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Old 2010-02-17, 00:25   Link #5761
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Originally Posted by Used Can View Post
Anyway, I don't think we've seen the last of King Midas.
Hayate needs to learn his own Reality Marble yet...
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Old 2010-02-17, 02:01   Link #5762
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Originally Posted by Used Can View Post

Never did I imagine A-tan could look so vulnerable acting like a normal 16 years old girl. Anyway, EPIC!!!
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Old 2010-02-17, 06:36   Link #5763
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I honor Nagi's unexpected sacrifice; while Hina is the best female heroine (not the "most favorite".... "the best" ) that i have up to now (... by far the best when comparing to the lovely casts of HnG.....)

But i have to say that the series will be really lamed if Hayate does not end up with Athena after this chapter (unless something huge in the future can win me over).

The truth is: being such a huge Hinagiku fan all these years, I still couldn't sense a Hayate x Hina 's ending (especially before "the end of the world" arc). It seems the only true rival of Nagi in the race toward Hayate's heart is Athena, and she has already been winning by a few hundred miles.

Last edited by risingstar3110; 2010-02-17 at 06:58.
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Old 2010-02-17, 13:35   Link #5764
Not Enough Sleep
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just read c260,

those scenes were almost direct copies form utena.
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Old 2010-02-17, 13:58   Link #5765
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So I was gone for a bit and when I came back guess what I found
Originally Posted by Mentar View Post
Arabesque: Time to change your avatar

Guess this will be a lesson for me to not put too much trust in Hayate's reasoning abilities. But I was right about Athena not dying, and it seems Hayate will be keeping the Masamune (for a while anyway) so not a bad result overall.

Regardless, I lost the Hero bet and I'll be using Hina avatar for a month now, though I don't really mind it due to her being so awesome at the end of this week's chapter. (In fact, the chapter was just as awesome, but I find the fact that Midas went down that quick was a bit disappointing. Guess I'll have to wait for the animated version of the fight to see some serious arse kicking, eh?)

Originally Posted by risingstar3110 View Post
I honor Nagi's unexpected sacrifice; while Hina is the best female heroine (not the "most favorite".... "the best" ) that i have up to now (... by far the best when comparing to the lovely casts of HnG.....)

But i have to say that the series will be really lamed if Hayate does not end up with Athena after this chapter (unless something huge in the future can win me over).

The truth is: being such a huge Hinagiku fan all these years, I still couldn't sense a Hayate x Hina 's ending (especially before "the end of the world" arc). It seems the only true rival of Nagi in the race toward Hayate's heart is Athena, and she has already been winning by a few hundred miles.
Yeah, about that ... I just don't see how AthenaXHayate can happen now, and this is coming from an Athena fan (and someone who likes the pairing but is not my most favourite). I just can't see Hayate confessing his feelings to Athena (or anyone for that matter). At best, Hayate will fulfil what he wanted in chapter 234: to clear their misunderstanding and get along again. I still hold on the view that both of them need to work on a lot of things to rebuild what was broken 10 years ago.

Also, even if they both have mutual feelings towards each other (Hayate even considers her different from all other girls he known aside from Nagi (but then again she wasn't even a love interest of his and both of them a pretty much destined to be together until the end)), Hayate never actually expressed interest in getting back into the romantic relationship he had with Athena. So I predicate that the next chapter(s) will be Hayate and Athena going back to being on ''friendly'' terms (for the time being anyway) with possibly Athena trying to bring up Hayate coming back with her before either stopping herself (from remembering Nagi's sacrifice or worrying that she might end up hurting him or both) or having Hayate stop her, due to him having to return to Nagi (the former I find more likely to happen than the latter).

If we are getting a definitive paring for Hayate, it will be either in the penultimate arc or at the very end of the story (which, IMO, we are nowhere near it, considering that Hata has been introducing newer plot points throughout 2009 with Himegami betrayal, Nagi's being told about the King jewel, Mikado being Santa, Maids having a grudge against Hayate and even older unresolved ones like Maria importance and who was Nagi's father and Hayate's brother. Mind you, those are the ones I remember of the top of my head so I'm sure there are more than those that I listed.)

