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Old 2005-12-28, 14:01   Link #21
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How old is Ed!? Isn't he 14?
I know I could be a jerk sometimes when I was 14.
Honestly, a 14 year old kid is, in general, quite selfish.

50$ says you've ben jerks and acted selfish at some point.

Last edited by Mattis; 2005-12-28 at 14:03. Reason: spelling
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Old 2005-12-28, 14:44   Link #22
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Originally Posted by project myu
Well, Ed deduced that the priest was going to become wealthy himself off of donations and whatnot, but really, at what expense? Not at the people's because they all becames successful along with the city. In hindsight, it's better that the priest was killed but there was no way that Ed would've known that he was some psycho who was going to create an army.

By the way, I'm a Christian, too (I'm a part of a fellowship at my school and attend church regularly on my own).
Ed didn't just deduce what the priest's goal was. The priest told Ed himself he was going to create a army of believers willing to die for him because they think he can bring them back to life which the Elric brothers know form first hand experience to be false.

And as for the original question why Ed is a jerk. He is 16 year old genuis who seen and done more then people who are many times his age.
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Old 2005-12-28, 15:19   Link #23
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Originally Posted by project myu
My theory is that in fact, men like you created lack of faith. People who are angry with the world or are too insecure and afraid to believe that they might not be in complete control of their own lives. Also, please don't say anything about having had to go through too many experiences.. EVERYONE has problems, and no matter what you've gone through, I'm willing to bet there are many more who have gone through worse and still have some sort of faith.
It goes both ways.


Other than that I think the Elric brothers did the right thing in the end when they fought the false priest. With the results in hand he really was a fraud.

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Old 2005-12-28, 17:04   Link #24
The Last Visible Dog
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Geez. I'll throw in my $.02, and then I'll be quiet.

Religion was created to explain what couldn't be understood at the time. Why does the sun rise every day? Helios is riding across the sky in his chariot of fire. Why is that guy over there raving at no one? He's possessed by a demon. Why didn't it rain enough for a good crop this year? We did something to displease God.

Science advanced, and now we know about the rotation of Earth around the sun, about schizophrenia and mental disorders, and about weather patterns. Science is effectively undercutting the very need for religion. Right now one of the biggest debates raging between science and religion is the origin of the universe. It may be a long way off, but I have faith* that we'll find out what happened to get us all here, and I seriously doubt it will be an omnipotent creator. Until then, i have just as much faith as the guy next to me who believes the universe was created in 6 days. The difference, one of these beliefs is provable.

A couple of months ago, i hated the idea of religion. As I stated above, science and religion are pretty much mutually exclusive. But in October, I was sitting in a funeral, and i realized that here, religion still and will probably always, have a place. We can never know what happens after we die. Here is where everyone has faith, whether you think you'll be sitting around a throne singing hymns all day, or if you'll just die and what was you will cease to exist.

For this reason, I've chilled out a lot when it comes to religion. I used to instigate the shit out of people when they came to my door (Christians of all denominations on the board, please try and discourage this practice among your peers, as it's really only doing a disservice to the cause, because it's fucking annoying).

*As someone said before, faith and religion are different. One can have religion without faith, and vice versa. Saying you have faith is relinquishing your control over the situation. "I have faith in the system. (The system will point me in the right way.)" "I have faith that everything will turn out all right. (This is all part of a higher being's plan.)" I don't think faith is a good things in many circumstances, as it's that sort of bullshit faith that'll let a mother watch her kid die of some infectious disease because she believes it's part of some plan.

On topic: Ed isn't a very mature person. He's arrogant and pretentious. I thought what he did in Lior was pretty in character for what he'd do when surrounded by people he figured had weak minds. Could he have been nicer about it? Yeah, but then he was just doing things for the people's own good. Besides, even being mean about it didn't accomplish much, until the very end.
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Old 2006-01-24, 18:01   Link #25
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*sneaks in with a comment

well, im a catholic, and i thought id throw something in real quick. in my opinion, there is a lot of evidence for and against christianity. as it has always been, it really comes down to whether you believe it or not. its a matter of faith. as for forcing it on other people, unless youve been on a bad streak and just meeting pushy people, thats not what we do. just like youd spread the word about a good anime like FMA, a lot of christians like to spread the word about their faith. think of it that way. its more "hey i found this neat religion that really works for me-you should check it out if your interested too" rather than "hey you need to believe this or ur goin straight to hell" type of deal. at least thats how i think it should be.

