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Old 2004-08-24, 20:21   Link #41
Join Date: Mar 2003
Age: 41
Originally Posted by RichMan
First off, life has been good for me
good keep it that way........I don't like to type big ass essays....since I failed English 101 and trying to retake it which is a bitch for short...RichMan will be PoorMan faster than a penny falling from the Sears Tower landing on someones will hurt...the real world shows no mercy to no one
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Old 2004-08-24, 20:45   Link #42
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Location: Trondheim, Norway
Age: 44
While I can only speak from the viewpoint of my own country (Norway), I can tell you this much:

Leaving high school, especially with only 1 year remaining, will label you as a "quitter" to MANY employers. If you don't have a VERY solid reason for quitting (like family disaster or similar), they are going to treat you harshly. They will most likely look on you as a person who can't handle the small challenges normal school life brings, and those problems are more often than not insignificant compared to what you will face later in life.

To any employer, more education = better. Not just because of what the curriculum teaches you, but because of the experience you aquire by interacting with people and society.

I'm sorry if I sound like I'm preaching, but this is pretty much how it works here, and I don't think the US is much different in this matter.
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Old 2004-08-25, 04:28   Link #43
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Originally Posted by RichMan
My parents have said that computer experts are quote "a dime a dozen." Meaning that there is an over supply of them. What they don't realize is that "almost" every business they need a computer tech to help them in various areas (software, repair, troubleshooting, networking, etc!). Plus, there are alot of businesses opens up all around my area and especiallly in Sacramento which is said to be like the next Los Angelas (without the smog, lol).
I don't know if you've noticed, but many computer jobs have been moved overseas recently. Computer experts really are 'a dime a dozen' since labor is cheap in China and India, where most of the world's computer experts are nowadays. More and more work is being outsourced to these 3rd world countries, so quitting High School and getting certified might leave you jobless (or unhappy with a crappy job). I know high school can seem like an eternity to those who aren't enjoying it, but if you've only got one year left I advise you to stick it out and try for a college education. College is a bit different from high school, in that (if you're proactive and determined) you can get the kind of education you want (well, mostly) instead of having to take nothing but courses being forced on you.

If you're really determined to make your plan work, I'd recommend you do a lot more research than just relying on hearsay to determine your job outlook. The world's a scary place these days, with even college educated computer specialists looking for a job for months or even for more than a year after graduating.
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Old 2004-08-25, 09:18   Link #44
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Ouch. From personal experience, I would have to say that two really important reasons why your resume passes the first line of defense of any company - i.e., HR: the first being connections (as in someone within the company is pulling for you), and the second being "something" in your resume that makes you stand out from everyone else - 95% of them, odds are, are just as qualified as you, if not more so. That something is usually a diploma from a prestigeous school/program in which you've done well, internships in related companies on subjects of interest to the hiring company, or both.

The first year or so of college will, odds are, be a breeze, esp. if you took those math and science classes in high school. A lot of schools now have required classes that one must take before getting to those really interesting senior-level courses; classes that you can't get out of without AP credit and/or exams you take at the start of the year. While the English, history, and etc. classes may not be interesting to you now, that may not be the same a few years down the line; I never thought that I'd like business or psychology classes back when I was 17, but found out differently once I'm in college and took them to clear the other requirements.

You also, like it or not, have to deal with jerks and such in the working world, and, IMHO, socializing in a college environment with a variety of people helps. That and age mellowing oneself.

Certificates? Umm, judging from opinions from those here with whom I'd spoken on the subject, hiring a person with them will not happen unless the guy is very qualified. Finding candidates isn't hard; there are plenty of headhunters in my industry offering qualified prospectives in IT, business, management, etc. New grads and current students? Hah! The info sessions were always wall-to-wall filled with people when I was in school, and things, in this job market, will not be much different. The hard part has always been finding the gems, and as others had already mentioned, given two candidiates equally qualified but one with a GED, the other guy will usually have the better chance of getting a callback.

Things change as you get older. What sounds perfectly great now may look to be a terrible choice a couple of years down the line. In the end, it's still your call. Just don't decide without first doing some research. Cheers.
"If ignorance is bliss, then why aren't more people happy?" -- Misc.

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Old 2004-08-25, 12:03   Link #45
Join Date: Jan 2004
I really don't want to grow up so fast, but in reality, I am. and there's no way I can turn back the clock.

Just wondering, does anyone know what benefits you get from joining the army/navy/. . . etc! I probably won't join, but it might be a possibility. Who knows. . .

