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Old 2006-01-05, 02:24   Link #1
Hai, Nao-oneesama!
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Top Five Anime Guys and Gals

EDIT: This post was intended for the Mai Otome boards, which is why it has such an HiME / Otome slant. The mods moved it, blah, but what are you going to do?

I'm surprised our boards don't have one of these threads, as they're really fun if they get going.

Okay, here's the rules of the thread. List, in reverse numerical order, your favorite five anime males plus your favorite five anime females, with reasoning why. If you want to do just some of those (ie only girls, or top 3 of both) its okay. It's impressive the amount you can learn about someone by reading them explain their favorite characters. Commenting on other people's choices is fine, but no flames; opinions are just opinions. Keep spoilers for all series but Mai HiMe and Mai Otome to a minimum, and tag them where appropriate.

Get cracking! I love reading these even more than I enjoy writing them

The Guys

5) Homura Nagi (Anime: Mai HiME)
He certainly shouldn't need an introduction on these boards. Nagi managed to roll playfulness and mysterious evil into one entertaining personality. It doesn't hurt any this his voice actor, Ishida Akira, is one of the most talented male voice actors in Japan. Later in the series, when he took a back seat to the Obsidian Lord, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret.

4) Souichirou Arima (Anime: Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou [Kare Kano])
Also known by its English name of His and Her Circumstances, Kare Kano is a traditional school drama made genius by its plethora of amazing characters. Most of the females in the series are worthy of honorable mention in their section, but as far as males go, Arima takes the cake. He manages to combined a genuinely sad, tragic childhood with an iron will to be the perfect being. The end result is a fragile and yet strong young man, who I couldn't help but like. The anime ends before his full potential is explored, but the manga is much longer (and better).

3) Abarai Renji (Anime: Bleach)
[Very Minor Bleach Spoilers] Quite simply, Renji is one of the best motivated characters in anime. He starts opposed to our heroes, and through the story, ends up one of their staunchest allies, and at every step of the way, you can feel the full weight of his emotions, and the conflict he goes through. It doesn't hurt any that his fight scenes are some of the most incredible animation I've ever watched. Bleach is one of the most well-paced shounin 'fight' animes, and has a killer plot to back it up.

2) Uchiha Sasuke (Anime: Naruto)
I always have a hard time recommending Naruto to people. There are better series, which pack more enjoyment into a shorter span. But the early writers of Naruto wrote some wonderful characters, and Sasuke is the best of those. Starting with the already enjoyable archetype of an cold but talented young man with a burning need for revenge, sprinkle in some angst, make him a ninja, and I'm sold. The true depth of his character, mostly shown through his interactions with his twisted brother Itachi, are a joy to watch. Unfortunately, this series goes up and down, and Sasuke's best parts don't come in until late in the series (130 episodes in), but its (almost) worth watching through all the various humdrum to get there. Hey, I did.

1) Niwa Daisuke (Anime: DNAngel)
DNAngel is parallel to Mai HiME in terms of my favorite anime, and Daisuke is a major part of why. He has a quality of honesty and genuine cheerfulness that made him a lot of fun as a protagonist. He angsts well, in limited bursts, and his natural energetic self breaks through endearingly. Most of all, his plight of sharing his fate with a Phantom Thief named Dark, and his reactions to it, make him my favorite anime male. If you haven't already, you should go watch DNAngel.

The Gals

5) Fujino Shizuru (Anime: Mai HiME)
Ah, Kaicho-san. So much potential, but it was never really realized in Mai HiME. She didn't get nearly enough development or screen time, coming in quite late into the series as an important character. And much of what she had served more to develop Natsuki rather than herself. But many of the scenes she was in were the most dramatic in the series, and Shizuru herself was riveting once she got serious. Still, I had a lot of questions about her that they never really bothered to answer. Perhaps I don't quite "get" her. But I loved her enough to put her above a lot of contenders.

4) Shihouin Yoruichi
(Anime: Bleach)
She plays an admittedly small part in the series, but I enjoyed every second of her screen time. She's playful and deadly (and a ninja to boot!), and knows how to strike the right balance of comedy and drama in every scene she's in. Her back story arc with Soi Fong is absolutely beautiful, and her fight scenes are on par with the rest of those in the series (which means awesome).