*sneaks back out

**edit: does anyone know who that is in xellos' sig and what anime shes from a few posts up?

Last edited by ruchik; 2006-01-24 at 18:05. Reason: another question
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Old 2006-02-28, 12:41   Link #26
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just keep watching the series and you'll find out. Anyway, theres nothing wrong with being selfish. Edward (not eric XD) does care about the city and You DO realize that if Edward didnt crush everybody's dreams, they'd be turned into a brainwashed army that doesnt fear death rite? Just keep watching and you'll see.
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Old 2006-03-06, 15:57   Link #27
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Let me start off by saying that I am a Roman Catholic who went to a Catholic elementary school, invited my friend to participate in RCIA, and am comfirmed. I am going to be 16 in April. One of the great things about Hiromu Arakawa is that she includes views from so many different characters. Ed's view is that religion is fake and that God is not real either. Personally there are times when I have doubted if God actually existed because of close friends and family dying at a young age. I think this is why Ed is doubtful of God and also the fact that he wasn't brought up in any certain religion and has been obsessed with science since he was little.

However, Rose's view is that God is very real and she will go to any extent to show Ed that. Hiromu Arakawa never said which view was right. Everyone has an opinion and they are not always going to agree. Since Ed's view of 'God isn't real'
was there, then he felt that he had to do whatever he could to show everyone that it wasn't real. He saw all these ADULTS living in complete innocence. They had seen people die and believed they could be resurrected, like children. It was like reliving his own past, the day he tried to bring his mother back. He couldn't bear to see people make the same mistakes he did and he knew that he would have rathered that someone had told him what could happen to him if he had tried to bring his mother back.

You have to take the series into more depth and think about it instead of just looking at the surface. One of the great things about this series is that you can get into the character's minds and see what they are thinking. Ed isn't such an easy character. He is still learning. His brain is still developing yet he is living an adults live. He has to face choices as a state alchemist that he never would have had to as a normal child. He has seen horrible things that a normal 14 year old wouldn't have.

Throughout the series you come into things that you think are never going to happen and they happen. Things that you suspect are going to happen never happen. Ed and Al both change dramatically throughout the series and mature as well. Ed starts to get more serious and acts older than his age. He actually says some pretty deep things. (to original poster) If you ever get to watch episode 50, when Roy and Ed are talking, Ed says something very deep and very hard to grasp. Just watch the show with an open mind. Noone is trying to make you change your opinion about Religion. Hiromu Arakawa is trying to change your PERSPECTIVE on life.

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Old 2007-05-10, 21:47   Link #28
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I can understand why you would think that.
It is just because of what happened to him and his bro
He just wants to get their bodies back mostly his brothers
Tell you the truth I never noticed until you said it that sometimes he does sound a bit selfish
I'm not saying the religion is fake but Cornello was giving them false hope
Ed just exposed him of that
I for one don't belive any religion but you don't have to agree with me
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Old 2007-05-10, 22:01   Link #29
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Originally Posted by haunterex View Post
If i have to claim i "believe" in something, it would be science.
i am an agnostic, i dont know if god exists or not, but i am certain it certainly isnt the gods described in organized religions such as christianity and islam. Why? Simply because the teachings and the "reasonings" of them are full of contradiction and fairy tales. It was written by people who thought the earth was flat, the eath was the center of the universe, that diseases and viruses are little devils sent by satans to hurt them.
The bible and its sisters are fill with faily tales and "events" simply proven almost improbable by modern science. A pair of animals on the ark to prepare for the flood? no god damn way would noah how to get to the poles to get penguins and polar bears; adam and eve were the first human? impossible, since that means their children would have to mate with their brothers and sisters like rabbits in order to popular the earth, and that's not even considering the genetic disorder.
God is the most powerful and loveful being in the world? then how can he create a defected angel named satan?
The bible worked for explaining life for the europeans living in the dark ages, but modern science replaces the need of false assumption and lies for explaining how the world works. It was called the dark age for a reason; church and politics were one, people were killed because priests claimed they were evil, women were burnt as witches because they were a bit different from the mass. Europe snapped out of that dark period of time because people started to question about their religions and think with REASON, instead of just believe and accept with FAITH.

