hate your father can we please get back to stabbing that giant monster in the face with a knife the size of my car please, k’ay thanks.”

But then I’ve had plenty of borderline emo drama in my life already (kicked out of a half dozen or more schools, forced to pop pills for most of my teenage years as I was diagnosed with one disorder after another, never finished high school, had few if any friends for years, etc.) So I don’t need to watch that shit on TV I lived it. It also helped contribute to my hatred of emo and drama though; because I also GOT THE HELL OVER IT, and even at my worst I had standards I adhered too (I don’t even have a parking ticket for instance). People that hit a little bump and then go all crazy or super depressed just make me roll my eyes and say “get the hell over it already before I reach in their and pimp slap you, you whiney bitch.”

I don’t know why anyone would watch a magic girl show for gut wrenching emo drama anyway, it’s like watching reality TV for intellectually stimulating and thought provoking content, it’s just silly the genre isn’t and probably never will be about that.

But whatever that's just my opinion, besides really killing what seems like a 6 or 7 year old would be pretty hardcore for any show never mind one has fluffy as this. I put the chances of this happening somewhere between pigs flying and the Militants in Iraq deciding tomorrow the killing isn't worth it and throwing down their arms.
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Old 2007-08-23, 11:03   Link #7304
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Location: The Girl who Lost her Tears
Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
Y-you dont mind?

So that's your primary motive...
I did say I gotta save them somehow!

But didn't you just hand her over?
Not exactly. I just proposed my idea to Kha and he liked it. Gwen and Kha are now linked, but dont expect any rabu-rabu... And from the way it is, it wont Gwen who will try to get to Kha, but the other way around...

Originally Posted by Satty View Post
SearcherS part 6 is done, and it involves the death of someone...
Here it is:

Spoiler for SearcherS part 6:
Awesome finish! Especially the Vincent x Satsuki part.

And Sion is making his move now... interesting.

And Noboyuki...


Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

Who's the HAWT Lolier than Loli mama?
That's my soon-to-be Sentou Kijin...

(Yin from Darker Thank Black)

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Sad for that... And the shafting was so freaking direct in that short flight I was rather appalled... Didn't help that Darco was laughing his head off. >.> As usual, Liingo was squashed in the middle.

AurionXHayate's pretty expected, but I remember this scene from Ronin Kenshin:

Hayate: [Misao]I'm no longer that little girl you raised... I'm a woman, with her own heart! Aurion-sempai, open your eyes! [/Misao]

(runs from A************ voidspam)

*runs from Aaron*

Originally Posted by Dream_Traveller View Post
"Brought me", not "mrought...etc." Curse my fast typing.

And I wonder in what ways Nove will choose to comfort Nove...

And here's an example of what V's like just before he gets cheesed:

Spoiler for Uh-oh...:
When does this happen, though?

Originally Posted by Liingo View Post
Oy Oy.. No altering canon here please.... (Although I approve of killing off some of the canon cast... the numbers are getting ridiculous..)
What the-- Liingo, did you really think I was serious there?

More comments later, gotta go...
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Old 2007-08-23, 11:32   Link #7305
~Night of Gales~
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
See I feel that drama is okay, but it can also quickly end up overdone and just become silly, soap opera’ish melodrama. Something like this would fall into that category IMO it would just be so ridiculously over the top it would be impossible for me to take seriously, plus “mysterious little girl on which the fate of the world hangs” is cliché beyond words at this point. There are ways to generate drama beyond cheap contrived moral dilemmas, if you even need drama which I don’t feel you really do for certain stories and shows to work.

I never got why allot of people seem to hate happy endings so much, you know large parts of life DON’T end in horrible soul crushing train wrecks, in fact more often then not they tend to turn out pretty okay. Allot of times life really is pretty simple, at least in terms of deciding what to do, execution can be trickier. I mean following this logic really Hayate and all of the knights should probably have been killed to stop the book, but no somehow they found a way to save them and stop the book and the one person that died really didn’t they just changed form, and shrunk a little. So basiclly you seem to want the very tenants of the entire series to somehow shift to suit you… and if they did we’d probably have guys moaning about how everyone was suddenly so damn emo.

