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Old 2014-02-27, 21:15   Link #121
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Oh, that answers my greatest question. Seems that Satsuki is really Ryuuko's sister, thus she shares some of her DNA and is able to, at least partially, wear Senketsu.
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Old 2014-02-28, 04:44   Link #122
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Originally Posted by SeijiSensei View Post
OK. How about the "Ryuuko-kun" business? Isn't that a bit, well, intimate, especially for the initial encounter? Psychologists might suggest using a more formal method to address a young student who hardly knows you, especially when she is lying naked on your couch.
It is perfectly normal for teachers to refer to students with "-kun", just as higher-ups in a company, or a school club, etc, might do with someone of lower status in their group. Calling someone "-kun" when the person being so called is of the same or higher status can be a term of endearment or an insult, depending upon the situation. Of course, that's not to say it can't be a term of endearment when said by a "superior".

If you remember, he introduced her to the class as "Matoi Ryuuko-kun". As much of a lecher as he might be in private, he wouldn't refer to her in an inappropriate way in front of the class, especially during her introduction. Also, in the situation you're referring to, Ryuuko doesn't react at all to him calling her "Ryuuko-kun". It's not until she realizes she's naked that she starts freaking out.
FGO Info: (JP) 055835281 | クワイガンケニー ==== (EN) 952525630 | quigonkenny
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Old 2014-02-28, 13:33   Link #123
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Okay, after watching episode 20, I found it interesting that the events pretty much lead up to what viewers had speculated; after revealing the relation between Ryuuko and Satsuki. I found it rather funny considering that I was just on a fanart site yesterday and came across 3 pics; one with Ryuuko wearing Junketsu and Satsuki donning Senketsu. Not to mention Ryuuko being noted as a "Kiryuin" wearing Senketsu's resembling Junketsu's design. I guess the set up could be seen a mile a way. And right now Satsuki is willing to do what's necessary to save or should I say "knock" some sense into her sister's head. Will she be able to fuse with Senketsu despite her resistance to "life fibers"?. I think it's highly possible. As someone pointed out DNA, but I think it will be more than that. It's the fact that she'll be using Senketsu, the very thing their father created, which will allow her a possible synchronization to save Ryuuko. Remember back to Ryuuko's awkward moments with Senketsu. He said, "trust me". Once she overcame that hurdle it was smooth sailing. Unlike the relationship between Junketsu (where there was none), it was like "it" was being forced into something and I guess played along for the time being. The Satsuki x Senketsu merger has a sole purpose and a will to succeed. Despite their opposite natures Satsuki wants to save the soul of "that idiot".

I'm posed with other questions regarding Ragyo, Harime Nui and Junketsu.

First Junketsu, I'm really puzzled by this entity mainly because Dr. Souichiro/Isshin (I'm starting to lean toward an alias while forming Nudist Beach) created this monster. We don't even know what this thing was created for and what purpose. Yet, in the flashbacks he tells Satsuki "This will be your wedding dress". I wonder when this point takes place. She was possibly 5 when all was revealed. But could this thing had been created before that time? Yet, Satsuki finally dons it as part of her goal to overthrow her mother while pushing Ryuuko's growth as another piece to the chessboard. I'm curious about this because I can't imagine him just leaving something to his daughter that he himself might have considered unstable. Considering Junketsu's personality vs Senketsu, Senketsu seemed to be created with a personality. Don't even know how that was possible. Yet, Junketsu is like a mindless creation that takes it's orders from a higher power. Either Ragyo or the primordial life fiber source which it is originally a part of. But has the ability to consumer it's user life essence. It's extremely powerful enough to subdue Ryuuko. Like being forced down your throat, that and that fact that she's already mindf*cked about this anyway. One has to realize that Ryuuko is not what you considered "grounded". She grew up with hardly any parents. Entire childhood in a boarding school. Becoming a delinquent. Coming back to see your old man and he's been killed. Getting caught up with some crazy ass powers with a sentient suit that drinks YOUR blood. Finding out the truth and going berserk becoming a monster that even frightens you. Finding out things weren't what they seemed when you first started. Finding out that you're the long lost sister of the one who's ass you were trying to kick for answers while just f*cking up her plans without knowing. An finally, finding out that you're a life fiber monster while having your heart ripped out by monster of a mother. Who just happens to be related to Satsuki. And possibly use said power to defeat the very things you're connected to. Then have a life fiber your'e not accustomed to forced on you yeah, that would do it. Just because the suit fits doesn't mean you like wearing it. Folks have to remember that Ryuuko is the most human you'll get. Yeah she's over the top, but that's how hot-blooded angsty teens are written in the spirit of a Go Nagai work. And the guys at Trigger are no stranger to this trope. She still has a lot to learn, and the only way she knows how to react is with emotion whereas Satsuki has pretty much put a lock on it and has been preparing for years. It would be unrealistic if Ryuuko were to overcome every little thing. But again why were Junketsu and Senketsu created differently? Either Junketsu was flawed or they thought it was perfect but had no idea what it would become. Which is way it was kept in a case with warning tape.