Originally Posted by Roots
By the way Richman, is that male ejaculation on the face of your avatar? over there! >.> *runs away*
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Old 2004-08-25, 13:52   Link #46
Join Date: Nov 2003
when i was doing staffing and a person would put down "GED" for level of education I would just say thank you we'll call. Which means no call what so ever. a GED is nothing in the working world. Stay in school and get your Diploma.
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Old 2004-08-25, 13:56   Link #47
Join Date: Dec 2003
Hmmm ... honestly I think you're dreaming ...

A parttime job just MIGHT pay the rent for someone's basement ... but that's about it. Forget about a car,internet, tv, food outside of a certain budget (ep there goes starbucks). A small house ... that's just out of question.

And from what I hear ... good luck getting into anywhere with a GED ... a GED is good for a jambajuice application or target night shift.

My dad ran out of saving last month so I had to pay some of the backed up bills for the family ... cellphone,tv,food, house phone, internet ... by the time I was done I was 1230 $ more poor ... honestly ... how far do you that 5000$ will get you?

Sorry if it came off as a dreamcrusher ... but I think you should open up your eyes to some things. Take your time ... you'll get your taste of independance eventually.
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Old 2004-08-25, 14:07   Link #48
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Originally Posted by RichMan
I really don't want to grow up so fast, but in reality, I am. and there's no way I can turn back the clock.

Just wondering, does anyone know what benefits you get from joining the army/navy/. . . etc! I probably won't join, but it might be a possibility. Who knows. .
No offense, but why do I get the feeling that you're speaking more out of frustration than anything else? If you only have a year left in high school, gut it out, work out the anger in the gym or something, and go to college. Unless you go to a small school, the odds are good that you'll meet people whom you get along with better and learn better your likes and dislikes. You'll have to come out to the working world soon enough; poor you. Enjoy it while you can, but don't mess about too much or you'll be in worse troubles.
"If ignorance is bliss, then why aren't more people happy?" -- Misc.

Currently listening: Nadda
Currently reading: Procrastination for the win!
Currently playing: "Quest of D", "Border Break" and "Gundam Senjou no Kizuna".
Waiting for: "Shining Force Cross"!
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Old 2004-08-25, 19:16   Link #49
Join Date: Jan 2004
Originally Posted by Lexander
Hmmm ... honestly I think you're dreaming ...

A parttime job just MIGHT pay the rent for someone's basement ... but that's about it. Forget about a car,internet, tv, food outside of a certain budget (ep there goes starbucks). A small house ... that's just out of question.

And from what I hear ... good luck getting into anywhere with a GED ... a GED is good for a jambajuice application or target night shift.

My dad ran out of saving last month so I had to pay some of the backed up bills for the family ... cellphone,tv,food, house phone, internet ... by the time I was done I was 1230 $ more poor ... honestly ... how far do you that 5000$ will get you?

Sorry if it came off as a dreamcrusher ... but I think you should open up your eyes to some things. Take your time ... you'll get your taste of independance eventually.
You obviously just skimmed through my posts without fully understanding. I never said that I would live on my own with a part time job. I would still live at home, but use that money to save toward a house.

As for the GED, many of you are forgetting that after I get that then i'll still move on to further education. Also, I'd be sure to get more education than anyone else in that position (Example: there are two guys. Some guy that went to college and has a high school diploma and me. I'll make sure that I have more experience, certifications, and degrees from a trade school which will make the employer overlook my GED.)

Starting with $5000 is ALOT better than starting with $0, don't you agree?
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Old 2004-08-25, 19:23   Link #50
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Why am I getting the impression that you just want to escape your house? Here's a idea...gut out the last year of high school and then go somewhere far away for college. Live in a dorm a couple hundred miles from your home, and you'll definitely feel more independent hehe.

Back to the navy and army comment....I know there are some good benefits. I think its the airforce that'll give ya a free college education, and then you work for them like 2 years after that. But right now, I wouldn't want to join any division personally cause there's a good chance you'll be put in training and then be shipped overseas to relieve some of the guys in Iraq and Afganistan for a while. If you patriotic and such, then go ahead. But it sounds to me like you just want to escape your such a case, signing up for the army probably isn't the best thing
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Old 2004-08-25, 19:46   Link #51
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Originally Posted by RichMan
You obviously just skimmed through my posts without fully understanding. I never said that I would live on my own with a part time job. I would still live at home, but use that money to save toward a house.