Me I don’t mind a series that doesn’t try to inject massive doses of forced drama into my veins. But then I’m also a guy that watched Eva for the robot battles and fast forwarded past the stupid monologues and stuff and won’t apologize for it. “Yes, yes you hate your father can we please get back to stabbing that giant monster in the face with a knife the size of my car please, k’ay thanks.”

But then I’ve had plenty of borderline emo drama in my life already (kicked out of a half dozen or more schools, forced to pop pills for most of my teenage years as I was diagnosed with one disorder after another, never finished high school, had few if any friends for years, etc.) So I don’t need to watch that shit on TV I lived it. It also helped contribute to my hatred of emo and drama though; because I also GOT THE HELL OVER IT, and even at my worst I had standards I adhered too (I don’t even have a parking ticket for instance). People that hit a little bump and then go all crazy or super depressed just make me roll my eyes and say “get the hell over it already before I reach in their and pimp slap you, you whiney bitch.”

I don’t know why anyone would watch a magic girl show for gut wrenching emo drama anyway, it’s like watching reality TV for intellectually stimulating and thought provoking content, it’s just silly the genre isn’t and probably never will be about that.

But whatever that's just my opinion, besides really killing what seems like a 6 or 7 year old would be pretty hardcore for any show never mind one has fluffy as this. I put the chances of this happening somewhere between pigs flying and the Militants in Iraq deciding tomorrow the killing isn't worth it and throwing down their arms.
Looks like I better add smileys next time I'm not 100% serious. Looks like my slight sarcasm got taken too seriously.

My main point behind what I said was the drama of the whole situation, not just Vivio alone. Like said, this is magical girl, and there is no way Mid-childa is going to get destroyed, so there's the lack of drama there already. Doesn't mean they should slack on other dramatic aspects, which imo, even as far as the final battle goes, isn't really all that exciting. Even if bad or bittersweet ends are not to be expected, I'm talking about accompanying drama, which thus far in StrikerS, despite making its scale larger, seems less touching, since on the personal fronts, it's only developed on a few accounts. Even though Hayate dying in A's was like...close to zero, that didn't demean the drama on the Wolkenritter's side, through their dramatic struggle against time for something that may be fruitless throughout the 8 or so episodes. Same goes to Fate's personal suffering for her mother's sake. On the other hand, this feels more worldly and less personal, but even the worldly aspects seemed tacked on later on with the Cradle. I mean, Jail's character development along with the Numbers and such came quite late into the series, making the other aspect that drives the negative drama seem less... powerful on some fronts.

I seem to give the impression I want a bad end. I do not. I just like very very powerful emotional ups and downs. And a good genre mixes things. SAILOR MOON was very dramatic when it needed that dramatics too. Besides, it's not like A's was pure fluff. If it was, then I rest my case.

I like happy ends. But at the same time, I like to see that happiness being earned... through thick and thin. The thin aspects of StrikerS (( the regular happy days )) were done well, but I personally think the "thick" could be thicker though.
Night~and~Gale: ~ The Final Mythology of the Man who Defied Destiny.

The sleeping lion shall awaken beyond the depths of time, crossing ten billion lights, come to Terra.
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Old 2007-08-23, 11:50   Link #7306
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Originally Posted by Erio View Post
Y-you dont mind?
I just phrased it wrong. Sorry. My mind was in a bit of a wreck to read properly. I meant, "No. Don't kill her." Of course I don't want Schach to die yet!


*runs from Aaron*
LOL! No need to run. That's really kinda hilariously nice to imagine. But I'm definitely not going to use that kind of scenario in my works. Hayate will remain as the daughter-figure of Aurion, and there's no changing that. C'mon! Hayate with a Father-Complex? USODA!

@Tk3997: Welcome to the OC Thread.

