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Old 2004-11-23, 22:48   Link #21
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This is a good way to clean out your computer

Download AVg - free anti virus scanner, if you havnt ( i use norton security 2004)

download "ad ware" and "spy bot" since ad ware doesnt completely remove all the
spyware, use "spybot" to clean out the rest, make sure you update first

download "the cleaner" 30 day trials, use it to scan for any trojans

Not but not least, download firefox

O yea, make sure you check "full scan" for ad ware
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Old 2004-11-23, 23:02   Link #22
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AVg isn't as good as Avast (also free). Hell, Avast even puts Norton to shame.
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Old 2004-11-24, 04:00   Link #23
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I'd like to note that this is a browser bug that allows a virus to be installed. Ad-aware will most likely
NOT help in this case. Anti-Virus apps might help, assuming they're up-to-date enough.
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Old 2004-11-24, 06:36   Link #24
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Well i use Opera
i dont want to say its better then other Browsers
but it ist better as MSIE thats for shure..

That Problem what was appearing, i had vorseen that 4 Years ago
as the ad Banners started to work.
and that was the Point why i didnt include them on my Webpages
i want full controll over the Things in my Page..

and so i can say Adbanners=Money and Money bites ^^

btw there is no System wich is 100% save...
and for all wich recommend SP2 to install
Be aware that SP2 was 2 weeks after it cames out was 80% useless because of hacking, most hackers found new holes and ways in wich are not longer save protectet like the old SP1, and there are atm 10 new not closed holes wich wasnt there before, if u use sp2 u have mor open holes then if u use sp1

the reason i dont use msie is, it has its groundings to deep in my system...

if u want protekted from the dso Exploid load the fix down
thats better as make new holes with sp2, wich are mostly from nobody known...

everytime a rule, if MS brings out an Service Patsches allways wait 1/2 Year for the Bugfixfixfixpacked, witch closes the most errors, and stupid holes...

there was no Patsch i see since the last 4 Years from MS that not closes 2 holes and opens 3 new holes...

A running system is only that long save
as long nobody finds the holes...

have fun,

btw i never liked the dam Banner wich makes me unable to use my opera in the pulldown menüs, maby now after most people fear MSIE there will be an fix so other browsers can use Animesuki with 100% ..
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Old 2004-11-24, 15:28   Link #25
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Some very good responses here for what to do... I have to check that Avast out...

My personal setup:
Firewall: Outpost Pro - purchased version
Antivirus: AVG Free - not perfect, but very good
Anti-keylogger: Spy Protector
Ad removal: Ad-Aware
Process Cleaner: Security Task Manager
Anti-Trojan: Xoft-Spy
Sytem Configurer: X-Setup Pro
Web Browser: FIREFOX
eMail Handler: THUNDERBIRD

I have IE fully blocked under Outpost - it cannot do anything at all. I have also turned on the ad-blocking, active-x blocking, attachments filter and attack detection under Outpost.

Nothing gets thru... except the ocassional trojan from my own installs of questionable software.

BTW, if you want to avoid some of the worse trojans out there, do NOT install any of those "free" screen savers - those websites pack those screen savers to the HILT with all sorts of tracking and scanning stuff - you dont want to mess with it.
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Old 2004-11-24, 16:41   Link #26
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Originally Posted by koitenshi

BTW, if you want to avoid some of the worse trojans out there, do NOT install any of those "free" screen savers - those websites pack those screen savers to the HILT with all sorts of tracking and scanning stuff - you dont want to mess with it.
Tell me about it, those things are just crap in a can and for free. (At least pay for your crap)

Anyway I don't seem to be affected by this bug, I use McAfee anti-virus, Sygate pro firewall (Very good I might add) ad-aware and spybot SD.

