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Old 2009-09-25, 17:40   Link #161
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Originally Posted by Slayerx View Post
Whitebeard is the ONLY one who is not fighting
Whitebeard, Sengoku, and possibly Garp.

Originally Posted by Prestige View Post
Recently it feels like its always like Phenomenom vs Animesuki members...
Yes, and shockingly, the guy recently collects a lot of positive impressions. Dear god of the mods, haven't you had any concern about multiple identities? Isn't occupying multiple bodies with a single soul a definite no in the world of spirits?
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Old 2009-09-25, 19:04   Link #162
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If WB just rush in and try to get ace . Even he can't stand up to 3 admirals and 5 warlords. Right now luffy is perfect chess piece for WB let him advance forward sit back and see what happens .
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Old 2009-09-25, 19:42   Link #163
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Originally Posted by andy View Post
Right now luffy is perfect chess piece for WB let him advance forward sit back and see what happens .

Well technically, both Luffy and Marco would now count as pawns for Whitebeard, would they not?

And speaking of Sengoku and Garp, I'm still expecting to see either one of those guys in action soon, particularly Sengoku. I know that he's a great strategist and all, but I highly doubt that he rose to the top of the marines with great tactical abilities alone. I'm sure that he has the strength to back up his position as fleet admiral (after all, the 3 admirals certainly have the strength to back up THEIR status, do they not?). I still think that it would be most fitting if whatever fighting ability he has is related to his Buddha nickname (I had previously mentioned the possibility of a karma-based DF power, which has the potential to be a very devastating ability, IMO)......

As for Garp, I still sorta have the feeling that he's a powerful Haki user, though I really don't want to jump to that conclusion straight away (he may very well turn out to be a DF user, as well). Still, the fact that he was able to damage Luffy with his "fist of love" was a pretty strong hint for me, right there.....
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Old 2009-09-25, 22:27   Link #164
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Everyone on WB side is his pawn.
"Fall Seven Times, Stand Up 8."
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Old 2009-09-25, 22:34   Link #165
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Originally Posted by andy View Post
If WB just rush in and try to get ace . Even he can't stand up to 3 admirals and 5 warlords.
ha ha we'll see.
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Old 2009-09-25, 22:56   Link #166
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Wow, this little battle is still called a "war". If this is a "war" than WTF should the wars of the real world be called? The Apocalypse? If the marines were serious about this, than why aren't they using all their resources? Those robot Kumas do seem to be mass producible, so why not fight smarter instead of harder?

Oh, Phenomenal don't let that James dude get to you. Not everyone can be a deep thinker/critical thinker, and go into great depth analysis, or close their mouth and open up their mind to see and understand what there is to offer, or try to see what another is trying to say but rather they're stuck in their own mindset. But yeah, if WB is the one actually leading this operation, it would be quite bad if he were at the very front of the line. If the leader goes down, or his ability to lead is significantly impaired, than the battle is practically lost. It's like PVP. If the leader goes down, thing become disorganized and teammates begin to get picked off and drop like flies. A leader should always make it a priority to stay alive to lead and for the sake of the team.

Oh, and most of you guys are trolls. So what's the point of trying to claim or make it seem like Phenomenal is the only troll?
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Old 2009-09-25, 23:17   Link #167
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Originally Posted by ThoHell View Post
Those robot Kumas do seem to be mass producible, so why not fight smarter instead of harder?
That's probably the additional surprise Sengoke was mentioning earlier. And, now that Whitebeard knows his time table has been cut short (by Sengoku moving up the execution), I expect him to take a far more proactive approach to the war (this could be why he sent Marco with Luffy - Luffy is charging to the front (or somewhere close by), so Marco can act as back-up while Luffy pushes the line, getting both far closer to their goal). Whatever the case, when the Pacifista are finally introduced (sometime in the next 2 chapter, I predict), then the New World pirates will finally have someone to fight (I wouldn't mind seeing if Luffy can finally stand up to one by himself (Marco can, of course, easily stand up to one, possibly more of the cyborgs)).

Originally Posted by ThoHell View Post
It's like PVP. If the leader goes down, thing become disorganized and teammates begin to get picked off and drop like flies. A leader should always make it a priority to stay alive to lead and for the sake of the team.
Good analogy.

Last edited by james0246; 2009-09-25 at 23:28.
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Old 2009-09-26, 00:28   Link #168
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Originally Posted by Cinocard View Post
And how the heck do you call Luffy fodder?