OC Profiles
Yagami Hayate: ver. GenerationS; Part 1, Part 2
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Old 2007-08-23, 12:13   Link #7307
Better than you.
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Alright. Here’s an overview of the abilities of both Hikaru and Doppleganger.

-Dopp has five slots near the cartridge entrance. Each slot has a chip in it, for a total of five chips. When a device is copied, the data is imprinted onto a chip.
-Dopp can make more chips (one every other day). Ever since he started to crack pregnancy jokes, no one has tried to figure out how he does it.
-Hikaru usually has at least one blank chip inserted into Dopp, meaning that Dopp has enough room to copy one new form a battle.
-When Hikaru wants to change the devices, he has to revert to standard mode.
-Doppleganger copies the weapon and barrier jacket. For example, if Hikaru uses Graf Eisen, his jacket will change into a ‘male’ version of Vita’s outfit. If the user of the copied device is already male, then the copied jacket will look the same.
-Dopp can copy devices with the power outputs of Bardiche and Raising Heart, but he cannot store them. If Dopp has five other forms already downloaded (in other words, no blank chips), he cannot copy them.
-Devices on the scale of Reinforce cannot be copied.
-The Copy Shot takes one cartridge to activate.
-When transformed, Hikaru and Dopp gain the abilites of the copied device, but none of the skill or power of the real user. For instance, if Dopp copies Raising Heart, Hikaru CAN use Starlight Breaker, but it will be NOWHERE near as awesome or powerful as the real thing. In fact, it’s rather pathetic (Dopp himself said so).
-To make up for that, Hikaru undergoes weapon training for each corresponding weapon copied. After he copied Levantine, Signum made him undergo swordsmanship training.
-Also, Hikaru tends to improvise in battle, using the powers of the devices that he’s copied in unorthodox ways. Known attacks involve slamming Graf Eisen’s Missile form into the ground to cause an earthquake, riding Strada like a broomstick, and sticking Levantine into the ground and switching to Snake form (like Ivy from Soul Calibur).
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Old 2007-08-23, 12:20   Link #7308
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Originally Posted by Wibbles View Post
Alright. Here’s an overview of the abilities of both Hikaru and Doppleganger.

-Dopp has five slots near the cartridge entrance. Each slot has a chip in it, for a total of five chips. When a device is copied, the data is imprinted onto a chip.
-Dopp can make more chips (one every other day). Ever since he started to crack pregnancy jokes, no one has tried to figure out how he does it.
-Hikaru usually has at least one blank chip inserted into Dopp, meaning that Dopp has enough room to copy one new form a battle.
-When Hikaru wants to change the devices, he has to revert to standard mode.
-Doppleganger copies the weapon and barrier jacket. For example, if Hikaru uses Graf Eisen, his jacket will change into a ‘male’ version of Vita’s outfit. If the user of the copied device is already male, then the copied jacket will look the same.
-Dopp can copy devices with the power outputs of Bardiche and Raising Heart, but he cannot store them. If Dopp has five other forms already downloaded (in other words, no blank chips), he cannot copy them.
-Devices on the scale of Reinforce cannot be copied.
-The Copy Shot takes one cartridge to activate.
-When transformed, Hikaru and Dopp gain the abilites of the copied device, but none of the skill or power of the real user. For instance, if Dopp copies Raising Heart, Hikaru CAN use Starlight Breaker, but it will be NOWHERE near as awesome or powerful as the real thing. In fact, it’s rather pathetic (Dopp himself said so).
-To make up for that, Hikaru undergoes weapon training for each corresponding weapon copied. After he copied Levantine, Signum made him undergo swordsmanship training.
-Also, Hikaru tends to improvise in battle, using the powers of the devices that he’s copied in unorthodox ways. Known attacks involve slamming Graf Eisen’s Missile form into the ground to cause an earthquake, riding Strada like a broomstick, and sticking Levantine into the ground and switching to Snake form (like Ivy from Soul Calibur).
I see, I see...
You've got the balancing just right! Good job, I say!