As for the GED, many of you are forgetting that after I get that then i'll still move on to further education. Also, I'd be sure to get more education than anyone else in that position (Example: there are two guys. Some guy that went to college and has a high school diploma and me. I'll make sure that I have more experience, certifications, and degrees from a trade school which will make the employer overlook my GED.)

Starting with $5000 is ALOT better than starting with $0, don't you agree?
Here's something you must know.

$5000 is not a lot of money, hell I don't think you can even put a down payment on a house with that. (If you do, man... you're going to have a hell of a time with 50 years of paying a house off...) I know at 17, you think that even $100 is tons of cash. When everyone that has a job knows that $100 is nothing. Most likely your mom is still power of attorney of your account, and she can just jack all your cash leaving you with nothing. You can't do anything about it either.

I'm going to use your example.

Also, I'd be sure to get more education than anyone else in that position (Example: there are two guys. Some guy that went to college and has a high school diploma and me. I'll make sure that I have more experience, certifications, and degrees from a trade school which will make the employer overlook my GED.)
Besides the obvious fact that generally speaking you won't "have more education than anyone else" without a highschool diploma. I don't care if you have 10 certifications, you won't have it. High School is so basic, it's a shame you're quiting after only 1 year left. Unless you get your AA degree (equivilant to a highschool diploma) you won't have "more education".

Come to think of it, I don't even believe anything you're saying anymore. I think you're just scared of something or someone from High School. You want to try and run from it. Final year left and you want to leave? Most strange.

No friends? Think you're a loser? Someone bullying you? You did something so embarrasing that you have no face anymore? Someone threatening to kill you?

Who knows, but I'll tell you something.

I think the best path for you is to join the Air Force or Navy, not only do you get to work with computers like you want, but you get very high prestigious recommendations too.

Working for the Air Force not only nets you valuable experiance, but it looks very good on your resume.

Just finish highschool and think about this later. Best thing for you is to enjoy your Senior year anyways. Just take everything you wanted to take. Want to play a sport? Do it, want to sculpt? Do it. you don't nessarailly have to take math, english, history, science.
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Old 2004-08-25, 22:28   Link #52
Join Date: Jan 2004
Originally Posted by aahhsin
Most likely your mom is still power of attorney of your account, and she can just jack all your cash leaving you with nothing. You can't do anything about it either.
Nope, the money in that account can't be touched till I become 18.

Originally Posted by aahhsin
No friends? Think you're a loser? Someone bullying you? You did something so embarrasing that you have no face anymore? Someone threatening to kill you?
Wrong again. I have alot of friends (10+ easily). I'm not a loser. No one could possibly bully me (i'd beat ya till your almost dead if ya did). I haven't done anything embarrasing. And if someone threaten to kill me i'd sneak up on the guy when he isn't looking and bash his skull in or i'd tell a teacher. . (this one depends on how pissed off I am at the moment)
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Old 2004-08-25, 23:09   Link #53
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Wrong again. I have alot of friends (10+ easily). I'm not a loser. No one could possibly bully me (i'd beat ya till your almost dead if ya did). I haven't done anything embarrasing. And if someone threaten to kill me i'd sneak up on the guy when he isn't looking and bash his skull in or i'd tell a teacher. . (this one depends on how pissed off I am at the moment)
Lol, that gave me a good laugh..

Well, you should do whats best for you, get a diploma not a GED thats for sure its just one year.

atm im taking classes to get A+ and N+ certified to get a entry level tech job, and go back to school in a traditional university to get computer science or information systems bachelors...

Last edited by bunnykun; 2004-08-25 at 23:19.
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Old 2004-08-26, 00:32   Link #54
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You think A+ certification gets you anything? It's as useless as the piece of paper it's wirten on.

You will HAVE to be very lucky to have a good life with just a bachlors degree from university, but you're NOT EVEN GOING HAVE HIGH SCHOOL.

A+ okay that will get you a job that pays less than what I make. I'm still in university, and I only work 24 hr a week. I think my job is shitty and pays too little.

There is an overabundance of computer techs, you missed the huge IT/computer boom by about 5 years. Majory of new graduates can't find jobs.

I don't care how smart you think you are, it's one thing to know how to study and good grades. It's a totally opposite spectrum when you're trying to survive on the streets and get a job.

If you had street sense you wouldn't be posting your life story on the internet acking random people YOU DON'T KNOW about life changing situations.