Ragyo. So she's one with the life fibers. So when did this happen? Did she just come in contact with them some decades ago or is she Vandal Savage? Anyone who knows who Vandal Savage is pretty much knows where I'm going. When Ryago goes into monologue about the "truth", I wonder if she was around long before. Being the bridge between humans and the life fibers. Watching and waiting until the humans evolved enough to take over. We know the goal is to take over the planet but will it stop here? Or after using up the resources will it find a way to move on to another system? It's not like the life fibers have the ability to create tech, but they can advance it with the aid of humans. Which is what Mikisugi stated. Considering Ragyo's success using COVERS to gain control over the world's market, could she have been around longer than that? Years? Decades? Centuries? Could she have once been a kind person before being twisted into the purpose set forth? And what is that purpose? What was her sold purpose of the experiments with Dr. Souichiro, and why did he support it in the beginning? Does she want power? Or this the will of the primordial life fibers? But what if she's the pawn in the game being used by the primordial life fiber source. Anyone that's watched those old anime shows, it always happens where a alien life form will use a host from the planet it's crashed landed on to assist it. Then when things reach a certain point it's curtains for that individual and everyone else on the planet. Kind of like a "Devil's Contract". You aid me, I'll give you everything you want. But when you least expect it, BAM!! So if for some reason Ragyo's usefulness expires don't be surprised.

Another odd theory I had was wondering if Ragyo was created by the primordial source. It could be possible, but if that were true then how could we explain Satsuki. Either she was one that the gene missed making her all human. Then we have Ryuuko who had life fibers placed in her body. A human child with life fibers. So I pretty much ruled that out.

And then there's Harime Nui. Well, folks had been wondering what she was. Her very existence had people scratching their heads. I've heard her be called the "ultimate troll". Her very resistance to damage baffles the minds. I've seen arguments on other boards about the fact that if Uzu had something powerful he could have taken her out because his ability was "faster than light". Yet, if anyone paid attention no matter how much damage she's taken she laughs it off. So either way she was able to dodge or get hit whatever, but doesn't matter because it didn't do anything. Or mean anything because she's a trickster. And even tricksters can't be trusted. But leading up to the meat people figured that she was not normal. Episode 20 proved it. Her being created by womb by the primordial source (this was why I had felt that maybe Ragyo might have been 100% one). But did the source have the knowledge lent to them to create something that looks human or did Ragyo provide any material? If it's possible that the "source" is able to do this could it be said that they have found a way to become a sustainable life? It's like 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers'. The matter with her eye, folks are wondering why the eye didn't generate back. That's a good question. But what if we find out later it's not really damaged anymore. As a ruse. But if it still is, then it could be a flaw. Meaning the "source" can't get a new life right 100% of the time. Even humans have flaws but humans don't have the ability to take a sword through the body or be decapitated and laugh it off.

Well, with 4 more episodes to go and more revelations to come. What do you guys think? I may be overthinking this but I'm curious to know if there are similar thoughts. They are just thoughts. I wonder what the Japanese boards think about the series. I wish there was a way to view their thoughts and see how they view it.
Currently watching - 'Kill la Kill'

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Old 2014-03-03, 05:09   Link #124
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Episode 21 extended preview reup
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Old 2014-03-03, 05:31   Link #125
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Satsuki is able to use the Senketsu-Senjin and Senketsu-Shippu transformations. I did not expect that.

