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Old 2004-09-13, 01:26   Link #21
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I wonder if we will get to see Pride in the next chapter. I have my own theory, but it doesn't seem likely.
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Old 2004-09-13, 01:40   Link #22
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On the chapter itself, I do feel questions will inevitably be raised (I'm too am puzzled over some issues, similar to what some of you have raised).

Anyway, let's step through some things.

I am quite interested in how much stuff Arakawa-sensei revealed about this Sin in this short appearance. It seems that Pride is quite a refined cultured Sin who is concerned about appearance, judging from what he calls Envy's behaviour in the streets and his performance. An interesting thought would be to think that Pride would be somewhat similar to Houshin Engi's Chou Koumei (that would be a riot since Chou Koumei is one of the more interesting and funny villains to me)

It also seems that Pride is indeed the most powerful of the lot. Envy expressed shock and obedience without any snapbacks (see how he responds to Lust when she tries to reproach him). Gluttony was cowering in the background. Even Ling Yao was just putting up bold front. When the whole event was over, he let loose his fears. From the way that Pride silenced Envy, I began to wonder if Pride is older than Envy in terms of age or because he thinks Envy is behaving like a kid (thus earning the beratement of 'brat'), I am favouring the latter because this kind of behaviour suits the Sin's name plus I am still sticking with my theory that Envy is the first prototype Sin

Killing Lust
It seems that Roy has been set up to be the natural Sin Killer. Provided the Sin is truly immobilised from getting into range with him, Roy can simply burn and explode the Sin to death continuously till the death rate overcomes the regeneration rate provided by the Philosopher's Stone, thereby overloading or draining it.

A problem of continuous burning stems from the need of fuel and oxygen. Since the Philosopher's Stone continuously regenerates the body, there is unlimited fuel, hence the only issue is the amount of oxygen... which fits into the Flame Colonel's forte. Roy can simply keep transmuting the burnt gases, breaking down the oxides into its constituent chemicals and oxygen, thereby continuously keeping up the flow of oxygen!

Therefore by keeping up a intense flame continually burning, throwing in a sporadic explosion to cripple or blow apart the Sin (Alphonse set up that fireshield-thick stone wall as a protective measure against that), Roy can kill a Sin as long as he stays out of their reach. Poor Ed has to get in close

The big question of this chapter to me, like others have pointed out, is why did Bradley let Roy and gang off? I don't think there is an easy answer to this.

Possibilities could be that unlike Lust who was exposed and hence had to kill Roy and gang, Bradley seeing that Lust being killed, could pin all the blame to her while pretending to be ignorant of the events there or that he was tricked by them into letting them work for him. Perhaps unlike Lust who had to kill Roy in her beliefs that secrecy was paramount, Wrath believes in keeping the Human Sacrifice Candidates alive until the final main event.

However all these are just theories and really depends on what Bradley is going to do with Roy and gang in the post-chapter conclusion, then we would know what his whole plan is and whether his actions are justifiable.

James Bond-ish villains

I do not think we can get away from this :P Fullmetal Alchemist was to be a Shounen manga after all, though it proved to be revolutionary in some other areas. With that said, Lust is just simply an 'evil' villain. To quote from Terry Pratchett "Men at Arms",
Originally Posted by Terry Pratchett's "Men at Arms"
Something Vimes had learned as a young guard drifted up from memory. If you have to look along the shaft of an arrow from the wrong end, if a man has you entirely at his mercy, then hope like hell that man is an evil man. Because the evil like power, power over people, and they want to see you in fear. They want to know you're going to die. So they'll talk. They'll gloat.

They'll watch you squirm. They'll put off the moment of murder like another man will put off a good cigar.

So hope like hell your captor is an evil man. A good man will kill you with hardly a word.
Inscribed Sigils
Some people have been saying that inscribing sigils give Alchemists an advantage, then should not all alchemists do that? Personally, I think there are advantages and disadvantages to this approach. You do get the advantage of not needing to draw a sigil for performing alchemy. However I believe this is a two-edged sword. You get drawn into relying so much of this 'instant alchemy' that you ignore other aspects of alchemy, thereby becoming a novice in those areas (Regretted never practicing Healing, eh, Roy?).