And was Akainu magma fist meaningful to the story? Or Boa kiss shot? Or Hawk's "strength test"? Did they hurt anyone named? Will those moves affect the battle in any ways?
No cause they Stopped...the world will never know in a so called war.

Luffy hardly pulls mega power out of the air. He pulls out damage ENDURANCE. Which triumph character's will power that apparently every fighting shounen manga out there have.

I talks about manga's time, you dodge it and talk about number of chapters. You said I was wrong about Luffy with no explanation.
The bold is power ups outta nowhere, also we aren't given any times so don't say any times.

But those fights do not happen in a war. Not one at this scale.
Yes..Yes they do...and they did.

Huge misconception. You are talking about a gang fight, not a war with thousands of people.
Go watch saving private ryan or rambo or go play metal gear solid series.

And how can Luffy survives without backup? I raised this point and you dodge it again.

And What they did (Iva winked once, Jimbei took on an opponent that he would have an advantage) I consider hardly backup. I said that, but you just said "no, it's backup," without whatsoever explanation again.
Go read what Iva said after the Wink and read what whitebeard said..They are used for cover..back up. Jinbei stopping the Zombies from going after Luffy is the samething.

So you want Luffy has no part in this war? Or doing something so worthless not even worth to draw? So you want to not see the main character in action when his brother is being executed, only have the big names fight and leave Luffy out for 25 chapters more till the war ended?

And I said it's logical to have the big names come to the stage later than the cannon fodder. How about drawing the cannon fodder first (luffy) and draw the big shots several chapters later? (And don't say: they already be there for 5 chapters, you will just dodge my points that the time interval is short in the manga again) How about saying where that is wrong also? Don't just dodge it.
You don't get it, first of al lthere is no time interval cause no time was given secondly this is a war of Big shots there should be no cannon fodder and if there is they should get swatted away especially Luffy. They can contribute but they shouldn't have a big impact cause they are overwhelmed. Right now Luffy [cannon fodder] is making that impact and it is disgusting cause Oda purposely turned the so called Big shots to Luffy's chess pieces.

The heck your talking about. I've been saying it's stupid and kinda impossible to have such a huge brawl drawn out nicely. How about YOU tell us how such a brawl should be depicted? I asked you to do that, and you, again, just dodge what you cannot answer.

Also, how about YOU tell us how will Whitebeard recklessly jump in the middle of 3 admirals and 5 shichibukai and save Ace and come back alive.
By Whiteberd rushing in with his Kwando and his quake powers [That casually smashed two admirals [Kizaru and Aokiji] using HIS own many followers he brought as back up. Dang, what's so hard ..Whiteebeard:"Marco don't let ME DIE"
Marco: "Roger!"

Who made that rule? Again, you have no explanation.

I said that it is logical for him use cannon fodder to occupy enemy's big names, to wait and observe. How about explain why that's wrong instead of ignoring it?

You Just dodge what you cannot argue, again.:
See above, I already explained what Whitebeard should be doing posts ago..SAME DANG THING LUFFY IS DOING. I didin't dodge anything..

Originally Posted by Slayerx View Post
you compare them to whitebeard XD

No, whitebeard is the only one standing around, the rest have been fighting
Oda can't show us every detail, but we have seen Marco and Jozu trading blows with admirals and shichibukai... we have even seen one of the other commanders fighting and getting owned by Doflamingo... just because we do not see what they are doing at the moment does not mean they are doing nothing... seriously, unless you want this war to be twice as many chapters long as it's really beeen, you have to accept that fighting is going on of screen... this is where anime filler will be very useful actually

I mean we may not see Ao kiji at the moment, but does that means he's just chilling, or does it mean he's fighting and taking out pirates?
Hell we haven't seen much Vice admrial action out of the ones we saw lined up early on, but we can be sure they are fighting

Whitebeard is the ONLY one who is not fighting
No that's false cause no one is fighting but fodder and more fodder in Luffy is leading the charge. And I alread ytold you those skirmishes that Marco and the others did chapters ago isn't fighting.

you don't remember DBZ very well do you?

