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Old 2009-03-24, 22:47   Link #661
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Originally Posted by StevOmaru View Post
I hates Sasuke so very much. I honestly think the show has made him much more powerful than he really should be. I swear, sometimes is just seems like the guy gets all his skills handed to him on a silver platter.
It's because of his determination to be the best, he tries hard and has the will to succeed. At least that the way I see it......
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Old 2009-03-25, 00:04   Link #662
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Originally Posted by GreenLama View Post
Why all the hate for Sasuke? He has become my favorite character, and I am just wondering, what did he do or what did I miss that caused him to be hated on so much?
Originally Posted by GreenLama View Post
It's because of his determination to be the best, he tries hard and has the will to succeed. At least that the way I see it......
Nope, thats not it. Naruto has the same crazy amount of determination, and he also wants to succeed.

One of the biggest reasons was that alot of people just simply felt jealous for Naruto. Like I said in another thread, Sasukes the smooth Ferris Bueller type of character, and Naruto's a clumsy late bloomer type of character. People were just up tight and angry because Sasuke looked so much better than Naruto for so long.

During the Sasuke arc when he was doing his thing, there was a MAJOR hater epidemic here. And mostly ALL the reasons people talked shit about him were related to Naruto's weak appearance compared to Sasuke. Which is stupid. Thats like me hating Neji because Rock Lee can't beat him or isn't as talented as him, so I go and make stupid comics and homosexual images about Neji and bash him on the forums for dumb, weak, and bullshit reasons. ...Retarded. Seriously, probably 98% of them included that as a major part of their argument. Most of them were just jealous for their favorite character. (and look, even the guy you quoted says he hates Sasuke, and the only reaon he put up was how strong Sasuke became How does he know how powerful Sasuke "should be"??? get real man!)

During part I, it wasn't that bad, mainly because you could "argue" that Naruto was equal to Sasuke or whatever, but in early/mid part II, Sasuke was clearly stronger and, when people couldn't argue for their "hero" anymore they got mad and bashed his rival for being better. I mean it got really bad, they made stupid comics, long rant posts, Photoshoped homosexual images, i mean it was just pathetic; god, haters are lame./shakes head

Seriously, if you read their posts its so obvious, because of the way they try to distort the truth. For a good example look in this very thread, on page 22 post # 421, by "HikariYume". Nonsense right? And then keep reading the arguement, it only gets better cause that guy gets completely owned as he keeps going on with it(especially on posts 422 & 439). You can almost always tell by the way they describe some of the events and the "reasons" they give; its just a bullshit cover up for their jealousy. For most haters, that pretty much seems to be the core of it.

Last edited by SpyderSidiouss; 2009-03-25 at 00:18.
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Old 2009-03-25, 04:06   Link #663
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Yeah , i agree .
Me i don't hate and like both of them but Sasuke choose his way and Naruto too . They just became stronger differentely .
I think so many haters began to grown when Sasuke left Konoha , specially , the epic battle Sasuke vs Naruto , Sasuke win , the haters was like "WTF , OMG etc ....." and theirs hate grew up for each Sasuke's screentimes .
Its sure that their hero Naruto seems like a weak next to Sasuke .
But , me i think Naruto is strong as Sasuke , he beats many enemies and an Akatsuki (Kazuzu) , and now Pain is in difficulty .
Its why it'll be intersting to watch Sasuke vs Naruto now . (but the haters will grown much XD)
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Old 2009-03-25, 09:41   Link #664
Eye for an Eye
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Well... So what? Jealousy is as good a reason as any to hate a character. As for me, it's just as Spectacular_Insanity said. All the free power ups Sasuke keeps getting wouldn't be so annoying if he wasn't such an arrogant asshole to begin with. "Arrogant" would be the key word in that sentence, getting uber hax power ups instantly with finger pokes and pills and such while everybody else must work much harder to achieve inferior/similar results only adds to the problem.
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Old 2009-03-25, 19:02   Link #665
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Originally Posted by aliasxn View Post
Well... So what? Jealousy is as good a reason as any to hate a character.
So what? So, I answered that gentleman's question about pathetic haters is what. And, some people really take it overboard, with the homosexual images, the twisting the name around to "Sasgay" and all that bullshit. Its pathetic.