Also the alchemy is restricted to a particular field. For Roy, it was alchemy involving gases. Roy would not be able to use the sigil on his glove for transmuting rock or other stuff. Also likely the presence of one sigil on the body would likely interfere with the alchemist doing other alchemy, meaning he has to take off this sigil for use with others, unless an external power source (e.g. Philosopher's Stone) is used for the alchemy.

Oh yes, finally...

It is 2 Sins down, 5 to go (provided the Father does not decide to create improved versions of the ones that died).
Lust and Greed gone. Remaining are Envy, Gluttony, Pride, Sloth and Wrath.

Now remember, people
[Manga] Pride = Mysterious new person & Wrath = King Bradley.

[Anime] Pride = King Bradley & Wrath = Izumi's kid.

Not to forget the tonnes of differences apparent between the two.
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Old 2004-09-13, 02:09   Link #23
Teh Dave
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Just throwing in a complimetary "HA!" in looking back at your adamant stance of "Anime Pride can't age like a normal human because he wasn't designed."

Now that that's out of the way, excellent translation as always. Good job there mister!
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Old 2004-09-13, 13:21   Link #24
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Originally Posted by Teh Dave
Just throwing in a complimetary "HA!" in looking back at your adamant stance of "Anime Pride can't age like a normal human because he wasn't designed."

Now that that's out of the way, excellent translation as always. Good job there mister!
Dave, thank you (and the others) for the thank you.

I hope you meant the first sentence as a ribbing (which I will take it to be so ).

However it should not be brought up here as this is a [Manga] thread, so my answer to your challenge is in the old thread
"[Anime] Let's explore the plot holes! And clarify some things"

or it you prefer it as a single post

Actually I hope those who think Bradley in the anime was designed to age, do read it...

Last edited by Yebyosh; 2004-09-13 at 13:35.
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Old 2004-09-13, 13:50   Link #25
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Originally Posted by Yebyosh
On the chapter itself, I do feel questions will inevitably be raised (I'm too am puzzled over some issues, similar to what some of you have raised).

Anyway, let's step through some things.

I am quite interested in how much stuff Arakawa-sensei revealed about this Sin in this short appearance. It seems that Pride is quite a refined cultured Sin who is concerned about appearance, judging from what he calls Envy's behaviour in the streets and his performance. An interesting thought would be to think that Pride would be somewhat similar to Houshin Engi's Chou Koumei (that would be a riot since Chou Koumei is one of the more interesting and funny villains to me)

It also seems that Pride is indeed the most powerful of the lot. Envy expressed shock and obedience without any snapbacks (see how he responds to Lust when she tries to reproach him). Gluttony was cowering in the background. Even Ling Yao was just putting up bold front. When the whole event was over, he let loose his fears. From the way that Pride silenced Envy, I began to wonder if Pride is older than Envy in terms of age or because he thinks Envy is behaving like a kid (thus earning the beratement of 'brat'), I am favouring the latter because this kind of behaviour suits the Sin's name plus I am still sticking with my theory that Envy is the first prototype Sin
To put it in perspective, Pride is the First Deadly Sin. In terms of severity, the order goes:

Pride, Envy, Wraith, Sloth, Greed, Gluttony, Lust.
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Old 2004-09-13, 14:00   Link #26
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yup, Pride is often considered as the most severe and the "leader" of the seven cardinal sins in religious literature, it's Lucifer's sin, as Lucifer refused to bow to humans because of his pride, which leads to his rebellion against heaven.
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Old 2004-09-13, 15:10   Link #27
Join Date: Jul 2004
sorry guy but i got three questions after reading this (i know very little in the FMA manga)

Human Sacrifice Candidates?? can anyone explain this for me? and is al and ed's father a sin?

