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Old 2014-02-04, 19:59   Link #33901
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The issue with Erika-as-Yasu is that Erika and Kanon definitely inhabit two different bodies. The idea that she represents the cynical side of Yasu makes sense though, she does seem like an anti-fantasy version of Beatrice in a lot of ways (for instance, her attempt to enslave Battler in Dawn kindof mirrors Beatrice's actions in Turn).

The problem with the Rosa=Beatrice theory is that it really doesn't work in any episode that is not Banquet and maaaybe Turn. If I had to pick a dark horse culprit it would be Jessica, by the way, you could probably explain Yasu as a proxy for her more easily.
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Old 2014-02-05, 02:37   Link #33902
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The issue with Erika-as-Yasu is that Erika and Kanon definitely inhabit two different bodies.
Irrelevant. They can be the same person on the meta-layer without being the same person on the Gameboard.

Especially since Bern and Lambda are blatantly changing the rules.

The problem with the Rosa=Beatrice theory is that it really doesn't work in any episode that is not Banquet and maaaybe Turn. If I had to pick a dark horse culprit it would be Jessica, by the way, you could probably explain Yasu as a proxy for her more easily.
It doesn't even work in those episodes, lol.

Jessitrice was pretty elegant before Chiru came out, yea. Jessica has almost all the privileges Yasu does.
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Old 2014-02-05, 17:05   Link #33903
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Originally Posted by jjblue1 View Post
On a sidenote Erika is the creepiest character ever, expecially in Ep 6, so I think Tohya will feel safer if Ikuko and Erika have nothing in common... (the ring scene is... is... I've no words for it...)
Though it is kinda interesting how this follows after Battler on the meta-plane has realized the truth and became fully aware of his own position, which can be seen as Tohya realizing who he really is and what his connection to the events were.

The next Episode starts with Erika being all creepy and marrying Battler, making him mute and forcing him to unveil the truth that he is trying to keep hidden. If we see Erika/Bern/Featherine as a collective identity of not only "the meciless Witch Hunters" but "THE most merciless Witch Hunter"=Hachijo Ikuko...couldn't this create an interesting picture?

We know that Ikuko is kinda creepy in her way of keeping Tohya all to herself but, like jiblue already said, without him she would have likely been left to obscurity. For 3 novels he has been her source and also a very informative source for her obsession with Rokkenjima...and then suddenly, after End is finished, he's like, "Nope, I'm gonna stop giving you any info like we used to and do it like THIS now".
This would also explain on a realistic level why Ikuko would invite Ange NOW and make her read Dawn, because maybe she can give it a perspective that Ikuko is missing.

Then, at the end of EP6 she is sending Bern, who's her miko, which could also be seen as any fan, fellow Witch Hunter or understudy that Ikuko ever had, out to draw the guts out of the game. So maybe EP7 is actually Ikuko gathering up information in order to get that last bit of confirmation that Tohya is suddenly denying her.

This could also explain her behavior in EP8 and her sudden change of heart once she sees Ange's resolve. She was like "I'm gonna reveal all this now!!" but then she reconsidered.

The only thing I'd be not that sure about is whether Ikuko didn't read Eva's diary/know about the whole story and actually needed to find it out herself during EP6 and 7, or if she read it/knew everything and just wanted proper proof to unveil it because she disagreed with Tohya/Battler's opinion on the matter.
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Old 2014-02-05, 17:26   Link #33904
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Originally Posted by Dormin View Post
But even though I don't myself believe in Rosa being a culprit in any way, the ides of her solving epitah is sort of interesting detail: it is clearly shown that she CAN solve it, and for example in episode 2, though varying interpretations can be made, one can claim that "Rosa solved epitah" in the chapter. Though the illogical actions (like referring to talking to kinzo) can be explained by Yasu bribing her, I don't think it is wrong to use rosa solving epitah as part of a theory.
We know though that Beato should have stopped her killing if the epitaph was solved by someone's own ability alone. So Eva, Rosa and Battler were helped/guided into 'solving it' and didn't really solved it on their own

Originally Posted by Dormin View Post
That's quite a lot said about game that has a cast of nightmare-fuel-tier characters. I still have shivers when I think about Yasu pulling the prank with the doll in ep7. Even the characters that aren't fantasy witches pull out sort of tricks (like Kyrie sort of admitting plotting murder) that'd make me run to the opposite direction very fast.

Overall I think Ryu can write "creepy" stories quite well, even though his horror is sort of lacking. Though I rarely feel actual fear of any kind when reading fictional stories.