Saiyan saga... MANY chapters of nappa vs DBZ minor characters before we finally got to Goku vs Vegeta

Freeza Saga... MANY chapters of Gohan and Krillan... Vegeta was there too but all they did was fight minions.... how long did we have to wait for freeza to actually get into action? much less how long until Goku vs Freeza

Android saga... had to go though Dr.Gero and number whatever before they got to 17 and 18... and hell they weren't even the main villians of that arc... you mention Cell, but even Cell stalled for time... instead of jumping right into battle with his complete form, he had the Cell jrs fight first before he jumped into the ring

The big guys always fought LAST when there were minor characters to fight
You didn't see "Cell games" when Goku went off against Perfect Cell right off the bat?

And do you think the whitebeard pirates are enough to just storm the place...Marco has shown himself able to counter an admiral, Jozu can counter a shichibukai... but what about the rest? Are the other commanders enough to counter the other 2 admirals, and 4 shichibukai? We know that one of them is being beaten pretty effortlessly by Doflamingo... And hell what of the vice admirals; if the commanders move to counter the admirals and schikibukai, then the vice admirals might move in to counter them and thus leaving Whitebeard open for atleast a triple team... Hell, even if the other commanders could create an opening for Whitebeard to get to Ace; Sen Goku might have a team of Pacifistas waiting behind the platform to blast him to kingdom-come... As i said above, the whitebeards ARE already fighting and pushing through; Whitebeard is the only one shown standing by doing nothing

And shattering Ao kiji isn't really that big of a deal... Luffy was able to do it to... It all part of being a logia; instead of taking damage from a punch, Ao kiji shatters and takes no damage at all... really, all whitebeard did was inconvience him
^Yet Aokiji didn't come back for a while after being shattered by Whitebeard's quake powers like he did against Luffy neither did Kizaru IIRC.
Also if Luffy can storm in with back up you better be dang sure Whitebeard could do it and a hundered times better.

Originally Posted by james0246 View Post
Your comparing a one-on-one 9 minute (at most) battle game with what is supposed to be a 30-50 chapter war and has 100,000 plus participants? No wonder you are not having fun if your attention span is so short that anything over 9 minutes equals instant garbage to you...
characters standing still for that long will do that to you...You must get excited by watching paint dry.

Why is Oars cannon fodder? Because he was defeated by 3 Shichibukai ? I'm sorry, you're just making shit up to validate your pre-existing opinion. Again, for all we know Oars was 5th or 6th strongest member of Whitebeard's crew, he simply wasn't given a position of authority due to his recklessness. Oars role in the story was to show just why Whitebeard and Marco can't just charge onto the execution platform. Sadly enough, you are too interested in the "OMG! It Blowed Up Real Good!" superfical power display to actually care to look any deeper...which shouldn't be that surprising considering that you use Goku as your avatar...
LULZ So you think three non serious Shichibukai CASUALLY throwing out moves to kill a retarded monster with no skill is DEEP? and that proves oars should not be cannonfodder? When we just saw What other world power members could do in the scale of this war?

Spoiler for DBZ and Naruto spoilers...:
Cell Games..Goku and cell went right off the bat and Pain fought Kakashi, and other of Konoha's finest, J-man too..

Thought I was on your ignore list Prestige?

Last edited by Phenomenal; 2009-09-26 at 01:03.
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Old 2009-09-26, 02:26   Link #169
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Originally Posted by ThoHell View Post
Wow, this little battle is still called a "war". If this is a "war" than WTF should the wars of the real world be called? The Apocalypse? If the marines were serious about this, than why aren't they using all their resources? Those robot Kumas do seem to be mass producible, so why not fight smarter instead of harder?

Oh, Phenomenal don't let that James dude get to you. Not everyone can be a deep thinker/critical thinker, and go into great depth analysis, or close their mouth and open up their mind to see and understand what there is to offer, or try to see what another is trying to say but rather they're stuck in their own mindset. But yeah, if WB is the one actually leading this operation, it would be quite bad if he were at the very front of the line. If the leader goes down, or his ability to lead is significantly impaired, than the battle is practically lost. It's like PVP. If the leader goes down, thing become disorganized and teammates begin to get picked off and drop like flies. A leader should always make it a priority to stay alive to lead and for the sake of the team.

Oh, and most of you guys are trolls. So what's the point of trying to claim or make it seem like Phenomenal is the only troll?

If your going call people a troll have something to back it up. Plus the numbers begin used in this war are good amount . 100 000 plus on a battle filed this size is a good amount .