OC Profiles
Yagami Hayate: ver. GenerationS; Part 1, Part 2
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Old 2007-08-23, 12:22   Link #7309
Reiji Tabibito
The OTHER Time Lord
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: The "Other" TARDIS
Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
And no thanks for the pairing.
Aurion stays a bachelor. And if he ever gets paired off. It's with a female OC of mine. I NEVER pair my OC's with CC's, even if I have my OC's flirting with CC's on occation.

First, Signum(Kha's idea), then Hayate(Erio's idea) now Shamal(Keroko's idea)? Who's next? Reinforce 1? Tesla?
<grins> SHARIIII!!

Originally Posted by Dream_Traveller View Post
Right, I've decided to post another snippet. This one is highly unlikely to be present in the finished work, but I'm posting it for the heck of it.

Spoiler for 'Ello, Fawkes:

Eh, tell me what all of you think. As said, it's very, very doubtful this will be in the final product.
Well... V is finally here...

Originally Posted by azuma-blade View Post
finished with lance's profile

Name: Azuma-Lance
Nick Name: Lance
Sex: Male
Age: 23
Birthday: *unknown*
Homeworld: *Same as Blade*
Occupation/Rank: Former TSAB officer, Dr. Jail's Accomplice *villain*
Unit: N/A
Mage Rank: SS *multi attacker*
Magic Type: *Same as Blade*
Magic Circle Color: *Same as Blade*
Favored Element: Multi Magic spells
Height: Around 5'8
Weight: About 130-146 pounds
Hair: Long, Silver hair
Eye Color: Red
Build: Athletic and surprisingly flexible.
Device Name: Chaos
Device Form: Necklace
Device Appearance: Large Twin Saber
Barrier Jacket Forms:

Burst Form (Black)- Lance's Default Barrier Jacket. The Burst Form gives lance a speed increased to the maximum *Same as Fate's Sonic Form* and enables him to perform a multiple attacks with his Large twin saber.

*Limiter Released* Soul Form (Gray)- The Soul Form allows Lance's large twin sword to act as an sheild to nullify every enemy attacks and also reflects directly back at them but it costs half of lance's offence.

*Limit Break* Astral Form (Shining silver)- Lance's Final Form. The Astral Form gives all of lance's abillities a massive increase in power, as well as raising his speed and defence but risking the users life.
Attacks Spells:

Soul Ripper: Lance's basic attack, which channels his energy through his saber, and is powerful enough to tear apart anything, making it easy for him to rip his enemies in half.

Bakuryūha: *This only works. if lance uses it's Astral form* Lance combines it's strong magic and it's soul ripper to create 2 enormous twisters that sucks the foes power into the twister and forces it to flow backwards. The wind and the power twist together into a vortex, pushing it backwards and the enemy is attacked in its own magic force and might combined with his soul ripper attack.

Raigeki: Lance slams his fist into the ground unleashing a Massive Ray Storm with a range within 720m Radius around him.

Hell and Heaven: *Same as Blade but lance uses it's large twin sabers to perform*

Lance has been considered a genius since a young age, graduating at the top of his TSAB Academy class at age 7, attaining initial activation and mastery of it's Berserker by age 8, and becoming a TSAB Officer at age 10. These accomplishments led the members of the Azuma clan to think of Lance as the clan's strongest member and, in turn, the clan's future. Lance's father, Azuma Fugaku, was the biggest proponent of this idea and focused much of his effort into bettering Lance's career and status within TSAB. Because of his focused attention on Lance, Fugaku paid little attention to his other son, Azuma Blade. As a result of this neglect, Blade attempted to win his father's attention by somehow outdoing Lance. Lance would often offer to help Blade train to accomplish this goal, though he never lived up to his promises. To compensate for this, Lance tried to force their father to spend time with Lance by refusing to carry out his other tasks unless his father complied. While Fugaku did so, much of the time he spent with Blade was still focused around Lance, and Blade continued to desire his father's attention.

