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Old 2010-10-15, 20:06   Link #5621
Defying gravity
Join Date: Jul 2010
This far and that close? There's probably going to be a major rush by the end of the day.
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Old 2010-10-15, 20:07   Link #5622
Lore Hunter
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Originally Posted by joshi View Post
Hmm, it feels out of character somehow, but
Because Azusa's character is not of Tsun->Dere but of Tsukkomi->Boke transition.

Moe Culture Essays (my archive of my long posts); J Saimoe 2008 Wiki pages (minimialistic ASuki link library for now)
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Old 2010-10-15, 20:35   Link #5623
Join Date: Dec 2005
Final AnimeSuki RUSH: 10:32:00 JST

680 :KaneDragon:2010/10/16(土) 10:32:00 ID:xDQf9LyJ
■┃┏┓┃■ ┃┣┫┃┃┃┣┛┗┫┃┃┃━━╋━━┃┗┛┃┏━┓┣┛┗┓
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■┃┏┓┃■               /                ヽ,     [[AST1016-R7sL3Aa6-FT]]-00957
■┣┻╋┫■         __     -='ィ                    ハ     <<三千院ナギ@ハヤテのごとく!!>>
■┃  ┃┃■.        ', ',      /     ¦        ¦   '     (Sanzen'in Nagi @ Hayate no Gotoku!!)
■┃┃┃┃■          ', ヽ   |     |  | |  ハ   |   |  !
■┃┃  ┃■.  (´`ー  _ ヽ ヽ   |  i __| |: i | |N l i | i,才  | ート.、
■┣┻━┫■   ` ー-  _ ̄   \|  |  |忖≧z、 i.|,斗弌x!_l | ノ::ノ\
■┗┓┏┛■.  ( ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄_ ,. -‐― \| イ〈 {i:rイ} リ trイ:i} ⅳ,'/ ̄ヽ\\
■  ┃┃  ■     ̄ ̄に二⊃¬‐― /\从 ゝ-′,   ヽ-′ハN    \ヽ ` -  __     __
■┏┛┗┓■.         ̄下、 _____ /// `¬、"   _  ""/ヘ,\     ` ー--== ≦二三三
■┣┳┳┫■          ,. <{ \:://     | いァ-- ≦|'′ ヽ}
■┃┗┛┃■.      / 彡八          ノ i |i \==v- 、
■┃    ┃■. ―== '′,イ     ` ―-=ミ_,     〃 |i  \ i   \     The final battle is upon us!
■┃┃┃┃■ ――‐ '′            ̄}‐'′ { \ ___ム|  ノハ     Now witness the firepower of this
■┣┻┻┫■                   /    \___≧|ァ彡フ ,′     fully armed and operational battle station!
■┃  ━┫■                /         Eヨ ̄{ '
■┃  ━┫■ ┏━━┳━┳┳━━┳━━┳━━┳━━┳┓┏┳┓┏┓┏━━┓
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682 :KaneDragon:2010/10/16(土) 10:32:46 ID:xDQf9LyJ
■┃┏┓┃■ ┃┣┫┃┃┃┣┛┗┫┃┃┃━━╋━━┃┗┛┃┏━┓┣┛┗┓>>680
■┃┗┛┃■ ┗┛┗┻┻━┻━━┻┻┻┻━━┻━━┻━━┻┛━┗┻━━┛
■┃┏┓┃■  i   /  ,   ./    l   i   ヽ   ヽ  ヽ/
■┣┻╋┫■.  l  /  /   .i    〃   .li     i    i ,, - '    >>2007
■┃  ┃┃■  l  .i  ./   l  ,,,--ナト    l.|-=―- l   ,ゝ    中野梓@けいおん
■┃┃┃┃■  li l_/    l   , /ニ、--― Lrt--、―フ ´ |    (Furude Rika @ Higurashi)
■┃┃  ┃■  リ   T ''''  ̄/ひ::ヽ     l:'::::::l ト、/  l
■┣┻━┫■.  l    l    /l l::::::::::l    弋::: リl/i   i|    Once more, Rika bars the way.
■┗┓┏┛■  l    l    '-、l.弋_ツ     ゞ='- l   l l    Do you have the power to break fate?
■  ┃┃  ■  l    l     lー- '   _'    ,イ   l |
■┏┛┗┓■  |     l     l 、        , '     l .l
■┣┳┳┫■  l     l、.    l ` l ー - '  ト、, 、  ./ |   みぃ
■┃┗┛┃■  l     lヘ    l r-!、_ lヽ  liニ-\ /  l
■┃    ┃■  |     l ヽ    l  , -+- !、/ /ニ- |/  l
■┃┃┃┃■  l     l  .>   l<  , ll、  l リ、r‐ l   l
■┣┻┻┫■  |    / ̄ ヽ   lヽ//l.ト、ヽヘ. /`' /   .l
■┃  ━┫■  l    /    ヽ  ゝ、_i l lヽ/ i   i l    l
■┃  ━┫■ ┏━━┳━┳┳━━┳━━┳━━┳━━┳┓┏┳┓┏┓┏━━┓
■┣━━┫■ ┃┏┓┃┃┃┣┓┏┫┃┃┃━━┫━━┫┃┃┃┗┛┗╋┓┏┛