and has sloth appeared? if so who is sloth??
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Old 2004-09-13, 15:36   Link #28
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Originally Posted by f00l
sorry guy but i got three questions after reading this (i know very little in the FMA manga)

Human Sacrifice Candidates?? can anyone explain this for me? and is al and ed's father a sin?

and has sloth appeared? if so who is sloth??
The matter of candidate for sacrifice (of powerful alchemist, current candidates are: Roy Mustang, Edward and Alphonse Elric, Izumi Curtis) came up when Father unmake Greed and Bradley recommands that Ed, Al and Izumi be added as candidate. When Lust said to Mustang that she won't kill him because he's a candidate, he's added to the list of known candidate. I suspect that Armstrong is also likely to be a candidate.

Sloth appears on 1 panel during the above mention chapter when we first sort of see Father. We don't know too much about him.

Father is a very old Alchemist (Greed is at least 200 years old) who created all of the Sins. We have only seen the lower portion of his face. The only feature worth noting is that he has a beard, and wores his hair long.

The last person to conclusively have seen Honeheim Elric (Ed and Al's father) is Seige and Izumi Curtis, in Central. There are no additional information about him, other than he's a highly capable alchemist worthy of Roy Mustang coming out of Central to recruit.
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Old 2004-09-13, 15:45   Link #29
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Alchemist tool

Originally Posted by Yebyosh
Inscribed Sigils
Some people have been saying that inscribing sigils give Alchemists an advantage, then should not all alchemists do that? Personally, I think there are advantages and disadvantages to this approach. You do get the advantage of not needing to draw a sigil for performing alchemy. However I believe this is a two-edged sword. You get drawn into relying so much of this 'instant alchemy' that you ignore other aspects of alchemy, thereby becoming a novice in those areas (Regretted never practicing Healing, eh, Roy?).

Also the alchemy is restricted to a particular field. For Roy, it was alchemy involving gases. Roy would not be able to use the sigil on his glove for transmuting rock or other stuff. Also likely the presence of one sigil on the body would likely interfere with the alchemist doing other alchemy, meaning he has to take off this sigil for use with others, unless an external power source (e.g. Philosopher's Stone) is used for the alchemy.
Also worth noting is that Armgstrong is under similiar constrain with his knuckledusters. With it, he can transmute rocks into anything he want, but I have yet to see him do anything else with it.

Thus far, the most generalists alchemist appears to be Izumi and Edward. Edward also seemed to pick up favorite techniques of people he encountered. He copied Armstrong's ground spike technique, and to some extend Scar's decomposition move.
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Old 2004-09-13, 16:45   Link #30
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Since alchemy is a science in the series it would be unusual to expect each alchemist to be knowledgable at each parts of the science to the same extent. Since Roy and Luis are soldiers they all know one thing that can kill a human being very fast very well and probably have general knowledge about the rest of the art of alchemy, mainly the basics. But I doubt Roy could turn stones to 'missiles' like Luis does, even if he wanted to without studying a couple books about it. otherwise he would be having one glove for stone missiles and one glove for flame attacks and would not become 'useless' everytime it rains outside or someones throws some water at his gloves.

Ed are Izumi are special in the sense that they have seen beyond the gate and their alchemy became an instinct for them. Once they have seen it they can probably copy it after putting a little thought on the subject. They 'know' everything about alchemy even though they may not be able to (or want to) talk about it.
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Old 2004-09-13, 16:55   Link #31
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Also since Roy and the rest survived Lust and even killed her, it would be unwise for Fuhrer to take further action without asking the Father for guidence. We have no clue what sort of effect Lusts death had on the Father since the two are connected. Does Father regain the part of his soul he gave to create Lust once Lust is dead or is it lost forever? For that reason it would be senseless to kill two possible candidates for sacrifice for the time being. Roy is in critical care and it would be childs play for Envy to copy a nurse and kill Roy in the hospital bed if an action needs to be taken.