I think Phenomenal can't get threw his head luffy might not be the strongest person in this War but he far from fodder. I mean who on the marines side can beat luffy at most you can say about 25 members. There are a lot of people in this war your not going to see what all of them are doing every chapter . Every chapter you can't see what 3 admirals plus warlords plus WB and his top men are doing it would take forever . So far the war has been about 6 chapter and you expect to see WB rush in and attack ?

Last edited by andy; 2009-09-26 at 02:46.
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Old 2009-09-26, 02:44   Link #170
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The on going battles/conflicts between Marines and Pirates for numerous years = war.

A conflict/battle (be it of whatever size in number) which occurs and last within the range of day's' = battle not war.

A battle is part of a war; a war consist of numerous battles.

oh, check a person's post count and compare it with how long they've been a member, then determine for yourself whether or not they're a troll.

ANYWAYS, I've been enjoying this last few chapters of one piece and I hope to keep enjoying them. So lets not make a big deal or little stuff and ruin my enjoyment ~_~
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Old 2009-09-26, 02:55   Link #171
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Originally Posted by ThoHell View Post
The on going battles/conflicts between Marines and Pirates for numerous years = war.

A conflict/battle (be it of whatever size in number) which occurs and last within the range of day's' = battle not war.

A battle is part of a war; a war consist of numerous battles.

oh, check a person's post count and compare it with how long they've been a member, then determine for yourself whether or not they're a troll.

ANYWAYS, I've been enjoying this last few chapters of one piece and I hope to keep enjoying them. So lets not make a big deal or little stuff and ruin my enjoyment ~_~

A person post count does not say if he's a troll or not . I am member for years but i don't have many post because i was rather busy in certain time in my life.
War does not have to be many battle

War 2
Definition: A contest between nations or states, carried on by force, whether for defence, for revenging insults and redressing wrongs, for the extension of commerce, for the acquisition of territory, for obtaining and establishing the superiority and dominion of one over the other, or for any other purpose; armed conflict of sovereign powers; declared and open hostilities.


# [noun] the waging of armed conflict against an enemy; "thousands of people were killed in the war"
Synonyms: fare

# [noun] a legal state created by a declaration of war and ended by official declaration during which the international rules of war apply; "war was declared in November but actual fighting did not begin until the following spring"
Synonyms: state of

# [noun] an active struggle between competing entities; "a price war"; "a war of wits"; "diplomatic warfare"
Synonyms: fare

# [noun] a concerted campaign to end something that is injurious; "the war on poverty"; "the war against crime"

# [verb] make or wage war

War does not have to be many battles and the word can be use in a number of ways.
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Old 2009-09-26, 02:58   Link #172
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Originally Posted by marvelB View Post
Well technically, both Luffy and Marco would now count as pawns for Whitebeard, would they not?
I was actually thinking, it will be WB who will act as the pawn for Luffy and Ace to save the lives of the next generation...Repeating what Shanks had done for Luffy. Will that be a surprise? No, not after what Sengoku told about what he thought WB was doing by keeping Ace close to him. WB is already playing his role and he will be successful as long as he saves Ace, even if he dies (and probably he will).
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Old 2009-09-26, 03:06   Link #173
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Originally Posted by Phenomenal View Post
Nah, Whitebeard saving Ace was before Luffy ever even knew it...So..
Really? Because last I checked, Whitebeard didn't show up until 8 chapters ago, while Luffy has been trying to rescue Ace for the past 35 chapters.

Look, I know you're a Whitebeard fan, and I know you're disappointed that your favorite character is not getting the heroic screentime you wanted him to, but face it, this entire saving Ace arc has always been about Luffy saving Ace.

Originally Posted by Phenomenal View Post
Yeah just have the Whitebeard pirates do it too...
Which they are. In case you hadn't noticed there's a huge army of pirates fighting a huge army of marines.

Originally Posted by Phenomenal View Post
No it isn't, Luffy is the fan favoirte, Whitebeard is not...He is the King of da dang Seas...Go do what you came to do not let a rookie do it for you..Fanservice by your boy.
Fanservice doesn't mean 'pandering to the biggest group' fanservice means 'pandering to the fans.' If Oda were to have Whitebeard jump in and singlehandedly blow through everything, that would be fanservice. Fanservice for the fans of Whitebeard.

Originally Posted by Phenomenal View Post
Pain is a main character? Cell? Go look at the battles again, so you can understand what I'm talking about. Those heavy hitters got busy IN THEIR ARCS from the gates, While Oda has his sitting there playing RPG.
Whitebeard isn't a main character either, no matter how much you want him to be.