Originally Posted by aliasxn View Post
As for me, it's just as Spectacular_Insanity said. All the free power ups Sasuke keeps getting wouldn't be so annoying if he wasn't such an arrogant asshole to begin with. "Arrogant" would be the key word in that sentence, getting uber hax power ups instantly with finger pokes and pills and such while everybody else must work much harder to achieve inferior/similar results only adds to the problem.
lol, no, as for you, you're still using that weak ass excuse that already got shut down and owned in the other thread. Power ups? Really? Naruto has had powerups at just about every fight, just like you say Sasuke did, and about as many powerups as Sasuke did. And about being arrogant, give me a break! Naruto's been one of the loudest and arrogant people in the manga since day one! Even when he had no right to be, so please thats a load of crap.

Only now, it seems hes going to humble down because of everything thats been happening. Not to mention there are SEVERAL other people in the manga that can be called "arrogant" but its a problem for Sasuke . (Sasuke might humble down because of his last fight as well) You haters were always complaining about naruto looking weak compared to Sasuke right? Whats the problem now? Why are you haters still on Sasuke's jock strap talking smack? Haters are lame... /shakes head
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Old 2009-03-25, 20:06   Link #666
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I have a tremendous dislike towards Sasuke because I completely disagree with the way he handled his problems and just things in general. His strength didn't derive from any desire to to over achieve and play a positive role for himself or others around him, but rather his will to, ultimately, get revenge on Itachi. Obviously his anger and upset over his past is understandable, but really... to devote yourself to avenge your losses in the way that he did is not justifiable, in my humble opinion. This is among the reasons why I have always preferred Naruto over Sasuke, because Naruto will turn any ill situation hes ever been put into and use it as a motivation factor to grow, and to grow positively for the better (not just for himself either, but for the people he cares about.) Sasuke's arrogance is leading him to make one poor mistake after another, and I don't ever see him growing to the point in which he lives for anyone but himself, which is something I feel rather sorry about frankly. The people who care for him the most are the people he hurts the most, which he probably knows very well, and he doesn't really care anymore (I hope I'm wrong, but it has yet to be proven otherwise thus far.)
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Old 2009-03-25, 20:53   Link #667
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I hope Sasuke is on the presidential ballot in 2012, hehe j/k but he is my favorite Naruto character as I have mentioned before and I agree with Spyder on a lot of what he had mentioned in his posts. Sasuke is certified "cool" in my book.

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Old 2009-03-25, 21:23   Link #668
Eye for an Eye
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Originally Posted by SpyderSidiouss View Post
So what? So, I answered that gentleman's question about pathetic haters is what. And, some people really take it overboard, with the homosexual images, the twisting the name around to "Sasgay" and all that bullshit. Its pathetic.
That's what people do, just like the images with Kobe in jail uniforms a few years back, or the ones with Bush and monkeys… It’s everywhere really… Sasuke being gay is just something very very easy to pick on, seeing as he has 0 interest in the opposite sex. Less than 0 actually, since he is not only indifferent but annoyed too when girls hit on him. It’s just begging to be made fun of.

lol, no, as for you, you're still using that weak ass excuse that already got shut down and owned in the other thread.
What other thread? And how the fuck do you even know what’s on my mind? I’ve hated Sasuke since day 1, way before they even showed them fighting. It was a really terrible first impression… The fact that new powers just kept falling into his lap only made it worse, but it happened in that order. Uber arrogance-> Free power ups.

Power ups? Really? Naruto has had powerups at just about every fight, just like you say Sasuke did, and about as many powerups as Sasuke did.
So what? It’s not how many power ups he got or how strong they are, it’s how he got them. Naruto didn’t learn rasengan with a finger poke, nor sage mode with a pill, and FRS didn’t just burst out of him either.

And about being arrogant, give me a break! Naruto's been one of the loudest and arrogant people in the manga since day one! Even when he had no right to be, so please thats a load of crap.
Naruto was loud and confident, not arrogant. Sasuke was an arrogant little prick before he even had anything to back it up other than good grades. Even Kakashi called him on that on the second day they met… He was offended that he lost to Lee, he was offended that Naruto had caught up to him… He always though of himself as being more than everybody else.

Not to mention there are SEVERAL other people in the manga that can be called "arrogant" but its a problem for Sasuke. ”
Sasuke has gotten 1000 times more screen time than "several other people" , so it’s only natural that he gets a 1000 times more hate too. But yeah, if any other character as arrogant as Sasuke had taken over the manga for 1 year, it would have got on my nerves too.