I also can't get out of the habbit of using IE. I'm just so used to it, but I am trying.
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Old 2004-11-25, 02:46   Link #27
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Users of Internet Explorer 6.0 on any Windows platform (with the exception of XP with SP2 installed)

Its funny really that sp2 inst affected might be that microsoft released this since SP2 has been getting alot of bad press not to mention putting additional spyware into your machine and causeing the system to be even more unstable then it already is i for one will not be upgrading to sp2 on my xp box and recommend that you dont SP2 force opens Universal plug and play not to be confused with plug and play which allows you to plug in and play the universal service is the one that sends ALL licence info for every program on your pc to microsoft ensuring EULA compliance and leaving port 5000 a known heavily used security problem with windows this port makes it easy to get into a system oter servces like messenger not to be confused with instant messenger and the various remote access services are force started i work in a secure environment we tested and denied the aplication of SP2 as it could seriously compromise security on a windows system so if you havent woopsed and already installed this on your XP profesional OS then dont also there is a exe on microsoft update site to block the install of SP2 because of the request of many customers thats gotta say something to

**Note this doesnt apply to XP home version users as XP home is junk and doesnt give you the administrative ability to lock your computer down in first place***
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Old 2004-11-26, 12:25   Link #28
Join Date: Sep 2004
Originally Posted by alebaba
hmmm download firefox , forget ie, there are so many flaws in ie, its not even funny... I think this is my first post too
On the contrary, more people USE IE, therefore more virus makers FIND exploits and holes, if Firefox was the number 1 browser they'd blast the fuck out of it too.
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Old 2004-11-26, 16:15   Link #29
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Granted, the reason there are so few Mac virusses for example is probably not because the
system is so secure (although Mac OS X is based on BSD), but because most virus writers don't
really give a damn. Same goes for all those other systems too.

But still, FireFox is open-source, which would make it even easier for a virus writer to be able
to find exploits. Yet so far there has been only 1 major bug in FireFox (had something to do with
being able to execute files from your download filder) and countless in IE. And Outlook Express.
And... IIS. And that While IIS isn't the most popular webserver - Apache is.

Oh btw, while I'm posting in this thread again anyway:
This BUG allowed a VIRUS to be installed. Which has NOTHING to do with spyware. Thank you.
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Old 2004-11-26, 16:34   Link #30
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Originally Posted by kamu
i heard the sp2 firewall was pretty good
and if u have it...u dont really need zone alarm
is that true???
SP2 Firewall is a big security hole, you'd better keep Zone Alarm and get a decent anti-virus while at it.
I'm personally using BitDefender ATM and it works fine and has a firewall integrated (bye, bye Windaube Firewall).
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Old 2004-11-26, 20:22   Link #31
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Indeed, as Thany said, a third party sorftware firewall and anti-virus software will afford you that extra piece you need for a good nights sleep. The SP2 firewall has one notorious fault - It can be turned off by other programs, which means that any kind of trojan worth its salt will do so before engagning in nefaritous activity.

On an aside, as GHDpro hinted at, the suceptability to intrusion is a combination of popularity and design choices. Popular software (such as Apache and IE) will get attacked more than software used by a relatively small population (SunSpot and Opera), but regardless of popularity, some software will be subjected to more intrusions (IIS) than others (Apache) due to the way the software is designed and implemented - Open Source may have somwthing to do with that, but that remains to be proven (compare BIND and it's miserable history of security breaches).

In the end you have to make an informed choice - "What are the dangers of using a certain piece of software" against "What are the benefits of using a certain piece of software". I, personally, am very much in favour of dropping Internet Explorer, since I find that the risks are too high, but that choice will vary according to how much of a benfit you can glean from its continued use.
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Old 2004-11-26, 21:09   Link #32
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the bigger the wall... the greater it f.... ( ehhem effz up)!
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Old 2004-11-27, 08:23   Link #33
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Oh btw the best defense to stop anoying pop ups and spy ware is to close ports as it doesnt matter what adawar or anti spyware you have they will get through maybee not as many but it only takes one and those anti spyware programs are not able to get rid of or block the microsoft embeded spyware you need to close off ports on your router or by ending the actual service in your services tab located at (right click my computer and select manage.
though spyware does not give you a "Virus" one could confuse it for a virus as spyware does lag your processor hog memory and slow your connection speed. in the old days these were considered as a virus but they were annoyance viruses and later deemed spyware. so you wonder what can spyware do well for instance it can snag the encrypted file and copy it out to the internet which can then be used against you it can also gain credit card and other info from you spyware is commonly used to track the sites you view in an attempt to gain an advertising edge for your spam mail and other things like Pop ups a spyware program actually is a trojan horse virus if you get to specifics as it does the same thing only it has a bot that enters and exits your machine ill explain

a trojan virus or trojan horse is a script that leaves a back door into your system so an attacker can compromise the system.