Honestly, while the HayteXHina ship seems to have taken quite a number of hits this arc, it is not entirely hopeless. Hina can (and probably will) return to a favourable position again. Provided she starts going on the offensive on her own (instead of having others giving her the push to act) and tries to get Hayate ''seriously''. Aside from the emotional damage though, Hina did receive some massive power ups this arc (New sword + Promoted to Gold Saint Ranger) so I don't think she walked away empty handed out of this fight. (come to think of it I also ended up liking Isumi quite a bit in this throughout, always nice to see a member of the supporting cast end up being prominent in character-centric arc like this one)

As for Athena wining, I guess that will be the effect of having two arcs centred around you will do then (it sure helped Hina in the past) but like I said, right now the direction could go anywhere in terms of parings so will just have to wait and see.

Originally Posted by Xellos-_^ View Post
just read c260,

those scenes were almost direct copies form utena.
Hata: Um, its a parody?
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Old 2010-02-17, 15:36   Link #5766
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well 2arc were enought anyway... we cant forget that hayate was holding his love feelings for athena for all those 10years.... even throught he encontered many girls... he clinged to his own love & feelings for athena.... and now he was risking his life to save her... while after that hug her warmly...

its not like the whole manga is centered in 10years gap..... I dont even know if 1whole year has passed since nagi took hayate as her buttler till this moment.... so this 1year in comparision to 10years of longing to meet athena is almost nothing...

well there is still the thng that athena and hayate might not be able to be together becouse of the status..... like a ultra rich girl cant marry a poor guy becouse it would look bad in the society..... many things can stand in the way... but it would be interesting to have athena back at hakou and so she would act more like a girl who is in love with hayate... and not its 100% sure that both will end up together ^^

simply implant athena in the hakou school... so hina could befriend and learn more about athena.... while athena might learn more about hina (and maybe even notice that hina has feelings for hayate there is a possibility that athena will accept hina as a rival to get hayate ^^)

many ways... but still it doesnt change the fact that hayate harbored the feelings for all this time.... and no girl was able to break thought that love in order to make hayate their own (hayte treats nagi not as a love candidate... but simply as mistress that took care of him in need... so he wants repy her somehow... I kinda doubt that athena would accept nagi as haytes partner... I think she would rather accept Hina faster duo that they kinda befriended in past [for some short time till hina didnt called her A-tan] )

anyway what might happen we might learn from c261 ^^ since we can only speculate what will happen... becouse we dont know if athena will tag along with hayate to japan.... or will she stay for the time beign while hayate returns back... or athena gives nagi her money (150m yen) back for hayate (athena will keep hayate close to herself ^^ like wanting to fill the 10y time gap they lost).... after resolveing the misunderstanding and feelings both part in their own ways (till they meet again in future)

soo after we know what will happen... which path will be taken we can start assuming what will happen next with Hina, Nagi ect ^^
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Old 2010-02-17, 16:42   Link #5767
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Originally Posted by Arabesque View Post
So I was gone for a bit and when I came back guess what I found

You're a great sport. Kudos ^_^

Guess this will be a lesson for me to not put too much trust in Hayate's reasoning abilities. But I was right about Athena not dying, and it seems Hayate will be keeping the Masamune (for a while anyway) so not a bad result overall.
I have my doubts about Masamune, let's see. And about Hayate's reasoning abilities... I'd say that we should concentrate less on what Hayate does in each chapter/arc, but rather on the meta level. Hata will adjust the "present" to match the wanted outcome on the meta-level. Before this arc was over, there was general agreement that Hayate would most likely succeed in apologizing and "saving" Athena. So that's where the story goes. Nevermind that within the course of a handful of hours he goes from brooding over a girl he has thought of a grand total of once for 10 years, and who he had to ponder for a few minutes before he realized "oh, she's my suki na hito", to "A-taaaaaaaan!!!!!!!!!!"