Like I said, A+ certification means shit to me, I don't have it, but I can diagnose and fix computer problems better than majority of peopel who have A+ and I didn't waste any money just oget a piece of paper saying "Hey look at me, I can build and fix computers"

You think you'll live happily ever after just by getting A+ and some computer tech job? Wait til you get a family, and you tell your kids "daddy can't afford that for you" or if you can you're up to your neck in debt. I deal with those kinds of people everyday I go to my job. Then when I go out to eat, there is someone who can't afford to pay for their meal@burger king, through debit (interac), visa or cash. They keep getting declined. Although there are two sides to why they might not have money, one they just might be poor, or others they may be trying to live out of their means.

I'll give you an example. A few months ago I went to burger king. 2 famlies in line. BOTH of them couldn't afford to pay for their meal, one family took out 6 credit cards, couldn't afford to pay in any way (they dressed pretty ritzy and everything), another family didn't have a credit card, just debit, no credit cards (wasn't dressed so well but whatever everyone needs to eat) I swear the kids were probally embarassed to shit.

They were holding the line up (I followed these guys in) I offered to pay for the less fortuanate family's meal, then the ritzy type family said if I wouldn't mind paying for their meal (in a pretty rude tone) I snapped back "outside you got a new 3 series BMW, your watches are gold and you wear nice clothes, explain to me HOW you can't afford to pay 20 bucks for food?" "oh all that, we borrowed all that from the bank and maxed out our credit cards, we have $30000 limits" and they said that WITHOUT a care. I would be soooo ashamed if I couldn't pay off my visa by even 10 cents. If you don't have the cash don't spend it.

So do you WANT to be like one of those families? I think not. Don't be a fool, stay in school.

PS you and your 10+ friends would get fucked over by me and the 100+ people that would have my back.

You call your self 'richman' but it seems you are neither rich with money or with friendships. Unless if your 10+ friends are your REALLY REALLY REALLY close buddies. Which most people only have a handful of people they can call their really close buddies.

But yea if you think $5000 (USD or not) is alot of money, I couldn't even buy a car that I'd drive for that much, much less a house, and you live in Cali?

Fuck I'm looking at houses in Britsh Columbia, where the market isn't nearly as expensive as Cali, and a fucking 1200 square feet house (that's the WHOLE HOUSE, main floor, basement AND 2nd floor (if applicable) is almost half a million dollars. That's a SMALL house.

Honestly now that I re-read this, I may come off as arrogant. I apoligize for that, I didn't mean to come off like that, but I hate seeing people throw away their lives because they think what they are doing will be the best things for them. Your parents are only looking out for your best intrests to make sure you have the best future.

Last edited by Shift_; 2004-08-26 at 00:45.
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Old 2004-08-26, 00:51   Link #55
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Nope, the money in that account can't be touched till I become 18.
Assuming you live in the US, you had to have a parent's signature on that acount. On the day you turn 18, you can go down to the bank and switch it over to your control, but until then the parent that signed the paper is the owner of that account and can handle it any way they like. They can even freeze you out of it, but you can't do it to them.

I don't care how you may think this works, this is what the law says.

Wrong again. I have alot of friends (10+ easily).
PS you and your 10+ friends would get fucked over by me and the 100+ people that would have my back.
There's no reason to be this way about it. 10+ does seem a little low, but I assume he's talking about a close-knit circle of friends, which is a great thing to have.

I think its the airforce that'll give ya a free college education, and then you work for them like 2 years after that.
It's 4 years in college, 4 years in the force with the Air Force. I almost went that route, too, except my Vietnam-vet father forbade me from joining the military. Now that all this nonsense is going on in the middle east, I'm glad I listened.
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Old 2004-08-26, 00:58   Link #56
Gomen asobase desuwa!
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Age: 43
Originally Posted by RichMan
Nope, the money in that account can't be touched till I become 18.
I'm sure banking in the United States not much different from banking in Japan...any money in any account can be taken out at anytime - it's just matter of losing interest and/or penalty fees for withdrawing prematurely. Whether it be a student savings or retirement fund, all you need is a signature (or in our case, a personalized stamp) on a piece of paper and the bank will let you withdraw it.

And yes, USD$5000 is close to nothing...that is a little over three months rent where I live. I'd take it the down payment for a house in the US is somewhat around the range in Japan: 15~20% of the total cost of the home. USD$5000 is not even a start - you'll find yourself using all that money on rent, utilities, and basic neccessities and you will realize you have nothing left over.

Besides, I'd really contemplate on getting a job....once you do, it's 40+ years of the same shit over and over again daily. I'd rather utilize and make good use of spring, summer and winter breaks when you still can. Sure, there is vacation pay at work...but you find yourself not using them since you have tons of crap to do.

