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Old 2009-05-15, 10:54   Link #221
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I have recently furthered my plans to make a sequel, or rather a prelude, to my original story. I do not wish to reveal too much but it, if I do proceed to writing it, will be based around the life of the father of the youth which is currently, and always was for that natter, the central character in the original. I have thought about it when planning the one I am writing now and I am finding it quite an interesting idea. It would definitely fit the story and give readers more of an idea of what the first novel was truelly about. It will possess more of a background to the father who proves to be a very important character, despite being in one scene.

You probably do not understand fully but this is a good idea for the whole overall plot, and very interesting. I will proceed even further into these plans for a second one once I finish the first.
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Old 2009-05-15, 12:43   Link #222
An Idiot
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The slim chance of getting some sort of feedback proves to be too tempting. ¬_¬

Here's a prologue of a new story. I'm not going to write a summary or anything. I just want to know what you think and what sort of ideas you get by reading this.

Thank you in advance!

Spoiler for to save space:
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Old 2009-05-15, 14:17   Link #223
Dietrich fan #681675
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Darn, I was gonna go back and read some stuff but I forgot about it for several weeks T_T

Still straightening things out with my creative works and with life in general.
Go Yankees.

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Old 2009-05-15, 15:31   Link #224
Duo Himura
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Hey all. Thought I'd drop by, being a writer-y type.

Um... I don't really know how to go on describing my writing. I guess I do mostly sci-fi/fantasy stuff (not really bothering to distinguish between them, sometimes, seeing as I'm usually very light on the "science" aspect of science fiction). I guess one of my goals is to write a bit of everything, because I tend to get pulled into wanting to do myself things that I've seen other people do. For instance, I've been watching a lot of Mushi-shi and reading a lot of Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou, and now I sort of want to do something with a peaceful sort of overtone to it, because everything I write tends towards intense emotions (sometimes melodrama, but I like to think I execute it well enough that it isn't WANGST).

But yeah, I've got way too many projects going at once. Numerous fanfics, a novel that is scarily not-that-far-in even though I've written ~50,000 words, a comic or two that I'd love to see drawn if I can get an artist to work with me (and stick with it, anyway), and more ideas for novels when the one I'm working on is finished (I'm not quite crazy enough to write two NOVELS simultaneously). Oh, and I tried starting a Rock Opera, but I didn't get very far on that, and I don't know if I'm going back to it. It's hard to do lyrics without music, and the idea was an undeveloped whim.

Concerns for my writing are... consistently being as good as I -can- be, and -writing- consistently. I know that I've written some stuff I'm really happy with, but sometimes I just want to lapse into "get it done" description that moves things along quickly without necessarily evoking mood or what-have-you... and sometimes that's what you want, but rarely is that the case when you do it because you're tired and want to write up to X point before stopping. And on the second count, I just don't write often enough. It's not even like I don't have time, I just don't -use- it. That's something I know I need to fix if I'm going to be serious about trying to make this work as a career.

And my biggest fears bout my writing are: a) I'm crazy and everything I think is great really isn't that special, b) someone will call me out for stealing when I borrowed too heavily from another work (intentionally or not), and c) I will be accused of some sort of discrimination, either for not doing anything with race (I'm from a very white state, I don't feel qualified to address it) or as a sexism thing, because I -do- sometimes give my female characters more crap to deal with than my male characters. Personally I think it makes them stronger, but it may be some psychologically-rooted idea that the suffering of women is more tragic than the suffering of men...

Anyway, that was more information than you probably need to know about me ever, but delivered all at once! Woohoo!

If anyone is still lost as to how my novel can be 50,000 words and not that far along plot-wise (in the grand scheme of things), there is your answer.
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Old 2009-05-15, 15:39   Link #225
Dietrich fan #681675
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Originally Posted by Duo Himura View Post
If anyone is still lost as to how my novel can be 50,000 words and not that far along plot-wise (in the grand scheme of things), there is your answer.
Something I was working on was like this, too. I thoroughly re-read it all and eliminated a bunch of stuff.
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Old 2009-05-17, 23:22   Link #226
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I don't really have anything to post for now, but this thread seemed up my alley so I thought I'd say my peace anyway.

I have an unconventional creative process. Thinking about it reminds me of the opening line in Full Metal Alchemist about the law of equivalent exchange. I literally cannot create anything if I just sit down and try to write something on my own - I need an existing product. It could be the most horrible, generic template in the world, but I need it there so I can tear it down and build something up from the ashes. My finished products always end up looking nothing like what I started with, so you really wouldn't be able to tell, but I think it's an interesting note.