Last edited by aliasxn; 2009-03-25 at 23:51.
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Old 2009-03-25, 21:50   Link #669
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Originally Posted by aliasxn View Post
So what? It’s not how many power ups he got or how strong they are, it’s how he got them. Naruto didn’t learn rasengan with a finger poke, nor sage mode with a pill, and FRS didn’t just burst out of him either.
Spoiler for manga:

Last edited by Hunter; 2009-03-26 at 13:50.
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Old 2009-03-25, 23:44   Link #670
Eye for an Eye
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FRS was only gained after Naruto had Kage Bushin haxed into a never ending learning factory that is not only equal to the basic learning abilities of the Sharingan, but can theoretically surpass the basic Sharingan by greatly adding to nature training, something the Sharingan cannot do.
Learning fast is still learning, it still takes an effort. If Sasuke was shown training for something and learning it in half the time it takes most people, it would be fine. The problem is when he doesn’t train at all and still ends up with S rank jutsus.

If you want some real reasons to hate Sasuke, then build on what Janifuu said a few posts above this post. He/she has some concrete ideas for why someone can dislike Sasuke, but still like other somewhat similar characters (some of what Janifuu said corresponds to what I have said earlier in other threads concerning my ambivalence over Sasuke (I personally do not really like him, but I do not dislike him either)).
Well… You see, I have no real quarrels with what Sasuke chose to do with his life, that’s not what bothers me. I don’t hate him for leaving the village, I hate him for being so impossibly arrogant. The free power ups are secondary really, I hated him before he was strong. It just became another thing I didn’t like about him as the story progressed…

Last edited by aliasxn; 2009-03-26 at 00:57.
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Old 2009-03-25, 23:56   Link #671
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Originally Posted by aliasxn View Post
Sasuke being gay is just something very very easy to pick on, seeing as he has 0 interest in the opposite sex. Less than 0 actually, since he is not only indifferent but annoyed too when girls hit on him. It’s just begging to be made fun of.
kk, thank you for giving me the chance to showcase to everyone how retarded these ideas are.

Originally Posted by aliasxn View Post
he has 0 interest in the opposite sex. Less than 0 actually
Lets look at this without hater glasses on: He has shown 0 interest in anything besides his goals. If anything hes like a monk who doesn’t have interest for those kinds of desires, he’s all about his training and his goals.

Originally Posted by aliasxn View Post
he is not only indifferent but annoyed too when girls hit on him.
Groupie girls like Sakura are annoying PERIOD. Even some of the sad, sad, people on the boards who keep lusting over the 15 year old little girls in the manga find Sakura annoying. Does that mean they’re gay? No! (but they sure are creepy )

You’re pointing out that Sasuke isn’t interested in those dumb groupies, but you never bothered to mention any GUY he was attracted to, which basically DEFINES a gay man. Grats for proving nothing.

And come to think of it, naruto can be called gay(or bisexual) way more justifiably than Sasuke because he has shown interest in a man, AND he keeps turning himself into a f*ckin’ woman! How about his obsession for Sasuke? Or him calling out Sasuke’s name in his bed? (CH403 p16)

Originally Posted by aliasxn View Post
What other thread? And how the fuck do you even know what’s on my mind? The fact that new powers just kept falling into his lap only made it worse, but it happened in that order. Uber arrogance-> Free power ups.
This other thread. You brought up the same weak ass argument there and it got pwned. Now you’re trying to spread that same crap here, like its supposed to prove something. Where did I say I knew what was going on in your mind?

Originally Posted by aliasxn View Post
I’ve hated Sasuke since day 1, way before they even showed them fighting. It was a really terrible first impression…
lol! You’re saying that like hating on a guy for 440 chapters is something to be proud of; dude that’s kinda pathetic…. grats on accomplishing nothing with your hatred(except getting your silly ideas pwned).

Originally Posted by aliasxn View Post
So what? It’s not how many power ups he got or how strong they are, it’s how he got them. Naruto didn’t learn rasengan with a finger poke, nor sage mode with a pill, and FRS didn’t just burst out of him either.
What did Sasuke get with a finger poke? Last time I checked, it was a defense move against madaras sharingan. Sasuke could have gotten his MS by killing naruto in part I, which would have been easier than going through fighting Itachi.