Last edited by kj1980; 2004-08-26 at 01:25.
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Old 2004-08-26, 01:11   Link #57
Join Date: Jan 2004
Originally Posted by Shift_
You think A+ certification gets you anything? It's as useless as the piece of paper it's wirten on.

You will HAVE to be very lucky to have a good life with just a bachlors degree from university, but you're NOT EVEN GOING HAVE HIGH SCHOOL.

A+ okay that will get you a job that pays less than what I make. I'm still in university, and I only work 24 hr a week. I think my job is shitty and pays too little.

There is an overabundance of computer techs, you missed the huge IT/computer boom by about 5 years. Majory of new graduates can't find jobs.

I don't care how smart you think you are, it's one thing to know how to study and good grades. It's a totally opposite spectrum when you're trying to survive on the streets and get a job.

If you had street sense you wouldn't be posting your life story on the internet acking random people YOU DON'T KNOW about life changing situations.

Like I said, A+ certification means shit to me, I don't have it, but I can diagnose and fix computer problems better than majority of peopel who have A+ and I didn't waste any money just oget a piece of paper saying "Hey look at me, I can build and fix computers"

You think you'll live happily ever after just by getting A+ and some computer tech job? Wait til you get a family, and you tell your kids "daddy can't afford that for you" or if you can you're up to your neck in debt. I deal with those kinds of people everyday I go to my job. Then when I go out to eat, there is someone who can't afford to pay for their meal@burger king, through debit (interac), visa or cash. They keep getting declined. Although there are two sides to why they might not have money, one they just might be poor, or others they may be trying to live out of their means.

I'll give you an example. A few months ago I went to burger king. 2 famlies in line. BOTH of them couldn't afford to pay for their meal, one family took out 6 credit cards, couldn't afford to pay in any way (they dressed pretty ritzy and everything), another family didn't have a credit card, just debit, no credit cards (wasn't dressed so well but whatever everyone needs to eat) I swear the kids were probally embarassed to shit.

They were holding the line up (I followed these guys in) I offered to pay for the less fortuanate family's meal, then the ritzy type family said if I wouldn't mind paying for their meal (in a pretty rude tone) I snapped back "outside you got a new 3 series BMW, your watches are gold and you wear nice clothes, explain to me HOW you can't afford to pay 20 bucks for food?" "oh all that, we borrowed all that from the bank and maxed out our credit cards, we have $30000 limits" and they said that WITHOUT a care. I would be soooo ashamed if I couldn't pay off my visa by even 10 cents. If you don't have the cash don't spend it.

So do you WANT to be like one of those families? I think not. Don't be a fool, stay in school.

PS you and your 10+ friends would get fucked over by me and the 100+ people that would have my back.

You call your self 'richman' but it seems you are neither rich with money or with friendships. Unless if your 10+ friends are your REALLY REALLY REALLY close buddies. Which most people only have a handful of people they can call their really close buddies.

But yea if you think $5000 (USD or not) is alot of money, I couldn't even buy a car that I'd drive for that much, much less a house, and you live in Cali?

Fuck I'm looking at houses in Britsh Columbia, where the market isn't nearly as expensive as Cali, and a fucking 1200 square feet house (that's the WHOLE HOUSE, main floor, basement AND 2nd floor (if applicable) is almost half a million dollars. That's a SMALL house.

Honestly now that I re-read this, I may come off as arrogant. I apoligize for that, I didn't mean to come off like that, but I hate seeing people throw away their lives because they think what they are doing will be the best things for them. Your parents are only looking out for your best intrests to make sure you have the best future.
Your forgetting that you and me don't live in the same place. It's stupid to compare how it's like where you live and where I live. For example, the house i'm living in right now is new (only about 3 years old). It's a 5-room, 3 bathroom. 2-story, nice size lawn and backyard. My parents got it for about $210,000. I "know" that I can find a small house (which i've mentioned wanted to get) for about $110,000-120,000.

Also, whats the idea with you basically challeging me and my friends with your 100+ friends. I was just saying to that other person that he/she was completely wrong about me and that I do have friends and said about other stuff

Another thing, like i've said before, this area I live in is growing at a fast rate, i'm sure that I will be able to get a job here or in Sacramento.

RichMan is just a nickname I made up a while back, ok? Stop using that as some example against me.