At the age of 13, Lance became a squadron leader of the TSAB special force. After joining the TSAB special forces, however, Lance began to ignore his assignments and at the same time became a prime suspect in the death of Shisui Azuma. While Shisui had been a good friend of Lance and had appeared to commit suicide, the clan began to suspect the suicide was faked and that Lance killed Shisui. As this lack of faith began to spread, Lance began to distance himself from the clan, attacking its members when provoked and voicing his opinion that the clan itself was hopeless. As a result, the relationship between it's father and lance became estranged, and Fugaku started spending his time training Blade in an attempt to steer him away from following in Lance's footsteps. Just as Blade began to receive the attention he so yearned for, he returned home one day to find that Lance had killed every member of the clan. When questioned why he murdered their entire family, Lance replied that it was "to test his ability", though he felt that Blade was not worth killing. Before leaving he encouraged Blade to live a life of hate and get strong enough to defeat him and avenge the clan. To help in this regard, Lance told Blade of how to gain the Berserker: one must simply kill his or her closest friend, just as he had done to Shisui.


Lance is a relatively emotionless character, rarely becoming troubled by anything and finding the goings on in the world around him to be of little significance and has a "smart and cold" personality, and knows what he wants and does whatever it takes to achieve his goals.When put into a battle situation he dislikes wasting time or making the fight more complicated than necessary, instead finishing it or accomplishing his business as soon as possible. During the battle itself he finds little interest in his opponent, instead regarding them as a mere inconvenience. When he returns to TSAB for the first time after killing his clan, however, he expresses his wishes to not fight the TSAB, instead hoping to avoid a needless and drawn out battle. Lance's only noticeable interest is in Dr. Jail's goals, putting the Dr. Jail's ambition a success and secrecy before everything else. As such, Lance gets along with, Dr. Jail much better than most other Numbers do with their own partners, in fact, has a deep loyalty to Lance, immediately doing as he instructs and constantly looking out for his well-being. Lance treats all of Dr. Jail's Numbers to this same, more respectful and agreeable personality, though his courtesy is rarely returned by the other members

It walks like Itachi, looks like Itachi, talks like Itachi, smells like Itachi, hell, it TASTES like Itachi!


And unfortunately, you'll never get my approval. I DESPISE BLATANT RIP-OFFS! Especially ones from a MEDIOCRE series! If you're going to copy, at least copy something GOOD!

Originally Posted by FlameSparkZ View Post
New chapter

Spoiler for Chapter 16 - RF6 Sortie! - Part 1:

Hints on Koji's Mode 3 and Yui's Mode 2
And, as you can see, it runs along episode 20, it'll carry on to episode 21 (still working on those parts )

Maren is spending too much time with Yui
Is that just her imagination running wild...or her wishes...Hmmm
Oh dear... Maren's in Clock-Ticking Mode...

Originally Posted by Wibbles View Post
Alright. Here it is, the origin of Doppleganger.

It was a mistake. When Hikaru's device was being made, some corrupted parts were used on accident. The result was a smart-alecky gun that could copy other devices. The higher ups are still trying to replicate the effect.

Short, I know, but here are some Doppleganger quotes:

"My only dream is to have a body. Why? So I can sock you in the face, that's why."
"You smell that? Chocolate-chip cookies, like my mother used to make."
"I tried to copy the Tausend Kreuz, but I blacked out. I woke up thinking about blue cheese, for some reason."
"Is this the real life... is this just fantasy... caught in a landslide, no escape from reality..."
Originally Posted by Wibbles View Post
Here are the Doppleganger quotes:
"My god.... we're fighting a Latin textbook!" -on Scaglietti's Number troops
"Jail? His name is Jail? Who the hell names their kid 'Jail'?"
"This... is... MID-CHILDA!"
"Don't believe in yourself! Believe in me who believes in you!" -moments after saying this, Hikaru and Doppleganger were attack by a droid equipped with a drill
Good quotes!