3) Fukuzawa Yumi (Anime: Marisama ga Miteru [Mari Mite])
I expect a good number of the shoujo ai lovers on these boards will be familiar with Mari Mite. If you're not... go watch it. Be warned, if you're looking for action, there isn't much (neither sex NOR explosions), but you'll find an all-girls school filled with believable characters, interactions, and enough drama/angst to satisfy anyone. Yumi, as the main character, is the central point that most of this drama revolves around, and hence, my choice. Honestly, virtually any of the characters from this show could have filled this slot, but Yumi's lovable personality and cute interaction with Sachiko (her Oneesama) put her over the top.

2) Harada Riku (Anime: DNAngel)
Undeniably the straightest girl on this list, Riku is probably one of the most realistic and enjoyable portrayals of a young girl in the world of anime. No angsty back story, no magical powers, just a fun, honest-to-goodness tomboy who I immediately fell in love with, and remained in love with until the closing credits of the final episode. Did I mention you need to go watch DNAngel?
Spoiler for Major Spoilers for DNAngel:

1) Kuga Natsuki (Anime: Mai HiME)
Yeah, yeah. Big surprise, right? But she deserves the number one slot, without question. Natsuki is a blast, from flying onto the ferry astride Dhuran, to her final touching moments clutching her precious person. Hell, Natsuki was the only reason I even watched the show for the first four episodes. She's a spectacular character, mixing in caring, strength and vulnerability with a healthy dose of kick ass.

Last edited by Tremalkinger; 2006-01-05 at 18:15.
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Old 2006-01-05, 02:51   Link #2
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I know I'm new to these forums but... Nevermind.

I'll just post all my MH/MO top5's.

Mai Hime:

Women(Easy for me to think first, there's less men):

Okay Haruka can be the 6th, but I have to choose 5.

5: Mikoto - She's funny, when I first saw this anime, I thought"Wow, they got 3 main characters. In the future, I bet I'm going to get ued to that "guy's" freaky look. And after I keep hearing" her her her" I was like"This Mikoto guy is a girl?! At the end theme of episode1, I saw Mikoto sitting with a cat and saw her with a skirt and I was like" " She's really exiting to watch, those funny musics were mostly from her and what she does. Like in episode2, she runs around because the chili bread was so chili, and crashes into Nao.

4: Shiho - She's just, well... Kiyohime-like hair. Or Diana. I just love how she twists her hair in episode1. In episode1, it's like a movie after I see characters in the op theme, I go"Hey! I seen 2 of them so far!" (Mai and Takumi, I didn't know Mikoto was that girl in the water yet) And then after the op theme, I seen Shiho and Tate standing and watching. It took me awhile to understand her act on episode24, she was just cursed by something.

3: Shizuru - At first, I was scared from the first time I heard her talk. Sounded so, evil-like. Also her eyes, it was red. I was like"She's going to be evil, I can tell. " Her love for Natsuki made me laugh and started to like the way she acted. Of course, she looked like a doll after she said she loved Natsuki in episode23. And in episode25, she was scary the way she walked and her clothes. Man who wouldn't love Shizuru and her act?

2: Natsuki - Natsuki seems smart about HiME, but that guy she always talks to at the garden in episode26, says she's very dumb at grades though. But her mean act in episode1 mostly was the coolest. They fought like normal girls, *Mikoto pulls Natsuki's ear and Natsuki falls* That reminds me of a cat fight. I laughed at her and Takeda's scenes.

1: Mai - She's just funny. I love her act. She sounds different on episode1, than episode26. I realised that when I re-seen them from long ago. Tate and Mai scenes in episode are so funny! Especially when they were walking to Mai's room to get Takumi's pills, they were in a talk fight. "I'm only saying the way I think." Or I think that's what Mai said.

Men(There's only 5most important men, I'll just go by likings most)

5: Kazu - I don't know him much. He doesn't show that much but at the last episode, they seem to show alot.

4: Nagi - That evil white-blue haired cream like scary boy. His eyes are sharp almost at the end of episode25. He bothers me sometimes.

3: Reito - I think it's the necklace or something to do in the cave place that turned him evil. His eyes we're back to normal after Mikoto attacked him.