Originally Posted by Phenomenal View Post
... Your point?

Originally Posted by Phenomenal View Post
The bold is power ups outta nowhere, also we aren't given any times so don't say any times.
Wait wait wait, so Luffy's rubber endurance, a power he has had since the very first chapter of One Piece, is a 'power up outa nowhere?'

I hate to quote 4chan, but seriously, try harder.

Originally Posted by Phenomenal View Post
Go watch saving private ryan or rambo or go play metal gear solid series.
I watched SPR, which depicted no small amount of order when fighting. It certainly didn't show everyone charging at eachother and bashing whatever didn't wear their uniform or ignoring friendly fire outright.

Using Rambo as a comparison makes me laugh.

Haven't played any MGS beyond 2, which was lacking any large scale wars, so I can't comment here.

Originally Posted by Phenomenal View Post
You don't get it, first of al lthere is no time interval cause no time was given secondly this is a war of Big shots there should be no cannon fodder and if there is they should get swatted away especially Luffy. They can contribute but they shouldn't have a big impact cause they are overwhelmed. Right now Luffy [cannon fodder] is making that impact and it is disgusting cause Oda purposely turned the so called Big shots to Luffy's chess pieces.
You still haven't properly explained what makes Luffy cannon fodder in this battle in the first place.

Originally Posted by Phenomenal View Post
By Whiteberd rushing in with his Kwando and his quake powers [That casually smashed two admirals [Kizaru and Aokiji] using HIS own many followers he brought as back up. Dang, what's so hard ..Whiteebeard:"Marco don't let ME DIE"
Marco: "Roger!"
In other words, you like Whitebeard, you don't like luffy, and you want Whitebeard to do the ass kicking, not Luffy.

Originally Posted by Phenomenal View Post
You didn't see "Cell games" when Goku went off against Perfect Cell right off the bat?
I did, and if I recall the entire point of that arc was to show Gohan's powerup. Hell, Goku even said so several times throughout their training. In other words: The Cell games were always about Gohan defeating Cell. No such luck here, as this One Piece arc was always about Luffy saving Ace.

Originally Posted by Phenomenal View Post
^Yet Aokiji didn't come back for a while after being shattered by Whitebeard's quake powers like he did against Luffy neither did Kizaru IIRC.
Also if Luffy can storm in with back up you better be dang sure Whitebeard could do it and a hundered times better.
Except Whitebeard is the main target of the marines, and he knows it.
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Old 2009-09-26, 03:11   Link #174
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I'm a bad man with a harsh mouth and has a tendency to pick fight, therefore, I cleaned up the post O_O!

I kind of want to see Luffy like do gear 4th or something. Right now he's strong, but he hasn't grown really after rescuing Robin. His strength is within the range of Vice-admiral and Admiral. What else can rubber do this is cool or powerful?

Last edited by ThoHell; 2009-09-26 at 03:39.
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Old 2009-09-26, 03:28   Link #175
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Originally Posted by ThoHell View Post
Oh really, wars don't have many battles? WW 1, WW 2, Civil War (in numerous countries), Vietnam, and a whole lot more. Did such wars as these only consist of one battle that lasted a significant duration? If you're going to start posting a whole bunch of definition and are going to be so ignorant, post all the definition not just that which suits your cause. I am concluding a defined difference by going back through history and actual happenings along with rational thinking. Are you not smart enough to know what kind of war I was talking about or the usage of the term I was implying? I'm pretty sure you knew, and even while knowing you still went off arrogantly to try to make a point by trying to cloud the usage I was implying so you could somewhat childishly have something your way. I'm pretty sure, no I'm absolutely sure, most history teachers would say about the same thing or agree with what I said about the differences between and war and a battle.
Of course i know what you mean and i did not mean to come off childishly. Just saying you can use word war or battle in this case , if someone call this a war they won't be wrong the same if they call it a battle.

What ever the case the WG did declare war on WB pirates so if people want to call it that let them.

Side note shortest war in history is 38 mins lol
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Old 2009-09-26, 03:35   Link #176
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Originally Posted by Phenomenal View Post
characters standing still for that long will do that to you...You must get excited by watching paint dry.
Characters standing still? Ignoring for a second the 100,000 combantants currently beating the shit out of each other, even among the "elite" there have only been 2-3 characters "standing still" (which they really aren't, and it is a little silly of you to even say this), and 2 of those characters are the leaders of this fight, so them "standing still" is not only perfectly justifiable (since they are both waging a tactical battle, looking for and advantageous approach to winning the war with the least amount of casualties), but it makes plain and simple sense (why waste your personal strength to fight when you have resources at your disposal that can help you?).