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
[SIZE="5"]So much for proving my crack theory that the quietest anime girls are the horniest.

Chris Tucker... And LOL at Kaleidoscope magic connection through Tausend Kreuz AKA breaking the 4th Wall.

More Chris Tucker! And the Sparta!!! shout reminded me of this:

"Midchilda you say? THIS, IS, BELKA!!!" - Kha, to Dios.
Don't worry; there are exceptions to every theory! Don't lose hope!

And which of those quotes were Tucker?

Originally Posted by USB500 View Post


Originally Posted by Satty View Post
SearcherS part 6 is done, and it involves the death of someone...
Here it is:

Spoiler for SearcherS part 6:

Surprise, surprise, surprise...

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
AurionXHayate's pretty expected, but I remember this scene from Ronin Kenshin:

Hayate: [Misao]I'm no longer that little girl you raised... I'm a woman, with her own heart! Aurion-sempai, open your eyes! [/Misao]

(runs from A************ voidspam)

Originally Posted by Dream_Traveller View Post
And here's an example of what V's like just before he gets cheesed:

Spoiler for Uh-oh...:
Oh boy... wonder if this'll turn out like the movie...
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Old 2007-08-23, 12:26   Link #7310
the "Z" is for "Zeta"
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Originally Posted by Kha View Post
@Thread: Do you guys think this song is good as a RevivalS OP?
Justice to Believe - Wild Arms: The Vth Vanguard OP

It's a good song

Originally Posted by Reiji Tabibito View Post
Oh dear... Maren's in Clock-Ticking Mode...
Say what?
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Old 2007-08-23, 12:40   Link #7311
Vividly Vivio
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Can I get a list of active OC characters that have either been trained by Nanoha in the past or is currently training under her? Need student names for a fic I'm doing :3
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Old 2007-08-23, 13:02   Link #7312
Loveable Jerk
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Originally Posted by Nightengale
Looks like I better add smileys next time I'm not 100% serious. Looks like my slight sarcasm got taken too seriously.
I do tend to take everything seriously unless otherwise indicated, mostly because I’ve been on the net long enough to realize no matter how stupid or outrageous a position or theory there is someone out their that truly and fervently believes in it. (As a nerdy example I’ve seen someone seriously argue that the death star DIDN’T blow up Alderaan.) Sorry if I got a bit out of hand, but it seems to have generated a bit of interesting chit-chat (to me anyway) so it's not so bad.

Originally Posted by Nightengale
My main point behind what I said was the drama of the whole situation, not just Vivio alone. Like said, this is magical girl, and there is no way Mid-childa is going to get destroyed, so there's the lack of drama there already. Doesn't mean they should slack on other dramatic aspects, which imo, even as far as the final battle goes, isn't really all that exciting. Even if bad or bittersweet ends are not to be expected, I'm talking about accompanying drama, which thus far in StrikerS, despite making its scale larger, seems less touching, since on the personal fronts, it's only developed on a few accounts. Even though Hayate dying in A's was like...close to zero, that didn't demean the drama on the Wolkenritter's side, through their dramatic struggle against time for something that may be fruitless throughout the 8 or so episodes. Same goes to Fate's personal suffering for her mother's sake. On the other hand, this feels more worldly and less personal, but even the worldly aspects seemed tacked on later on with the Cradle. I mean, Jail's character development along with the Numbers and such came quite late into the series, making the other aspect that drives the negative drama seem less... powerful on some fronts.

I seem to give the impression I want a bad end. I do not. I just like very very powerful emotional ups and downs. And a good genre mixes things. SAILOR MOON was very dramatic when it needed that dramatics too. Besides, it's not like A's was pure fluff. If it was, then I rest my case.