Undoubtely that prank was creepy, and Kyrie planning Asumu's murder sounds quite creepy as well but I fear nothing in my mind can top this:

".........Could you hear...? ......Battler-san. ...Do you realize......what's about to happen to you......?"
Battler's consciousness wasn't completely gone. ...It was very distant......but he was slightly tethered to reality.
...And that......was what made it cruel.

It was as cruel as though the spider called Erika had wrapped Battler up......and was eating him while he was still conscious.
No, she might have been like certain kinds of wasp. It was the cruelty of paralyzing her prey alive so that she could save him for later and eat him.

In other words, her cruelty was similar to that of a predator......
"You can't get out of this closed room. After all, you used all that red truth to show that it was a closed room. So don't worry, and just let yourself be trapped in there forever. ......Because as you do, ......I'll be giving your body some good, long humiliation. .........Let's have a mirror in our bedroom. ......That way, you can see just how you're being humiliated with your own eyes. .........*giggle*giggle*giggle*giggle*!!"
And then, let's have a bird cage hanging from the ceiling. We can stick your beloved witch Beatrice in there. What do you think......? ......Wonderful, isn't it......? Eheheheheheheheheeheheheheheheheh!! Yeah, ......I understand. This is how sweet it is to be standing on the other side... ...Aha, ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha......"
As he listened to this mad laugh, ......Battler couldn't even bring a distressed expression to his face.
His heart was still trapped in the closed room he had created...
His body and soul......would soon be trapped within a new closed room of Erika's.

A closed room......called marriage.
and this:

She raised Battler's left hand......and stroked his ring finger as if tasting it.
......Erika pressed the ring of subordination against the tip of his finger...
If a ring is made to fit too tightly, it can hurt and be annoying if it's impossible to take off.

However, ......this ring was never intended to be removed for life anyway, its inner band had been mercilessly narrowed.

Even without the thorns, forcing a small ring like this on would hurt......
"This ring will seal up your body, heart, and soul......for all eternity. ......And you'll become an eternal living doll... ......I won't even let you die. ......You'll be endlessly defiled and humiliated by me, ......and every time I forget the taste of victory, ......I'll use your body to remind me. .........Over......and over again...... ......If you think you can bite off your tongue, now's the time... ......Once this goes on your finger, won't even be able to do that."
Battler didn't even have the strength to bite his tongue.

......Even if he had, ......Battler didn't want to give up until he found a way to escape the closed room. So he couldn't kill himself.
However, if he accepted the ring, ......he would never be able to even think about escaping from the room, much less commit suicide......
"No way. ......Look......I'm......sticking your finger in......"
" huurts.........gggghh...agh..."
It wasn't just the pain of having his finger forced through the tight ring.
......The curse of the ring......fiercely tormented Battler's body from the inside.

That pain would always torment Battler.
......But, fortunately...
The power of the ring even stole away the heart that could understand that pain......

Erika kept screwing that too-small demon's ring on...
"It hurts............! .........!! ...It's...impossible... ......There's no'll fit......"
"......Don't worry. ......It will fit......No problem..."

With an obscene laugh......Erika let a silver thread drip from her mouth...and soaked the finger and the ring.
"......Please relax. We'll stick it in......all at once... ...Please don't waste your energy resisting. ......It'll hurt less if you don't resist, okay...? .........You see? ......Now it's sliding right on......"
"Nooo.........oo.........oo...... .........!"
Slowly...slowly......Battler's finger went deeper...deeper through the ring.

He was pushed through the iron ring of pain and humiliation...which would never be removed again...
"Ooh.........gah..................gyhaah........." "......Come ooon, ......look, okay...? ......It's in all the way to the base, see......?"
The demon's ring tightened around the much that it seemed the finger would snap off along with the bone.

......Could Battler's hazy expression of anguish......really describe how unbearable this filthy pain was......?
"......Okay. .........Now that it's on all the way, ......let's add the final touch, okay...? After this, will be mine......forever......"
Erika touched the ring's diamond knob.
......If she twisted it, ......the thorns would bite in...and never let go again...
"Sure. ......Just say 'forgive me, Erika-sama', and I'll stop."

"............R, ......really.........?"