685 :KaneDragon:2010/10/16(土) 10:33:32 ID:xDQf9LyJ
■┃┏┓┃■ ┃┣┫┃┃┃┣┛┗┫┃┃┃━━╋━━┃┗┛┃┏━┓┣┛┗┓>>680
■┃┗┛┃■ ┗┛┗┻┻━┻━━┻┻┻┻━━┻━━┻━━┻┛━┗┻━━┛
■┃┏┓┃■            / : /:/ : : ; : : : : : : : : : : `、
■┣┻╋┫■            / : : :イ:.l: : l: !: :イ : /: : : /Y: : 、     桂ヒナギク@ハヤテのごとく!!
■┃  ┃┃■       ,. :'´: : : ; /Ti:l: : |十廾x' : :/:/V! : : i     (Katsura Hinagiku @ Hayate no Gotoku!!)
■┃┃┃┃■        ´: ; : : : /人」:|:l: /Ll/、!.:| :/l/ / ; : }|
■┃┃  ┃■   ,. :´; : /: : : //_;ノ!从:{'⌒ヾ Vl/ j「`メ、' :/ !
■┣┻━┫■_彡 '´ /: : : : ; '´ ヽ」: :八″   =:<ノ:/ :/:丿      Hina gonna Hina.
■┗┓┏┛■  , . :'´ : : : :/ ,   |:.:ト、 >‐-、′ .イ/ムイ ´      Haters gonna hate.
■  ┃┃  ■=彡ィ´: : : : /  /     !: l∨   /て´.:l∟、      (Just sayin'.)
■┏┛┗┓■ /: : : : : / Y´    |:l/  /⌒ く   \
■┣┳┳┫■'′: : : : : ,'   !      lレ'′ /..、   Yヘ、 丶、
■┃┗┛┃■: : : : : : :/    |     |{   /::.:::}  ,.:1  \   `ヽ
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■┃┃┃┃■: : : : :/ |   |    j_| ヽ、     ∨ 丿  〉、
■┣┻┻┫■: : : :/:/l     !   /  ̄ ` ー‐个'´ |   /、 }
■┃  ━┫■: : : ':/: !   〈                 _ト<  V
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1-1-1, all on time.

Have some extras, while we're at it:

■┃┏┓┃■ ┃┣┫┃┃┃┣┛┗┫┃┃┃━━╋━━┃┗┛┃┏━┓┣┛┗┓
■┃┗┛┃■ ┗┛┗┻┻━┻━━┻┻┻┻━━┻━━┻━━┻┛━┗┻━━┛
■┃┏┓┃■   ゆの@ひだまりスケッチ  (Yuno @ Hidamari Sketch)
■┣┻╋┫■                    ____ 
■┃  ┃┃■                  '"´ : : : : : : : `⌒丶
■┃┃┃┃■             -=彡: : : : : : : /: : :/: : : : : : : \     The sun still shines.
■┃┃  ┃■             / : : /: : : : :/l: : : : : : : ヽ : : : : ヽ     Yuno will rise again.
■┣┻━┫■                //: / : {: : :/{:_j |: : :|: : !: : :.| : : | : ∧
■┗┓┏┛■            {/ イ\/!: /{∧从: : l: : }:⌒:ト、:l | / ハ
■  ┃┃  ■             Vハ: /:ヘ {.x‐=ミ \{∨j/_/从j:\/: :ヘ
■┏┛┗┓■             ー= イ:ハ:小       ,  ⌒ヾ_∨: /\:小、
■┣┳┳┫■              {/{: : {:ハ: ゝ"  r‐-  ""∠ イ: : :.l: ハヘ
■┃┗┛┃■              ∨{ハ } > ,__ ー‐' __, ィ/": : ∧|八}
■┃    ┃■ ̄`<ヽ ̄ヘー-、_   __,.斗=l厂゙∨└v-孑L厶/:_:_∠ ヾ           _ -- 、
■┃┃┃┃■  /  )、 \  ^´   \} {::::::ハ ∧}∧/ }::::::| /⌒ヽ_     _, -‐ァ'ニ     \
■┣┻┻┫■    / }   }       |/ {:::::{ ∨《≫≪》}:::: |,/   /⌒ ̄´ /  / /  ヽ  ヽ、 }
■┃  ━┫■,   / ̄ノ   ノ   __\∨/r┴:-..._」lヘV/_::::/{///       {   {八    }   `く
■┃  ━┫■ ┏━━┳━┳┳━━┳━━┳━━┳━━┳┓┏┳┓┏┓┏━━┓
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■┃┏┓┃■ ┃┣┫┃┃┃┣┛┗┫┃┃┃━━╋━━┃┗┛┃┏━┓┣┛┗┓
■┃┗┛┃■ ┗┛┗┻┻━┻━━┻┻┻┻━━┻━━┻━━┻┛━┗┻━━┛
■┃┏┓┃■    /: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : \
■┣┻╋┫■.   /: : /: : : / : : : : : : ヽ: : : : ヽ.: : :\
■┃  ┃┃■   /: : /: : : /: : : :/: : /|: : |: : :ヽ: : ',: : ヽヽ    シャナ@灼眼のシャナ
■┃┃┃┃■  ,': : :.i: : : /:__/: : /i |: : |: :!: :|: : :.!: : : ! |    (Shana @ Shakugan no Shana)
■┃┃  ┃■  |: : : i: : :.|: :./`メ / |: :/ 斗‐ト: : |: : : |リ
■┣┻━┫■  |: : : i : : |ィチテト、/  |/ ,ィzく | : : | : : :|    Not one person notices
■┗┓┏┛■  |: : : i : : | {んh   / 圻刈 |: : 从ハ:.:!    as the Net becomes dislocated
■  ┃┃  ■  |: : : |: : 人 V少     ヒ少 ,'イ |/ レ'    and is covered by the flames of moe~
■┏┛┗┓■  |: : : ; : :弋、 :::::    ` ::::: 人: :人____
■┣┳┳┫■  | : : |ハ: : : :|\  ` ´  , イ_/ ̄|__: : :`:\
■┃┗┛┃■  | : : |:∧.: :.ム-、` r‐≦イ`_、  r― '´|⌒!\:ヽ
■┃    ┃■  /: : :.ムニミ .:.\::>‐'´ /: :::__>┘  rァえ.| 从ノ  / ̄ \
■┃┃┃┃■. /: : : :{    \: \__|::/    |  / ' '/!ー―‐/:::::::::::::::::::\――― - 、
■┣┻┻┫■/: : : : :|      ` ー--ミ.ー- 、    |/   /\: : /:::::::::::::::::::::::::::\/ ̄\: \
■┃  ━┫■: : : : : ∧  }   ー-_ | `ー ミ>/   ,/   }/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ::::::::::::\ : :\
■┃  ━┫■ ┏━━┳━┳┳━━┳━━┳━━┳━━┳┓┏┳┓┏┓┏━━┓
■┣━━┫■ ┃┏┓┃┃┃┣┓┏┫┃┃┃━━┫━━┫┃┃┃┗┛┗╋┓┏┛

Happy Halloween for Maria...
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Old 2010-10-15, 20:45   Link #5624
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Gnawing away at Rokkenjima
Originally Posted by OverFunk View Post
People here will get more mad if Nagi wins. Is that enough. Or did you mean an actually in character reason?
Any kind of reason really. That qualifies I guess, but I'm not sure whether you are suggesting I vote for Nagi or against her.