I like happy ends. But at the same time, I like to see that happiness being earned... through thick and thin. The thin aspects of StrikerS (( the regular happy days )) were done well, but I personally think the "thick" could be thicker though.
I can see your points better now, and apparently I’m just not as demanding as you or indeed most people but I’ve always known that about myself. I tend to have two categories for stuff “it sucks” and “it’s good” either I like something or I don’t I really don’t have much of a sliding scale for how much I like or dislike something. Once you reach a certain level of non-suckiness™ I just stop really caring enough to nit-pick I basiclly go “eh it’s good enough so why waste time whining about stuff that might slightly improve it in some minor way, but that will never happen?”

That’s just how I work in most of life though “good enough” is well, good enough for me. I’ve never felt the need to murder myself to try and do something super well, and I don’t really expect other too either if they don’t want too. I guess I’m just a big softy like that.

As an aside I’d also note that I happen to rather like some the worldliness and poltics and such (which most people don't seem to from what I can tell). Military type shows are a personal favorite of mine so the politics and the general atmosphere present somewhat appeal to me more the original two’s settings. That’s hardly surprising though given I’m currently studying law enforcement with the intention of attempting to become a Military Police Officer. (an officer officer as in second lieutenant.)
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Old 2007-08-23, 13:05   Link #7313
the "Z" is for "Zeta"
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Originally Posted by Satashi View Post
Can I get a list of active OC characters that have either been trained by Nanoha in the past or is currently training under her? Need student names for a fic I'm doing :3
Hmm...sounds interesting

This is a list on who taught what for Koji and Yui, the only OCs that were trained by Nanoha

For profiles on their personalities...go Here it's TEH LINK to practically everything I did so far

As for the others, not so sure about their OCs
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Old 2007-08-23, 14:18   Link #7314
~ I Do ~
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Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
A little glimpse in the hard parts of the life of an instructor:

Spoiler for A day in training:

I suppose these ladies are a heck lot worst than my boot camp instructors...

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
Nice pun there...

Aurion's current BGM is Time Diver.

And then what? You expect me to sabotage Formation Saint?
What else?

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
EDIT: All the hints are there. I STILL can't believe nobody have guessed the full name of A**********.
I've a feeling it's from SRW, thus I won't be able to get it.

Originally Posted by Reiji Tabibito View Post
Tsundere's are always soft and cuddly - once you get past the whole 'beating you to an inch of your life' thing.

<tilts head> Could Arcas and Sophia get cuddly once? PLEASE? (Don't worry about Mel - it'll be strictly platonic) (And NOT cuddly like this)
I'd hardly imagine Sophia hugging anybody. Even as I quickly run over Kha and Sophia's history, I find no opening for Kha...

But have you? As long as it's not OOC I don't mind.

Originally Posted by Reiji Tabibito View Post
A-something = ASCALON da yo! AS-CA-LON te ba!
Hai, hai...

Originally Posted by Reiji Tabibito View Post
<snorts @ idea>


<laughs haltingly>

<breaks down in manic laughter a la Higurashi>


Originally Posted by Erio View Post
Not exactly. I just proposed my idea to Kha and he liked it. Gwen and Kha are now linked, but dont expect any rabu-rabu... And from the way it is, it wont Gwen who will try to get to Kha, but the other way around...
Before this starts to sound wrong, I was thinking Amuro-Quess interactions. Which I don't think is anything wrong... Since Kha's the older Amuro anyway, until Amuro takes over...

Originally Posted by Satashi View Post
Can I get a list of active OC characters that have either been trained by Nanoha in the past or is currently training under her? Need student names for a fic I'm doing :3
Not mine either...

But if you want the ones from the future, there's Moriyama Nanoka, who uses a shield and mace and counts as a lowbie pally. Also, there's Nanoka's best friend, the hunter type Teresa Testarossa.
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Old 2007-08-23, 14:18   Link #7315
Jimmy C
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Originally Posted by Wibbles
Alright. Here’s an overview of the abilities of both Hikaru and Doppleganger.
You're treading a very fine line here, Wibbles. Your characters are in a squad that's supposed to be backup for Stars and Lightning, right? Try not to make them much better than the current Forwards. Otherwise, people will be wondering, "why aren't these guys in the regular squads instead?" Unlike most other OCs here, the overpowered line for these guys are the Forwards, not the Aces.