"'Forgive me, Erika-sama, please. I swear to spend the rest of my life as your dog, with a collar around my neck, so at least spare me that ring'. ......If you can say that, I won't make you wear the ring."
"......F.........f......f.........""......Huuuuh.. .? ......I can't really hear you......?"
I won't.........forgive you......
"......I'll never......forgive you......"
"For making you suffer like this...?"
"No. ...I'll...never...forgive you......for defiling.........Beato's...ring........."
Though Battler's eyes had supposedly been forced into a muddled condition, they looked strong for just an instant.

However, it really was only for an instant.
Battler had used up the last of his fleeting resistance......just to say those words.

In his dim consciousness, he had even bitten his own tongue to stay that he could say those words of resistance until the very end......
".........Of course. It seems you aren't the kind of dog that can be tamed. But it's better that way."

Erika smiled. ......Then, she turned the diamond.
In that instant, ......Battler let out a voiceless scream......and threw his head back...
"Ggh.........gah...ahh............aaaahh...... !!!"

His howl had no voice and could be heard by no one. ......However, it still rang out throughout the cathedral......
Originally Posted by haguruma View Post
Though it is kinda interesting how this follows after Battler on the meta-plane has realized the truth and became fully aware of his own position, which can be seen as Tohya realizing who he really is and what his connection to the events were.

The next Episode starts with Erika being all creepy and marrying Battler, making him mute and forcing him to unveil the truth that he is trying to keep hidden. If we see Erika/Bern/Featherine as a collective identity of not only "the meciless Witch Hunters" but "THE most merciless Witch Hunter"=Hachijo Ikuko...couldn't this create an interesting picture?

We know that Ikuko is kinda creepy in her way of keeping Tohya all to herself but, like jiblue already said, without him she would have likely been left to obscurity. For 3 novels he has been her source and also a very informative source for her obsession with Rokkenjima...and then suddenly, after End is finished, he's like, "Nope, I'm gonna stop giving you any info like we used to and do it like THIS now".
This would also explain on a realistic level why Ikuko would invite Ange NOW and make her read Dawn, because maybe she can give it a perspective that Ikuko is missing.

Then, at the end of EP6 she is sending Bern, who's her miko, which could also be seen as any fan, fellow Witch Hunter or understudy that Ikuko ever had, out to draw the guts out of the game. So maybe EP7 is actually Ikuko gathering up information in order to get that last bit of confirmation that Tohya is suddenly denying her.

This could also explain her behavior in EP8 and her sudden change of heart once she sees Ange's resolve. She was like "I'm gonna reveal all this now!!" but then she reconsidered.

The only thing I'd be not that sure about is whether Ikuko didn't read Eva's diary/know about the whole story and actually needed to find it out herself during EP6 and 7, or if she read it/knew everything and just wanted proper proof to unveil it because she disagreed with Tohya/Battler's opinion on the matter.
The real problem is that this would then paint a rather scary portraial of Ikuko, who'll remind me more and more of Annie Wilkes from "Misery" (and honestly I've seen a pic of Ikuko in chap 24 looking at the pc at the Rokkenjima tragedy and she was sort of scary and Erika-like) but this however would be denied by Tohya in Ep 8 when he sort of seem to have such a nice relationship with Ikuko who was also worried for Ange...

... so I don't know.

Maybe the 'evil Ikuko' existed not as Ikuko herself but in Tohya/Battler's fears. After all he suspected she was the one who hit him with her car, he might have suspected she figured who he was and was keeping him in the dark, might have felt pressured by her to reveal what he knew/remembered and might have grown the idea Ikuko was an evil person (the Battler inside him might also perceive Ikuko as the one who was keeping him trapped in Tohya's body for her own pleasure), ence reflecting his belief in Featherine (who's visually like her), Bern (her cat/miko) and Erika (Bern's double and likely added in the story by Ikuko as replacement for detective Battler).

Last edited by jjblue1; 2014-02-05 at 17:40.
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Old 2014-02-06, 11:49   Link #33905
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Originally Posted by jjblue1 View Post
The real problem is that this would then paint a rather scary portraial of Ikuko, who'll remind me more and more of Annie Wilkes from "Misery" (and honestly I've seen a pic of Ikuko in chap 24 looking at the pc at the Rokkenjima tragedy and she was sort of scary and Erika-like) but this however would be denied by Tohya in Ep 8 when he sort of seem to have such a nice relationship with Ikuko who was also worried for Ange...
Not necessarily denied. It would actually fit the theme of Umineko, how everybody has unlimited potential for both a light and a dark side. They seem to have a nice relationship, but so did Rosa and Maria every time Rosa wasn't beating the crap out of Maria or yelling at child service people. Kinzo seemed to be a horrible person, except when he was around his close friends and people who never disappointed him - or at least that is what the EP8 manga implies.