Praying doesnt get you food to eat, praying doesnt give you the knowledge to erect a building or a bridge, praying to jesus doesnt get you the knowledge and formula for medicines. It's all the hard work of normal human being.

A religion and its gods are powerless and false because it requires people to believe to exist.
God didnt create us, we created god to fullfill our fear and desire of life.
We WANT to believe theres a better place waiting for us to go because we dont want to accept the fact that some of us might be wasting our life working for nothing.
but the fact is, religion only slows down human progress. Relying on god is just as useless and sitting on the floor and hope food will appear magically in front of you.
Civilization rise and grow with human unity and technogically progress. It falls and die when the ruling class and society are plagued with the destructive rules and lies of its religion and its fairy tale beliefs.

If you christians really want to retail your faith so bad, go to your church and stay there. I am sure your god will provide everything you need if you just pray hard enough. The rest of us reality based agnostic/atheist/non organized religious deists can work our asses off to ensure our future are within our own control, not some imaginary friends who seems to set rules and plans to destroy and trash the planet and dictate human nature and society.

Oh yeah, one last thing, christian-right fundies are the mirror image of the islamic/muslim extremists. Except the middle east groups are armed with RPG, and you christian fundies are armed with nukes. ( All weapons provided are thanks to science, not praying to jesus or allah. Pray only gives you a sore throat)
I couldn't agree with you more
almost everything you said is things I have thought of
but I know that you wouldn't like it if people shoved their belifz down your throat
don't try to prove them wronge just state your opinion
I agree with you but just try not to be so harsh dont kill me for saying this I'm just letting you know kay^^
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Old 2007-05-10, 22:02   Link #30
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Originally Posted by animekitten6 View Post
Let me start off by saying that I am a Roman Catholic who went to a Catholic elementary school, invited my friend to participate in RCIA, and am comfirmed. I am going to be 16 in April. One of the great things about Hiromu Arakawa is that she includes views from so many different characters. Ed's view is that religion is fake and that God is not real either. Personally there are times when I have doubted if God actually existed because of close friends and family dying at a young age. I think this is why Ed is doubtful of God and also the fact that he wasn't brought up in any certain religion and has been obsessed with science since he was little.

However, Rose's view is that God is very real and she will go to any extent to show Ed that. Hiromu Arakawa never said which view was right. Everyone has an opinion and they are not always going to agree. Since Ed's view of 'God isn't real'
was there, then he felt that he had to do whatever he could to show everyone that it wasn't real. He saw all these ADULTS living in complete innocence. They had seen people die and believed they could be resurrected, like children. It was like reliving his own past, the day he tried to bring his mother back. He couldn't bear to see people make the same mistakes he did and he knew that he would have rathered that someone had told him what could happen to him if he had tried to bring his mother back.

You have to take the series into more depth and think about it instead of just looking at the surface. One of the great things about this series is that you can get into the character's minds and see what they are thinking. Ed isn't such an easy character. He is still learning. His brain is still developing yet he is living an adults live. He has to face choices as a state alchemist that he never would have had to as a normal child. He has seen horrible things that a normal 14 year old wouldn't have.

Throughout the series you come into things that you think are never going to happen and they happen. Things that you suspect are going to happen never happen. Ed and Al both change dramatically throughout the series and mature as well. Ed starts to get more serious and acts older than his age. He actually says some pretty deep things. (to original poster) If you ever get to watch episode 50, when Roy and Ed are talking, Ed says something very deep and very hard to grasp. Just watch the show with an open mind. Noone is trying to make you change your opinion about Religion. Hiromu Arakawa is trying to change your PERSPECTIVE on life.