And I do believe this is the first time Satashi has posted on this discussion!

Last edited by Jimmy C; 2007-08-23 at 14:29.
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Old 2007-08-23, 14:22   Link #7316
Adeptus Animus
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Originally Posted by Satashi View Post
Can I get a list of active OC characters that have either been trained by Nanoha in the past or is currently training under her? Need student names for a fic I'm doing :3
*sweatdrops* I have many students and former students. But they are or were all students of Keroko, who in turn is Nanoha's adoptive sister....

Though maybe Mamet would count, as Nanoha has taught her a trick or two. Haven't written her profile yet, though.
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Old 2007-08-23, 14:27   Link #7317
~ I Do ~
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Originally Posted by Jimmy C View Post
And I do believe this is the first time Satashi has posted on this discussion!
Nope Satashi posted here before to say hi, and we've been trying to get Skeith into the thread ever since. :3
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Old 2007-08-23, 14:29   Link #7318
An Hero in Disguise
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OMG why a day I'm absent from the forums always brings the most backlog? Sorry, still no time to comment, and I'm moving back to Mother Russia this weekend so I'll probably not appear here until Sunday

Only one thing:

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
All the hints are there. I STILL can't believe nobody have guessed the full name of A**********.
Actually people keep messing with the number of "*"s in it Don't you dare tell it's Astranagant
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Old 2007-08-23, 14:31   Link #7319
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Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

Here's another entry in the LineBackerS series, from the POV of a character I introduced a chapter or two ago. This one takes place during the mock training battle with Mai after Part IV.

Here's LineBackerS, Part VIII, featuring:

Spoiler for Darry:

LOL all over!!

Pink polka-dot panties, huh? *imagines*


I wonder if Wild Wild Wes will reveal to us what is Mai wearing later--

*chainsaw revs*


I'm starting to feel...unsafe...about the idea of my OCs meeting Mai, S&W. Oh yeah, will Darry be with them too?

And one last thing... I gotta try this...

*looks at Kha*

Erio: “HISSATSU!!!! .... HARLEM HAREM BREAKER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ah~ Justice be done… Feels much better now.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

Found someone else that may suit onee-chan more:

Spoiler for Pink Hair:
I officially cant wait for 00...

... *notices everyone staring*

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
A little glimpse in the hard parts of the life of an instructor:

Spoiler for A day in training:
lol, nice little short. I could so imagine Nanoha's face when the guy said "HELL NO!"

I was going to do some usual ecchi-jokes () but just to be sure... how old were the two here?

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
BRILLIANT! At least S&W didn't take their pervertedness any further after exhausting Darry.
Yeah... unlike Aurion with Hayat----

*Regression Impulse Breaker >>>>>>> poor me*

EDIT: All the hints are there. I STILL can't believe nobody have guessed the full name of A**********.
If its anything related to SRW, then I will never get it.

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
I just phrased it wrong. Sorry. My mind was in a bit of a wreck to read properly. I meant, "No. Don't kill her." Of course I don't want Schach to die yet!
Hehe yeah, I knew you meant that. Couldnt help but joke about it thought.

LOL! No need to run. That's really kinda hilariously nice to imagine. But I'm definitely not going to use that kind of scenario in my works. Hayate will remain as the daughter-figure of Aurion, and there's no changing that. C'mon! Hayate with a Father-Complex? USODA!
lol You could use it for another Hayate PWNS Aurion revenge scenario part 2.

*me wonders where An Hero is* EDIT: Ah, there he is.
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Old 2007-08-23, 14:36   Link #7320
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Originally Posted by Satashi View Post
Can I get a list of active OC characters that have either been trained by Nanoha in the past or is currently training under her? Need student names for a fic I'm doing :3
Hmm...I don't have anyone....except this guy:Hikaru Karyu. Trained with Nanoha in the past, stopped training with her after an "accident".
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