We could even go further and say that Annie Wilkes has both in herself. She DOES love Paul and his work in her very own, very obsessed kinda way...had he done what she asked she might have never harmed him in any way.

Thinking about it now, we only have a claim of how he ended up in the wheelchair. And if we were mean, we could even say that it could exactly be why he didn't go public. She might have threatened him, exposing his secrets, claiming he killed his family, handing him over to the police. It's not something that the story implies, but creepy Ikuko is way in the realm of possibilities.
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Old 2014-02-06, 13:12   Link #33906
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Originally Posted by haguruma View Post
Not necessarily denied. It would actually fit the theme of Umineko, how everybody has unlimited potential for both a light and a dark side. They seem to have a nice relationship, but so did Rosa and Maria every time Rosa wasn't beating the crap out of Maria or yelling at child service people. Kinzo seemed to be a horrible person, except when he was around his close friends and people who never disappointed him - or at least that is what the EP8 manga implies.

We could even go further and say that Annie Wilkes has both in herself. She DOES love Paul and his work in her very own, very obsessed kinda way...had he done what she asked she might have never harmed him in any way.

Thinking about it now, we only have a claim of how he ended up in the wheelchair. And if we were mean, we could even say that it could exactly be why he didn't go public. She might have threatened him, exposing his secrets, claiming he killed his family, handing him over to the police. It's not something that the story implies, but creepy Ikuko is way in the realm of possibilities.
Well, the whole thing would end in a really creepy way, with Ikuko being basically an Erika who won in Ep 6 and Tohya with no hope of salvation from her and maybe Stokkolma syndrome that meets Ange and tells her 'everything is okay'.

I don't know, even if Ikuko has some creepy elements (among which 'oh, I've just found an amnesiac man, let's bribe a doctor to keep this hidden and make him my personal pet...') somehow this seems to be too over the top...
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Old 2014-02-06, 17:05   Link #33907
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Originally Posted by jjblue1 View Post
I don't know, even if Ikuko has some creepy elements (among which 'oh, I've just found an amnesiac man, let's bribe a doctor to keep this hidden and make him my personal pet...') somehow this seems to be too over the top...
Said about the series with the crazy, suicidal rich guy who kept his daughter as his personal doll in the image of her mother and used WWII explosives to potentially rig his whole island where his family lived in case of...bad finances.
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Old 2014-02-06, 19:36   Link #33908
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Originally Posted by haguruma View Post
Said about the series with the crazy, suicidal rich guy who kept his daughter as his personal doll in the image of her mother and used WWII explosives to potentially rig his whole island where his family lived in case of...bad finances.
We are, however, given explanations for 'Kinzo's heart' and maddness (and mind you, I'm still not fully comfortable with the smooth version given... to me it makes more sense if Kinzo was actually an extremely selfish, violent, full time jerk who might have tried to make out with Yasu as well and was sheeding coccodrille tears in his apologizing to Kuwadorian Beatrice... probably because he regretted she made her escape... after all when he was told the baby died he claimed 'Beatrice' resisted him and escaped him again...). Ikuko either is Yasu or is a character tossed in at the last moment in terms of 'background story' (yes, she showed up in Ep 6 but all we're told about her is she's a writer... there's no background whatsoever... all we have as background for her is given in Ep 8).

I agree she has the potential to be Annie Wilkes and I've been thinking this by ages and I think Ryukishi played on this. But if that's the truth she's just a randomly mad character. Of course it could be argued that actually Erika's failed love story is hers and that's what drove her to insanity so she grabbed the first man she could find (which would also mean either the background given for Furudo Erika was false or they shared a similar past) but still... I don't know, I think Ikuko needed better development and I so hope the manga will fix that one way or another because her actions were... odd to say the least.
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Old 2014-02-06, 19:55   Link #33909
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Ikuko: "Tohya, why, why, WHY? Why did you have to kill off my favorite character Maria? Maybe I should poison you as YOU poisened her?"

Tohya: "Uhhm... I.... no wait! Yea... actually Maria didn't die by poison! Actually she was stung by a special type of bees that just brings you into a comatose state! She lost a lot of her body, including her jaw because of the explosion though, but later on she got a new Cyborg body and lives happily ever after, how is that?"