Originally Posted by aliasxn View Post
Naruto was loud and confident, not arrogant. Sasuke was an arrogant little prick before he even had anything to back it up other than good grades. Even Kakashi called him on that on the second day they met… He was offended that he lost to Lee, he was offended that Naruto had caught up to him… He always though of himself as being more than everybody else.
lol amazing how you make it sound good when its in narutos case(“confident”) but for Sasuke, you use a negative word(“arrogant”). Sasuke wasn’t always arrogant (as we can see in the flashbacks), he was like that after his family and clan where murdered.

And, even if he was always arrogant, he always had something to show for it; he was always talented above average and hard working.

Originally Posted by aliasxn View Post
Sasuke has gotten 1000 times more screen time than "several other people" , so it’s only natural that he gets a 1000 more hate too. But yeah, if any other character as arrogant as Sasuke had taken over the manga for 1 year, it would have got on my nerves too.
Of course they would.
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Old 2009-03-26, 00:37   Link #672
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Spoiler for manga spoilers:

Originally Posted by aliasxn View Post
Learning fast is still learning, it still takes an effort. If Sasuke was shown training for something and learning it in half the time it takes most people, it would be fine. The problem is when he doesn’t train at all and still ends up with S rank jutsus.
Sasuke has been shown training in the past; he is simply never given training arcs like Naruto. To put it another way, you have an unrealistic expectation to see his training when there is no need to see his training.

Originally Posted by aliasxn View Post
Well… You see, I have no real quarrels with what Sasuke chose to do with his life, that’s not what bothers me. I don’t hate him for leaving the village, I hate him for being so impossibly arrogant. The free power ups are secondary really, I hated him before he was strong. It just became another thing I didn’t like about him as the story progressed…
Disliking Sasuke for his arrogance is fine because that is a character flaw that you are identifying as being against what you personally believe in/like. I have no problem with disliking a character based on their decisions or their emotional presentation, it is only when perceived differences between characters is emphasized (i.e. Naruto has to train for his powers, but Sasuke does not; Sasuke gets more power-up/easier power-up; Sasuke is so much stronger than Naruto after the time skip; etc.) that I find fault with someone's reasoning.
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Old 2009-03-26, 03:05   Link #673
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Originally Posted by superwac View Post
I hate the Jinchuuriki and it tells why on the 2nd page of this chapter cut
I assume you are talking about the stereotypical caricature of Kirabi...

That being said, since you are new, you should know that it is forbidden to post links to sites with full manga chapters, or to post full fan-translated pictures, on this forum. You could receive either an infraction or you could possibly be banned for posting such materials.
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Old 2009-03-26, 09:49   Link #674
Eye for an Eye
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Originally Posted by SpyderSidiouss View Post
Lets look at this without hater glasses on: He has shown 0 interest in anything besides his goals. If anything hes like a monk who doesn’t have interest for those kinds of desires, he’s all about his training and his goals.
He is a dickless 15 year old.

Monk, rofl.

You’re pointing out that Sasuke isn’t interested in those dumb groupies, but you never bothered to mention any GUY he was attracted to, which basically DEFINES a gay man. Grats for proving nothing.

And come to think of it, naruto can be called gay(or bisexual) way more justifiably than Sasuke because he has shown interest in a man, AND he keeps turning himself into a f*ckin’ woman! How about his obsession for Sasuke? Or him calling out Sasuke’s name in his bed? (CH403 p16)
Please, feel free to make fun of Naruto. You see, when someone says a fictional character is gay, he is obviously not trying to offend said character (as he doesn't exist), he is just trying to get a reaction out of the fanboys silly enough to respond, as the grown ups will either ignore it or have a good laugh at the joke. It was supposed to be obvious, but not to everyone apparently.

Where did I say I knew what was going on in your mind?

lol! You’re saying that like hating on a guy for 440 chapters is something to be proud of; dude that’s kinda pathetic….
No, I was just pointing out that I disliked Sasuke before he was strong, therefore your affirmation that I was lying was false, and you’d have to know what’s on my mind to even say something like that in the first place.

lol amazing how you make it sound good when its in narutos case(“confident”) but for Sasuke, you use a negative word(“arrogant”). Sasuke wasn’t always arrogant (as we can see in the flashbacks), he was like that after his family and clan where murdered.
I’m not sugar-coating it, there’s an actual difference between being confident and arrogant. Naruto never looked down on anyone, he treated people with the same respect as they treated him. Sasuke wouldn’t even greet people back in the day, and that was him being nice.