2: Takumi - Takumi is cool. I like how they designed his hair. Simply amazing, red too. He's nice but sadly he has a chest damage...

1: Tate - The funny one!! He's good at thoughts, at episode23, if he could've chose to run for Shiho and have a good time with her at the park, rather than saving Mai, Mai would've been dead. And if Mai is dead and Shiho is replacing Mai of what really happened in MH, it's going to be Shiho and Mikoto who's fighting. I don't think Shiho will stand a chance. Besides, Shiho can't find Reito's secret spot.

Mai Otome:

Women(so far):

5: Arika - She's boring sometimes, but smart at hide and seek!

4: Mashiro - I like her totally differnt act. She's very hyper and funny now, I like her cat too, Mikoto.

3: Irina - I like Irina's smartness and squeakyness. When she said"Oh I always wanted to say that!" It was funyn how the way she said it. And when I keep going back to Irina copying Nina's hair and saying it evil like Nina, it sounds funny. I also liked the scene where she makes the robot machine before heading to the library and she really didn't exactly say but said"This blows out smoke and is good!" *Walks around and breaks* Arika yelling out"Wow! That was good! It even blew out alot of smoke too!"

2: Haruka - Her act was funny in episode10, her coolness went way up from that, in my opinion.

1: Shizuru - Again! But she is even better than MH version. Her slapping Nina was pretty sad, but keeps people's madness down eh? Her girl vision to Akira was pure awesome!

Men(Not much of them, I cannot seem to find Reito, except maybe the picture Youko had)):

5: Smith - I hate his scary look. I can't think of 6people so I had to put him up.

4: Rado - His good battles were great.

3: Nagi - He's gotten alot better in MO now. His eyes are alot better, and his clothes got great.

2: Takumi - He's nice, and calm. It's too abd he still has chest damage. He's a cool character.

1: Sergey - Ahah, who says his scenes aren't funy. Not all, especially in episode10 and 11. They weren't boring.
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Old 2006-01-05, 03:04   Link #3
bike mechanic onna
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Originally Posted by MattAlchemy

2: Natsuki - Natsuki seems smart about HiME, but that guy she always talks to at the garden in episode26, says she's very dumb at grades though. But her mean act in episode1 mostly was the coolest. They fought like normal girls, *Mikoto pulls Natsuki's ear and Natsuki falls* That reminds me of a cat fight. I laughed at her and Takeda's scenes.

I think you should rewarch that episode. Afro-sensei did *not* say she was dumb. He mentioned that attendance was pretty bad and she had to make up for that. He never once mentioned anything about her intelligience. From the impression I got, he actually knows that Natsuki is pretty bright.

--Lone Wolf
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Old 2006-01-05, 03:05   Link #4
bike mechanic onna
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Originally Posted by MattAlchemy

2: Natsuki - Natsuki seems smart about HiME, but that guy she always talks to at the garden in episode26, says she's very dumb at grades though. But her mean act in episode1 mostly was the coolest. They fought like normal girls, *Mikoto pulls Natsuki's ear and Natsuki falls* That reminds me of a cat fight. I laughed at her and Takeda's scenes.

I think you should rewatch that episode. Afro-sensei did *not* say she was dumb. He mentioned that attendance was pretty bad and she had to make up for that. He never once mentioned anything about her intelligience. From the impression I got, he actually knows that Natsuki is pretty bright.

--Lone Wolf
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Old 2006-01-05, 03:07   Link #5
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Originally Posted by lone_wolf

I think you should rewarch that episode. Afro-sensei did *not* say she was dumb. He mentioned that attendance was pretty bad and she had to make up for that. He never once mentioned anything about her intelligience. From the impression I got, he actually knows that Natsuki is pretty bright.