Ikuko: "Yeeeeees! Maria is alive! MARIA LIIIIIIIVES!"
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Old 2014-02-06, 20:51   Link #33910
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Sorry GreyZone, but it's useless, it's all useless. I can easily crush your little theory. In fact I can state it in red:

"Maria definitely can't have been stung by a bee, or received a new body, or even died in an explosion"

Why not suffer for all eternity in a pot of scalding tea while you think about that one. ahaha.wav

On another topic, it is quite interesting how marriage is painted for Battler and Erika vs for Shannon and George. Guess it isn't all it's cracked up to be when you're marrying the wrong person, is it Yasu?

As for Haguruma's comment, since we know that Ange disappeared shortly after the death of Eva, Ikuko probably couldn't have ever gauged her reaction to releasing the book really. It was either pure speculation/empathy on her part thinking about what Ange may have wanted, or she would have somehow had to try and do it before the Ange's gold-medal dive.

Now, having read the majority of these pages, I've never seen any sort of Jessitrice theory on here before! How do you get around EP 2?
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Old 2014-02-06, 21:49   Link #33911
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Originally Posted by GuestSpeaker View Post
Sorry GreyZone, but it's useless, it's all useless. I can easily crush your little theory. In fact I can state it in red:

"Maria definitely can't have been stung by a bee, or received a new body, or even died in an explosion"
Knox's 2nd. Your argument is invalid!

Heh, try all you can, but it is impossible for you destroy the Ikuko = Annie Wilkes theory!
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Old 2014-02-06, 21:57   Link #33912
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What's the problem with episode 2? Jessica's death in Turn could very easily be fake, it's never declared in red and she doesn't have any graphically described injuries. If we assume a Shkannon or Shannon/Kanon accomplice I think the rest is easy to explain.

Episode 1 is more problematic, in that she has a basically unbreakable alibi for every murder after the first twilight.
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Old 2014-02-07, 02:51   Link #33913
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Knox's 2nd. Your argument is invalid!
You think I would fall for a trick that simple? You never said my argument is in invalid in red!

I can state with certainty that my claim is the absolute truth, supported with facts witnessed by a human being with his own two eyes. I'll say it more simply:
In the story you are proposing, it would never appear that Maria died in an explosion.....

Though admittedly my riddle is a little obtuse, and I wouldn't be surprised if people can't quite figure out why I can make that claim in red.
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Old 2014-02-07, 02:53   Link #33914
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I am a kind soul though, so I will give you this red for free:

You are the reason I can make that previous claim in red, this trap is your own doing
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Old 2014-02-08, 12:22   Link #33915
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Originally Posted by GuestSpeaker View Post
I am a kind soul though, so I will give you this red for free:

You are the reason I can make that previous claim in red, this trap is your own doing
No, Maria can only die in an explosion on Rokkenjima. To be very specific. With the exceptions of Eva and Battler(as Tohya) who are shown to exist in Prime, every character "dies" via the explosion.

I will now present two blue theories to supplement my red claim.

It's never confirmed in red that Maria died by poisoning. The scene in question, Battler found Maria by the parlor(while he was the last remaining survivor in the 4th game). Even though Battler examined the body, he's no doctor, he's not using the detective's authority. It's Battler's naive deductions and can't be elevated to the level of red truth.

What we do know, was that Maria seemed "peaceful" in her "death". She wasn't really dead(and this isn't the fake death drug) but rather, natural sleeping pills. The culprit drugged Maria and either she fell comatose or she's deeply asleep.

If she fell comatose, she's still technically "alive" even if she's brain dead.(That's why Battler survives, even through Tohya). If she's merely asleep, obviously she's alive.

She's alive up until the bomb goes off.

I will defend my reds with Knox's 9th: It is permitted for observers to let their own conclusions and interpretations be heard.
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Old 2014-02-08, 15:34   Link #33916
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No, Maria can only die in an explosion on Rokkenjima. To be very specific. With the exceptions of Eva and Battler(as Tohya) who are shown to exist in Prime, every character "dies" via the explosion.
This isn't a red you can make. Even if Maria dies of other causes, the explosion can still leave her body in the condition it was found in by forensics. Corpses don't become magically immune to explosions.

It's never confirmed in red that Maria died by poisoning. The scene in question, Battler found Maria by the parlor(while he was the last remaining survivor in the 4th game). Even though Battler examined the body, he's no doctor, he's not using the detective's authority. It's Battler's naive deductions and can't be elevated to the level of red truth.
In the first four games, Battler is always using Detective's Authority. That's the whole premise of Erika usurping it from him.