Why? Because this was the desired outcome on the meta-level.

Another example: Ayumu for some reason brings Hina's ranger costume (how did she get it?) and shows it to her. And even more inexplicably, Hina feels like changing into it.

Why? Because Hata wanted Hina to be masked during the showdown (this is why I was confident she wouldn't be recognized).

I'd say we shouldn't try to tackle this show with all too much logic. If Hata wants to reach a certain outcome, there will be exactly the changes of heart within the characters to make it happen. Just like in the past.

If we are getting a definitive paring for Hayate, it will be either in the penultimate arc or at the very end of the story
Exactly. I fully agree.

Honestly, while the HayteXHina ship seems to have taken quite a number of hits this arc, it is not entirely hopeless. Hina can (and probably will) return to a favourable position again.
Here, I read the meta-level differently. Hata took alot of care to underline how unhappy Hina was after the revelation, how she still tried to be as altruistic as possible, and then, at the end, that she was crying over the outcome. If Hata really wanted to push Athena-Hayate, he would have skipped the last Hina parts, or maybe even shown some signs of sighing acceptance from Hina. Instead, he made her the tragic hero in pain. My evaluation:

1) He indicates that Athena is contested (Hina is not happy about it)

2) It might matter when Hayate learns that Hina helped him save Athena. Why else hide it?

With my Hina fanboyism, the long-range end run storyline I'm hoping for goes along the lines of Hayate _eventually_ realizing Hina's feelings and what she's done for him all the time, and a change of heart based on this new perspective. Yes, very longshot, I admit it ... but not impossible. Nothing is impossible in this show. And I'm sure that Hata knows that he'll be crucified by the majority of fans if he doesn't give Hina some kind of happy ending as reward for her sweat and tears.

Provided she starts going on the offensive on her own (instead of having others giving her the push to act) and tries to get Hayate ''seriously''.
Won't happen. She "officially" supported the Athena push, and I don't see her revert this.

Aside from the emotional damage though, Hina did receive some massive power ups this arc (New sword + Promoted to Gold Saint Ranger) so I don't think she walked away empty handed out of this fight.
However, this is no MMORPG. Hina will always be as powerful as the storyline requires.

Originally Posted by risingstar3110 View Post
But i have to say that the series will be really lamed if Hayate does not end up with Athena after this chapter (unless something huge in the future can win me over).
I can't share this sentiment at all, sorry. Athena picked up Hayate as a boy, that goes on her plus balance. I don't wanna list the many negatives (and I feel hesitant to blame all of them on Midas). Being a victim for 10 years and damsel in distress equals epic worthy match? With a guy who a few hours ago hadn't even known that he "loved" her? Smacks of overglorification to me.

Insufficient groundwork for me to feel at ease with this match, at least so far. If Athena develops and becomes an asset to others, in particular Hayate, my feelings may change. Until then, she hasn't earned it. There are too many others who are much more worthy.

The truth is: being such a huge Hinagiku fan all these years, I still couldn't sense a Hayate x Hina 's ending (especially before "the end of the world" arc). It seems the only true rival of Nagi in the race toward Hayate's heart is Athena, and she has already been winning by a few hundred miles.
Nagi isn't even a blip in the romantic race so far. But we know her importance on the meta-level. The one-sided Hinagiku romance has been the most relevant and most detailed development prior to the EotW arc. Hata already laid the groundwork of attraction between those two many times in the past. And he carefully made sure that Hayate did NOT realize anything yet. That's for a reason.

I stick to my call from a year ago: The show will enter the ending run when Hayate truly realizes Hina's feelings. No matter how the dice will fall in the end.
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Old 2010-02-17, 17:10   Link #5768
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Originally Posted by Arabesque View Post

Hata: Um, its a parody?
the scary thing is Hayate would look good in utena's uniform
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Old 2010-02-17, 21:44   Link #5769
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Originally Posted by zibi88 View Post
well 2arc were enought anyway... we cant forget that hayate was holding his love feelings for athena for all those 10years.... even throught he encontered many girls...
Seemed more to me like he was holding onto that stuff Athene taught him. Remember he greeted her with 'I haven't had a girlfriend this entire time, because I wasn't financially dependable enough....' Sad, really.