Honestly, more than anything, it sounds like you want Whitebeard to act like Luffy, which is a little weird considering your annoying bias against Luffy.

Originally Posted by Phenomenal View Post
LULZ So you think three non serious Shichibukai CASUALLY throwing out moves to kill a retarded monster with no skill is DEEP? and that proves oars should not be cannonfodder? When we just saw What other world power members could do in the scale of this war?
What? First of all, my use of the word "deep" was not meant to convey any sense of depth to character or plot (though, depth can be found f one wishes to look), rather I was reffering to your desire to only look at superficial details without even trying to analyze their importance within the broader story being told. Oars' defeat was reflective of what would happen to any strong character that simply charged forward without first developing any plan of action to properly combat the powerful forces positioned around Ace.

Secondly, and to reiterate the point, again with the knocks against Oars? His seemingly effortless defeat was not meant to show him as being weak (fodder, as you endlessly say but have no way of backing up), but rather to show just how powerful the Big Dogs are. Consequently, his defeat is supposed to show the audience just why Whitebeard doesn't simply charge forward (as you are endlessly whining for): if Whitebeard were to recklessly attack, then he would end up exactly like Oars.

Originally Posted by Phenomenal View Post
Cell Games..Goku and cell went right off the bat and Pain fought Kakashi, and other of Konoha's finest, J-man too..
Spoiler for manga spoilers...:
So please stop trying to rewrite the canon of these other series just to suit your superficial desires for seeing Whitebeard fight (You are starting to sound like Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka - "But I want it Now!").

Originally Posted by Phenomenal View Post
Thought I was on your ignore list Prestige?
You are, but he is getting tired of reading your posts in our responses to you....

Last edited by james0246; 2009-09-26 at 03:47.
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Old 2009-09-26, 04:23   Link #177
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Whiteebeard:"Marco don't let ME DIE"
Marco: "Roger!"
Where are your eyes? I believe I said in one of my post that even all Whitebeard, Macro, and Jose jump in together, they are gonna be cooked by 5 shichibukai and 3 admirals, for godsake. Wait a minute, you just dodge it. I forgot.

No cause they Stopped...the world will never know in a so called war.
Yeah, I said those chapters before was quite pointless, you asked how so, I explained, then you repeated what I just said for an explanation to make as if I sounded wrong, lol. THen wtf you asked it in the first place, if you are gonna explain it yourself?

this is a war of Big shots there should be no cannon fodder
Everyone here is a big shot, Luffy the cannon fodder is also a big shot, just not THAT big. And a war is not a brawl between a dozen of people. It's between hundreds, and we are seeing it.

Go read what Iva said after the Wink and read what whitebeard said..They are used for cover..back up. Jinbei stopping the Zombies from going after Luffy is the samething.
I already said, how can luffy survive without any backup? If Luffy does not chare in, it's not true to his character. If there's no backup when he charges in, he's gonna die easily, the manga would not be able to continue.

So we see Luffy charge in with backup.

You have any better idea? Having luffy hiding in a corner and cheer for Whitebeard?

They can contribute but they shouldn't have a big impact cause they are overwhelmed.
Yeah, and they have not made any real progess. Neither does Luffy. They haven't made any result yet, sir.

See above, I already explained what Whitebeard should be doing posts ago..SAME DANG THING LUFFY IS DOING.
YOu just dont get that having the boss go right of the bat is RETARD, do you?

I didin't dodge anything..
YOu dodge all of them. I already emphasize that if you cannot describe how the fight should go as you wish, you should stop talking.

You go on with your "yan ayan" again about Whitebeard should jump in. Tell me what should happen after that, and how can a mangaka possibly draw a good action scence out of that.
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Old 2009-09-26, 04:28   Link #178
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Originally Posted by Phenomenal
No that's false cause no one is fighting but fodder and more fodder in Luffy is leading the charge. And I alread ytold you those skirmishes that Marco and the others did chapters ago isn't fighting.
No this is something you fail to grasp... ALL of them are fighting... Do you see any of them standing around doing nothing like Whitebeard or sen goku? no, that's because right now Marco, Jozu, Ao kiji, the vice admirals and so forth are fighting... they may not be fighting eachother, but they are likely fighting the "cannon fodder"... they are all keeping themselves busy. The only ones who aren't fighting in this conflict are Whitebeard, Garp and Sengoku... Akainu might also be holding back as we saw him taking the time to round up deserters and he also thinks that it would be a bad idea to go to the front lines like the other admirals as some needs to stay back by the platform... Right now, all the whitebeard pirates are fighting, they may not be getting themselves locked into one-on-one battles with other big names, but they are still out there fighting... they are likely doing similar to what we saw Boa doing; fighting off cannon fodder as they charge forward.