--Lone Wolf
Oh, my mistake. I really didn't sense how they act, since he acted pretty insane while Natsuki acts alot more guilty-like.
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Old 2006-01-05, 04:13   Link #6
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COOL COOL!!! I'm gonna write out one of these once I get back home....
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Old 2006-01-05, 05:29   Link #7
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Originally Posted by MattAlchemy
2: Natsuki - Natsuki seems smart about HiME, but that guy she always talks to at the garden in episode26, says she's very dumb at grades though. But her mean act in episode1 mostly was the coolest. They fought like normal girls, *Mikoto pulls Natsuki's ear and Natsuki falls* That reminds me of a cat fight. I laughed at her and Takeda's scenes.
I think in ep1 Mikoto pulls Natsuki's hair and it makes Natsuki really angry. She gets Mikoto...and ferry sinks...
Indeed it was good action showing that Natsuki can be really girly
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Old 2006-01-05, 12:06   Link #8
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I had originally posted this in a similar thread that existed before the forum hack. But after a few updates....

Here are my top five gals - top five guys will be appearing later.

(5) Sasami (Tenchi Muyo) & Hagino Kana (Canvas 2 - Niji-iro no Sketch) (Tie) - I've always said that if I had a younger sister, I'd want her to be Sasami. But since becoming acquainted with the delightful Hagino, I don't think I could be happy without her as well. So I'm going to have to make room for two little sisters now, and I hope they will get along with each other!

(4) Nerine (Shuffle!) - Yes, she is gorgeous, and those ears are to die for. But don't allow her gentle, quiet and polite demeanor lull you into a false sense of security. Nerine is a very intelligent, perceptive and inquisitive girl who is not afraid to try new things and then keep working until she has perfected them. Plus she can level entire buildings when she gets angry. Though she appears in a "harem" style anime, her reaction to not being the "chosen girl" has been to pick herself up, start broadening her social horizons and working to improve herself. Very refreshing change from what is usually seen in this genre.

(3) Ryoko (Tenchi Muyo) - A prime example of the "rough and tough" variety of the bokukko archetype, she still sets the standard for the reformed "bad girl" character. Sexy, impulsive and dangerous to be around, but capable of being tender when it suits her fancy (and no one is looking). A male praying mantis would understand... You want her. You have to have her. You know she is probably going to bite your head off afterward. But you just don't care.

(2) The girls of Azumanga Daioh (Group tie) - They are all such wonderfully conceived and presented characters. Each one is just like someone you probably knew/know in high school, only more so. Their distinguishing traits are exaggerated to be amusing, but there is not so much hyperbole that they are made completely unbelievable. I will confess to having a slight partiality for Yomi and Nyamo, but I love each and every one of them.

(1) Raquel Casull (Scrapped Princess) - Beautiful and elegant without being exaggerated. Sweet without being saccharine. Serene, gentle and genuinely kind, but tough as nails when she has to be. What is there that I don't like about Raquel? It would be a very short list. And forgive me loli fans, but it is really nice to see a female character like that who - how shall I put this - doesn't include reaching puberty as one of the things she did on her last summer vacation.
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Old 2006-01-05, 12:41   Link #9
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Here's my guy list:

1. Shinichi Kudo: He's so sweet and caring and he's also an EXTREMELY good detective! And his love for Ran is so touching!! I just love him!

2. Ray Kon: He's so hansome and cute and his love for Mariah is so cute and touching!

3. Ranma Saotome: He's a very cool and hansome guy and I just know that he likes Akane even though he won't admit it!

4. Katsuya Jonouchi: He is cool! He have some cool coments some times and I feel so sorry for him because of the tragedic story of his know, with his father and his sister...poor guy!

5. The last one must be Takuto from Full Moon wo Sagashite. Even though he's not a human, he's a really cool and handsome guy and he's so cute when he transform into this small cat-thing! Kawaii!
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Old 2006-01-05, 13:33   Link #10
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I'm surprised no one has mentioned anime legends:

Onizuka (GTO)
Oe Kintaro (Golden Boy)
Morita Shinobu (Honey & Clover)

These three stand out in a class of their own.
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Old 2006-01-05, 14:00   Link #11
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oo fun fun just know im kinda a sucker for guys in a white coat/cloak

top 5 guys

1. Uchiha Sasuke - Such a bad boy , makes Naruto as a show a whole lot more interesting and hes jus so damn sexy lol , Has the best bloodline in the show and has the most raw potential out of anyone in the series excluding
.. No white coat ...... yet hehe.