Originally Posted by Xellos-_^ View Post
the scary thing is Hayate would look good in utena's uniform
You'd think otherwise? BD
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Old 2010-02-18, 00:22   Link #5770
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wow nice chapter but for all the athena shippers out there (i'm sorta one myself) don't get your hopes up just yet as in this chapter it was just a nice reunion, it's not clear whether Hayate will end up with her yet. Personally I think the next chapter will be how Hayate explains that his feelings now change and that there is someone more important he must protect (ie nagi). Personally not a Nagi fan at all but all logic points to Hayate going back and serving Nagi.
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Old 2010-02-18, 01:51   Link #5771
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Originally Posted by GlassesLady View Post
Seemed more to me like he was holding onto that stuff Athene taught him. Remember he greeted her with 'I haven't had a girlfriend this entire time, because I wasn't financially dependable enough....' Sad, really.
That pervert, rejected Ayumu using that tactic, and come running to Athena totally forget about his debt.

Originally Posted by Mentar View Post
Athena picked up Hayate as a boy, that goes on her plus balance. I don't wanna list the many negatives (and I feel hesitant to blame all of them on Midas). Being a victim for 10 years and damsel in distress equals epic worthy match? With a guy who a few hours ago hadn't even known that he "loved" her? Smacks of overglorification to me.
"I'm still waiting for the world to stop hating."
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Old 2010-02-18, 02:05   Link #5772
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Originally Posted by Mentar View Post
You're a great sport. Kudos ^_^

I have my doubts about Masamune, let's see. And about Hayate's reasoning abilities... I'd say that we should concentrate less on what Hayate does in each chapter/arc, but rather on the meta level. Hata will adjust the "present" to match the wanted outcome on the meta-level. Before this arc was over, there was general agreement that Hayate would most likely succeed in apologizing and "saving" Athena. So that's where the story goes. Nevermind that within the course of a handful of hours he goes from brooding over a girl he has thought of a grand total of once for 10 years, and who he had to ponder for a few minutes before he realized "oh, she's my suki na hito", to "A-taaaaaaaan!!!!!!!!!!"

Why? Because this was the desired outcome on the meta-level.

Another example: Ayumu for some reason brings Hina's ranger costume (how did she get it?) and shows it to her. And even more inexplicably, Hina feels like changing into it.

Why? Because Hata wanted Hina to be masked during the showdown (this is why I was confident she wouldn't be recognized).

I'd say we shouldn't try to tackle this show with all too much logic. If Hata wants to reach a certain outcome, there will be exactly the changes of heart within the characters to make it happen. Just like in the past.
Lol to Euphemise deux ex machina type storytelling to being hata thinking on a meta level hahaha. Although you are right, remember how Hata made Athena Hayate's most loved person? Reguardless of the fact that in 7 volumes from the beginning there were absolutely no appearance by her at all. People wonder how does a character that people never even heard off suddenly rocks in and end up on top, well all Hata had to do was dedicate a arc to Hayate and Athena's past and bam it all makes sense as to why Hayate who is emotionally ignorant of the feelings of most of the girls around him suddenly went "omg i love athena".

Personally I get the sense that Hata only recently thought up the whole Athena Hayate story and had to remould the manga to fit the new direction he wants to take the story.
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Old 2010-02-18, 04:00   Link #5773
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Originally Posted by zodanhko View Post
"I'm still waiting for the world to stop hating."
Hardly. Not "hating". It's rather that "the world" is still waiting for Athena to prove her worthiness. For example by forfeiting her own riches to let Hayate save Nagi. Or by donning a ranger costume and helping Hayate save Hina.

She has a big chance to score major brownie points with me next chapter: By graciously supporting Hayate when he tells Athena that he needs to return to serve Nagi now. Let's see!