Originally Posted by Psieye View Post
Because Azusa's character is not of Tsun->Dere but of Tsukkomi->Boke transition.
...since K-On really needed more boke.
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Old 2010-10-15, 20:57   Link #5625
Join Date: Oct 2010
The vote code generated already past 1100...
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Old 2010-10-15, 21:04   Link #5626
Public Nuisance
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Azusa's still in the lead, 530 to 509.
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Old 2010-10-15, 21:58   Link #5627
Ojou-sama Familiar!!!!!!!
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Oh well,
Just posting this here....
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Old 2010-10-15, 22:10   Link #5628
Eater of All
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Final vote:
<<あずにゃん>> (Azunyan)
Yes we nyan.

So we're at 17 votes, Azusa barely in the lead. A breeze can come by and overturn it. Now this is what I call a climatic final.
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Old 2010-10-15, 22:14   Link #5629
◕ ‿‿ ◕
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Azunyan Azunyan Azunyan!!!!!!
Vote for the United Azusa Cuteness Party!

PS: I notice quite a few invalid votes. It is important to write in the character names correctly.
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Old 2010-10-15, 22:54   Link #5630
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2nd episode of Index II a Rie appears (2011 contender?)
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Old 2010-10-15, 23:25   Link #5631
Join Date: Oct 2010
Phew... unlike the other tournaments, the real time counting in this tournament really thrill me out...
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Old 2010-10-15, 23:28   Link #5632
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2007
Originally Posted by Wanderer View Post
Yeah, like that Azusa-Mikoto match. What a snoozer.

By the way, like Psyeye, I am a swing voter who could go either way, although just a good funny reason why I should vote for your favorite would probably have more effect than artwork. Campaign away.
Vote Azunyan for the trollnagi ending #2?

Spoiler for for nosebleeds:
Saimoe 2011 (as of 7/17/2011): Waiting for main tournament bracket draw

Saimoe 2011 (as of end of First Prelims): Waiting for main tournament bracket draw.
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Old 2010-10-15, 23:56   Link #5633
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The total vote not a big difference @.@, should be a fair and good fight (assume so far not much fake vote).

and I will vote for Azunyan ~! GOGOGO!
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Old 2010-10-16, 00:15   Link #5634
Public Nuisance
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We now have 663 to 647, Azusa's lead.
Every time Nagi gets close, she's quickly beaten back.
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Old 2010-10-16, 01:01   Link #5635
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Gnawing away at Rokkenjima
Originally Posted by Zeroryoko1974 View Post
2nd episode of Index II a Rie appears (2011 contender?)
Haha, thought that was her but wasn't sure.
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Old 2010-10-16, 01:05   Link #5636
It will never be the year
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Age: 36
Goddamn she was amusing but she doesn't look near Saimoe competitive level.

Never forget
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Old 2010-10-16, 01:19   Link #5637
Join Date: Jul 2008

Nagi's win today would induce quite the early sugar rush

Spoiler for vote:

Spoiler for More Nagi:
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Old 2010-10-16, 02:04   Link #5638
Team Rocket Elite
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Seems to be a really close match. I think Nagi has a better final hour rush than Azusa so I'm a bit worried right now. Hopefully Azusa can pull through.
A miracle that you believe in when you know it won't happen......... is hope.
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Old 2010-10-16, 02:07   Link #5639
Gamilas Falls
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We will know in another seven hours.
Dessler Soto, Banzai!
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Old 2010-10-16, 03:17   Link #5640
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1st 832 votes Nagi
1st 832 votes Azu-nyan
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2010, saimoe

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