I used to role play quite a lot on message boards. Most of the people on these boards were content to use disposable characters without any real depth. I, on the other hand, made it a point to use the same character, named Shiranui, over a period of 6-7 years. He started off as a failed genetic experiment of DB's Red Ribbon Army and had grown in so many ways by the time I finally retired from roleplaying that he had almost become a part of me. I have an abundance of existing material to work with and I've often thought about making his "life" into a story.

Have you ever played Magic: The Gathering? If you haven't played it, I guarantee you've at least heard of it. I've played card games for years. The ones on the market right now don't really appeal to me, so I decided back in January that I would design my own. I envisioned it as a tactical card game set in a medieval fantasy world of my own design. I haven't really gotten the game's mechanics very far, but I've made a world of progress, literally, on the storyline. I've created a world, its chronological history, its gods, its people, their religions & customs, and the mechanics of how everything works - IE, what the stars are, what happens when people die, et cetera. Everything is done to excruciating detail. I don't seem to be able to make much progress on the card game itself so I may simply take my original storyline and run with it.

I haven't taken up either project for now. I'm a painstaking perfectionist and it would take a massive investment of time and effort to complete either one. Besides, condensing either one into a story would require cutting out a lot of details. I'm not sure if I'll ever take them up, actually, but if I ever decide to go for it, you can say you read about it here first
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Old 2009-05-18, 00:18   Link #227
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Originally Posted by 1cewolf View Post
I don't really have anything to post for now, but this thread seemed up my alley so I thought I'd say my peace anyway.

I have an unconventional creative process. Thinking about it reminds me of the opening line in Full Metal Alchemist about the law of equivalent exchange. I literally cannot create anything if I just sit down and try to write something on my own - I need an existing product. It could be the most horrible, generic template in the world, but I need it there so I can tear it down and build something up from the ashes.
Most writers work the same way actually — their characters and plots are inspired by real-life experiences. In your case, the inspiration seems to be characters and events from games. That's not unusual, given the sheer amount of fan fiction out there.

I say, whatever serves as to excite your imagination, go ahead and use it.

I used to role play quite a lot on message boards. Most of the people on these boards were content to use disposable characters without any real depth. I, on the other hand, made it a point to use the same character, named Shiranui, over a period of 6-7 years. He started off as a failed genetic experiment of DB's Red Ribbon Army and had grown in so many ways by the time I finally retired from roleplaying that he had almost become a part of me.
Most, if not all, of the RPG characters I've created have a backstory. There was Cassel Highwind, the bardic leader of The Vagabonds, a group of adventurers who ventured into Icewind Dale to save The Ten Towns from a goblinoid horde. There was Lentin Calemaya, a dashing dilettante who wandered the northern Sword Coast with his faerie sidekick, Adele.

There was Islien d'Avignon, the Red Musketeer of Bastok, who given over to the care of an exiled elvaan in the aftermath of the Crystal War in Vana'diel and trained in both swordplay and sorcery.

There was also Belvedor the Enlightened, a failed paladin wracked with a guilt for having abandoned his comrades on the field of a hopeless battle against the undead of Tirisfal Glades, and who found new hope and purpose in Northshire Abbey.

I find roleplaying games to be far more enjoyable when you treat your characters as "real" people with "real" motivations. To me, they're not just a collection of numbers, grinding away at a game's mechanics. It's all part of a creative process I enjoy partaking in.

Have you ever played Magic: The Gathering? If you haven't played it, I guarantee you've at least heard of it. I've played card games for years. The ones on the market right now don't really appeal to me, so I decided back in January that I would design my own.
And my latest persona, Lind Merovin, is a sky mage whose planeswalking spark awoke amid a fierce storm at sea. His battered sloop, the Seraphine, emerged into a strange ocean underneath a night sky filled with unfamiliar stars. Bewildered, he eventually realised he had stumbled into a new world, a different plane with five separate shards, that would soon be made whole again — with cataclysmic effect.

Is his backstory required? Hardly. Does it make the game more enjoyable though? Absolutely.
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Old 2009-05-18, 13:22   Link #228
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^^ I took a short story class and our professor told us that when we write our responses to the stories we read (this was an online course) we should never assume that a first-person narrative = autobiography of the author.