2. Yondaime Hokage - From Naruto again , he saved the village from the kyuu bi and gave his life for everyone right at the beginning so no air time which sucks .. But again very very hawt ^_^ .. talented, strong , sweet and blonde *pant* lol err who couldnt like him.. And his white coat

3. Aoshi Shinomori From Rurouni Kenshin .. Leader of the oniwaban group and a genius he became the leader at only 15. Smart , handsome , skilled and full of heart-break
he has a ambition and wont let anyone stop him ^_^... and his white coat.

4. Legato Bluesummers the best Trigun character and very hot .. love the voice ^_^ ... thats about all he needs to get my vote hehe... And his white coat !

5. Hitsugaya Toushiro a recent new fav of mine and off Bleach .. i like his devotion to Hinamori and he wont let anyone touch her or they die >_< .. very cute and young a genius of sorts and a white cloak ^_^.

Dono about girls ill have a think but then again who needs them in anime all they do is get the guys i want
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Old 2006-01-05, 17:44   Link #12
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Wow lots of Naruto and Bleach here, *cough*

Anyway, my top 5 guys and gals.

The Guys first. No bishounens, sorry, not into that stuff.

5. Harima Kenji - School Rumble. Needs to lose tunnel vision, Eri for the win.

4. Kohei Morioka - Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase. Need more male leads in romance/drama like him and Rentarou.

3. Morita-san - Honey & Clover.

2. Rentarou Futaba - Futakoi Alternative. How come male leads are either on one extreme side of the balance or the other? There is no inbetween. There are Manakas who can't decide on a girl for 3 years, there are Yukinaris that are short, wimpy, and voiced by a female, and there are Keitaros that are college students. Now on the other side you get male leads like Rentarou, who are mature(in a way), have a surreal amount of character development and don't rely or need the magic word 'suki' to express their feelings.

1. Onizuka Eikichi - Great Teacher Onizuka, a man among men. A man among men... not only is his character so full of history and development, he has the power to combine comedy and drama with school with helpings of action and romance flawlessly. He's no god, hes GTO, yo.

Now, the Girls

5. Huge tie, can't decide - Rebecca Miyamoto, Eclair, Natsuki Kuga, Anita King, Kozue Aoba. Becky is omega kawaii of the year. Eclair is Eclair. Natsuki needs more loving. Anita is indeed King. Kozue is correcto.

4. Shinku, Souseiseki, Suigintou - (threeway tie), Rozen Maiden. Still can't believe they are only dolls.

3. Soujo & Sara Shirogane - Futakoi and Futakoi Alternative. Most unique twins in Futakoi. Made me extremely happy when they decided to star them in Alternative. Made me die and go to heaven seeing how much they grown in development in Alternative. (And I don't mean 'development', hentais)

2. Hazuki - Neko mimi mode. Just kidding, Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase. Even without neko mimi, she is just super duper of whatever dimension of kawaiiness shes in. Being cute isn't her only talent tho, super character development rules.

1. Urumi Kanzaki - Great Teacher Onizuka. Can somebody have more character development then Urumi please? There are no good GTO desktops especially Urumi related so it makes me .
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Old 2006-03-04, 19:45   Link #13
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1- Hiwatari Satoshi - (DN angel) He is definately the best ever.

2- Kuchiki Byakuya- (Bleach) When I first saw Byakuya, the first thing I thought was "I luv the hair!" xD

3-Ichimaru Gin (Bleach)- I feel this attraction to Gin. I seriously like him a lot

4-Uchida Itachi(Naruto)- Hooray for Villains. Itachi is the best ever!

5- Edward Elric (full Mtal Alchemist) -Even though he is so short, Ed is so cute. I cried in the ending. I luved it when he had to disguise his hair black!