Unlike other times, they can't afford to get locked into one-on-one battles... their are so many enemies around that if they try to focus on one enemy they may get stabbed in the back by another... they can't do much more than exchange a few blows before they need to watch what's going on around them... Kinda like Kizaru... one second he's exchanging blows with Marco, the next he switches gears to ordering the giants into action....

ignoring the cannon fodder is the stupidest thing they can do as they never know who amongst the cannon fodder may have a real chance of hurting them... Jozu for instance COULD charge in with his diamond form to fight Mihawk and just ignore the cannon fodder as their attacks bounce off him... but just as Mihawk launches one of his powerful sword slashes, a marine captain strikes Jozu with a seastone staff... And thus Jozu finds himself taking heavy damage because he ignored the small fries

^Yet Aokiji didn't come back for a while after being shattered by Whitebeard's quake powers like he did against Luffy neither did Kizaru IIRC.
Also if Luffy can storm in with back up you better be dang sure Whitebeard could do it and a hundered times better.
First off... Ao kiji DID come back right away
He froze the tidal waves, attacked whitebeard with ice spears, got shattered, and two panels later he reforms near the water to freeze the entire bay... Since Ao kiji's element is more solid than other logia's he can't phase through attacks and thus shatters instead, and it takes him a second or two to reform... what happened with whitebeard was the same as what happened with Robin and Luffy

Second off, i don't recall seeing Kizaru take a quake smack from Whitebeard... his first attack was blocked by Macro and then battle with him... Don't recall whitebeard giving him a smack... hell if he did it apparently didn't hurt much as he seems to still be unhurt

LULZ So you think three non serious Shichibukai CASUALLY throwing out moves to kill a retarded monster with no skill is DEEP? and that proves oars should not be cannonfodder? When we just saw What other world power members could do in the scale of this war?
The original Oars was a monster that took the whole strawhat crew to fight... Oar's Jr. was seen smacking away a vice admiral almost as easily as whitebeard did... by all means it actually becomes easy to say that Oars jr. may have been not too far below that of the shikibukai... but ofcourse all that power means nothing when you charge right in as charging in opens you up to all kinds of damage that a slower more patient fighter would avoid.

And it's funny you should call Oars jr. retarded... cause the way i see it, the most retarded thing i saw him do was charge forward... your saying that Whitebeard should do what a "retarded monster" would do in this situation. Frankly, i consider Whitebeard to be smarter than that

Originally Posted by ThoHell View Post
Oh really, wars don't have many battles? WW 1, WW 2, Civil War (in numerous countries), Vietnam, and a whole lot more. Did such wars as these only consist of one battle that lasted a significant duration? If you're going to start posting a whole bunch of definition and are going to be so ignorant, post all the definition not just that which suits your cause. I am concluding a defined difference by going back through history and actual happenings along with rational thinking. Are you not smart enough to know what kind of war I was talking about or the usage of the term I was implying? I'm pretty sure you knew, and even while knowing you still went off arrogantly to try to make a point by trying to cloud the usage I was implying so you could somewhat childishly have something your way. I'm pretty sure, no I'm absolutely sure, most history teachers would say about the same thing or agree with what I said about the differences between and war and a battle.
Just because those wars had multiple battles does not mean a war is defined by multiple conflicts... The reasons those wars had multiple battles is because that's what it took to win the war... If those wars could have been ended in ONE massive battle, they would have still been called a "war"... the nature of the conflict is what defines them as wars, not that multiple battles were needed to end the conflict

Frankly, considering how this battle is gonna send a ripple throughout the world, bringing about massive changes; calling it anything less than a war seems insufficient... it may be just one battle, but the results will bring about as much change as the results of a war.
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Old 2009-09-26, 05:11   Link #179
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Old 2009-09-26, 07:52   Link #180
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A little late, but I found this hilarious so it's my favourite part of the chapter

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