What we do know, was that Maria seemed "peaceful" in her "death". She wasn't really dead(and this isn't the fake death drug) but rather, natural sleeping pills. The culprit drugged Maria and either she fell comatose or she's deeply asleep.
Battler can tell a corpse from a sleeping person so long as he observes it.

She's alive up until the bomb goes off.
Invalid red.

I will defend my reds with Knox's 9th: It is permitted for observers to let their own conclusions and interpretations be heard.
Not what that Knox rule means you dolt.
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Old 2014-02-08, 18:10   Link #33917
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Originally Posted by AuraTwilight View Post
This isn't a red you can make. Even if Maria dies of other causes, the explosion can still leave her body in the condition it was found in by forensics. Corpses don't become magically immune to explosions.
We're talking 20+ tons of bombs right?(from what Yasu told us). If all of that went off(or heck even a little of it) do you really think Maria's 9 year old body will survive that explosion?

According to Ange's testimony in the 8th game, not so much of a corpse was remaining.

It's therefore logical to argue that this argument is rendered mute, since there's no corpse to actually examine.

Originally Posted by Aquatwilight
In the first four games, Battler is always using Detective's Authority. That's the whole premise of Erika usurping it from him.
You are incompetent, Ushiromiya Battler!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, seriously. Battler never declares or even remotely uses the detective authority granted to him. We(and you) just ASSUMES that he uses the authority. But it's pretty clear when Bernkastel constantly mocks Battler over and over.

It's why she created Furudo Erika in the first place.

I mean heck, we get an example of Battler's flaws as a detective in the very first game. Will points it out in Yasu's Confession, since Battler never actually examined Shannon, she was able to get away with planting a false corpse.

Originally Posted by Auratwilight
Battler can tell a corpse from a sleeping person so long as he observes it.
He probably can tell a corpse from a sleeping person so long as he observes it. But he can't tell the nature of death. If Maria's comatose, that's a perfect way of throwing off some average 16 year old boy more interested in oppai than detective work XD.

Even if you grant him detective's authority, that doesn't enable him to autopsy corpses. That's why Nanjo's there right?

Originally Posted by Auratwilight
Invalid red.
My theory can't be denied by any of the reds made in the Fourth game in particular. It's highly suggested by the story's dialogue that Maria's death is very different from the others.(Which is why the 3rd game might be seen as the biggest forgery, given her cruel death)

Neither her death, or cause of reasoning was declared in red. Leaving us able to speculate. And all evidence points highly to her being comatose or drugged to sleep, dying "peacefully" when the bomb goes off.

Originally Posted by Auratwilight
Not what that Knox rule means you dolt.
If it doesn't mean I can't offer my intepretations, what does it mean?
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Old 2014-02-08, 18:38   Link #33918
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Originally Posted by ALPHA-Beatrice View Post
If it doesn't mean I can't offer my intepretations, what does it mean?
The "observers" are supposed to be characters within the story who have seen something and tell things from their own perspective, i.e. it says:
"Innocent people can give incorrect facts, not because they lie, but because they missinterpret what they saw"

It does definitly NOT refer to the reader, because that would make no sense at all.
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Old 2014-02-08, 18:52   Link #33919
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2013
Originally Posted by GreyZone View Post
The "observers" are supposed to be characters within the story who have seen something and tell things from their own perspective, i.e. it says:
"Innocent people can give incorrect facts, not because they lie, but because they missinterpret what they saw"

It does definitly NOT refer to the reader, because that would make no sense at all.
Oh, lol. So what do you think of my "Maria Comatose" theory
ALPHA-Beatrice is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 2014-02-08, 20:39   Link #33920
"Senior" "Member"
Join Date: Jan 2012
Maria's deaths:

3: strangled
4: poison
5: died by unknown means
6: head severed
7: shot (Tea Party) [I am not sure about this one, so correct me if I am wrong]
8: shot (Bern's game)

Actually I think it IS entirely possible that Maria just "played dead" in both EP3 and EP4 and died by BOOM later on, but I doubt it.

Chiru however, in contrast, makes it a point that she died before the BOOM.

So in the end all we get is: In the message bottles Yasu does not kill Maria by any means other than BOOM. There is nothing that really tells us if she actually was comatose or not, but I also think that it is completely irrelevant because she definitly died on Rokkenjima. She couldn't be persecuted anyway because she would be considered "not being able to gauge the consequences of her actions" and would need to be manipulated into it as well, as I don't see her doing anything too extreme by her own, i.e. we know either way that she was definitly a "victim" in some way.
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