6- Shindo Hikaru (Hikaru no Go)- Don't you fall in love with that bleached bangs? xD
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Old 2006-03-05, 13:10   Link #14
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When it comes to guys, I need to straighten a list out in the future. As for girls, here's my current top 5:

5. Cherry (Saber Marionette J)
4. Mika Suzuki (Doki Doki School Hour)
3. Puchiko (DiGi Charat)
2. Nodoka Miyazaki (Mahou Sensei Negima)
1. Chiyo Mihama (Azumanga Daioh)
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Old 2006-03-05, 14:44   Link #15
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1: Morita Shinobu (H&C)
2: Shishio Guy (GGG, GGGF, GGGF: GGG)
3: Onizuka Eikichi (GTO)
4: Fujiwara Takumi (Initial D)
5: Loki (Matantei Loki)

1: Rei Ayanami (NGEVA)
2: Ruri Hoshino (Nadesico)
3: Suigintou (RM , RM:T)
4: Megu (RM:T)
5: Enma Ai (Jigoku Shoujo)
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Old 2006-03-05, 15:02   Link #16
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1. Faye Valentine(Cowboy Bebop)-I'm surprised to not see anyone with her near the top. Her seductive con-artist character was unprecedented.
2. Chidori Kaname(Full Metal Panic)-What would FMP be without her? It would be crazy Sousuke blowing everything up without anyone punishing him for his lack of common sense.
3. Haruhara Haruko(Furi Kuri)-crazy alien woman. I don't think I need to say anything more.
4. Ayanami Rei(Neon Genesis Evangelion)-If you liked NGE you were somewhat influnced in a positive or a negative way by her. For me, positive with her dark side and her secrets.
5. Teresa Testarossa(Full Metal Panic)-She is the rival of Chidori and is popular for her cute appearance and as a charismatic captain of the Tuatha De Danaan.

1. Spike Spiegel(Cowboy Bebop)-Okay. . . probably the coolest guy in anime. He makes everything look cool. Courageous and cool, what more do you want?
2. Sakuragi Hanamichi(Slamdunk)-His relentless pursuit to defeat Rukawa and his 100 other rivals he has called out is hilarious. He is hard working and is very honet.
3. Sagara Sousuke(Full Metal Panic)-His lack of common sense is the best part about him. He serious 24/7 and makes a great dramatic and comedic duo with Chidori Kaname.
4. Madarame Harunobu(Genshiken)-100% otaku. His undying love for anime, doujin and games is the first thing you notice about him. He even goes through immense pain to attend the comic convention.
5. Onizuka Eikichi(GTO)-Yes he is a pervert. Yes he was a yankee biker. But from those experiences, you get one of the funniest and the most heroic man that lives his life for justice.
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Old 2006-03-05, 17:46   Link #17
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Mine's short one person for both guys and girls, because I can't think of anyone I've seen who fits the last spot :

Train Heartnet (Black Cat)
Ryouhei Ogawara (Jinki/Jinki: Extend manga, the anime severely ruined his coolness )
Kenshin Himura (Rurouni Kenshin)
Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)

Eve (Black Cat)
Rui Kousaka (Jinki/Jinki: Extend manga, another Jinki character who got supremely nerfed in the anime )
Saber (Fate/Stay Night)
Shana (Shakugan no Shana)
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Old 2006-03-05, 18:29   Link #18
Laidback Luke
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My guy list:

#1. School Rumble's Harima Kenji ! If he went for Eri or Yakumo or even his own damn cousin, anything better than the little girl whatshername.

#2: Honey & Clover's Morita

#3: GTO's Ekichi Onizuka

My girl list:

Tried but couldn't think of any. :/ They always portray the girls really weak.
Ah wait! The girl from BECK! I forgot her name, but that would be one of my choices atm.
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Old 2006-03-05, 18:36   Link #19
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Originally Posted by Shoujo_92
Here's my guy list:

1. Shinichi Kudo: He's so sweet and caring and he's also an EXTREMELY good detective! And his love for Ran is so touching!! I just love him!

2. Ray Kon: He's so hansome and cute and his love for Mariah is so cute and touching!

3. Ranma Saotome: He's a very cool and hansome guy and I just know that he likes Akane even though he won't admit it!

4. Katsuya Jonouchi: He is cool! He have some cool coments some times and I feel so sorry for him because of the tragedic story of his know, with his father and his sister...poor guy!

5. The last one must be Takuto from Full Moon wo Sagashite. Even though he's not a human, he's a really cool and handsome guy and he's so cute when he transform into this small cat-thing! Kawaii!
Takuto totally gets FIRST place in MY book.
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Old 2006-03-05, 20:40   Link #20
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Can be just one guy and one girl?

guy: Kenshin Himura
Girl: Naru narusegawa
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