I do think that many writers do use their real-life experiences in their stories. As for first-person pieces being autobiographies in could be possible. Tough to say since it could go both ways.
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Old 2009-05-18, 13:33   Link #229
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Originally Posted by whitepearl
I do think that many writers do use their real-life experiences in their stories. As for first-person pieces being autobiographies in could be possible. Tough to say since it could go both ways.
Not necessarily true. The first-person narratives is a pretty recent literary device that became popular only around the early 1900s, if I recall correctly. It's been a long time since I studied the history of modern literature.

Specifically, techniques such as "stream of consciousness", most notably used in James Joyce's Ulyssses, rocked the literary world at the time. It drew inspiration from the emerging field of psychology, particularly Freudian psychoanalysis, and gave readers a new way to experience the minds and motives of various characters.

In short, it's just a modern technique that adds a different dimension to a story. Writers could still apply their real-life experiences to novels told in the third person, if they decide that it helps their story. More interestingly, many use a mix of both, and the shift between two types of narratives is often pregnant with symbolic meaning.

As for me, other gamers often have a hard time believing me when I tell them I am not my characters, and my characters aren't me. They are "alive" in their own sense, driven by their own motives and experiences. Their actions are partly shaped by the events of the game, as well as by their own backstories. Is it me who gave birth to them, or they who are revealing themselves through me? Who knows? It's a mystery.
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Old 2009-05-18, 13:47   Link #230
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I take alot of inspiration from life.

I find that my speakers have some similarity to me, but they're much different and every time I write their stories I can feel a part of myself in them.

Its important to draw from life I guess, the most extraordinary things can happen in our imaginations.

Credit To Risa-chan!

Last edited by ClockWorkAngel; 2010-02-19 at 23:00.
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Old 2009-05-20, 00:39   Link #231
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I use life as an inspiration though for some of my characters, I use them as a way to show to myself how different my life could have been had I done things differently.

Or they are just representations of one or multiple people I have encountered in life.
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Old 2009-05-31, 23:39   Link #232
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This short work is an entry for a short (600 word) writing contest - and is set in a more long-winded storyline I've been working on.

Spoiler for The Call of Fate:
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Old 2009-06-01, 01:18   Link #233
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Does anyone really use dreams as inspiration, cause alot of times i have some pretty fantastic dreams and start thinking up stories to go along with them
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Old 2009-06-01, 02:04   Link #234
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You know I can't say for 100% certain whether I have or not (I hate it when dreams do that, though you think I'd remember if I included it in a story). But I know for certain I have a couple ideas I wrote down and saved from a dream but just have yet to implement them. It's planned, just waiting for the right time to do it. But yeah, I advise writing down something interesting you dream right away (like literally right when you wake up), that way you can recall it for later use.
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Old 2009-06-01, 09:42   Link #235
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Originally Posted by Nerroth View Post
Spoiler for The Call of Fate:
My almost-zero knowledge of Transformers makes me the worst person to comment on this: I needed to read it 3 times to come to a basic understanding of what was going on.

Still, it was nicely condensed. The implied meanings. purpose in H'torren & Countdown's conversations are hard to catch at first, but reveal a great lot about the equally implied ending.
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Old 2009-06-01, 11:11   Link #236
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Can anyone give me tips on how to write a good psychodrama? I was hoping to create a fic with EB as inspiration but at the same time I don’t enough to write a story like that down. I don’t know if I could but nevertheless I going to give it my best shot and also I would like to know any authors who had done it before so that I can learn from them.
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Old 2009-06-01, 21:25   Link #237
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Originally Posted by shelter View Post
My almost-zero knowledge of Transformers makes me the worst person to comment on this: I needed to read it 3 times to come to a basic understanding of what was going on.

Still, it was nicely condensed. The implied meanings. purpose in H'torren & Countdown's conversations are hard to catch at first, but reveal a great lot about the equally implied ending.

Glad you liked it - and if you have any questions on the fic, or the setting it's in, I'd be glad to help out.
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Old 2009-06-23, 18:02   Link #238
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Hi all.

I posted up a preview of a new fiction work I'm starting up soon over at the F/SN fan fiction thread - the link is here if you wanna see it, but should I post it again in this thread anyway?
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Old 2009-06-23, 18:59   Link #239
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Go for it actually, I miss F/SN alot, it'd be nice to read about it again.

Credit To Risa-chan!
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Old 2009-06-24, 00:07   Link #240
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Fair enough.

Bear in mind, though, that it's a sequel to another fiction work I worked on for a while - but there is a link to that work before the preview itself begins.

If that helps.

Spoiler for Crystal Valley: Preview:
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