Originally Posted by holyman282 View Post
Lol to Euphemise deux ex machina type storytelling to being hata thinking on a meta level hahaha. Although you are right, remember how Hata made Athena Hayate's most loved person? Reguardless of the fact that in 7 volumes from the beginning there were absolutely no appearance by her at all. People wonder how does a character that people never even heard off suddenly rocks in and end up on top, well all Hata had to do was dedicate a arc to Hayate and Athena's past and bam it all makes sense as to why Hayate who is emotionally ignorant of the feelings of most of the girls around him suddenly went "omg i love athena".
That's indeed the hurdle that Athena needs to overcome with me. Looks like she'll have ample time and opportunity for that, though. At least I think that the "A-tan and Hayate destined eternal lovers" faction is in for a nasty development now.

Personally I get the sense that Hata only recently thought up the whole Athena Hayate story and had to remould the manga to fit the new direction he wants to take the story.
You know, I think I read that Hata's initial story WAS supposed to be "Royal Garden". So in a way, I could actually imagine that he has just completed his first story idea.
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Old 2010-02-18, 07:55   Link #5774
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Athena still has to prove herself worthy
You guys must best be trolling. The situation right now doesn't call for that.

Nagi's inheritance = gone. Athena's power = Sanzenin's. What can Nagi do when Athena tactically buys everything in her property with one priority in mind?

Athena will do anything in her power to never be separated from him again, she obviously woulnd't want to be lonely again, and we know how aggressive she is compared to the other girls.
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Old 2010-02-18, 08:34   Link #5775
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Originally Posted by leoblack9 View Post
You guys must best be trolling. The situation right now doesn't call for that.
"Call for that"? The question is how she will deal with the fact that it's Hayate's duty to care for Nagi, ESPECIALLY after what Nagi has just done for him. And no, I'm not trolling. For me, Athena definitely has to prove herself first, before I'd feel comfortable with an Athena-Hayate ending.

Nagi's inheritance = gone. Athena's power = Sanzenin's. What can Nagi do when Athena tactically buys everything in her property with one priority in mind?
We'll see. However, this would make Athena a selfish villain in my book. And it would turn my current noncommital neutrality towards her into enmity.

Athena will do anything in her power to never be separated from him again, she obviously woulnd't want to be lonely again, and we know how aggressive she is compared to the other girls.
If she does (I don't think so), she immediately forfeits any kind of sympathy from my end. Factually, she owes Nagi and Hina her life. If she abuses her position now to ruthlessly pursue her selfish desires in return, she'd deserve only the worst in my book.
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Old 2010-02-18, 08:51   Link #5776
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Originally Posted by Mentar View Post
"Call for that"? The question is how she will deal with the fact that it's Hayate's duty to care for Nagi, ESPECIALLY after what Nagi has just done for him. And no, I'm not trolling. For me, Athena definitely has to prove herself first, before I'd feel comfortable with an Athena-Hayate ending.
Here's what i have in mind. Hayate will still be able to serve Nagi, in the same place and with same position. But the ownership (of the property and the butler) will just be shifted to Athena, considering his promise to Nagi.

But nahh, Hayate is a sourpuss, he surely wouldn't want that and would love to find more ways to make him suffer with more debt.

We'll see. However, this would make Athena a selfish villain in my book. And it would turn my current noncommital neutrality towards her into enmity.
umm.. whut? Most women (especially rich ones) usually gets pushed into becoming selfish in love, so thats where most conflicts start (in various real life stories and dramas). I'm just applying that here, and Athena seems to be the type who loves to crush competition.

If she does (I don't think so), she immediately forfeits any kind of sympathy from my end. Factually, she owes Nagi and Hina her life. If she abuses her position now to ruthlessly pursue her selfish desires in return, she'd deserve only the worst in my book.
Its all in a circle, Athena helps Hayate, Hayate helps Nagi, Hayate helps Hina. In return, Hina and Nagi helps Hayate and through him, Athena.