Spoiler for manga spoilers:

Sasuke has been shown training in the past; he is simply never given training arcs like Naruto. To put it another way, you have an unrealistic expectation to see his training when there is no need to see his training.
I don't want to see the training, it could happen off camera, I just would like to know that it didn't come out of nowhere. It’s what most Bleach fans complain about Ichigo…

Last edited by Hunter; 2009-03-27 at 14:18.
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Old 2009-03-26, 12:30   Link #675
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Originally Posted by aliasxn View Post
Monk, rofl.
Yeah, I said he’s like a monk because monks don’t care about certain desires, only about their training and work(like the Shaolin kung fu monks). Sasuke cares only cares about his training and goals. Is there something here that’s not correct?

Originally Posted by aliasxn View Post
Please, feel free to make fun of Naruto. You see, when someone says a fictional character is gay, he is obviously not trying to offend said character (as he doesn't exist), he is just trying to get a reaction out of the fanboys silly enough to respond, as the grown ups will either ignore it or have a good laugh at the joke. It was supposed to be obvious, but not to everyone apparently.
lol! Please don’t mistake me for your kind. I have no need to stoop that low and make fun of naruto, I did that to make a point: People call Sasuke gay when he hasn’t even shown any interest in men, and there are other people that have more reason to be called gay. I was only showing how stupid it sounds when you take of hater glasses and look at the real picture; seems like you’re having trouble removing yours. Only a hater would twist something so far and come up with something sounding so stupid.

He is a dickless 15 year old.
…A comment like that is senseless garbage. No facts, no evidence, nothing that makes sense, its nothing but hate and bashing. Grats again for accomplishing/proving nothing.

Originally Posted by aliasxn View Post
No, I was just pointing out that I disliked Sasuke before he was strong, therefore your affirmation that I was lying was false, and you’d have to know what’s on my mind to even say something like that in the first place.
There was a misunderstanding in the posts. When I said “lol, no as for you, you’re using that weak ass excuse” I was talking about how you keep saying over and over that Sasuke gets lots of free power ups; not that you weren’t a hater for 440 chapters. I definitely believe you.

Last edited by Hunter; 2009-03-27 at 14:18.
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Old 2009-03-26, 13:09   Link #676
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More good points! I personally don't think Naruto is gay, or course, but it is funny about him calling out Sasuke's name while in bed, lol, if I was just jumping on the series and reading it or watching it for the first time and saw that I would question things lol.....

Originally Posted by SpyderSidiouss View Post
kk, thank you for giving me the chance to showcase to everyone how retarded these ideas are.

Lets look at this without hater glasses on: He has shown 0 interest in anything besides his goals. If anything hes like a monk who doesn’t have interest for those kinds of desires, he’s all about his training and his goals.

Groupie girls like Sakura are annoying PERIOD. Even some of the sad, sad, people on the boards who keep lusting over the 15 year old little girls in the manga find Sakura annoying. Does that mean they’re gay? No! (but they sure are creepy )

You’re pointing out that Sasuke isn’t interested in those dumb groupies, but you never bothered to mention any GUY he was attracted to, which basically DEFINES a gay man. Grats for proving nothing.

And come to think of it, naruto can be called gay(or bisexual) way more justifiably than Sasuke because he has shown interest in a man, AND he keeps turning himself into a f*ckin’ woman! How about his obsession for Sasuke? Or him calling out Sasuke’s name in his bed? (CH403 p16)

This other thread. You brought up the same weak ass argument there and it got pwned. Now you’re trying to spread that same crap here, like its supposed to prove something. Where did I say I knew what was going on in your mind?

lol! You’re saying that like hating on a guy for 440 chapters is something to be proud of; dude that’s kinda pathetic…. grats on accomplishing nothing with your hatred(except getting your silly ideas pwned).

What did Sasuke get with a finger poke? Last time I checked, it was a defense move against madaras sharingan. Sasuke could have gotten his MS by killing naruto in part I, which would have been easier than going through fighting Itachi.

lol amazing how you make it sound good when its in narutos case(“confident”) but for Sasuke, you use a negative word(“arrogant”). Sasuke wasn’t always arrogant (as we can see in the flashbacks), he was like that after his family and clan where murdered.