a spyware is a program that opens up a back door into your system so that information can be transferred to the creator and as microsoft has found out in there 1500 exploits a dorr you can exit can also be entered by an atacker. for instance there are always exploits found in internet explorer for example these exploits are caused by microsofts embeded spyware which is found out by hackers so they can easily get into a system.

and on a final note
Zone alarm pro is a bad program to use because it was for a long time open source a better program is network ice /black ice yes its true there have been some exploits on it 2 to be known but it still provides the best protection the only reason you hear about the exploits from black ice defender is cause you have to pay for it zone alarm is free the bottom line is no matter what you put on your computer be it apliance firewalls, sniffers, ip spoofing boxes, or software it can be broken into and on a home level with zone alarm or any of the other home based firewalls it takes a hacker ruffly 45seconds to 2 minutes (were talking bout a real hacker not a script kiddy) to get into any microsoft system because with the demand of lazy, uneducated, and illiterate in computers people's demands for a more easier to use invironment they had to sacrifice security so if you really want security then get linux or solaris 10 both are free or very cheap to boot both work on pc's and while linux does have open source it also is able to be locked down for a very secure environment.

on virus scanning stuff go with norton hands down its the better then mcafee. mcafee has had alot of issues of their definitions being intercepted and replaced with viruses because the mcafee user interface resides over the internet to save space and recources while compromising security so only the scan engine database lies on the computer it was a good concept but it didnt work i might be biased as i have a copy of norton corporate 7.x my company gave us all a copy for home which has free lifetime updates including software updates hehe

but anyways to anime suki thanks for letting us know it shows you care about your visitors and you get 2 thumbs up for the heads up
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Old 2004-11-27, 08:54   Link #34
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Originally Posted by g8keapor
on virus scanning stuff go with norton hands down its the better then mcafee. mcafee has had alot of issues of their definitions being intercepted and replaced with viruses because the mcafee user interface resides over the internet to save space and recources while compromising security so only the scan engine database lies on the computer it was a good concept but it didnt work i might be biased as i have a copy of norton corporate 7.x my company gave us all a copy for home which has free lifetime updates including software updates hehe
You're pretty lucky, because the major problem about Norton is that you have to pay every single year to continue using it.
There are a few others anti-viruses programs too of course that could work.
McAfee for some reason seems to make crashing WinNT (even though, it doesn't affect much) while Panda detect trojans/viruses which aren't.

I'm currently using BitDefender 7.1 with Windows XP Pro SP1 (got rid of the SP2) and it works fine and the serial key you buy is usable for 10 years (which is pretty good IMO)
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Old 2004-11-27, 09:38   Link #35
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Firefox would be real nice if they did not have the crappy Sunjava that will not let you change the font that is used with it. So I just use I.E. with a virus scanner.
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Old 2004-11-28, 00:13   Link #36
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Firefox has a extension which allows u to open the "problematic" webpage you are in , in IE.
And webroot's spysweeper is a decent anti-spyware programme , it alerts you if there are any additional programmes at startup

Last edited by Cereal; 2004-11-28 at 05:07.
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Old 2004-12-07, 21:20   Link #37
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Umm... Shoeshefied... how exactly do you delete the files in %temp% WITHOUT having to delete each and every one of them individually? I found that even with the "Secure Shredder" from SpyBotSD, I couldn't delete the folders. When I tried, the folders were merely renamed...

Please help!

Thanks in advance!

[edit] There were also files I couldn't even delete individually...
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