MY parents are looking out for the best interest in me, but just don't understand. Your probably thinking the exact sameway as they are, and that is : "I'm older, so that will automatically make me smarter." Sorry buddy, but it isn't exactly like that, at least in my case. My parents might have been alive longer than me, but that doesn't mean they somehow know everything about everything. Especially then things are alot different since the old days, and schools are better (statistics say that most adults read at today's 9th grade level)

So, excuse me if I sound arrogent, but you can kiss my ass, because i'm alot smarter than you think I am.
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Old 2004-08-26, 01:20   Link #58
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"You can kiss my ass"--RichMan

Guess you didn't take in any of the reality everyone here has tried to explain in just about the nicest way possible.

You can have an I.Q. score of 180 and a potential employer can turn you down in the blink of an eye if you put your I.Q. score of 180 next to "GED" --not that you usually put your I.Q. score on a resume.
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Old 2004-08-26, 01:28   Link #59
the Iniquitous
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Originally Posted by Melazoma
"You can kiss my ass"--RichMan

Guess you didn't take in any of the reality everyone here has tried to explain in just about the nicest way possible.

You can have an I.Q. score of 180 and a potential employer can turn you down in the blink of an eye if you put your I.Q. score of 180 next to "GED" --not that you usually put your I.Q. score on a resume.
LOL that craked me up

really RichMan, people has given a million of reasons, and imo experience > intelligence, believe it when someone with experience tries to advice you, like your parents. Anyway whatever you do eventually youll see that they were right. It unfortunately happens to most of us ^_^
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Old 2004-08-26, 01:31   Link #60
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Originally Posted by RichMan
Your forgetting that you and me don't live in the same place. It's stupid to compare how it's like where you live and where I live. For example, the house i'm living in right now is new (only about 3 years old). It's a 5-room, 3 bathroom. 2-story, nice size lawn and backyard. My parents got it for about $210,000. I "know" that I can find a small house (which i've mentioned wanted to get) for about $110,000-120,000.
Good luck! What kind of bank would lend a 17 year old kid with no credit, a part time job, and hasn't even completed HS a loan? I'm assuming that your parents aren't going to help you buy your house. Ask your mom how much does she pay in interest and how long it will take to pay off the house. You'll be surprised. I think it's usually like 500 dollars worth of interest, and only 20 dollars into the house itself. You usually end up paying like 10x more then what the house was originally cost. For example, lets assume I buy a house for 100, I'll end up paying 1000, due to interest and other bank fees.

Originally Posted by richman
Also, whats the idea with you basically challeging me and my friends with your 100+ friends. I was just saying to that other person that he/she was completely wrong about me and that I do have friends and said about other stuff
That would be me. I would also add just because generally this is true, that you'll lose all 100+ of your friends and lose 1/2 of your 10 close friends. College, just stop keeping in contact etc etc. After Highschool, you get to see where your loyalty lies.

Originally Posted by Richman
Another thing, like i've said before, this area I live in is growing at a fast rate, i'm sure that I will be able to get a job here or in Sacramento.
Try it then come back. Took me 10 different interviews before I actually landed this slow dull borewitted accountant job.

Originally Posted by RichMan
MY parents are looking out for the best interest in me, but just don't understand. Your probably thinking the exact sameway as they are, and that is : "I'm older, so that will automatically make me smarter." Sorry buddy, but it isn't exactly like that, at least in my case. My parents might have been alive longer than me, but that doesn't mean they somehow know everything about everything. Especially then things are alot different since the old days, and schools are better (statistics say that most adults read at today's 9th grade level)
We are older and we are more experiance, and we do know more then you. (This isn't about how a molecule clones itself with Mitosis, or who did Glavio Princip assassinate that ignited World War I) You'll see nearly everything you learned in school is useless... We're not doing this to destroy your dreams and goals, we are all doing this to look out for you, even as total strangers in the Animesuki forums. Your parents might not know everything, but they been there, the know what to expect. And they're not that old you know.

Politicians, Movies, and Statistics, the 3 lies of the world.

Ever hear that quote?

Originally Posted by RichMan
So, excuse me if I sound arrogent, but you can kiss my ass, because i'm alot smarter than you think I am.
We're not saying your dumbass that can't add 1 + 1 you freaking moron.

What we're all telling you is that it's not as simple as you think. You may think that you can get the Loan from the bank, get your certificate, and do each and everysingle idea you have, but it's not that easy. All with a terrific Zero Credit Rating.

I don't know how anyone can get through to you, (you seem determined to get out on your own) I guess you'll just have to learn it the hard way.
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