And, even if he was always arrogant, he always had something to show for it; he was always talented above average and hard working.

Of course they would.
Originally Posted by aliasxn View Post
He is a dickless 15 year old.

Monk, rofl.

Please, feel free to make fun of Naruto. You see, when someone says a fictional character is gay, he is obviously not trying to offend said character (as he doesn't exist), he is just trying to get a reaction out of the fanboys silly enough to respond, as the grown ups will either ignore it or have a good laugh at the joke. It was supposed to be obvious, but not to everyone apparently.

How old are you, 11? You are not this guy, are you? Because if you are not, you are getting there.

No, I was just pointing out that I disliked Sasuke before he was strong, therefore your affirmation that I was lying was false, and you’d have to know what’s on my mind to even say something like that in the first place.

I’m not sugar-coating it, there’s an actual difference between being confident and arrogant. Naruto never looked down on anyone, he treated people with the same respect as they treated him. Sasuke wouldn’t even greet people back in the day, and that was him being nice.

Spoiler for manga spoilers:

I don't want to see the training, it could happen off camera, I just would like to know that it didn't come out of nowhere. It’s what most Bleach fans complain about Ichigo…
Uuuum, posts like this don't help your argument/debate, they actually hinder it and proves the other guy (SpyderSidious) to be correct (which he is). Just thought I would point that out....

Last edited by Hunter; 2009-03-27 at 14:19.
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Old 2009-03-26, 13:34   Link #677
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Whats wrong with this guy "aliasxn"? Does he not realize that just about all his points are biased and false? How many times, and in how many threads do you need to look foolish to realize that your points don't make sense?

Its blatantly obvious that everything you're saying is not based on pure facts (unlike Janifuu), but your hatred for this character; which makes for faulty and inconclusive arguments, which is all you've been producing.
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Old 2009-03-26, 18:23   Link #678
Eye for an Eye
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I have no need to stoop that low and make fun of naruto, I did that to make a point: People call Sasuke gay when he hasn’t even shown any interest in men, and there are other people that have more reason to be called gay. I was only showing how stupid it sounds when you take of hater glasses and look at the real picture;
How about you take the fanboy glasses off and chill fuck out? There are just as many images of Sasuke and Chuck Norris (borrowing Chuck Norris’ facts), or Sasuke in the 300 movie (saying” who needs 300 when you got Sasuke”), and shit like that. Doesn’t seem to bother you... There are photoshoped images of pretty much every famous people/character, good and bad. Don’t flip out just because you saw some you didn’t like, that doesn’t make the author a retard. It’s just a fun creative way to express yourself and get some silly fanboys to pull their hair out in the process. There's an image of Manu Ginobili in a tiger stripes bikini that cracked me up, and he is one of my favorite NBA players. Chill the fuck out.

Originally Posted by GreenLama View Post
Uuuum, posts like this don't help your argument/debate, they actually hinder it and proves the other guy (SpyderSidious) to be correct (which he is). Just thought I would point that out....
So because he is taking you side he gets to call people this and that and it doesn't hinder his argument? And how is anyone right or wrong for that matter when most of it is open to interpretation anyway? It's all about the way you perceive it.

Originally Posted by Scorpian View Post
Its blatantly obvious that everything you're saying is not based on pure facts (unlike Janifuu), but your hatred for this character; which makes for faulty and inconclusive arguments, which is all you've been producing.
Janifuu made some very good points, but again, it's all about the way he/she perceives it. It's no solid fact that Sasuke's choices were wrong or mistaken, especially when we haven’t even seen how all the events will play out.

Last edited by Hunter; 2009-03-27 at 14:25.
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Old 2009-03-26, 21:11   Link #679
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Well, Sasuke is a really big whiner for someone whose been born with a gift and receiving free power ups w/out having to life a finger...this guy is never satisfied...
Eugenio castellotti

Last edited by SeanQ; 2011-04-24 at 13:42.
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Old 2009-03-26, 22:05   Link #680
fullblown technicolour
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lol, i find it effing hilarious that the reasons why people hate sasuke so much is why i adore him so.

but anyway, still dislike hinata
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