As long as any of her actions does not comprise the misfortune of another, I'm going to take a step back, watch from afar and hope for the best.
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Old 2010-02-18, 09:41   Link #5777
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Originally Posted by zodanhko View Post
That pervert, rejected Ayumu using that tactic, and come running to Athena totally forget about his debt.
What? Hayate never said he wanted or thought he could get back together with Athene. He just wanted to apologise to her about what happened in EotW.
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Old 2010-02-18, 10:22   Link #5778
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Originally Posted by Mentar View Post
Hardly. Not "hating". It's rather that "the world" is still waiting for Athena to prove her worthiness. For example by forfeiting her own riches to let Hayate save Nagi. Or by donning a ranger costume and helping Hayate save Hina.
Who was it that accept HinaxHayate solely because he likes Hina the most, without having her proving this "worthiness?" The idea of HinaxHayate didn't just come to him after the ranger costume display in chapter 258, but it occured to him millions of years ago. Now, a new girl appeared, and she is needed to prove her "worthiness" (to be together with Hayate?) by helping the other girls? Kinda fishy to me.

She may not be worthy to you, but she is the most worthy female in the manga after all she had done and went through for him.
Originally Posted by GlassesLady View Post
What? Hayate never said he wanted or thought he could get back together with Athene. He just wanted to apologise to her about what happened in EotW.
He admitted and expressed he loves Athena while rejected Ayumu right away under the same financial circumstances. Moreover, he went to Athena's mansion after the dinner with Hina to learn of Athena's feelings about him and to express his feelings which I don't think was apologizing...

Last edited by zodanhko; 2010-02-18 at 11:29.
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Old 2010-02-18, 11:32   Link #5779
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Originally Posted by leoblack9 View Post
umm.. whut? Most women (especially rich ones) usually gets pushed into becoming selfish in love, so thats where most conflicts start (in various real life stories and dramas). I'm just applying that here, and Athena seems to be the type who loves to crush competition.
I don't read her this way. But if she would, she would definitely rise on my despicable meter.

Its all in a circle, Athena helps Hayate, Hayate helps Nagi, Hayate helps Hina. In return, Hina and Nagi helps Hayate and through him, Athena.
So far, except for Hayate's childhood past, Athena hasn't helped anyone but herself. In comparison to that, Nagi and Hina have been extremely altruistic, to Athenas benefit. If she is to win me over, I'd like her to do something comparable. If she doesn't, I'll remain lukewarm towards her at best.

Originally Posted by zodanhko View Post
Who was it that except HinaxHayate solely because he likes Hina the most, without having her proving this "worthiness?" The idea of HinaxHayate didn't just come to him after the ranger costume display in chapter 258, but it occured to him millions of years ago.
I didn't understand this paragraph at all, could you please rephrase? The idea of HinaxHayate hasn't occurred to him at all, when others brought it up he was all "nonono, she would never even look at me".

Now, a new girl appeared, and she is needed to prove her "worthiness" (to be together with Hayate?) by helping the other girls? Kinda fishy to me.
As I said before, I'm trying to explain why I can't find it in me to root for Athena so far: Because she hasn't done anything particularly "good" to find my approval. In the past, she has saved Hayate from misery (good deed) and trained him several skills (mostly good deed, even though the Butler theme already had a certain self-oriented tinge). The way she kicked Hayate out was already fairly ugly, and I didn't like the self-focus of her "uuuuuu, I'm all alone again" at all. In the present, I liked exactly _nothing_ which she had done before the showdown. And suffering for many years may elicit my pity and compassion, but certainly not my admiration.

Compared to that, Nagi and Hina have positively done more FOR others AGAINST their own interests. I admire this, and this admiration translates into "worthiness before my own eyes". I'd rather have these good deeds rewarded than linking Hayate with Athena, because she suffered oh so much for oh so long.

She may not be worthy to you, but she is the most worthy female in the manga after all she had done and went through for him.

Try to list what she has positively done for him in the past and present. Won't take up much space. I'll counterbalance it what nasty things she's done to him. I foresee a very "balanced" character here ^_^;

But if you consider her "most worthy", that's fine. To each his own.