Actually, Senketsu on Satsuki doesn't really look that much different from Senketsu on Ryuko other than it being Satsuki wearing him.
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Old 2014-03-03, 06:34   Link #126
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Woah Nonon and that double rocket launcher. <3
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Old 2014-03-03, 08:57   Link #127
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Originally Posted by Vito View Post
Episode 21 extended preview reup
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Old 2014-03-03, 14:59   Link #128
Death Usagi
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Nonon too OP
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Old 2014-03-03, 23:27   Link #129
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Nonon launching multiple giant exploding rocket recorder earlier was enough for me.
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Old 2014-03-04, 00:25   Link #130
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So based on the PV, it looks like Satsuki may fail to stop Ryuko, and Mako ends up wearing Senketsu to stop her instead.

Can I just say that I don't want that to happen? Not because I want Ryuko to die or anything, but because that would be essentially a repeat of episode 12. I'd like something new to happen instead of Mako being the one to save Ryuko again. If it happens, it essentially robs all the anticipation, as then I know how it's going to end. Plus, I like the idea of the older sister saving her younger sibling and coming to terms with her, and Mako being the one to do it instead just feels like wasted potential.

I know it sounds like I'm being redundant, but that's just how I feel. Please Trigger, don't go the cliche route.
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Old 2014-03-04, 03:18   Link #131
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Maybe Mako is the main heroine of the series? I'd be good with that...
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Old 2014-03-04, 10:17   Link #132
Death Usagi
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I was sure the preview said the conflict between Satsuki and Ryuuko will end next episode O.o
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Old 2014-03-05, 08:20   Link #133
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from what is shown in the preview it seems satsuki may lose and even rest of team has to get in the fight
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Old 2014-03-05, 11:30   Link #134
The Flame Crussader
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Originally Posted by Breimoon View Post
from what is shown in the preview it seems satsuki may lose and even rest of team has to get in the fight
It's kinda confusing. Satsuki and Senketsu seem to be on the receiving end of a beating but even after taking off Senketsu we still have images of Satsuki still fighting. What really happened there? Fortunately we're about to find out tomorrow.
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Old 2014-03-05, 21:33   Link #135
Death Usagi
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For some reason, I don't think we will see Corrupt Ryuuko going back to normal next episode...
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Old 2014-03-06, 00:32   Link #136
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Originally Posted by Death Usagi View Post
For some reason, I don't think we will see Corrupt Ryuuko going back to normal next episode...
Nah, we will. There's a shot of her with a WTF! face in the preview, that I can't see evil!Ryuuko wearing. She's probably going to be evil until right at the end of the episode, though.
FGO Info: (JP) 055835281 | クワイガンケニー ==== (EN) 952525630 | quigonkenny
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Old 2014-03-06, 01:53   Link #137
Death Usagi
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Originally Posted by quigonkenny View Post
Nah, we will. There's a shot of her with a WTF! face in the preview, that I can't see evil!Ryuuko wearing. She's probably going to be evil until right at the end of the episode, though.
Maybe. I am more wondering who will wear Shinra-Kotetsu. Maybe Ragyo will go "Just as planned" once again after Satsuki is exhausted, where she becomes captured again then is forced to wear it.
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Old 2014-03-06, 10:42   Link #138
The Flame Crussader
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Originally Posted by Death Usagi View Post
Maybe. I am more wondering who will wear Shinra-Kotetsu. Maybe Ragyo will go "Just as planned" once again after Satsuki is exhausted, where she becomes captured again then is forced to wear it.
Expected but repetitive, hope TRIGGER does something more original than that. The "Satsuki gets captured" card has already been used.
May 29 2010-2019

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Old 2014-03-06, 11:24   Link #139
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They are going to send in Mako :P (just will most likely control Nui herself)
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Old 2014-03-10, 05:03   Link #140
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Extended next ep preview:
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