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!
(as a friend)
that is an awsome way to put it!!!^^
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Old 2007-05-19, 06:57   Link #31
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First things first, it Ed Elric not Eric. As to why he wants the stone you must watch the rest of the episodes.

Also let us not get into a fight about religion and faith.
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Old 2007-06-06, 03:20   Link #32
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Join Date: Jun 2007 offense but this topic should I say not well thought through?Dude, I mean number 1 that God they believed in ended up turning out to be mr baldy and that red stone right?So tell me,why is it so bad that Ed stood up against it...I'm a christian to but personally I don't care about what Ed did because that guy was a fake anyways.

BTW people can we stop with all the "Ed's a baby!" and "Ed needs to grow up!" "He sucks!"
PLEASE! Seriously this is the first place I've ever been where people don't like Ed and flame him...
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Old 2007-09-18, 23:29   Link #33
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Lol. He's not a jerk. He's awesome
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Old 2007-09-18, 23:31   Link #34
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Originally Posted by Mattis View Post
50$ says you've ben jerks and acted selfish at some point.
How dumb are you? Who said no one's been a jerk? Then you are both retarded T___T
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Old 2007-09-19, 17:33   Link #35
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Originally Posted by project myu View Post
I just watched the first episode of Full Metal Alchemist and he just comes to some city and wants to steal the stone from the priest for his own selfish reasons? And what the heck is his problem, so what if other people believe in God, why's he gotta try to force his lack of faith on others? And even though the priest is a fraud, just like he said, it's a wealthy city now where everyone's happy..
Idiot. :/ Don't go off debating and asking questions if you've only watched the first episode, watch the entire series.

I'm a Christian, and it doesn't bother me, so cut the fricken relegious debate crap and take it somewhere else.
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Old 2007-09-19, 20:51   Link #36
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Originally Posted by EdwardSantheMighty View Post
BTW people can we stop with all the "Ed's a baby!" and "Ed needs to grow up!" "He sucks!"
PLEASE! Seriously this is the first place I've ever been where people don't like Ed and flame him...
I agree. i think people tend to forget how old the people in the movies ARE. How can you expect someone to grow up when they're just children. Ed was 12 (TWELVE) years old when he became a state alchemist. Heck, even at 15/16 that he is later in the series, thats barely a freshman or sophomore in highschool. So of course he's not grown up. And obviously Al is even younger...
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Old 2007-09-19, 20:57   Link #37
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Umm... you people are aware that this thread is 2 and a half years old, right?
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Old 2007-09-23, 19:53   Link #38
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Originally Posted by ProtoMan View Post
Umm... you people are aware that this thread is 2 and a half years old, right?
.... I'M not the one who revived it....
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Old 2007-09-27, 05:37   Link #39
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Originally Posted by haunterex View Post
no offense, but that's what organised religions, especially christianity and its sister counterpart, islam/muslim do. Your religion requires you to "spread the words" and "show the true way" to everyone because that's the "right" thing to do. And dont try to push the blame onto catholic, its just different branch of the same bs. It origins from the same bookers, but with differen readers interpreting it differently and claimed themselves to be correct.
Christianity nowaday, especially in america, is still the primary and dictative religion.
For christians, it's ok to incoropate, act and show their faith because of "freedom" and "righteous". But it's considered an attack or discrimination if an atheist/agnostic or people from other religions to oppose any christian views in society.

what the hell is his problem?? what the hell is wrong with your logic?
ed and al exposed the priest's scheme and his fake religion which were lying and cheating the people. The problem here isnt believing in god, but believing in a false god and a false religion. ( even though all religions could be fake).
you need to learn how to read buddy, everyone was happy under a big fat lie, and the priest is cashing out on these people's hopes and dreams.
Can you see a parallel image with real world's religion???

faith has no place in reality and science, just as fact and logic has no place in organized religion.
Well we all no that god is real so lets not change the topic of the this thread. Edward is still young and inmature in the first/second ep later on in the series ed realise this and changes his ways.
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Old 2007-10-03, 10:37   Link #40
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Originally Posted by ProtoMan View Post
Umm... you people are aware that this thread is 2 and a half years old, right?
I dont pay attention to that
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