Moreover, he went to Athena's mansion after the dinner with Hina to learn of Athena's feelings about him and to express his feelings which I don't think was apologizing...
It took Hina's probing and several minutes of deep pondering to even make him realize that A-tan is his "suki na hito". And hadn't Hina pushed him to tell her, he wouldn't have even moved his ass. So let's not blow this out of proportion, please.

Let's see how things go from here. Hayate hasn't "confessed" to her yet, he came to save her. I guess c261 will show how he will handle this, in conjunction with his obligation to Nagi.
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Old 2010-02-18, 13:04   Link #5780
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Originally Posted by Mentar View Post
You're a great sport. Kudos ^_^
Originally Posted by Mentar View Post
I have my doubts about Masamune, let's see. And about Hayate's reasoning abilities... I'd say that we should concentrate less on what Hayate does in each chapter/arc, but rather on the meta level. Hata will adjust the "present" to match the wanted outcome on the meta-level. Before this arc was over, there was general agreement that Hayate would most likely succeed in apologizing and "saving" Athena. So that's where the story goes. Nevermind that within the course of a handful of hours he goes from brooding over a girl he has thought of a grand total of once for 10 years, and who he had to ponder for a few minutes before he realized "oh, she's my suki na hito", to "A-taaaaaaaan!!!!!!!!!!"

Why? Because this was the desired outcome on the meta-level.

Another example: Ayumu for some reason brings Hina's ranger costume (how did she get it?) and shows it to her. And even more inexplicably, Hina feels like changing into it.

Why? Because Hata wanted Hina to be masked during the showdown (this is why I was confident she wouldn't be recognized).
Of course, you are correct. It all boils down to what Hata wants to do with the story and it will role that way. It is just that I prefer to look at the events without applying the meta-vision until the current arc concludes, because that way I can view the events as being entertaining without paying attention to all the plot holes, convenient revelations and sudden appearance (at least for the time being).
Originally Posted by Mentar View Post
I'd say we shouldn't try to tackle this show with all too much logic.
Originally Posted by Mentar View Post
If Hata wants to reach a certain outcome, there will be exactly the changes of heart within the characters to make it happen. Just like in the past.
Doesn't that ably to all writers though?
Originally Posted by Mentar View Post
Won't happen. She "officially" supported the Athena push, and I don't see her revert this.
Perhaps, but she is also the type that hates to lose, so I figure that she will get back to the race eventually. But let's see first what happens in chapter 261.

Originally Posted by Mentar View Post
However, this is no MMORPG. Hina will always be as powerful as the storyline requires.
Until Nagi buys a magical copy of WOW, have the entire cast get sucked into the game and they make a spinoff IRL (for the PS2 of course)

Originally Posted by Xellos-_^ View Post
the scary thing is Hayate would look good in utena's uniform

Originally Posted by leoblack9 View Post
umm.. whut? Most women (especially rich ones) usually gets pushed into becoming selfish in love, so thats where most conflicts start (in various real life stories and dramas).
The bolded part is nothing more than a sweeping statement.
Originally Posted by leoblack9 View Post
I'm just applying that here, and Athena seems to be the type who loves to crush competition.
We haven't really seen anything that implies that though.
Originally Posted by Mentar View Post
So far, except for Hayate's childhood past, Athena hasn't helped anyone but herself.
Not that I necessarily disagree with her doing some additional good deeds, but in chapter 244 we see Athena showing concern for Hayate and not wanting to take him away from his new life (and even though she thought about picking him up after being kicked out of the Sanzenin's, she faults herself for thinking about this) hell, even during this week's chapter we see her stopping herself from getting into his life when he came to Hakuou Academy.
As for other good deeds (outside of EotW), well I guess her actively searching for Hayate in order to save him from his parents during the 10 year gap (but not finding him, conveniently enough -_- ) and it was kind of implied that she was the one who granted him entrance to the Hakuou Academy.

Last edited by Arabesque; 2010-02-18 at 14:46. Reason: Corrected some weird sentence .
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