Thus for both manga and the anime it has been proven that the philosophers stone is not limitless. Its just a prepaid card and it accepts currency in human lives. Possibly alchemist lives though I don't know why. Maybe because they are closer to truth and the rest of 'normal' people are blind to it and thus are less worthful?
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Old 2004-09-13, 19:01   Link #32
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You mean Lucifer refused to bow to God, because he saw him as his friend and equal.
Anyways, how much longer is the manga going to run for? Does anyone have any guesses?
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Old 2004-09-13, 19:18   Link #33
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Originally Posted by MidoriShinobi
You mean Lucifer refused to bow to God, because he saw him as his friend and equal.
Anyways, how much longer is the manga going to run for? Does anyone have any guesses?
Quoted from Yebyosh back in May 2004.

Originally Posted by Yebyosh
Considering that the mangaka has stated the plan was to draw the manga for 7 years and it had went on already for 2+, the anime would not likely have the conclusion or story that the manga has.
Don't know if that still stands... but yeah.

Oh, and thanks for the scans, Yebyosh. The chapter was great.

Kimi ni Todoke
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Old 2004-09-13, 21:28   Link #34
Join Date: Sep 2004
I think it'd be pretty funny if the manga made Pride turn out to be Frank Archer just to spite the anime crew.

And yes, I'm 100% aware that Archer is an anime-only character at this point.
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Old 2004-09-14, 02:33   Link #35
Teh Dave
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Age: 41
Originally Posted by Yebyosh
Dave, thank you (and the others) for the thank you.

I hope you meant the first sentence as a ribbing (which I will take it to be so ).

However it should not be brought up here as this is a [Manga] thread, so my answer to your challenge is in the old thread
"[Anime] Let's explore the plot holes! And clarify some things"

or it you prefer it as a single post

Actually I hope those who think Bradley in the anime was designed to age, do read it...
Heh, if you read my post again (the most recent one that is), you'll see that I wasn't disputing the fact that his aging may have been a mistake and not a "masterpiece", merely the fact that he ages like a normal human.

Your argument was that the anime and manga is a totally seperate thing, so anything that happens in the manga after the greed arc cannot be reflected in the anime. My argument is that BONES could very feasibly take aspects from manga volumes they've read and use it to "embelish" their own story. Going by the quality of the animation in ep 48, doesn't look like they've been spending too much time on the current slew of episodes anyway.
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Old 2004-09-14, 06:47   Link #36
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hey guys. i just read chapter 36. is Lt ross realy dead?
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Old 2004-09-14, 07:03   Link #37
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Originally Posted by shido2k
hey guys. i just read chapter 36. is Lt ross realy dead?
There's quite a bit of speculation about that over in the official manga thread
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Old 2004-09-14, 20:06   Link #38
Steel Guardian
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Didn't Armstrong drag Ed away on 'vacation' to the east with him to see "that" woman, a couple chapters back?
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Old 2004-09-15, 03:02   Link #39
Join Date: Nov 2003
Age: 35
Thank u for another chapter's hard work^___^~
there's something that I alwayz wondered about manga plot. Has it been revealed in the manga about the creation of the Hunmuncli? What I mean is, did it say anywhere in the manga (like in the anime) that Hunmuncli are results from failed human transmutations? If that is the case, then we can be be sure that the Futhur's secretury is a sin, and the hunmunclus created by Izumi is another sin. (though if I remember correctly, the manga never mentioned much about Izumi's failed human transmutation except for the fact that it was done to resurrect her dead child).
I cant realli remember every detail from the manga since I read through it briefly and watching the anime only makes mi confuse the two different plots. But it seems that the manga plot is moving much more slowly, and it could probably go on for another year or two. The manga hasnt revealed as much as the anime yet. But then again I guess it's only because the anime runs weekly as oppsed to monthly and it is ending veri soon.
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Old 2004-09-15, 07:39   Link #40
Rad Wanker
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How many chapters are there in total for the manga?
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